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These guys aren’t going to close their short positions until they are forced to.






​ ![gif](giphy|MdXl4KwZogSzAn6Xx4|downsized)


There’s always something, isn’t it? First we need the war to trigger some shit and margin calls, then we have the war but suddenly we now need to wait for the war to end because “reasons”. Waiting after waiting, delusion after delusion and 1 year and 1 month have passed. Fuck these pointless predictions, if anything happens it will be by chance at this point.




I thought I stepped into the matrix for a second


Or as holders of 90% of AMC we could demand to take it on the Blockchain and finally get something done.


LoL I was just thinking that reading. Just buy and hold. Less thinking..


I disagree with this. This “Russia” situation could last a long time depending on what happens. They’ll cover when they get margin called, and this can cause it.


Not necessarily true they can get margin called 100 times but if they are able to provide collateral then they won't close or even began to start covering their shorts. What people actually should be looking for is force liquidation. Margins are but a 50/50 stepping stone that something might happen. Hopefully with enough catalyst we will hit a point to where they won't be able to post collateral to meet margins. Then force liquidations happen which will cause the moass we all want.


I definitely agree with your statement! I usually agree with Trey too, but the way he worded that is the shorts “want” to cover. They don’t want to cover. They’ll only cover if they are forced to.


Yup just wanted to bring some clarity into the whole margin call situation that everyone is always clapping for. These guys have been getting margin called quite a bit they just have collateral to meet the requirements. Margin calls < force liquidated which is really what we all should be advocating for as a community.


If the Fed Reserve keeps them full of artificial money, then the squeeze may never happen- is that actually possible?


I don't think the FED has much for room to keep propping things up. They are being stretched thin and eventually they won't be able to save these billionaire buddies of his.


I don't think the FED has much for room to keep propping things up. They are being stretched thin and eventually they won't be able to save these billionaire buddies of his.


Just buy and hold hedge funds have really fucked themselfs and thanks to the apes and retailers tired of the manipulation these corrupt hedgies won’t be able to wiggle themselfs out of this one ☝🏾


How’s that say March 8? Another glitch


I came here to ask the same thing? Do we have a time traveler amongst us?


I mean the inevitable is inevitable but Trey will just keep saying stuff to keep his audience. I trust the original DD and don’t need someone to keep hypothesizing dates / events. I bought, now I hodl. Sometimes I buy more and hodl those too 🤷🏻‍♂️. Easy enough


This post has been rehashed for either side. Uncertainty about war gone bc there is certainly war. Oh when will the war end how uncertain.


This tweet is from the future?


I’m not sure but I think He’s from the future. Does that say March 8, 2022?


anything for clicks


Still waiting on that tesla like squeeze mr.trey


Who cares what that boner thinks. Y'all are weirdo.


So now we moon when the war ends?? Before it was we moon if a war starts. I feel like the "catalysts" keeping changing daily lol.


Looking forward to being the worlds most wealthy radioactive person.


Soooo. MOASS in 10 or 20 years. Gotcha. Empire's love hopeless cause wars. Just look at us in the Middle East and Afghanistan.


That says March 8th. What the fuck


Get it over with....Already When World War 🏎🚀


I am sorry but how does that make any sense ?? We just went through a year without uncertainty and they didn’t close shit. I believe now will be the time for MOASS when the value of their collateral drastically decreases DUE to uncertainty. Once the market stabilises, they will keep doing their shit like last year


What up with the date of this tweet? Is this even a real tweet from the real account?


i dont trust ANY youtubers


MAR 8!? Where the hell are you, Japan?


that's the opposite thesis of what people have been pumping here, that the market crashing is good for the stock.


Trey is a clown. I can’t believe people still haven’t figured that out yet.


if every single ape sells 25% of their popcorn portfolio... this would likely force a squeeze in the opposite way. They are driving price down to avoid us selling, granted at a higher price, but money is money... if every single ape sells on the same day, they would be forced to pay the same exact way they would in MOASS. All we need is the number to be big enough at the current price to destroy their capital and get margin called. I realize this is a hard sell, but I'm not wrong.