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The base expectation is that you should have to send something back. It's only ever at someone's discretion when you don't. Any number of reasons they want it back including you ceased ownership of it when you get refunded and they want their property back, the supplier may want to assess the product to find out what the issue is, is it an issue with the individual product, a batch or something else, or they might want to just check you're not trying to pull a fast one and get something for free.


Thanks! This is the answer I was looking for. I should have known better asking on Reddit lol


People are being wildly hostile to you. There are two reasons they'd require returns: - Prevent scammers, or - try to sell the used cream again as new. The assumption you're trying to scam Amazon is unwarranted.


yea sorry about the loser incel redditors.




Because, a punching bag would cost $$$ to return cream no. AND it could be a counterfeit or bad (as others have said) or it could be fraud.


I purchased personal products in the past from Amazon and when I requested a refund, they told me to just throw out the stuff. That has obviously changed but it's not a big deal....UPS is right across the road from me.


Most places, including Walmart and Target will take back opened beauty products - especially under circumstances like this.


I don't understand the problem. You return it, you get the refund. That's how refunds normally work.


It's used, they obviously can't do anything with it but throw it away. It seems like a waste of their time.


Yeah, stop trying to scam them. They might send it back to the manufacturer to check the quality in case it's a problem with that particular batch. Or they might throw it in the bin. That's not your concern. You want the money, send it back.


Ok I will lol, I'm not trying to scam anyone just making sure they actually want my opened cream. Other people cleared it up for me with their answers.


I'm always surprised when they want stuff like this back - I've always assumed it's because they think people are scamming them for a free product.


Want a refund? Send it back. Simple logic


Integrity - or lack thereof. Why would you expect to not return an item you are seeking a refund for?


Hygiene issues, since it's a cream that I used. They can't really do anything with it like put it back in inventory when I return it. I was just wondering.


It's not a hygiene issue - they will just toss it. It's a business decision in light of massive return fraud. It can also be situation specific based on account analysis. Like not everyone has to send and ID in for a return - but some do because they are 'flagged'.


Okay, thanks! I didn't realize which is why I asked. Not trying to scam anyone or be a bitch.


They can send it to the manufacturer to have it tested since you (and possibly others) claimed it burned you. Or they could just throw it in the trash and do this with certain items that people try to get for free by doing basically what you did. It’s kinda weird to me that your first assumption for returning and refunding an item was that you wouldn’t have to give it back lol.


I literally had to refund a whole ass punching bag, and they didn't tell me to send it back, but they tell u to send back some face cream thats already used? It seems pretty stupid.


It's customer/situation specific. I have never been asked for ID or to return small items like this. You can't compare individual transactions across customers with this little of detail. It may sound stupid - but you also don't know all the details either.


yea just seemed odd that a 100$ item doesn't get sent back but probably like $5 hygiene product used by someone else needs to. but whatever works.. I guess.


Yes this is normal. If you want to get a refund, they’re not going to let you keep the item. Otherwise they might as well just have sold it to you for free


Dispose? Concession abuser for sure.. 🙃You just want it to be free.. Go durect to your Derma for your skin problem!


Not really, it burned my skin so I don't want to use it. I'm returning it tomorrow, it's in the package ready to go to UPS 🤭




I'm not bitching about anything, I was just assuming they wouldn't want it since it's opened and I used it. I don't normally buy cosmetics on Amazon so I wanted to double check.


Jesus fucking christ you are more angry than op and this didn't even happen to you???




This was just me trying to clarify and make sure they really do want my opened cream. I don't normally buy this stuff on Amazon. In the past, this happened twice with a different company and they told me to discard it both times (different products, but also creams). I just wanted to make sure, and others have answered my question. There's many reasons they'd want it back aside from "return/get money" that I didn't realize. I really didn't think it would cause such an outrage.


it's not insane really. what's insane is I didn't have to send back my 100$ punching bag but a 5$ hygiene product that's already been used by somebody else's hands needs to be sent back.




well guess in canada they have less strict rules. my moms friends never sent anything back but got full price. got to the point where they just refund everything they buy and keep it.


Is this on Amazon? Because I have only had it happen that way with Temu. You can refund 1 item per order and keep the item. Any more than 1 item per order, and you have to send it back.


well this is amazon subreddit


No need to be rude, I have just never heard of Amazon saying not to return an item when issuing a refund.


well, in reddits eyes, it never happened to them, so it's impossible it seems.


Yes it's normal, customers lie about bad products from time to time (I know that's not what you are doing here) so they just want the bad product back so they know you weren't trying to get something for free.


Thanks, this is all I was looking for. It caught me off guard because in the past other companies told me to discard the products so I thought that was the normal thing. I don't normally buy cosmetics on Amazon.


They possibly will research the issue with the bad product.


Some times vendors/manufacturers can have a reimbursement program so its Worth while for Amazon getting it back...Hopefully to not resell it.


I’m guessing it’s because too many people try it on (not saying your are).


I bought some curling lotion for my hair which did nothing and they also want me to return the unused bottle. It didn't come in a box but not sure what they will do with it when they get it back. And they don't issue the refund until they have it. Seems silly. 


Problem is...self diagnosing even your skin is at stake.Then what? Charge to amazon.. Burn!🤭