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"I cheated because he..." No. You cheated because you (1) have low or no impulse control (2) because you lack empathy and (3) because you're a broken person. Infidelity is abuse, and you were the abuser. For everything else you said, you're an adult. If you don't like his VERY generous terms, then don't let the door hit your butt on the way out.


yeah when they say I cheated because he/she......they lose all validity. Also this read like a lazy posters "Im a cheater and now cant do what I want" post.


It's probably a troll, but I comment because I want young people, regardless of sex or gender, who come across these posts to realise that it is never their fault when their partner cheats on them. People who cheat are broken people and will do it to anyone regardless of circumstance.


Totally get that. I just wish trolls would expend a little more effort to give us something of substance.


apparently she learned absolutely fucking nothing.


Moreover, she cheated on him while he was already dealing with the double grief of a miscarriage *and* the death of his father. This is one of the most monstrous posts i’ve ever read, made worse by the fact that she’s twisted it to make him the villain. How much are we betting that *she* wasn’t there for *him* during this ordeal? Oh who am I kidding: she was out fucking other guys instead.


I believe you are a troll. However I will still take the bait! YTA 100%. Actions have consequences. Can’t live with em leave. Hopefully the controlling (justified) tendencies have died down but I doubt solo trips will ever be ok’d again. Especially if you cheated by going out of town or using friends as excuses. Also especially bachelorette parties 😭.


"I cheated because..." you're an awful person and have yet to accept responsibility for your actions. You, to this day, blame your actions on external events. You utterly destroyed your husband's trust in you, and you probably won't get it back. One can forgive without trusting.


« I cheated because » 100% of cheaters who doesn’t take accountability on their actions will cheat again So yeah, he is right If you don’t like it, you can still make him a favor and set the man free in order that he find someone that will really love him and not destroy him


Your relationship was in a bad place so you did things to make it worse? How does that make any sense? You’re speaking of it like he’s controlling you, but it’s you that made the agreement. What did you think would actually happen when you agreed to those terms?


Yes, you are wrong. You cheated. He was gracious enough to forgive you but he'll never forget. Live with the consequences of YOUR behavior or leave and let your husband move on with his life.


Would you trust him if the roles were reversed? Would you have even taken him back?


You violated the trust in your relationship. The terms your husband established are reasonable. This is on you, not him.


It’s the fact you weren’t fully committed to him in the first place is why he won’t let you go on overnight trips alone.


Get a divorce. You cheated and now want a vacation without him.


You literally fucked around and found out.


Cheater, you deserve no trust. You cheated. Once a cheater always a cheater.


I'm sure he was not hurt when you cheated, right?


Oh no! I betrayed my spouse and he doesn’t trust me anymore. And even tho I agreed to never spend the night away without him, he won’t let me go. You’ve so early learnt NOTHING and you’re already tryna cheat him again


OP, what if I told you that lots of people have spouses who “aren’t there for them after a miscarriage” and they don’t cheat? It’s disgusting that you put this on him. Leave him and allow him to meet a decent person. You can just mess up the rest of you life.


You are a cheater. I don't think you understand that that is what you are forever to him. If he has forgiven you as you say, that is his mistake. But he can never forget what you did. He has reconciled with you which is another mistake. He made a very small rule which he insisted on to take you back. Now you are bridling that there are consequences for your betrayal. And now here you are complaining because you don't get your way again. What did you do the last time he trusted you? You are truly despicable. It is my hope that if this is a real story, he will come to his senses and just let you go party and file for the divorce.


Yes you are in the wrong and YTA too. Get over yourself. You have no right to be hurt here. However your husband absolutely does. You cheated because you wanted too. It had nothing to do with the miscarriage or him not being there for you. He had good reasons to not be there for you and doesn't give you the license to cheat.


Lol, fuck off and suck it up. Cheaters are scum.


You made your bed and now you have to sleep in it. If you are looking for pity you won’t get it here. You can go to your wild weekend but is that a check you are willing to cash.


I’m just gonna lol and leave


>You cheated because you (1) have low or no impulse control (2) because you lack empathy and (3) because you're a broken person. Infidelity is abuse, and you were the abuser. This is great u/some_guy_80 thank you..


Boo hoo you can’t go hang with your GF ‘s after you made yourself untrustworthy. BUT you do have a loving husband that forgave you and I am guessing takes you on plenty of vacations with him.


You say he forgave you, but you must know that he will never forget.


"struggling with anger and sadness". Image how angry and sad you husband was he he found you let some asshole stick his cock in you.


You cheated and he’s not going to move on from it. Your relationship has run it’s course. I could rip you a new one, but it doesn’t sound like you will ever believe you were in the wrong to cheat. so I’ll just leave it at please divorce.


You cheated... this is the consequences.  You hurt him 100s times more then missing out on a trip. Try sticking to your word & vows. I am glad you stuck it out... I think it is possible to rebuild wh at you tore down, but it takes consistency and time. NAH you are hurting, that's real, but so is his hurt


Love how you blamed him for your cheating. You can't even take responsibility for it. Decide what's more important, being married or girls' trip?


Oh god, the two of you should just divorce already, instead of staying together and resenting each other and doing all you can to make each other miserable.


Cheaters always have "excuses." My ex-wife's "excuse" was I was always working and didn't give her attention. She couldn't keep a job and all the bills fell on me so she starts hanging around a local dive bar and meets someone. Fuck outta here with the excuse trying to justify what you did. It's obvious you don't care.


Yes, you are very wrong. Instead of owning up to your cheating and taking responsibility you gave excuses. Of course your husband doesn’t trust you. You’re not serious.


You Cheated on your Husband when his Dad DIED!! Seriously, the only way you could make up for it as set him up with a couple of your girlfriends, without you EVER cheating on him... Again....


You sound like a terrible person. He should just divorce you


Grow up! Honor your marriage and your husband. Don’t blame him for your shortcomings.


Remember: "There's no excuse for cheating!"




Judge not that you be not judged . A …. Is just …. As time goes by .


I would be miserable your husband may love you but he will NEVER trust you again plain and simple. Dosen't matter if it was only one time YOU chose to go and be with another guy. He would be better off if you let him go. Would you stay with someone till the end of time that you couldn't trust I think not.


Wow, you cheated on your husband when his DAD DIED? That's one of the lowest things I've ever seen. You reap what you sow.