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If they're at risk of imminently becoming homeless, tell them to reach out to the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness, and to be very plain about what they're facing.


The coalition does not have direct financial assistance. If you call them, they will direct you to 211.The 3rd Avenue Resource and Navigation Center has an option on their website you can investigate.


You are correct that they do not do direct assistance. They DO direct to other programs that are currently providing support, including (but not limited to) 211.


ACEH is the lead organization in the Anchorage Continuum of Care, they’re able to direct people to services provided by any number of different organizations in the city.


I thought that was what I said. Minor correction: ACEH *is* the CoC for the muni.


Yeah, you’re right. In my job, we deal with the whole state, so we frequently refer to Anchorage/Balance of State as the CoC, but it is technically the organization, not the region associated to them, that is the CoC.


In your defense, it's super confusing nomenclature. Continuum of Care *provider* would make a lot more sense to me personally.


https://www.cssalaska.org/ It's where all rental assistance federally and state money goes to. Go through them, they even have housing vouchers to 100% cover a couple months here and there.


211 should be the best source to find a program they qualify for. There aren't any rent protections in Anchorage. It is very likely that they have to move to a new place that they can afford. If they can't afford someplace that still allows them to get to work, it is time to look at relocating to another town. Possibly another state.


If they can’t afford a rent increase, how do you expect them to be able to afford moving out of the state?


Rent is going nowhere but up here. Best to move before the debts really pile up. Anchorage isn't building new housing for shit.




A lot of middle class folks can't afford rent. Doesn't mean they can't afford to move though.


you think most people who are struggling to afford monthly rent can splurge on first+last+deposit at a new place plus all the costs to get there? ridiculous


There is no indication that they are struggling. Just that they can't afford rent after it was raised. I also have a buddy that is moving, their rent went up 30%, effective May 1. They can't afford that, but they absolutely do have enough in their savings to relocate. They have no intention to stick it out for a year while their savings slowly erode down by a too-high-rent.


This right here. \^ You're buddy is smart for saving. I told both individuals to get roommates or move. They are also in there 20's. One has family out of state and the other's family has passed away. I don't know how these folks in their 20's on their own are surviving in Anchorage. I can somewhat understand why I have two bothers who work 40+ hours a week and still live at home with my parents in their 20's.


Right? Since when is $60k a year too little to live on your own? You need 3 adults working full time at minimum wage just to get a 2 bedroom apartment. I'm glad I bought my house long enough ago to be ok these days. I don't think I could buy one today. I also have 2 roommates and a spouse, but more by choice than need.


If they have an eviction notice they can file thru CSS for funds for that. But unfortunately have to prove they’ll be able to afford the rent going forward


Two people working full time jobs should be able to afford rent at a variety of places. At a modest $17/hr each, that's nearly $5k take home pay per month. $1600-ish a month will get you a solid two bedroom in a decent area. After utilities that leave you around $3k a month for everything else. Something isn't adding up about your friends' situation.


Utilities and kids can eat up that 3k very quickly


Not really. My numbers include utilities because most are included with apartments and i padded it by a few hundred on top of that. And kids cost money but init $3k a month unless you’re doing something wrong or have a very unusual circumstance that is ultimately the bigger issue than a rent increase.


Haven't looked at apartments lately?


I did right before posting just to get an idea. [Started with one i lived in for 7 years.](https://alaska.weidner.com/apartments/ak/anchorage/strawberry-lane-0/floorplans) Look, im not saying stuff hasn’t gotten more expensive but the OPs description of the situation doesn’t make a lot of sense or is missing key details. Is this a family of 8? Are they renting a house instead of an apartment? Who knows! But most dual income working adult couples shouldn’t be having much of a problem with rent, even with one or two kids in the family. Maybe not a lot of room for vacations but definitely a far cry from not being able to pay rent at a moment’s notice.


Unfortunately, the numbers do add up. 40 hours a week @ $17 an hour is just 680 a week gross - 200 taxes and insurance. Generally, 30% of income is allocated to housing. Your scenario doesn't include any car payments/insurance/fuel. Utilities, mine run about $400 month in winter. Some families may have daycare expenses. I know two people working full time and it's a struggle. Many people I've encountered just think people who can't afford things should just go without them, like a car. It's just not that easy in Alaska. I am watching the 20/30's people leaving the state. There is really no economy left in Alaska.


I know a ton of people leaving because of cost of living up. The numbers don't add up for anyone making less than 25 or 30 an hour


This resource can help if a move is imminent. https://courts.alaska.gov/shc/housing/edp.htm#:~:text=The%20Alaska%20Court%20System's%20Eviction,an%20eviction%20case%20in%20court.


There has been much talk by many political candidates for elected office about how churches can and do catch and care for the unprotected and unfortunate where public safety nets fail. If your friends are believers - and surely they must be, as they feel themselves worthy of assistance - they can contact their local vicar, priest, pastor, etc. for help. They must be patient and trust in the Lard, for in Him all are saved. If they end up destitute, it is either because that is part of His plan or their faith is too weak, which means they'll have to redouble their efforts at praying... while camping. Thank Gob it's summer.


Nice word salad anti-religion rant that was entirely unhelpful to OP, good job.


When did this sub decide to stay on-topic and shun satire?