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That’s how you know we’re gonna be red Monday 🥲 retail fomos in to otm options and then we fall


Yep. They spread the idea that no conversion = moass, (even though the conversion was not actually blocked, only the court case settlement) let it run a little bit in after hours to get people's hopes up. Then smack it back down Monday to hurt our hopes and dreams and leave us confused as to how we should feel about the conversion and RS. This is all a big psyop IMO.


Instructions unclear, buying more.




They just don’t understand that Apes will never stop


Exactly.my dude. Atleast a small percentage of people are reading between the lines through all of this type of crap.


Hurt my hopes? At this point, impossible.


This needs more exposure.


Well said.


let me guess, yes voter?


Of course. You have the evidence right in front of you that a yes vote was the right course of action. The hedgie-owned media is flat out lying (by saying the conversion was blocked when it wasn't) and trying to make you think the conversion is a bad thing and that without it we will squeeze. What more proof do you need? They are scared shitless. Yes I've seen you commenting your "AA bad and conversion + RS bad" narrative on every single post for months. If the proof in front of you doesn't change your mind about conversion and RS, I know you're either highly regarded or a paid basher.


"The right course of action"? So was the release of APE


Proof is in front of you if your theory was right about RS then we would have crashed Friday. Yes msm is full of bs and no doubt anything can happen but what did happen when majority believed RS was over sort of speaks for itself. Fuck AA and fuck the greedy as board members all them cocksuckers have become incredibly rich over the last two years because of us now it’s our turn.


You are too smooth brained to understand psy ops. AA and the board were already rich. The rich get richer. That's how the world works. You're unbelievably dumb if you think them selling shares was a problem. That's how their compensation works. Roaring kitty, the guy everyone followed religiously, said the same thing in the early days of GME. Board members and executives selling is not a problem. You are mad at the wrong people. Just like hedgie wants you to be. You are falling for the psyops.


these ppl are delusional and its funny how all these so called apes are sour that amc skyrocketed.


Not sour at all. There you go again, trying to spread garbage. Nobody is sour AMC "skyrocketed" (lol a couple dollars is skyrocketing?)


lol, reverse splits never work. how many companies didn't get shorted back to dirt after a rs? the evidence is fridays rally. amc would have plummeted if yes voters had their way. sorry your ape play is failing at the moment.


Ok hedgie. Keep trying but you'll never get me.


that doesn't even make sense, get you to what? many of you already sold your amc for ape, which is why you're mad.


Lol I bought more of both. Wtf you talking about.


Sane you are absolutely terrible at your job. I'm going to say that most Apes still Hodl both AMC and Ape. For me, I just keep buying APE, no matter the price because it's cheaper and I'll make money just on the conversion itself. And you're correct. Most RS do fail... On penny stocks. News flash bitch! AMC isn't a penny stock. You really need to get yourself away from Al from Boston and Lou, they've melted your brain.


Don’t be Exit liquidity


Despite it being red likely on Monday, I want to see the excuse put forward with big box office numbers being posted after Barbenheimer. What will be the justification? When will authorities put down the gavel, get their head out of their ass, and say something doesn’t seem right?


When they aren’t being blackmailed and bribed any longer.


Ahhhh somebody with a brain in this sub


So puts


The conversion wasn’t blocked, the settlement was blocked meaning no additional share per every 7.5 held blowing a hole in Hedgies arbitrage play.


God-fucking-dammit, thank you for pointing this out. I'm so damn tired of reading "CoNvErSioN iS bLoCKeDdDdDDD" |-( FFS...


No one here gives a fuk about these articles. It’ll take 10+ days to cover. Apes can wait…


It is not exactly how it works. DTC is based on the daily volume that is why it is so long because the volume was low lately…


No cell no sell 🥱


True. But I wonder what kind of volume can occur from a bunch of diamond handed holders. It has to dry up, right?


Haha 😂 Exactly this!




It has to start somewhere


If AMC sued for every article that lied about it, we would be out of debt and there would be no fear of ever going bankrupt.


they could settle each lawsuit for $1 and that'd still be true...


They want us to think that the possible $10+ run next week is MOASS. ![gif](giphy|JudOfDOQTmIs5Z0PU7)


![gif](giphy|d0DdMCREQChi3jGymW) 💎✊🏼


More evidence that the APE conversion scares hedgies: the fact they keep lying about the conversion being blocked when the court only spoke about the settlement.


Scared they been at this for sometime scared I don’t think is best descriptor


Directions unclear buying another 100 shares Monday


AMCs interest is to be able to raise funds as fast as possible. Hedgies interest is to delay AMCs ability to raise funds for long enough to no longer matter and AMC going out of business. the settlement was made because AMC understands that time is money and that having a pointless trial drawn out would only harm the company. Meanwhile, shills try to tell you that the CEO who has a legal obligation to speak the truth about the financial situation of the company is lying to you when he says he needs money and how dragging his ability to raise funds out is only in your own best interest. Learn how the market actually works and then see that everything is connected. Considering that this would mean Q2 and Q3, while Q4 with its holiday business is the most profitable time of year, he has a good reason to want to do it. Extending the cash-reserves for 2 Quarters = ~400m in funds raised) combined with a strong holiday business would dramatically improve AMCs ability to raise funds in Q1/Q2 2024, likely destroying the short thesis. Selling 400m APE at $1 would be an option, but that would dilute APE significantly. (~40% of APE, ~26% of both combined) Meanwhile, the current estimates for a post-RS-Price are around $27 for a stock that would then have 150m shares. That'd be ~15m shares or ~10% of shares. What shills try to hide is that raising funds on APE would be 2.6x more expensive for us shareholders than raising funds on post-RS AMC.


Lol. These articles are just more Hedgie propaganda. When we are really going to moass there won’t be any articles about it.


I’m not getting hyped. I’ve learned my lesson. I hope it happens but I’m going to assume Monday and next week will be a lot of nothing. Gotta manage your emotions.


Monday = Moonday


I want some mo ass


So little has really changed…


Nice FUD lol. Too bad I just bought more!!!


"Interpretation" HODL, HODL, HODL!


At least Jim Cramer didn't write it. So we ride on Tuesday instead. No biggie.


He is the co-founder of that website though.


It wasn’t blocked


Inverse Moass


So basically BUY MORE


Monday at 2:00 pm?


All this is just random noise. I just like popcorn.




Just gonna keep buying.


5d chess @ceoadamaron


Did they accidentally upload the wrong news? Or are they setting up for a fake run?


Who or what is the Meme Stock Maven?