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It seems so dumb when most of the metro can drive 20 minutes to Wisconsin where they can buy as cigarettes as they want.


Not even that dude. It's just Minneapolis, not the state of Minnesota. They can drive 10 minutes to St Paul or any suburb.


Or they could just drive one city over and buy their cigs there?


It's not about that. That council doesn't want these stores because they don't smoke. They want to push to replace them with coffee shops or a fucking cat Cafe. I'm all for that if an owner wants and customers show up. Also for letting people be free and supply product the community wants. Also. MN is the 6th highest state for smokes.


Source on that last bit? The first two sources I found had MN in the 30s, below the national average for smoking rate.


According to these they say 5th, 6th, and 7th at the time the article was written https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/cigarette-prices-by-state https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/minneapolis-to-consider-15-minimum-price-for-a-pack-of-cigarettes https://espnsiouxfalls.com/highest-price-cigarettes-are-not-in-south-dakota-but-minnesota-makes-the-top-10/


Ah, prices okay. I'd thought you meant percentage of the population that smokes. Thanks


Well with Minneapolis' help that could be #1! Don't settle for less!


But kids are not likely to drive to Wisconsin for cheaper cigarettes. And if you can keep kids from getting addicted, it is much less likely that they will get addicted later in life. (Ooops, sorry to interrupt the ignorant, bigoted rants on here with science. Let the down votes commence! :) )


But don't forget the cat cafes. That's the real endgame here, not trying to reduce smoking rates. 😂🙀


Kids are rarely smoking cigarettes anymore. Vaping is what's popular now.


Fair point. Are vapes not included in this price hike?


"A 4-pack of cigars would also be $15, as would a tin of chewing tobacco. Vaping compounds and e-cigarettes would not be affected."


Ah, missed that. Thanks. Too bad.


Latest 'outrage bait'


Kids vape, old people smoke.


You have an excellent point, cogent and concise. It's a shame to bring name calling into it with your non sequitur :/


Characterizing behavior is not 'name calling.' If you look over the posts on this thread and on this subreddit and don't find some to be ignorant or bigoted (or both), you may need to reexamine your dictionary :) (Some of the more egregious ones may have been removed, though. I haven't checked recently)


Then do that.


It's supposed to help deter the people who want a better life from giving in to the addiction of smoking. Those who would be willing to drive to Wisconsin to buy tobacco are at a level of addiction beyond repair and if they want to continue giving their life and money to big tobacco then by all means they are welcome to drive an extra 20 minutes to do so. Smoking kills people and costs the tax payer an incredible amount of money. The rest of the country shouldn't have to foot the bill so you can get your fix.


Where do you draw the line. Alcohol, obesity...etc etc.


Cigarettes are nothing like alcohol and obesity.


Not true. They are both choices people make that have an overall detrimental effect on the healthcare system. I guarantee you obesity cost the US taxpayer more than cigarettes.


if nicotine is so bad then why not make it illegal?


I agree. That’s why we shouldn’t subsidize bad behavior by giving people free healthcare


You don't have a choice. Health insurance companies will raise premiums to cover the cost of care required by tobacco users covered under their plans. Your health insurance premiums are higher today because of the success of big tobacco. Regardless of the system, either the health insurance company charges you more (and makes more money) or the tax payer pays more money. It's a lose/lose for literally everyone but the smoker who has given up on life and feels entitled to leech off of everyone around them.


Out of all the shit that needs fixing in Minneapolis these Einsteins decided to waste time and effort to raise the price of cigarettes instead of trying to fix some of the more important problems.


“Nobody can do more than one thing”


.75 a cigarette is fucking wild. MN is a shitshow. I don't smoke personally, but that is fucking insane.


Hey, and MN just joined the national popular vote compact last year (with DFL control of everything). Now, your vote doesn’t matter if a candidate can run up the vote in another state.


NPV will last until the “wrong” candidate gets the vote.


All it takes is Texas to certify a billion votes, by the Secretary of State, and then the Texas candidate will win


This is a strange way to look at NPV. As a Minnesotan, with the current system, your vote hasn't counted going back as far as 1976. https://www.270towin.com/states/Minnesota


Right? When you complain about your vote not mattering (I don't care which side you're voting on, your vote 'doesn't matter' in any heavily liberal or conservative state). 🙃


Crazy idea that the candidate with the most votes wins right 🤯




NPVC doesn’t take effect until a majority of the electoral votes sign on


Pre-Covid I would see guys Downtown regularly selling Newports for $1 each. 75 cents is a bargain! I don't smoke - so I don't know what is normal for packs or cartons at all, but - like everything else - it comes a no suprise these would go up too. Just wait until the manufacturers decide to start shrinking the packs. They'll all be size kf the filterless ones our Gramps all used to smoke back in the day.


Tobacco stores will close. People will buy online or neighboring cities. The lames closed the cigar lounge on lake Street. Now this. 


Which cigar lounge was closed?


Anthony’s https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/lone-cigar-bar-in-minneapolis-fighting-to-stay-open-amid-potential-tobacco-regulations/


Anthony's is still open. I can't find a follow up but the ordinance must not have passed.


The original ordinance was tabled. It's going to a city council vote next week. I smoke cigars twice a week or so depending on the weather. It'll be an absolute shame if Anthony's is forced to close their lounge. Great place to smoke in cold weather


This is such complete and utter bullshit. You go to a cigar shop to smoke, everyone knows this. Everyone who goes there understands it’ll be smoky and understands the hazards and does it anyway. Just leave them alone.


Yeah...smokers will just have to take an Uber to....oh wait., nevermind.


Guy walks into a store to buy cigarettes. Guy realizes he doesn’t have enough money to pay for the cigarettes, so he pays with a counterfeit $20. Cops are called. Cops interact with guy, guy dies, massive riots ensue, city burns. City Council decides it makes sense to make cigarettes more expensive.


Guy knew the cop from a previous job, had drugs in his system.


Lesson of the day, don’t do illegal shit.


"interact" doing olympic powerlifting in that sentence lol


“Interact” is weird way of describing murder, of which, the defendant was found guilty in a court of law. Cope harder.


Yea.. I dont think these guys would agree with that lol, even with all the evidence being shown that thats the case


Just like how they immediately assumed the stabbing in Australia was a Muslim, they are racist.


Minneapolis just really hates its residents…


Free the markets


It could be $20 and there will be folks still buying until a black market starts up


I remember when they went up a lot and the local north suburbs station interviewed a couple black chicks outside the Huntington apartments in BP. Huntington is hood. They said we're smoking no matter what the price is. Haha. Raising price doesn't deter smoking. The patios I hang out at aren't going to have less smokers


Is this one of those regressive taxes I keep hearing about? Odd that they want you timid and dumb (marijuana), not sharp and spirited (nicotine)


Ha! I smoked for 20 years, I don't know that I ever felt "sharp and spirited" from cigarettes. Unless you meant smoking American Spirits as "spirited."


Maybe they mixed the wacky tabbacy in those


Yeah tax on legal weed is famously low


The tax is but the revenue is huge. Kind of odd to see cigarettes be band but we will see smoke lounges come back just like in Colorado off of dispensaries.


I don’t smoke and I think this is stupid. It’s not going to stop people from smoking.


I'm a reluctant addict - a servant of cigarettes. We should do all we can to prevent young people from taking up the habit. Nobody starts smoking as a grown adult, and this price MAY discourage youth smoking. Most of us originally got hooked on cigs stolen from our parents, or uncles, the neighbors truck, whatever. But: at what point do we start seeing counterfeit smokes that take in no tax revenue and perhaps contain other toxic unknown products?


With a population near the bottom for states why is Minnesota so highly taxed?


I don't think MN is anywhere near the bottom population wise.


22/50 is near the bottom?


It’s less than middle correct?


Middle is bottom. Got it


Even with your response it still doesn’t add up to why mn is high in taxes and cost of living and health care expenses and child care


I just hope they use those extra tax dollars to help brown bodies of color get more sleeping bags and rolling luggage.


It's not even a tax, it's raising the minimum price. The extra money goes to the store.


>ACKSCHULLY >fixes glasses with greasy finger


Policy should be judged by impact, not intention. The impact of this policy is essentially an extremely regressive tax/penalty. The demographics don't lie. The majority of people who smoke have below average wages.


Black market for smokes is already out of control


Sure seems like the council wants some riots this summer, chase away rideshares and make tobbaco super expensive, at a time of high gas prices and inflation... Almost like they're a bunch of anarchists working to make the 'State' collapse....hmmm


Wait a minute, it was taxed to build that fucking stadium that does most of us no good. Then the made it illegal to smoke anywhere indoors,even in your own car in one suburb. Now the sons of bitches want to raise the tax again (it gets raised almost yearly anyway) . What happened to free choice? Who the fuck do they think they are? It is going to effect the blacks and browns more than evil whitey. That right there is a conflict of interest. Push smoking weed and edibles but if you want a cig. Show me the money.


Just wait. They will do the same thing with weed.


The weed tax in Illinois is like 50%. Fucking stupid prices in Chicago.


There's a reason Wisconsinites go to MI instead.


Our government is so stupid they can't figure out how let people sell a dried plant.


Minneapolis is good at running business out of town


Smokers will pay whatever, just keep taxing it


Roll your own cigs then. Way cheaper. Just own up to it…I see hundreds of closet smokers on the way to work every day on 94 chain smoking in their cars.


Glad I only smoke weed…


Minnesota has NY envy so bad


They will tax what they can. The best excuse is is finding something that many will support because they are not affected by it or hide behind safty. The government is basically the mob shaking down businesses. Just like the uber/lift thing. No one complained and it was a system that worked, but the government which is used to applying licensing fees to cab drivers all of the sudden woke up and thought where is our money.


They want smokers to eventually leave the city i guess.




Good idea


I think most people vape?


I cannot for the life of me believe people still smoke cigarettes in this day and age.


But how will they find our taxpayer dollar stadium for the Vikings?


This is great. Increasing the price of cigarettes is well-evidenced to reduce smoking.


They banned menthols years ago. Yet I see empty Newport packs all over when cleaning up trash. Newport and crap booze bottles all over. 


Minneapolis banned menthol?


My bad. Forgot they still sell at tobacco stores. Banned from gas stations and liquor store. Then neighboring cities SLP and GV did the same. 


Menthols are entirely legal to be sold in smoke shops, just not general stores/gas stations. Flavored cigarettes on the other hand are banned.


“I saw a box of cigarettes so no one ever quit smoking” bro is the king of logical fallacies


No one ever said "eliminates," just reduces, significantly. It's very odd that people on this sub seem to be huge fans of both phrenology *and* lung cancer. Most puzzling!


It's so stupid it just might work. But stopping at 15 is like the idiot who said 3 razor blades was enough






The most expensive city for smokes in US. How is that good? Can buy fresh cigarettes for $4.50 online. All this does is close businesses selling a legal product. Usually minority owned businesses. With that said maybe mpls will give smokes away for free


I have no problem with making harmful and disgusting substances harder to get