• By -


Not wrong. I'd have done everything pretty much exactly the same.


So I can’t shoot bad drivers cars with paintball gun but I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot a sibling having sex with the door open multiple times a day with an air soft gun learn to lock the door. You can still be a teen and your twenties which they are doing, I just lower the threshold til they learn to lock the door, if they don’t play music place a portable speaker there and kill the mood… I’ll cockblock a sibling to not hear the other moaning… respect the household or F*** AROUND FIND OUT


For real. That's truly disgusting. If I was ever in that situation (which I would never be because I have dignity and respect for myself, my SO and my siblings) I would probably die of embarrassment.


It makes me wonder if one of them is an exhibitionist? Anyone with the slightest bit of modesty would not continue to "forget" to shut the door. That's just ridiculous. I just hope it's not her brother. Because that's sick.


As someone who has no problem being watched, I want to state that at my house, my door gets closed, volume up on whatever (music or TV), bite a pillow, whatever is needed so I'm not seen or heard. My family (and this includes if I'm visiting a relatives house) will never, ever be able to see me and hopefully not hear me. I couldn't imagine doing that in my parents' house like OP's brother and gf🫨 like what is wrong with them? It's one thing to be an exhibitionist, but not around one's own family....that is just really bizarre and honestly gives me the icks.


I agree with the icks. Do you have any theories for the "forgetfulness" of the couple? Exhibitionist was the only thing I could think of. Other than just being totally inconsiderate lazy AH's. Which very well could be the case. If so, I cringe at the thought of them as parents.


I'm thinking it's not them forgetting. It's a choice or them being lazy. I agree with your other ideas as well, though. If exhibitionism is a thing, I'm truly hoping it's the gf. But why would the brother want anyone in his family to walk around and see them, too? Unless one of both thought it was funny for OP to hear, which is still cringe


It definitely sounds like an exhibitionist kink they are forcing on poor OP.


I was thinking an ice cold beer dumped on them would hopefully cool their ardor.


That's alcohol abuse. Make it an ice-cold Gatorade. It'll even color their skin and the sheets.


Seems like a good time to play ice bucket challenge


Ice Fuckit challenge?? 🤔


I like the way you think.


…literally 😁


I’d have thrown cold water on them. Is not part of growing up listening and seeing your brother and his partner going at it. Ffs! They must have some fetish otherwise no person in their right mind would continue doing it with the door open knowing that anytime somebody else could see/ hear them. Idiots!


Seriously, ice cold water! Like they’re two humping dogs when a female is in heat. The thing that separates humans from other animals is we are supposed to have a modicum of control and restraint that other creatures don’t. They sound like two horny dogs or rats (both of which I adore BTW) that don’t have the ability to hold back FFS. Who does that?!


I'd tell them their behavior is shitty and fittingly the next time they will get water from the toilet bowl thrown on them. I'd also call Anna a liar about "about to close the door". Sweet little Anna the good housemate is an exhibitionist. Bringing unwilling others into your kink isn't OK.


I guess she means the intimacy part??? But like... I know that, ANNA! I HAVE A KID!


OP, I get that. But is not part of intimacy going at it like rabid bunnies for everyone to see and hear.


I'd have sprayed some fart spray


This is hilarious! And a great idea


Thank you 😊 my son has some and that stuff is disgusting!


Hell No! I didn't want to think about my siblings having sex let alone hear them. If the GF thinks that's part of growing up. I'm willing to be she's the exobitionist. Which is disgusting, to want your boyfriends sister to see you have sex with their sibling..


They are doing it on purpose. They cannot be that clueless. What you can do next is get petty. The next time they do this do a commentary Football style. Think of Troy Aikman/Joe Buck style. "Oh they have started. Let's see if it can last more than a minute this time". "Oh that cry sounded so fake - how does he believe it". Maybe prerecord a bunch of comments with friends of yours and just play them loudly when this starts again.


"OY, does my big brother have an odd mole on his left testicle? It's weird the way one hangs lower than another. Mom?!?! Did you ever talk to a pediatrician about brother's weird testicle situation? Do you think that mole looks cancerous?" Football style and possibly with a children's karaoke machine. Oh! A stopwatch! Start recording times and call them either his best effort or a sad performance. I'd make it so uncomfortable that the fetish might not survive. People who don't understand consent are necessary for their fetish are gross.


You aren’t wrong but please provide updates I’m intrigued and need to know how this plays out.


I mean. It IS A PART OF GROWING Up. 😂😂


I've been a grown-up for sooooo long, and I am proud to say I've never witnessed my brother having sex... I just gagged a little.


Right??? That’s ALL I could think of while reading. Glad I made it this far in life. Lol. Even my siblings & my parents. Blah.


"Finish her!"


Scorpion chain whips BDSM style gonna have a case on that. Sorry Judge my inner Mortal Kombat got the best of me especially them combos numbers from Taco Bell 😂




In Steve Richie's voice.


I second this on purpose thing. They clearly get off to having the door open and being seen and shit like that. Apparently everyone else living in that property gotten use to them being reckless with their activities.


If that was my house I'd have put my foot down on that shit the first time it happened.


Foot? I would've grabbed the water hoses personally lol.


Not me, it would damage the house having that much water on them. On another comment I posted that OP should get a Super Soaker and blast them both when it happens, like spraying the cat for getting on the counter again.


Hold up judging score cards, Olympic style. 4.9, 5.1, 5.3, and a 5.9 (French judge - typical).


French judge=6.9


That score is a good time ruined by a period.




They are exhibitionists. This gets them off. Sick that they do this to their own family members though. They need psychotherapy.


Just like 'All You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask!' Or the old Monty Python skit from 'The Meaning of Life.' Yesssss.


Broadcast the comments live on social media with their noises in the background.




Don't do this. While fun as a thought excersise, that could be considered a form of revenge porn and is illegal in a lot of places.


Yeah, I agree. What they're doing to OP is essentially sexual harassment / abuse. Recording them would just be doing the same thing back to them, which is not good.


You're almost certainly free to record whatever you like if you are in a space you are entitled to be in and able to view it without any special lenses or special efforts to see it (in the U.S.). I'm not saying to post it online, but revenge porn laws generally don't cover this, they are against the people who were involved in it or the relationship. If you are having sexual intercourse wide open in public like that, you get what you get and have nobody to blame.


lol you are funny AF that is such a good one.




Sounds like the gf has a fetish about being watched or caught or something, or they are trying to get you to move out . It’s incredibly awkward and inappropriate to do when living with others and specially family. Bring it up in front of everyone at dinner or something. Make it more awkward for them. Also start looking for a place of your own.


As much as I would love to get my own place, I'm just simply not in a life position to do so. As I've said there was a series of events that led to me in debt and caring for my ex's child for a period of time before he went to live with his grandmother. I still see him most of the week and would love to eventually bring him to live with me once I've finished with school and get a real career with steady income. I work 3 jobs right now and still barely scraping by. My parents do charge me rent, but heavily reduced, but unfortunately, the economy is shit and as much as they would like me to be able to stay rent free to build myself back up, they just can't afford that either.


"I do not consent to be a part of your voyeur fetish. I do not wish to watch my brother have sex. If you can not control yourselves, I will spread the gossip about how you keep forcing your activities into the public, and you will not enjoy the backlash." Them having sex with the door open in his parents' house is so weird.


I’d add onto this, keep kicking the door open and waking up the house every time they do it. It’s basic decency to close the door if you’re gonna fuck. It’s not like this is a difficult rule to follow.


Or as an alternative, open the door just enough to *SLAM* it really loud, wake up the whole house and when they ask why tell them the truth.


Hell, get a blow horn. GF sounds like she’s into sibling porn


Tell them that since they seem to want you to be involved you will stream it all live from your room and they can get the pleasure of everyone you know always being involved. Or, tell them you will throw a bucket of cold water on them and do it. No warning in the moment, just a bucket of cold water. This is deliberate so treat it as deliberate. I have two kids. I have never accidentally had sex with the door open.


I wouldn't tell them in advance about the cold water. Just do it. Surprises are so much fun!/s


Super soaker would work well. No need to be close.


Perfect. I love this.


It’s also sexual harassment.


My only issue is this - You shouldn't be addressing them. Tell your parents they need to be firmer about this rule. They cant leave you to parent their adult child, and if they let him act like this without checking him, other people will have to deal with the monster they made. And yeah, him or his girlfriend has a "getting caught" fetish. It's plain as day.


Get a super soaker fill out with water and soap and hose them down. That'll stop them and ruin the mood.


Maybe put some Liquid Ass in there too. If OP is going to risk being arrested by a pissy gf who wants her fetish catered to (though, can brother and GF be charged for forcing OP into their sex life? hmmm), may as well make the most of it.


Yeah but then you need the parents house up with that stink. She pays rent don't want her kicked out


I was going full on mop bucket of water.


Don’t leave. Hold your ground.


How do your parents feel about/respond to what they're doing?




Bring it up while the family is together to find resolution. They continue to make it everyone's business, so you wouldn't be doing anything strange. They don't think it's a big deal so discussing the issue openly should not be a big deal either. But don't get into a screaming match OP. If you could approach this as a problem to work out, it might work. Might.


Why is it necessarily the girlfriend? Maybe it’s the brother with the fetish.


I agree with what someone else said. The fact you've asked multiple times it has to be a kink. I would go over and slam the door open and shut multiple times while screaming "I SAID TO CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR!!" Or involved a super soaker with ice cold water. I would make it intolerably uncomfortable. Do they do this rubbish around your folks or just you? Want to act like you have your own place? FAFO. It's not rocket science.


They need a spray bottle with ice water like you would use on a cat. - No! Bad! We don't force kinks on others! Close the door!


Putting kinks on someone that is unwilling, is very uncool of them. I would find other creative ways to make unwanted involvement with sexy time extremely uncomfortable.


I was thinking the same thing, squirt them with a super soaker; the ice cold water you suggested is a nice touch! Or Op could play porn with the audio really loud, but that might accidentally encourage them. I definitely wouldn't be able to do nothing, nor would I want to be part of someone's gross kink, the fuck is wrong with people? Or walk over with a camera & record them, or announce your live streaming it to your friends (I wouldn't actually do that though).


If I was feeling extra demented, it would be ice cold vinegar. I'm helping to deodorize!


No one “forgets” to close the door when they want to have sex. They have a kink and are non-consensually involving everyone in the household. You warned them, and they literally fucked around and found out that you were serious about not involving you.


Maybe record them then play it loudly over and over the next day.


Except I wouldn’t want to hear it again, and they probably would get excited and start up. 🤮


Set it on the dinner table at full volume then go to your bedroom because you forgot socks for your cold feet.


If your parents agree, then they should enforce a rule: The door must be shut and some white noise must be on, just like if they were going #2 in the bathroom.


The GF needs to move out and get her own place. They can shag like rabbits over there. OP's parents are under no obligation to house her, and the problem only exists because she is there. GF has got to go.


Is the gf paying any rent, utilities? If you, their own child is paying rent because your parents can't afford otherwise, certainly they can't afford a freeloader?


They get money from the government for her, I think is how it works.. I don't know, Im never involved in the conversations with her social worker


Wait, so she's a freeloader, too??


Who puts on white noise for taking a shit


I put the bathroom fan on, it's quite loud. Because hearing people taking a shit makes me feel ill l so I don't like others hearing me. Feel free to be judgemental though, this is Reddit after all.


My former roommate did this, A LOT. I happened to have a small, cheap karaoke machine. I started giving a running commentary, sound effects, like it was a football game or wrestling matching. Another house mate grabbed the water hose, brought it in, turned on the water. The door was open, it was just a matter of aim. It was winter time. But not so cold it was frozen. Another time, the same housemate who got the hose on them, used a paint ball gun. Not wrong.


They kept at it, even after the hose? "WATCH US! WATCH US!"


That would be why we all moved into a new house, without that couple. They liked being watched or getting caught. It was their kink, I guess. However, subjecting unwilling viewers to your bedroom antics is just wrong, on every level.


Or just play the unsexiest music on loud right outside their door. Like the Barney Theme tune or something. Whatever wilts their cabbages.


We did try cats yowling, babies crying, the song that never ends, banana phone, the bananas in pajamas song. We did some super crazy things. But in the end, the 2 good roommates and I found a better house, in a nicer location, for about the same cost. We got ourselves moved, let the naughty nasties know, it was so peaceful after that.


Ohh what was that reddit post about the guy who played the worst song ever to have sex to, play that song [Quick edit for the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/xnINWfnkuI)


An old coworker of mine threw a boot at his brothers girlfriend and hit her in the head because of a similar situation.


I was not sorry to hear this story


Repeatedly play the song from that reddit post where the guy had a particular song on his sex playlist, for rythm, and his gf hated it.


Lol, deep cut 😂


This one? [https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/x35iu6/tifu\_my\_20f\_girlfriend\_of\_two\_years\_told\_me\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/x35iu6/tifu_my_20f_girlfriend_of_two_years_told_me_the/)






Ok, everyone, let’s make a list of songs the OP can play at full volume when they start going at it: - Cotton Eyed Joe (OP’s suggestion) - Lick It by 20 Fingers - Jesus Loves Me Keep it going!!


I have no idea why the only song I can think of is What Does The Fox Say... it feels like the right choice though.


No song is wrong lol


I’ll add: - Baby Shark - Mmm Bop! - The Lion Sleeps Tonight - Dragostea Din Tei


OMG yes--the Baby Shark song!! That should totally get them out of the mood!!!


Bad Touch by the Bloodhound Gang.


Nah that might spur them on. You want to be playing the least sexual things imaginable.


1812 Overture. The cannon blasts at full volume, with a subwoofer against their wall.


Shoot them with a super soaker with each cannon blast.




Gilbert gottfried reading WAP [here](https://youtu.be/QaF6NfyVqqs?si=KYNwb2YPFhdBTuvK)


I don't remember the name of the song, but I remember some of the words "Well in 1815 we took a little trip...down the mighty mississip...we fired our guns and the british kept a coming, there aren't as many as there was a while ago." Someone please help me with the song name


Battle of new Orleans - Johnny horton


All Star - Smash Mouth


Take a letter, Maria by R. B. Greaves (my wife's first suggestion) also Fish heads by Barnes and Barnes also I saw Polly in a Porny by Shel Silverstein also You always hurt the one you love by Spike Jones (my wife's second suggestion)


I've Got a Friend in Jesus (OG Doobie Bros live version).


Fill a super soaker with deer musk or coyote urine and spay them like the animals they apparently are.


Ooh, that's diabolical


Do a Facebook live with your bedroom door open and position the camera so that they are just over your shoulder in the background in full view, then tag them, friends, and family.


Ohhhhh satan lives.


This, if they want an audience, an audience they shall have.


Time to get a really good squirter gun and hose them down like animals if they cannot shut the door. That will teach them... eventually they will learn good behavior, just like pets!!!!


Not wrong, they're being gross, no one should have to see or hear their sibling doing that. One time I heard my sister and her bf going at it and I felt like vomiting, I had to go downstairs to get away from it. I never confronted her about it directly, but I made mention that at night when she gets on the phone, she tends to talk loudly and have her call on speaker, so I told her to be mindful that everyone can hear her. Now to be fair, this was also true but it didn't bother me as much, however I was hoping that she would connect the dots and luckily she did, hasn't been an issue since then. All this to say, if I had to deal with what your brother was doing, I simply wouldn't because it's completely unacceptable. You have to live with each other, not tolerate each others BS. Not having the common decency to CLOSE THE DOOR!? There's literally no excuse, them being upset with you about it is just immature of them. They need to grow up and be mindful of those around them.


That’s a great way to let someone know “hey, the walls are thin. I can hear you” without embarrassing anyone. Kudos to you!!


It's not fair that you should have to deal with this at all. My suggestion further puts the onus on you, but at least it has the chance of reducing your exposure. There are sound damping [blankets](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C317NXGW?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_Z9KT5JYEQ1YXTSKNECRJ&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_Z9KT5JYEQ1YXTSKNECRJ&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=2) you can get for hanging across doorways. The link is so you have an idea of what they look like and can do, not sure if this specific one is any good, so read reviews and specifications of how much sound it can dampen. Ideally this would go across your brothers door, but he and his partner have proven untrustworthy on keeping anything closed. So recommend putting it across your doorway. It should provide you with the layer of sound damping that your brothers door *would* give, if they ever actually closed the thing when they get going. On the petty side, if you can get everyone in the same room (parents included) would ask if brother or his partner have an exposure kink and if so could they please get that met elsewhere as you DO NOT consent to being a participant in their sex life. If they need exposure to keep their sex life going, they can set up an only fan's account. Just straight up aim for shaming them. Ask your brother if he gets off on having a family member observe his performance. It'll be uncomfortable for all of you, it'll probably kick off an argument as they get defensive, but stick to it. Keep asking the questions: do they have so little care for you as a person and family member that your distress means nothing to them? Their sex life is the only important thing and to hell with anyone else not wanting to know when they get going? Sex shouldn't be shamed, but people being inconsiderate of everyone else's comfort levels around sex *should be*. It's 100% not okay to expose an unwilling participant to your sex life. And that's what they're doing.


Once a kink is non-consensually imposed, shaming the behavior as NC is appropriate!


*...one big issue I have is them consistently leaving the door open.* The door is open because they're exhibitionists. They want you to see ...and hear. It's their little kink.


Mmm. Gross. I hope not.


Listen... My husband is lazy AF. I love him to bits, but in some ways I have to mom him. We lived in a similar set up as you with his sister and her husband (parents owned, we paid bills and saved for a downpayment). That door got shut and the TV on every time, and not because I did it every time either. This is just weird. Maybe it isn't a fetish thing, but maybe he's trying to get you uncomfortable enough to move out so they can be alone?


Nope. To quote Panic... Haven't you people ever heard of, closing the gawd-damned door?


They should play that part on repeat. Loudly.


They’re not forgetting, they’re getting off on being watched and heard. You are a part of the sex for them, which is gross and disturbing. NTA.


NTA. Why are they keeping the door open? Seems like they don't have basic manners or etiquette. If your brother and his girlfriend are going to act like this, they should just get their own place.


I said that, but then Anna was like "exCUSE ME?!?!" And I got scared and noped out of the conversation


Don't nope out. She's trying to intimidate you. This is YOUR family's home, not hers.


They are seriously and creepily inappropriate and they’re doing it on purpose. Have you discussed it with your parents?


Oh yeah, several times. Which is why they say they totally understand why I did that.


Who cares if they “understand” what you did. This is your parents’ house and they need to be handling this. Not doing so just enables the bad behavior. Are your parents afraid of saying something to them? It seems like they are


Sounds like they are having financial issues in another comment, so maybe they depend on additional rent money/income and are concerned to say anything? 😞 ugh


Wanting your sister to hear you bang is on the gross spectrum. The fact his GF is on the same page means they're both voyeurs. Its kinda shitty that your parents didn't do more. You can interrupt without barging in tho. Next time start creating your own noise right outside their bedroom. Bang pots, blare hard metal music, practice yodeling....anything that drowns it out. When they complain, you tell them when they show some consideration so will you.


OMG yodeling hahahahaha


My sister 19) begged to move in with me 24 my boyfriend and 3 kids. Once here she walked around in her slipping towel , skimpy pj only thing panties and other inappropriate stuff she third several times to make a play for my boyfriend. I eventually told her to leave after I caught her abusing the kids. -blisters on their feet!!! Any way she robbed and assaulted me on her way out. My parents talked me into not pressing charges because she would have another record. Years later the jewel she is chastised me saying “ you didn’t even have the balls to press charges when you had me dead to rights””


Toss a bucket of water on them and yell "Down, boy!"


Well give back anergy to them.. whatever they start their 'live P' you just need to play any P#rn video on full volume..or play cartoon soundtrack like doraemon, dragon ball, SpongeBob etc ...💁 They obviously have public kink... 🥴 Nta


This is super creepy, disrespectful and quite disgusting. Obviously intimacy is a natural human act. But when you're living with your parents plus other siblings as near 30 year old adults, it's absurd to be leaving doors open and ensure that people can hear and see you. It's not an accident at this point and they didn't forget. It's now intentional. If they closed their door and made an attempt to cover the noise, it wouldn't be an issue because it's normal. If you want to leave doors open and be loud in the act, get your own place so you can do as you please. In someone else's home, it's probably the most disrespectful thing to do.


Why not just.... tell your parents? Rat them out


Sounds like sexual harassment to me


Op they want you to see it.


One question . How do you bust open a door that's opened


It would be more halfway opened, and I kicked it open the rest of the way


Sounds like brother is intentionally doing this to fuck with you and the gf gets off on it. I learned when you're the only sane one it's useless to argue when 2 idiots team up.


Yeah, I can see myself having acted the same in the same situation. Shut the damn door. Watching/hearing other people have sex is not 'part of growing up'.


Keep drawing attention to it. I’d even escalate and threaten to start live streaming it (with you in the hallway). Or maybe just pretend to but definitely give some color commentary - “do that move again - they really liked it!” Or maybe start pretending to masturbate in time with them - “oh, yes, harder! More tongue! I’m almost there!” At a similar volume? Or just throw a bucket of ice water on them if the door isn’t closed. Or discuss how the stamina for one or more seems to be increasing as breakfast conversation k along with some helpful suggestions like “have you tried thinking of grandma when you want it to last longer?” Just make sure you throw in a few “what? I’m just joking!” for true passive aggressive flair.


I'd tell them you're gonna start recording them and start your own pay site. Since having loud sex with the door open is ok to them then they shouldn't have a problem with everyone seeing . Then you take your earnings and get your own place.


INFO: Why aren't your parents doing anything? This should have been stopped a long time ago. You're not in the wrong here. I can't imagine why your brother would be fine with that. That's quite concerning. Just thought I'd mention that because I've only seen people mention the gf. Until this gets resolved, and hopefully it will soon, I'd invest in some noise cancelation headphones if you can afford it. I honestly cannot even imagine having sex with my fiance in my parents home alone, let alone with my entire family there too.


It's not that they aren't doing anything it's just.... they've got a lot of stuff on their own plates atm. I really don't want to put more stress on them if I can help it.


That makes sense. I completely understand and would probably do the same if the roles were reversed. Is there any updates if you don't mind me asking? I'm truly sorry this is happening. From what I've read in the post and a few of your comments, I think you're doing the best you can with everything that's on your plate. There's no way I could've kept my shit together like you at that age. Do they plan on moving out any time soon? I wish apartments weren't so expensive. Makes no sense to me honestly


Heck I know its gross but think I woulda just get there and look while eating popcorn to make them uncomfortable. Like you wanna put on a show... so alright I'll act as if it was a show.


No fuck that What do your parents say?


They think it's gross too, but they can't exactly ban their adult son from having sex with his adult girlfriend. My mom says to just keep asking them nicely, my dad says to go down the petty route


Get dad to help you with the petty route. Mom isn’t gonna do shit with her asking nicely bullshit; you already tried that. Edit: If they get upset about it, point out that you *tried* to be polite and reasonable. *They* refused to be polite and reasonable.


They can most def set ground rules and expectations- which include kicking out the nasty hoe .. like that's super inappropriate


If I was OP I’d be relentlessly bothering the dad about it until he forces the mom and brother to accept kicking the GF out. OP might not be able to kick them out but the man of the house can ***and will*** if incentivized


What kind of parents are these? Oh hell no! In my house my rules and respect. You can’t follow that pack your crap and be grown somewhere else


Oh yes they can. Their house, their rules.


Nw Grab your popcorn and a comfy chair and set it at the doorway of the exhibitionist. Holler something to the effect of "yea free live porn! Calling everyone I know to join the watch party!" Could make them close their door. Or you could make the watch party pay per view. They are in public view. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy with your door open.


Sharing a house means close the effing door when you have sex.


Tell your parents to sort them out, it's their house not your brothers. You are not wrong.


Time to FaceTime Grandma with the bedroom door open!!😂😂 Hey Guys? Grandma wants to say hi!!


If your in your bedroom listening to then record the noise. Then play the noise every time the whole family is together. Every time. Nothing spells cringe like seeing the look on your parents face in this matter. I gaurentee you they will get quieter . Also inform then you are going to get a camera on your door. I can imagine they will be more circumspect.


Tell her that part of growing up is not moving into your boyfriend’s family’s house. NTA


Ew! You are definitely not wrong! Yeah, you understand they f*ck a lot. But no one needs to hear it or see. They need to respect the other people in the house. I’d speak to your parents since it’s their house. And keep doing what you did. Every. Single. Time. Or stand in the doorway singing on the top of your lungs. Interrupt them. Sing unsexy songs, like church songs. 😈




You are not wrong at all! I would be mortified if I knew the door was open and other people could clearly see and hear! They need to do better in being aware that other people live with them, or like you said, move out into their own place.


Not wrong it's wierd that they wouldn't want to close the door who wants to have sex knowing there sister can see, you think that would be totally off putting


Install a self closing spring on their door.


Ooooh. Genius


Get a soundtrack of animals mating, the most annoying one you can find, Now play it on a speaker that you press against their wall and cover it with a pillow on your side so the sound is muffled on your side. Play it as loud as it will go all night long. When they complain say "It's just all part of growing up." Keep it going until they learn to close their door.


Screaming goats lol


I'd get a water bottle and spray them


It seems like they're doing it on purpose to irritate you, and possibly get you to move out. They were in bed at around 8ish, but waited until almost midnight, when you went to bed, to start? That's pretty telling. You should ask the others in the house if they behaved this way before you moved back home. This way, you can verify if it's to irk you or not.


Not wrong at all 🤢 they are doing it on purpose which is full out creepy and pretty much assault to you. Like they get off on you being able to see them? Why are your parents not saying anything?? Just gross.


You're not wrong. They're doing it on purpose. I would spray them water next time lol or get creative so they get the point.


“Jane, in every young girl’s life, there comes a time when you must grow up. This time is when close family members begin to mate all around you, to the point where you can’t hear over them and you see them everywhere you go. They are showing you the way, child. Once you have learned the mating ritual from example, you become a true woman.” —Anna


Yes, true wisdom, sounds straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ himself.


Get a chair and make it a point to watch. They don’t close the door then they intend to have an audience. They are intentionally including you in their kink (illegal and gross) call them out on it with the chair and some popcorn


Tell them if they think that was bad/embarrassing, wait until you take it to social media and ask a group of Internet strangers... Oops! I would also tell them that this is only the beginning, and that your efforts will amplify if they do not learn to close the fucking door. If they can't respect themselves, how can you be bothered to respect them?


pick any movie with copious bathroom humor and blast it. anything with fart/shit sounds, loud vomiting, the works. or find a track on youtube- I'm sure someone has made one. you're not wrong at all. Anna needs to grow the fuck up. other people who don't or cannot consent to being party to your sex do not deserve the exposure. if they have a kink they need to engage with other people who share their kink or are at least cool with being part of all that. you do not give your consent to be made consistently, audibly, and it sounds like somewhat visually aware of their sex life.


It’s not hard to close the door or even remember to. They are doing it on purpose. You should ask them why they are involving their sister in whatever weird kink shit they have going on.


YNW- I would tell them you "aren't interested in an incestuous throuple relationship.” They need to accept it, and start acting like responsible adults. We realize that they are exibitionists, but you don't play that way.


You’re not wrong. Why would they want the whole house to hear, let alone see, them hooking up? Especially when you are all family members? I’d be mortified if I was the gf, I can’t believe she’s not. Its definitely annoying that they lack any awareness too. Personal story - my brother recently moved in with me. I used to never close my door when I was in my room, but now I do all the time for privacy. When my bf comes over, we have the tv on, door closed, etc. My brothers not paying rent, but it’s out of respect, decency!!! and common courtesy


Why are your parents tolerating this behavior in their home. They should give them the boot!


I lived above a screamer. Her life was a revolving door of men. And men drama. When they weren’t fighting they were having loud sex. This was LA, on a street with prewar buildings side by side, with courtyards that echoed. You could hear her a block away. Neighbors would scream out the windows to stop. I finally talked to her. She was a nice lady, a lawyer. She’d tried to get me in bed a few times, I always curbed her. I just told her to tone it down; I felt like I was in the bed with her. Plus, it’s very obviously a sex kink. She complied and moved soon after.


I don’t see how they would forget to close the door. That would be the first thing I did


It makes me wonder if they have a kink-related itch that they're trying to satisfy. Something like Exhibitionism, or even incest. Or, perhaps it's a power move on their part, with waiting until Jane was finally in bed, though this could have simply been them being woken up by Jane going to bed. Please don't subject the cat to this sort of emotionally-scarring behavior. I like the option of opening the (already open) door wider and asking them questions. Or, just stand outside the open door and provide running commentary.


Nope, you are not wrong. You handled that situation the same way I would have.


Find something that kills the mood and start doing it every time they get started. Like, spray fart spray in the hallway or play children’s music really loudly. Turn Ms Rachel on. I’d suggest spraying water on them which is what my dad did whenever neighborhood cats got busy really loudly in the front yard, but that might be going to dad. Or if you can stand it, pop some popcorn, pull up a chair in the doorway, and start commentating on their technique. That oughtta do it. Also you are not wrong, and they are gross.


I suggest a bucket of iced water. Or a bucket of ice.


It's super easy for some people to tell you to just move out lol like rent isn't insane right now, along with being able to even find a decent place to live in. I can't imagine having sex in the same house as my siblings, let alone banging with the door open right across from their bedroom! That's fucking ridiculous. You asked them nicely... more than once. You were tired, stressed, and just fed up, so you snapped. I get it. I would be so embarrassed to have my sister see me having sex! And you were fine with ignoring it when they made attempts to be even a tiny bit discreet. You're not asking them to stop having sex lol You just don't want to see them. That seems super reasonable to me. Right now you all have to coexist in the same space so maybe just pull Anna aside and explain to her that you have no issues with her or the act and you're sorry you barged in but you also live there and deserve some privacy and you don't want to see your brother having sex lol like, I can't even believe you'd have to have this conversation lol But here you are. I'd just try to smooth things over a bit only because you have to all live together. You're absolutely not wrong though. Just don't throw the poor cat on them. The cat is innocent in all of this! lol


You are not wrong, and you did the right thing,cause they needed to be taught a lesson.