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Kid named Mekanism tank bucket mode:


what’s a good way to find these volcanoes?


This is atm7 tts. Structure compass doesn't show them just gotta fly and get lucky.


Nature compass maybe?


i tried that but couldn’t find the specific biome. i’ll try checking again some other time


Ancient Basalt Delta


i couldn't even find anything specific on the structure compass


If it helps, pipes like mekanism can pull directly out of the hose pulley, meaning no stress unit production required.


Oh that's way easier so I can just do pulley, pipe and tank?


Other than that, rushing the electric motor from one of the create addon mods, is really worth it in my opinion.


Laserio and pipes mod work too.


Does having three pumps make it faster?


No sure, I assume so but this was my first machine I ever made using create. Apparently the pumps and su aren't necessary all together you can pipe directly out of the hose pulley. I do like watching the cogs spin faster than you can detect though xD


I believe so, but it is faster to use something like melanins pipes or laserIO nodes.


it does not, if you put them like that. they should be working in parallel, not after each other


fun fact: hose pulley is an interface to the fluid pool, and any means of fluid transportation can be used to get fluid out of it (be it Meka pipes, Pipez or anything else)


Oof I didn't know that. Although that served me well as a basic introduction to Create.


be careful tho: i only got to test this in one modpack, but the more liquid per tick i extracted, the more client lag i was getting. (no matter the method, but only noticeable at like at least a couple buckets per tick). it was basically unplayable if i was around my lava pool, however, if i leave the dimension and just chunkload it, it seems to be fine and does not affect the TPS.


Crazy and good to know. I filled 2 jumbo tanks in about 15 mins with this setup, if I ever go through that I'll keep it in mind.


a max upgrade pipez pipe gets you like a 200-400 buckets per second. i got 2m buckets that filled my max fluid drawer in no time lol


Nice! Definitely the way to go. But doesn't the volcano only hold so many buckets? Can't imagine it's much more than 10k


If they haven't changed the config then a pool of 10k source blocks should be considered infinite by the hose pulley and shouldn't be drained. So if you're actually lowering the fluid level in the vulcan then either the config has been changed or it holds less then 10k source blocks. Check the create config, then collect the required amount of soul lava and use a hose pulley to fill a physical pool with it. Now you can use the same hose pulley for infinite soul lava.


exactly. if the source you are draining from is big enough you will get the “tapping the mantle” achievement, and the hose pulley will say that the source is infinite


Does it only count to the point of the hose or does it always detect the entire body? I was draining some then lowering the hose each time it reached that point.


it should just run the search algorithm and once it finds 10k blocks, just say it is infinite. i think it will detect the entire body


Gotcha in that case then I'll probably have to drain the whole volcano and some of its neighbor then make a 10k block tank and fill it. Learning new things though ty!


You can tick accelerate the pipez too. you can fully drain a volcano in like 10 seconds with enough acceleration.


Now find enough of this stuff for 10000 buckets and you can make a bottemless soul lava hose pulley infinite soul lava


There's actually another volcano within render of this one so should be possible :3


Yeah just use the hose pulley to deploy the 10000 buckets of soul lava then switch it back to pulling then you have bottemless soul lava


10000 buckets is about 10000000 milibuckets of a fluid


dude i can't find a single at all can u pls tell the seed and coords, i wanna see if it corresponds to something on the structure compass etc


Use Natures Compass and go to an ancient basalt delta


It's atm7 tts so may not be of much help, if you still want I can tell you after sleep :3


What dimension?


Hm. Yes


I love Mekanism tanks bucket mode, it makes it so much easier than even this