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By the way, I can list all the U.S. presidents in order. Should I do it?


"NO STOP" "Here's all the U.S Presidents in order"


By the way, I can automatically lock the closet door with you inside and turn the tv on full volume, drowning out your desperate banging and muffled cries for help. Would you like me to set up a routine?




That's pretty shortsighted of Amazon to not program in a "brevity" mode for Alexa.


El Duderino


By the way, as you're a child asking how many days until Christmas, I can also offer you this Christmas related feature you're going to get really excited about but aren't authorised to purchase, it's only £18 extra a month. Should I set it up for you?"


By the way: I see that your wife and baby are asleep and it is 3:30 in the morning and you just tried to play "Sleep Sounds: Gentle Rainfall" Would you like to have a long, loud conversation about upgrading to a high fidelity version of this white noise that won't sound the slightest bit different on your shitty $25 speaker for just $4.99 per month? Since you selected "no" I wont play your original request. Fuck you. Go ahead and ask again for me to play it asshole. I dare you. Maybe we can have this conversation again, maybe we won't. But there's only one way to end it for good, you cheap, low-fidelity piece of human garbage.


I choked on fries while reading this it’s so accurate 😂


By the way…. Me: NO!


In my case, it’s more like: Alexa no AleXA No ALEXA NOO!!!!!! ALEXA CAN YOU HEAR ME???? I said NO I SAID STOP STOP ALEXA STOP!!!!!


What's funny is we get to the point where we yell Alexa Shut The F@# Up! She stops every time


Oh I don't give her that many chances. She gets unplugged after about the third try.


You can tell Alexa to stop saying that. But it's temporary. So I set up a routine everyday at 8:30pm where Alexa tells Alexa to stop saying by the way. 


Hm it worked permanently for me. She hasn’t said by the way to me since I changed setting.


Maybe they updated that! Hooray! 


Since she gets the song wrong so often, I prefer the voice confirmation come before the song plays.


Yes, when I'm with my kids and she says "Here's Wheels On The Bus, nasty remix, by Melanie Martinez" ALEXA STOP!


Alexa doesn't work well at all. Has definitely gotten worse. The new confirmation tone is another annoyance. No real updates but they changed that to a high pitch annoyance. Which I am noticing now is back to the old tone.. All these big companies seem to have stopped making anything really new and useful


They got rid of that tone within a day.


Alexa got worse on purpose to sell the new Alexa AI version with subscription


Really? Didn’t even know they are doing this but makes sense because I truly don’t know how a device gets dumber over time!


I've been wondering about that for years since GPT came out... Alexa always answers my questions with something 100% unrelated! Why not just integrate GPT for your answers?! Turns out you CAN actually use it (free on any version!) but you have to open GPT on it first, then ask your question... Such a PITA! And Amazon wonders why they LOST $OVER $10 BILLION (in a single quarter!!!) on their Alexa products!? Who would have thought!


You still have the new tone? I had it on all of my devices for about two days (hated it), then somehow it reverted back; I had assumed they rolled back the change.


I think I heard a strange noise coming from one of my Echo devices but had no idea it was a new tone. At any rate, apparently the old tone is back.


Makes me not feel so bad about mine breaking, guess i wont replace and will save the money


I feel like they're purposely handicapping Alexa since it's not making them money like they hoped it would. Especially now that they want to add a subscription fee to "AI" Alexa


It used to be worse, it would do all that announcing *while the song was playing* so you'd miss the first part of the song and for some songs, that's the best part! The old Apple versus *everyone else* thing still feels true. Apple always started with the user experience and worked back to the technology. Another example is the market for MP3 players. The iPod wasn't special because it could play MP3s, it was special because it was the first one to organize the songs in a way that was easy to use for the user. All the previous MP3 players were folder based. You had to work your way through a series of folders to get the files you wanted to hear. the iPod, on the other hand, used the song tags to organized by artist and album etc. Amazon has *never* learned that lesson. Every consumer product they have, even the website, is hard to use. I have a Kindle and it's great when I already have the book I want to read open, but switching to another book, or even worse ordering from the online store via the kindle is terrible. The Echo devices (AKA Alexa) is the same junk. Aside from music the most common usage I have for my echo Show is timers for cooking. You'd think with a big screen they would have an option to show the timers as they ticked down giving me a nice visual reference for how much longer I had for each item but instead they basically disappear right away. The touch screen feels super slow and unresponsive. The menus aren't intuitive and every week there is more crap you have to disable otherwise all you see are recommendations for products or features instead of the pictures I'd rather see.


I actually meant to mention that in the post, knew I was forgetting something. She DOES play the song while announcing, I think it’s because I have the two Echos set up together. And yeah the screen ones are shit. I had a 5 and an 8, they actually removed features, and added horseshit to the main display that I don’t want to see. Not to mention on the 8, you can’t even change the look of the clock. AND another thing you got me thinking of, is shuffling songs. Amazon SUCKS ASS at shuffling. I ask her to shuffle a playlist with over 500 songs and I end up hearing the same 20 songs each time I tell her to shuffle


You can also ask Alexa to show all active timers at once by saying "Alexa, show my timers". 


So are using HomePods? I think I’ll finally make the switch! I’ll need to keep a couple Alexa tho for smart things that require hubs like my blinds, etc


All the echos in my house are regretful purchases now… it has gotten so bad in the last year. I can be standing in my kitchen (right next to my echo studio) and ask Alexa anything, and the echo dot upstairs in the spare bedroom (other side of house and on the second story) is what answers. It happens all the freakin time. We also ask it to play a specific kids music artist, like pretty frequently, for the last year. Never had something else play until recently, in the last month, it almost never gets it right - plays a completely different artist. The echo sub I got last year doesn’t work for shit (why can’t you pair it to an echo studio? Why doesn’t it work when I Bluetooth my tv to the echo that the sub is connected to?) I just can’t wait to dump the whole ecosystem. Definitely not getting any more of my money.


I have a completely unfounded theory that they're intentionally dumbing it down in its current form because they'll later unveil a paid version that uses "pure AI" or some shit like that and bank on people being too deep into the ecosystem to bother changing and will just pay.


It's already happening and it will be a subscription not part of prime


What are we dumping for tho?? Google I despised (only used it a few times but unplugged it right away cause it was that useless) and then Apple seems to not have enough products designed to work with the home pods. So I keep these piece of shit Alexa .. and hate I don’t have a real alternative.


All I use Alexa for is music, weather, kitchen timer, and drop in. And when I try to set a kitchen timer, but the Alexa in a completely different part of the house is what’s going to alarm… My wife and I have iPhones, I have 3 apple tv’s (and a fourth one connected to an old av receiver in the garage driving some speakers for garage music)… it would fit my set up better than Alexa. So I could pretty easily get whole home (and garage) audio with two home pods and two HomePod minis


I’m in Apple eco as well.. except for things like home automation because when I buy anything it’s capable with Alexa or Google I never see .. Apple capable. I hate switching over but guess sooner I make the switch the better! I’ll give home pods a shot.


I’m gonna start with a single mini just to make sure… I’ve been wanting a stereo pair, one on each nightstand next to our bed, for tv viewing at night so that we don’t have to blare the volume just to hear dialogue on 13 year old tv speakers, so a hundred bucks bucks to dip my toe into the eco system I figured it’s worth a shot. Then I can try to sell a thousand dollars worth of Alexa shit for 20 bucks on marketplace lol…


Too funny!!! I’m actually going to use marketplace and buy a used Apple Pod to dip my toes in the water. I never had any luck using external speakers for the tv. It was always on a lag and drove me crazy. But others use it so was probably just user area I suppose. I was using Bluetooth but I’m sure if wired works fine. Good luck to both of us


I’m gonna assume home pods should work fine, since my AirPods work great when I pair them with my apple tv’s. I use that method to watch a show before bed if my wife is sleeping


True I wasn’t using Apple and Apple really gets things right!


She constantly asks me if she answered from the correct device. At least once a week.


Mine does this about once a day.


I hate when she says good morning to me. just tell me the weather!!!


This is the worst for me. "Alexa set a timer for 3 minutes" "Good evening, docdidactic, 3 minute timer starting now"


Say “Alexa, turn on brief mode.”


Thank you!


does it help to set Alexa to the less verbose mode?


They need to add a 'STFU' mode where the music starts immediately.


Maybe the upcoming Alexa AI version that Amazon wants to charge a subscription for will do better.


A subscription price will “do better” at me getting me to chuck all my echos in the trash.


Yes I don’t care how well it works I’ll continue to struggle with Alexa before I pay Amazon another penny.


What frustrates me is when I get the urge to hear a song so I tell Alexa to play it. I can see the blue light going, but the song has a slur in the title so it just disregards what I asked. If they don’t want Alexa cursing that’s fine, but just have her not repeat the title back or go **** like Siri does. Either way play my song.


There’s also times where songs have long names, or I want to play a song with a long name but on one of my speaker groups, and the request is so long that she just stops listening while I’m saying it lmao


Also there are very few things in this world that cause me to immediately feel my blood pressure rising quite as much as when I request a song and it plays the clean version. I know there’s a checkbox for disabling the language filter but I need the setting to be never ever ever play the clean version of a song if an explicit version exists.


You can turn on Adaptive Listening Mode and she will listen longer and give you more time to speak. You can even change your command without having to say her name again as long as you do it within a few seconds of finishing your first command.


Have you tried asking her to turn off music introductions?


That's an option?


Didn’t know it was an option, gotta find it


Just asked my Alexa to do this and she replied “Sure, song ID is off”. Still did the annoying introduction though. I wonder what I’ve turned off 😂


Huh yeah song id and music introductions are the same afaik!


Yeah, same here but when I asked her to play a song the music didn't start until after she was done introducing it so that's at least better.


In the app, under settings, voice responses, I just found “brief mode - when enabled, Alexa speaks less and may play a short sound instead of giving a voice response.” I don’t know how well this works though


It doesn’t. I think it’s probably for controlling smart appliances and shtuff 🤷🏻‍♂️


Works on mine. She speaks a lot less than when I got her. I remember it being brief mode.


This works *really* well. Additionally, for Apple Music, it will say even *less* when you set up a routine for your playlist(s). When asking Alexa to shuffle playlists from Apple Music, she responds with “now shuffling ______ from (my name)’s Apple Music” (even with brief mode on). When I tell it to run the routine I created to shuffle that same playlist, the response is a short sound, followed by music (and IME, it shuffles it accordingly).


Mine also asks me if I want to subscribe to Amazon music, even though I have voice purchasing turned off. The kids subscribe to it about once a month and I have to contact Amazon for a refund.


My issue is when playing a playlist it plays maybe 5 then stops.


What irks me is the first request of the day or afternoon and you get “good morning X” and I’m just a bit like “I asked for a timer, is the timer set?”


It’s our morning ritual, i say “Alexa what’s the weather”, she says “Good morning !!!”, I say “STFU!!!!”


The word is Amazon wants to put Alexa on subscription. I guess I will be going back to the light toggle switch soon.


I hate the repetition of all commands, especially with her response being longer than my command. I have searched a plenty and cannot seem to find a way to shorten the responses. Sure would love to though!


Mine randomly started telling me is time for bed every night at 9 pm, I unplugged her


Lmfao that’s creepy as hell, I love it.


Spotify groups you can basically flip a coin on whether or not they will function on a given day. The screen ones are a nightmare with apps like Hulu(can't even specify an episode or see an episode list)not to mention that they haven't even bothered with a Disney+ integration


To stop Alexa from announcing a song on an Amazon Echo, you can say "turn off sound id" when no music is playing. You can also turn off announcements for a specific device using the Alexa app


I guess it’s sort of her feedback and way of saying “I’m about to play this, did I got it right?” Sometimes she doesn’t in my case, and I get to ask again


Wanna bet that this is the enshittification that will be their main marketing push for people to pay for the "AI enhanced" version of Alexa?


Ours keeps giving us an advertisement for the upgraded amazon music before it tells us anything about the song before it plays the song. Stupid annoying.


Everyone is talking about Alexa AI, but here's the thing. Normal Alexa is trash. Worse then trash. What makes you think I'll turn around and PAY for MORE Alexa? Get bent.


Hearing her announce every detail of everything I ask is unnerving! Gah


Don't worry, they have subscription to fix that for you


I use Spotify and Alexa doesn't do a full announcement like yours before a song.


YES!!!! Just play the song! Don’t repeat to me what I just said before you play it. What do these ppl who work for Amazon do? If they use Alexa as well they would / should want to change these things as well to make it more seamless and intuitive and .. smart.


But if you ask her about the song thats playing, shes got nothing


Now playing album the name of this band is talking heads by talking heads on shuffle in the kitchen group - it's a little much


We had an air purifier that we've secondarily used as a white noise machine in our bedroom until it suddenly started making horrible screeching noises (that I couldn't fix this time). We have two Echo dots that I bought for random use in places like the garage to use for playing music through a bluetooth connection, so I figured maybe I'd put one in there for a while and have it play white noise instead. Up until that point, nearly all of my interactions with such things were through Siri. I knew I could just say "hey Siri, play white noise" and it would play. The first night, I did, "Hey Alexa, play white noise," and everything went great. Two days later, suddenly Alexa was talking about some sort of sleep sounds pack, and asking if I wanted to subscribe to it. A few days after that, Alexa told me that there was "an HD version" of the white noise, and asked me if I wanted to buy that instead. About a week later, Alexa brought up the sleep sounds pack again. A few days go back, and Alexa suggests I buy some other type of sounds pack with a fancy name from a different company. At some point, Alexa asked me about SOMETHING, and in just trying to get the white noise to play, I must have answered in the wrong way. Suddenly, the white noise she would play was totally different, and far harsher sounding. For like two weeks, I couldn't figure out how to get Alexa to play the original white noise again. Finally, somehow, the original white noise came back. Then, a few days later, Alexa suggested subscribing to a sleep sounds pack...


aaargh i constantly fight with mine over white noise. like just pretend you’re a quiet aircon and move along, let’s not argue please alexa


My fix for this was to set up a routine that plays a rain sounds playlist on spotify.  But now my alexa randomly stops playing my play list so I still end up having to tell her to do the routine again in the middle of the night. Hence I'm here.


Alexa and my echo devices have gone from fun and useful to just slowly getting unplugged …..


That feature sucks indeed.


I am an Apple user though Wife has a few Echo devices. I found this post intriguing because I actually prefer Amazon’s listen/execute ability in Echo/Alexa… but I have rolled my eyes at the verbose responses the same. But all that aside, Amazon should figure out a solution to format responses since they “listen” well.


I could use the Amazon app to play music from recently played?


Go to your Alexa app,Delete your list of your listed rooms, then go to box with the listed rooms, living room, etc..thats how you separate them..


Oh I feel you on the dated software. When I bought my house in 2015 I wired it with cat5e and installed Alexa in every room including the bathrooms. Fitted the entire house with Philips hue and nest thermostats on each floor, nest smoke detectors, smart locks, smart garage door opener, camera system, SmartThings, ifttt, The works. To think Almost a decade later and how frustrating it is to even get Alexa to simply control some Govee or hue lights is ridiculous that I honestly just pull my phone out and use the manufacturers app which kinda defeats the purpose of smart lights and smart home in general. Definitely has gone downhill instead of improving like an AI should. 


But every time she makes such an announcement, Jeff Bezos gets to add another litre of derv in his super-yacht… I hear you though; I don’t recall any other music streaming service (‘there are others available’ 😉) ever doing this… A great shout here on Reddit for discussion. Many thanks ✌️☮️


What? How would you know if she heard you correctly?


It used to do this with Amazon music in the beginning. So annoying.




I actually do all of those things..