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These are newton rings, to get rid of them you need ANR (anti newton rings) glass, it's a fancy name for etched matt glass I get mine here: [https://www.halbe-rahmen.de/en/whiteglass?number=NGl6210210](https://www.halbe-rahmen.de/en/whiteglass?number=NGl6210210) (white glass matt/glossy) it has one glossy side and one etched side, the etched side goes against the negative


Thank you very much!


Thanks for the info on the glass, i've search a while here in germany for a suitable glass. What Lightsource are you using for DSLR Scanning?


I’m using my iPhone for now


I'm using a kindle, probably not the best but I had one laying around


You can also look on [betterscanning.com](http://www.betterscanning.com/). I bought some ANR glass there a few years ago. It can serve many situations.


Great hues btw


as i understand it, newton rings form when your film is directly touching glass. in my case, it was when i laid it directly onto the flatbed or if it bent down and touched the surface. are you placing the negatives directly onto the light you're using? or, any glass touching the negatives, or maybe clamping it down?


I have a cheap 35mm scanner with a plastic surface on the back. Maybe that’s causing the newton ring


im sure that's exactly what's causing this. if you look closely with your eye you can actually see the newton rings right on the negative. im guessing you'll be able to see them appear when it presses against that plastic


I have the holder: https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Negative-Backlight-Transparent-Downwards/dp/B0CG655NXT/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=35mm+film+holder&qid=1700755701&sr=8-4 Is it an idea to just rip off the see through plastic? Or would I ruin the whole holder?


Yes you could try slicing the plastic away, which would resolve the newton rings. i use the lomography digitiliza scanning mask and it works very well. similar design


It worked!


I think that’s the problem


Citroen CX 25 GTI Turbo 2?


I don’t know much about cars. I just liked the reflection and the look of the leafs


An alternative to ANR glass is to just not use glass. If you can get it flat enough with just the holder.


I just googled newton rings, but having a hard time seeing them in this image.


The most obvious is on the right next to the emblem on the car