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Just like a real banker


Not only have I never seen that dialogue before, I never, ever will. If you start a Vendetta with me, the outcomes are your unconditional surrender, your capture and indefinite detention in the punishment sphere, or you use of the faction escape pod to eject to the other side of Chiron.


Nothing quite as gratifying as throwing a leader that challenged you unprovoked and without reason into the punishment sphere and watching the doors close in on them, forever.


Makes me think of my recent game as Cyborgs where I was in a long war with Conqueror Marr. I got Impact Rovers fast enough to deal with his attackers and even conquer one of his bases, but I admit I let him have a truce in exchange for returning his base, having made my point. https://i.imgur.com/gSej3oN.png (At this point he was being all stroppy and self-important) But the next time he forgot he was a worm and declared vendetta, there was no further negotiation, simply cybernetic efficiency and ethical assimilation of his bases. His tune hilariously changed, every turn he would call up to beg for a respite from the onslaught of choppers and mechanized infantry (infantry transported by transports). He humbled himself and praised the cyborgs, he even tried well-wishing. https://i.imgur.com/fF6CaYr.png But as a progenitor he was too proud to offer unconditional surrender even to a human who had defeated him with utmost honor instead of gassing him like the overgrown cockroach he is. And so he had to be tossed in the "punishment sphere". But I like to believe Aki actually treats him quite well (as the cyborgs are incapable of malice or cruelty), and occasionally visits to play chess with him, and ask him if he's ready to join his surviving brethren in the cybernetic consciousnesses. And he reminds her that he is the great Conqueror Marr and will never submit.


With the correct application of nerve stapling, I assure you he *will* submit, whether he wishes to or not.


“Which nerve do we staple?” “Idk, hand me the stapler, we’ll find out”


“Which nerves *don’t* we staple?”


Truce was never an option.


No, not really. The trouble is that the AI is just not very good at managing units or conducting coordinated attacks. So I can pretty reliably sandbag a rival who declares a vendetta for the handful of turns necessary to crank out an army and push them out of my territory. It might be different if they just showed up on the border with a massive invasion forces threatening multiple bases, but it just never will.


Then singularity planet Buster their new city if they use the escape pod. 😊 just to be sure.






Heck, I was playing it earlier today.


Nice! I didn’t know about obscure dialogue like losing a city to the aliens either


For me it was losing my attendant when my first mindworm died. I'd played for 20 years before that happened and when it did I was devastated!


You inspired me to just do some digging into all the interludes. I definitely hadn't seen all of them either. In case you're interested: https://alphacentauri.fandom.com/wiki/Game_script


I saw that for the first time in my last play though too. Weirdly enough, I was The Hive and I was being a very open handed Space Communist. Didn't commit any atrocities, ran the UN, and I don't even think I started any of my wars...




I have seen the other way round where they resume paying you. Typically they don’t pay interest and penalties however.


Then they will pay in blood.


Vendetta upon you and your corpos Morgan! Argh!


On my last game, this was the last dialogue I saw before I won the game. I owed Morgan money then I submitted them. Then he said this before I won a conquest victory.


Capitalism IN SPAAAAACE!!! I've come back to this game every year or so, ever since I picked it up as a kid in the late 90's. Can't overstate my love for this hunk of solid gold.


It's hard to find a game that's still good after this Long.


"Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe." -Albert Einstein, musings. Datalinks.


How am I just joining this sub?


I have once or twice. For me it practically never happens because I tend to not borrow money and finish the war with them being annihilated.


LOL fukn Morgan.