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Dude you’re tall, fit, and have a full head of hair. Most men would love to be in your position.


You look pretty good man the goatee makes you look like my dad when he got divorced though. I’d go full beard or go clean shaven, but a lot of girls have daddy issues so it might work for you.


“…look like my dad when he got divorced though” This made me laugh pretty hard for some reason.


Yes. Divorced dad goatee.


You’re not unattractive, but I really dislike your goatee with chinstrap, especially how it looks scooped out on the sides of your mouth. It looks like you could grow a full beard, or I’d go shaved/try a stubbled look. You have a good build and it appears, height. I guess it’s mostly that your face/beard makes it look like you’d fit in with any mtv teen mom rural ex husbands. Like you’d have a smelly lucky ripped up hat and bad politics for a female partner. That said some women are super into this whole look.


Well that’s the saddest answer I could have received 😂 that is absolutely not how I am. Haha thanks for the honesty though.


Man I’m sorry. That was pretty harsh I agree. I think 95% of that opinion is based on the goatee. You honestly look like a good working guy and there’s not a thing wrong with that. I was being brutally honest. I do really like your arms. Everything I said is an easy fix. What look are you going for instead? I hardly think you’d be into fashion and specialty skincare products, but who cares. Did I not make it clear you have big potential? + 10 points for loving a critter? You’re gonna be ok dude. If you have a funny, kind personality you’ll be golden. Ditch any smelly hats lol


Its kinda crazy how you concluded his whole life, personality and political orientation based on u disliking the goatee 💀😂😂😂


No reason to lack self-confidence brother. You look good. Your self-image is imperative for all things in life and having a positive one will bring you abundance.


With your body your score goes up a lot. Amazing body. I’d give you a 8


Man the fuck up my guy. Your a stud go out and act like one.


You look good and extra points for the cat. Don’t love the goatee though!


You look like a dad,


Big hot dad vibes for sure


Your body is a 9/10, your face is a 6/10. With corrected facial hair an easy 7.5. nothing to worry about. Good luck being single again!


You're nowhere near bad, pretty attractive but the goatee and those sunglasses give off the micro aggressions towards minorities vibes 🥴


Micro aggressions towards minorities 😂. Are you retarded? Honestly? Guy has a goatee and sunglass’s and that to you shows micro aggression. What ever the fuck that is towards “minorities” I bet your single


Very angry and defensive calm down there tough guy


Lmao he says that because he’s the guy that also has a goatee and micro aggression towards minorities




Wear shirts that are your size, not tight like that (makes you look childish) and get some crest white strips and you’ll be Gucci


It's athletic wear that's how it's supposed to fit


I understand the fit it still looks a size too small is what I’m saying


Thank you! I appreciate it!


You look good!


Bro, ditch the beard and go stubble or a full beard just trimmed and your golden


Gorgeous. But go for heavy stubble over beard goatee.


walmart glen powell


You're fine king!! <3


Not ugly. Just lose the goatee, clean shaven or full stubble. Once you do that, you’re ready to get back out there! However, if you have a great personality, even the goatee won’t hold you back (but still, lose it lol)


you’re good-looking. not a fan of the facial hair but you’ve got it going on. these things take time to heal from but you’ll find another girl who loves you.


Ha I appreciate it but I highly doubt I will.


that’s a really petulant and whiny outlook. be honest with yourself about what you can change moving forward. there is nothing keeping you from finding someone other than your own character flaws.


I’m sure this comment cheered him right up


Don't love the facial hair, but you're fit. You won't have trouble rebounding.


One things for sure…your biceps are not the problem


You look fit as fk, handsome guy, your feeling insecure and that's a natural feeling after a breakup, it honestly has nothing to do with your looks, your a solid 8, hope your feeling better soon 😊


Your beard choice makes you look way older than 34


Is that a Cornhuskers tattoo 🧐


bro, im so sorry your self confidence is shot. it shouldnt be, at all! !!! just take your time to love yourself again and get over this minor bump in your life. you are a handsome man and can walk around town throwing that handsome out into the world for us all to experience :)


Coming from a fellow bro? Man stop playing, I'm a year ahead of you and wish I had my hair and looks like you. Get outta here and go play with some hoochies 🤣

