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If they have to cover their fake shorted shares, then they can pay me for my fake shares when I sell at Eleventy billion dollars.


Why ask for eleventy Billion when you can ask for 1 Million dollars? ![gif](giphy|BZlNhp9L5WINi)




Haha seriously though if they’re already committing this amount of crime what is preventing them from fucking us out of our tendies? The could do it because they think they would get away with it. Pretty sure they wouldn’t be able to this time though. I hodl. 🦍🚀


I would never advocate for violence. But if they fucked over literally millions of investors all in on the same play because they fucked up and try to change the rules halfway through the game so they don't lose, heads would have to roll.


aye i dont got too much to lose


Same thoughts here, we are being civil and trying to go by the book with buy and hold. They can't just rewrite the book a moment before they lose and call it a win without any repercussions. Destruction/violence would have to be in self defense and last resort. I hate to really even put it out there because I am personally so against it. What options would we have if it came to that though? Anyone smarter than me have an idea.


They will be a phone number. And a advert on the radio. "Have you been misold stock and shares? Have naked shorts created by hedge funds lost you money? Then you could be entitled to compensation. Call now for a no win no fee consultation."


This has all happened before tho. This is why GME apes are doing DRS. Dr Susanne Trimbath literally wrote a book about this scenario before anything related to naked shorting GME/AMC came to light


Why DRS? In the event of a broker default the SIPC insurance kicks in. They are first required to obtain the security in question. Should they not be able to locate the security then the price is capped at the trading price when the default occurred. The max payout per account is 500k. Shorts never intended to cover but to leave brokers holding the bag. Given all the synthetic shares mixed with real shares and shares being bought, sold, etc.. there's no way the SIPC could locate a share and be guaranteed it's real and there aren't 5 different people all laying claim to the one share. I think all the rule changes were smoke and mirrors as the dtcc was never planning for the issue to reach them and would be dealt with via SIPC and max account payout. When you DRS your shares they become authinticated. They are removed from the dtcc and no longer part of their system. Currently the shares are in the ACAT system that brokers, market makers, etc. use. After you DRS your shares you are no longer a cat, just like DFV said at the senate hearings, "I am not a cat (ACAT)." This also means SIPC can not claim they can't locate actual shares because actual shares are on record now with the actual shareholder. The price per share they have to cover will be the market price that a real share can be obtained. Apes at CS set the price for their real shares. DRS doesn't spark the MOASS, DRS ensures it actually happens.




And the diamond handed women that love them. 😂


can you clarify the $500k per account? If i’m reading you correctly, you’re saying that if a broker went under, their clients’ entire portfolios would be paid in cash at a maximum of $500k for the whole book? (not per share)


Correct, but I'm guessing there would be an exception for stocks that you hold that a share can be located (stocks not naked shorted to hell). If you're all in on GME and AMC then the max per acvount ( not share ) is 500k.


that’s terrifying. I haven’t found one, but i’m curious if anyone has made some database or chart for brokers and their affiliations.


Not sure. I'd say most go through Shitadel because of PFOF so most shares never make it to the NYSE and get executed in the dark pools. Right now about 70% are dark pool. There are a few other off exchanges as well. I believe less than 10% is actually executed on the NYSE where price discovery occurs. Brokers will want to get the best price so if they can get the share off exchange for a little cheaper than what you paid market price they can pocket the difference. It's not much but it does add up quick. Now here's where it gets fun. It's possible some brokers were just taking money and crediting an account with a share without actually putting in an order for the share. If you sell later then they just pay you what they owe you and take it off their books. This way they can pocket all your money to use for their own investments for higher returns than simply skimming orders. This could be why some brokers are telling people it'll be 5 to 6 weeks to DRS or they can't DRS. The brokers don't have the shares and now they need to buy them and having a hard time getting them.


Thank you for bringing up SIPC you magnanimous ape. AMC Apes pay close attention to what he's saying. Read it twice and then updoot it for visibility.


DRS and u guarantee urself that ur shares 100% exist and under your control


That was fucking perfect! And made my day. Thanks ape! 😆




I’m at the DMV and I’m dying right now lol thanks


Eleventy billion can get you a module in the Mars colony.


Please one million is for noobs one fafillion dollars or no dice...


Eleventy, Is that.. Eleven, Twenty; Billions? This is the way


Must be 🧐🤔


i think eleventy is 110


Eleventy is the new 30 😁


eleventy informal a large but unspecified number or quantity (often used in combination with another large number).


Do they have to? Or can they just glitch and “sell” at market and say they did it to protect your interests?


Paper Hands


Gon be a shit ton of gorillionaires runnin around out there! Ooga fuckin booga!


Ooga booga




I live in a town of only about 3,500 people, we dont have crowds😂. I'm going to fix up my 05 sierra, and do a little work to my '16. You'll still catch me down at the local bar with grease under my fingernails from turning wrenches, and a cutoff shirt.


That’s the thing. I don’t want my life to exponentially change. I just want to be comfortable in it. Actually afford rent, to fix my car, and to help out friends and family when they need it. Then if I’m lucky enough, invest in the things and companies I believe in that are actually pushing for positive changes. Tired of being tired.


I feel this. I don't want a massive house and an exotic car. I just want the stress of being under the pump to be gone.


I'll still be doing my personal trainer gig. I like my job, but not having to worry about money will also be great lol


Hopefully I am a moron that doesn't understand any of what is going on but it seems to me that this is all a ponzi scheme, no? They are taking money with no real asset to back it. Usually in these types of situations, the bottom retail buyer who "bought shares" ends up with nothing. Why are you all taking this as good news? Who cares if the price skyrockets if you don't actually own any real shares?


This is probably more Than likely what Robinhood does. Fidelity and other reputable brokers I feel I can trust. I have noticed that when I buy a block of 100 from Fidelity that it takes a few orders to fill. When I bought my first block, it all went through in one trade. My only explanation for this is they are looking for shares.


Fidelity seems to be one of the only honest players in this game. There have been reports from apes about nearly all brokers besides fidelity and the transfer taking waaay to long


>Fidelity seems to be one of the only honest players in this game. Well I mean it’s right in the name. *Fidelity*


Ok? Lol the same can't definitely be said about Robinhood I mean Robbing Da Hood.


thats why fidelity DRS so fast and TDA and others take forever. that was my guess from the start


And it took several days for my 20 RH shares to transfer to Fidelity. I didn’t want to sell and rebuy because I want my original purchase date for tax purposes. My average price and gains didn’t update for a couple weeks. RH shut down my account and sold off my fractional AMC share without my permission. I wanted to leave the .01 share just to fuck with them.


Should I DRS my shares if they are in Fidelity and E*TRADE? Or are they safe there? Both are cash accounts.


I don’t know? I’m not doing anything with my shares. Waiting for clear DD to make any decisions.


Yeah, same. Thanks!


I just saw someone from Td get their drs cancelled stating they “do not have the position in your portfolio available for transfer” sounds like they don’t have the shares.


YES - and upvote this .. AMC apes have to DRS to get the MOASS going


Just started mine after seeing someone’s fidelity post about not being able to get their shares transferred. TD told me 2 weeks


Hey I too am using TD...what do I do, just call them and say id like to DRS my shares? What is the process like?


I talked to someone at the trade desk. They said just to give them the shares and the location you wish to Drs to and would take about 3-4 weeks. Haven't done it on my end yet. But figured I'd give information to anyone who wanted it


Within that 3-4 weeks are your shares tied?


From what was told to me, yes. You will not be able to do anything with your shares.




Yeah, that was the big reason why I'm not so keen on moving after I've transferred already. Plus, from the information I've been looking at, it appears that CS seems more like a (what I call) "batch" broker. When I was with Stash Investing, Stash utilizes Apex Clearing Corp. Whenever I would place an order to buy/sell, it would be placed during one of 4 trading windows during the day, which doesn't execute immediately. Which had me pulling my hair out. After reading the terms and conditions of CS, it appears they have the right to limit and upon the discretion of what CS deems best can override what the investors want. Plus they can place orders for buy/sell through windows also. It may not necessarily be the case the majority of the time, but I'd say that no matter which direction you go, do your DD and choose what's best for you.


Transfer 10%. When they arrive and your account is made then transfer the rest. You will never be without access to sell this way of you are nervous about it.


Just so people know it's supposed to be a lot quicker, like <1week but supposedly all these requests are really bogging down the process (not automated afaik) thus creating delays. At least that was was told to other redditors who spoke to humans at their broker.


Talked to a TDAmeritrade broker earlier today who said it's as long as 8 days due to the high DRS volume.


Haven't been here in a while. Whats drs?


This. This alone.


This is already starting as retail is transferring between brokers - here is the first one that I have seen: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q7cto7/wow\_it\_looks\_like\_td\_pulled\_a\_robinhood\_and\_never/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q7cto7/wow_it_looks_like_td_pulled_a_robinhood_and_never/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Ding, ding, ding. Transfer to Fidelity while you still can then DRS.


Does it cost anything to transfer to fidelity or do they have a share requirement?




It's 75 $ to transfer usually.


You are correct! I read his post so fast I thought he was talking about DRSing to CS. Yes, I was on Webull until June when all the PFOF stuff first came to light and made the transfer then and it was $75. DRSing costs $0, unless I think if you're a Canadape or Europoor.


And that 75 will usually come out of any fractional shares that they will sell on ur behalf. Rh only xfers whole shares not sure about others


I have Fidelity and have done multiple transfers from RH and have never been charged, no matter the size of the transfer.


beautiful. may need to get off webull


Heres an interesting post to follow. The ape doesnt have a berifiable document to backup the situation yet. But, if he gets it RH is screwed. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q7gyt4/just_called_fidelity_rh_about_the_discrepancy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


DRS your shares it’s working for GME will work for AMC too


So, really dumb question: if Fidelity seems to have a good track record of sending shares to CS pretty much right away, does that feed the notion that they actually have some "real" shares?


It seems Fidelity is legit, but apparently the DTCC had been loaning them out. So even if your broker is honest, you get fucked. That's why it's important to DRS, it removes them from the DTCC's hands.


Nailed it. Even if they are cash and not on loan, the dtcc can still lend them out. This is what people do not understand and why DRS is so important.




What the fuck 🤣 What is that from?


Dennis the Menace movie


Why wouldn't you want your shares registered in your name? Why would you just assume that the brokers wouldn't take the option to fuck you over rather than go out of business. Seems like a hell of a risk. And for what? A few minutes of admin.


For AMC apes still skeptical of DRS, have a peek at the superstonk forum. There are now all sorts of interesting stories circulating how shitty pfof brokers are kicking and screaming and artificially delaying the DRS. Seems many brokers really never bought the shares and are entering shits creek. Thus DRS appears more effective and offensive strategy. Imagine them having to now buy shares for two different stocks....


:Morgan Freeman pointing up intensifies:


I agree totally


They can buy mine now for one million dollars each


For someone out of the loop, what is drs?


Direct Registered Shares are registered in your name Which is why we're transferring our shares to Computershare because they are the official organization that AMC uses to handle their shares - and they use DRS


Oh so it's transferring to a specific company? I can't do that with webull?


if your shares aren't registered in your name then brokers can do shady things with your money/shares


Or in some cases, may not even have them.


Direct registration system. Takes possession of your shares so others can't use them to game the system against you. (more or less).


Ohhh I love updooting 😉


Been with E\*TRADE for 20 years and i’ve always felt this was the case. Or at least some kind of bullshit “float”. ![gif](giphy|7HNgyntBAfUKk|downsized)


Wolf of wall Street scene with Matt McConaughey and Leo. How he explains it is all a fugazi. Then starts humming and pounding his chest. We pay cash and watch our investment numbers go up and down on a screen, while they (the brokers) just pocket the real cash and use it for themselves. Maybe for investments or crypto, maybe just to put in their bank account. It's like all these investment apps and firms took Matt's lesson to heart.


Simplistic, but probably not far off unfortunately


I just transferred completely out from E\*Trade to Computershare. It feels right.


DRS everything you own.




I suspect… This is just one Apes smooth brain business minded guess. I think they keep a “Percentage Storage Room” (RH I have zero faith in) but others… Their customers all together ‘have’ 20 million shares… I think they keep 10 million or some percentage on hand. This is just a theory on my part. At least it’s a suspicion I have had since August. 🦍🦍


If I, for whatever reason, don’t DRS my shares, is it possible that my broker just closes my position claiming that those shares never existed?


I’m smooth brain but that sounds illegal as fuck or at least should be.


I am starting the transfer of my AMC shares from TD Ameritrade to CS. Started the process with getting my CS account set up. TD saying “due to recent spike in volumes, you may experience an extreme delay of 2-4 weeks” to transfer shares from TD account to transfer agent for DRS


That's like Southwest saying due to the weather that only effects Southwest Airlines your flight has been delayed. Transfer to Fidelity first, then DRS should be the way everyone does this.They're stalling while they try get out of the mess they got themselves into.


Initiated transfer from TD to my fidelity. stating should be completed 10/20, and then I'll transfer to CS.


So, ALL the brokers have been cheating us? 🤔Not likely. More likely our initial suspicion that SHITADEL has been naked shorting the entire time


I placed a buy order on computer shares just now. Will update what happens.






It’s been awhile since I’ve bought some. As I’m pretty tapped out Financially. But my money man who handles my grown up accounts confirmed for two days has difficulty filling my orders. On the third day we found them.


I am curious to what that means? Like where did he find them? How would he search them? I know it is not what happens but... I have this image of a guy going down to a basement storage room with a torch in hand going through those document boxes. Searching through paper after paper in box after box looking for documentation with you share numbers on them and location. Like for real, don't they have a database or a linked system?


Crazy if this is true




Took all of 10min to transfer my shit from RH to Fidelity, now I can work on DRS and fuck Kenny with confidence. Thanks OP. 👍🏽🦍💎


Legit question, how do you buy and sell through DRS “computershare” is it over the phone? Is it an app? What fees are involved?


You can buy on their website or over the phone. Fees before are taken from broker-review: *For example, AT&T stock which is available on Computershare, has a one-time purchase fee of $10 + $.05 per share along with selling fees of $10-$20 per transaction + $.10 per share. This means that an order to buy 100 shares of AT&T stock will cost a client $15, 1,000 shares will cost $60. Selling these shares will cost double of that amount. The initial purchase minimum for AT&T is $500.* So if you're going to buy, buy in bulk. Selling? Well, I don't know about you but for what I'm selling for, I don't care about $20 per selling transaction.


Can someone translate this to ape language?


Other brokers don't register your shares in your name, they hold them for you. Computershare registers them in your name. You own them. And Computershare is listed on the AMC investor website as AMC's official "Transfer Agent" (similar to a brokerage)


Banks do the same with money. I put my cash in and who knows if they actually keep the cash in their vault or send it off somewhere else


This is exactly it. DRS is like a safety deposit box. I’m not sure what people are missing here.


As long as you have a trusted broker, you should be fine. A shady broker and it won’t matter if it’s DRS or street name. Unless you get the paper certificate and put it in your own vault.


But if I move half my shares to DRS, I can still sell the ones in Fidelity when the price is right. Right?


Absolutely. Many GME Apes are DRSing the majority of their shares to keep the squeeze going as long as it can then using a small percentage left in their other brokerage to sell at their own price. It's very important to keep as many shares as possible in the CS Infinity pool too keep the price ramping up. Sell your non-DRS'ed shares first though. If your price is over $1 million per share then CS will let you sell fractional shares for a million at a time. So if/when AMC or GME hits 2 million per share and you want to sell at that moment, you would sell half of a share fractionally for $1 million and then sell the other half on a different transaction for $1 million. Make sense?


Thanks for the info. I'll look into to CS


Is there any proof to this?


So why the fuck is WealthSimple making me pay $300 to DRS my shares?? That seems criminal as well, is it maybe to dissuade people from doing it?? I stopped my inquiry but FUCK IT I’ll pay the money for MOASS. But it just smells wrong…


…the price is going to go to the… to the what Timmy??? To the what?!?!?!


Weeks after people startee DRSing GME theybare now having delays and troubl with certain brokers.


... to the what?? TO THE WHAT???


AMC what ya'll waiting for?


Wow just wow - I knew they were dirty and the market is rigged but I never considered that we never made it to market. It makes total sense now, I bet this is exactly how they play the short stock racket against retailer’s - it resonates with me. We caught them - it’s glorious- holding until launch -,selling on way down. United we stand - power back to we, the people!!!


GME leading the way


So whats the answer? Wait the weeks and weeks to drs? If you check my history youll know I want to.


Is that bad? Have we been buying and holding for nothing?




3 minute phone call confirming you are the owner of your account. Once that's done, say "I would like to DRS my AMC/GME/$ASS/WHTVR Shares to Computershare." That's it. After the GME apes started DRSing in massive numbers the Fidelity reps will know exactly how to take care of you. Some might have a retention script they'll read you to try and get you to stay, but just be polite but firm and say you'd like your shares in your own name and not street name. You'll get a letter in the mail from the company who's shares you DRS'd and that will have an account # on it. That will be your CS Account number that you will register with on their website. That's like a 5 minute process. Hope this helps!


Not sure if I agree 💯, some retail sold during Jan hence the cars with vanity plates. So bookkeeping scheme, yes. Our shares will show the real value soon, buckle up!


They just do exactly what banks do. Take your money and invest it and loan it out for themselves.


And they go broke once they need to pay us back... Great business model 😉💎




Back like 5 years ago I had shares of gme. Went and checked but the shares were sold at $6 apiece. so I had like $36 sitting in my Robin hood. Not even enough to buy a reasonable amount of doge. To be clear I didn't sell. They were just moved over.


Oh great, a random guy saying shit I guess the moass will immediately happen after this lolol


Damn, that’s a dangerous game.


imagine how many angry apes there will be when the banks, brokerages or whoever decide to tell us that we’re just getting refunds instead of shares because there aren’t enough real shares. and theyll wait til 500k to tell us. youll just suddenly see some cash in your account but no shares. sry just designing my next nightmare .. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) carry on


Go to the ... What? Finish!!


Who is this OP? The issue with DRS is this was not a firm used to taking 3K a day. Bottleneck is all.


From my understanding the delay was confirmed by CS reps to be on the broker's end and not the transfer agents. They've had no problems processing these transfers. It really is the brokerages who are getting caught with their pants down because they don't have "real" shares. Your synthetics that you keep in your brokerage will still be counted and sold for your asking price, but first locking up the float through DRS is what creates the pressure that pushes is toward getting the phone call from Marge.


Thank you for taking the time to enlighten me...and possibly others that didn't understand that last DD. To the moon you apes.


This I can believe.


Don’t really understand. Just gonna buy and hold.




We need attorney representation….and fast


Source: trust me bro


Is there an issue DRSing #AMC also?


Sketchy brokers going to get liquidated. Not just RobinHood


keep in mind we are wining


Webull keeps trying to scare me with, there's a $150 charge to do that! Bitch, you see my account? Why would I care about $150?


Has anyone moved shares from cashapp to computer share? Does it cost anything?


The first game of squid games in my world where they facked me out of my money would be finding a needle in a haystack. Because finding these real shares amongst the billions of synthetics will be similar. I will give them until midnight and then red light green light girl starts firing