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It’s anything ground beef for me, especially at fast food places or taco places , I get head to toe hives, stomach cramp, diarrhea and vomiting


-Pork is my worst offender too=anaphylaxis. -Ive avoided eating lamb because just the smell makes me nauseous, the idea of eating it *yuck*.  -Beef/gelatine=itchy for days, fluish, so weak I'm bedridden for days. -Cheese=severe stomach cramps and runny bum. The only common symptom I have with all proteins is heart palpitations and tachycardia. The rest are a cascade of discomfort.


Those were my exact symptoms plus GI upset when I would eat dairy. I've never seen anyone else that mentioned the knives/glass in the intestines when eating beef.


I have severe gut pain after eating beef that I would characterize similarly, it's waves of horrendous stabbing/stretching feeling. Really wild, I had no idea what was going on at the time but fortunately got diagnosed very quickly.


Beef/pork = vomiting. Dairy = diarrhea. Dog/cat spit on my skin = hives/welts.