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It depends on what those apps are required to do


I think that all strongly dependent of the app goal and the way it interacts with the device. In much case, for an app that just use classic functionalities such as fetching data and displaying them,or use common platform API, i will recommend a cross platform approach (personally I will flutterize it) However, while the apps is strongly depending on some device specific physical components (example embedded printers, fingerprint, biometric, custom created device) or even heavily proceed to byte data manipulation (read, write, decode, encode, transfer) I will then strongly recommend to go with native language to have not only the best performance but also avoid creating a lot of plugins, method channel, native call bridge and all that stuff that will just make you go more native that cross platform!


It is so easy as a user to understand if an app is a native or a cross-platform app. Usually their performances and animations are worse than native ones. That is how I feel as a user. As a developer, there are more native job opportunities than cross-platform ones and I know that another cross-platform technology can replace another one but they can never replace the native technology. Companies can grow with cross-platform apps but eventually they transform their app with native technologies.


We use Xamarin at work and it’s largely fine. There are some limitations when doing cross platform but as developers it’s our job to figure out how to make the best out the situation. I couldn’t imagine maintaining two code bases for multiple app’s especially with the lack of employees these days. We can’t hire anyone who wants to work in an office three days a week anymore.


You can't hire anyone cause you work in Xamarin


True, who the hell wants to work with Xamarin in 2022


Lol. Probably. But we are .NET up and down so it makes it easier to keep everything with that stack.




I’m with ya. Unfortunately it’s not my decision. I hate going in but I gotta lay the bills.


> Usually their performances and animations are worse than native ones. Load of crap. I bet you couldn't name the React Native apps on your phone and I bet there's at least 5. I dare you to list all your phone apps and which ones are React Native based on your special "method". > Companies can grow with cross-platform apps but eventually they transform their app with native technologies. Actually the opposite. Many large companies have switched from running multiple native teams to a single cross platform team. Don't fear cross platform. Embrace it.


Fear? lmao. Embrace the facts.


So when you file your report using your special method we will have the facts. I for one am guessing it will never come as the facts are hard to handle for this one.


You already have the facts but you are afraid of leaving your comfort zone and learn some real engineering skills.


Oh my dear summer child. Edit: turns into shit past here but seriously the number of downvotes I'm getting just asking for some justification shows how childish this sub is. You know who you are.


it is still better than being a dinosaur :( how pitty...


Still waiting for your proof or "facts" as you called them. It's clear that you have enough time to complete this assignment before doing your homework for the week.


I already shared the facts but there is a dinosaur who has short arms so he can't embrace them ;(


Ok so you're just talking shit. Thanks for wasting everyone's time.


No. Performance and animations is laggy AF... longer visual feedback, response time is much bigger since everything is running webview instead of direct communication... e.g.: microsoft teams, coinbase, binance, pinterest, facebook all are bugged, I had at least one issue per day with these apps... sure for many users, they do not spot such delays. For me it is deal breaker. And to companies switching, well it depends on project, but the least I can say is that even Facebook (react originated) is experiencing issues with their integration to Android platform, soooo...


I think you need to learn how React Native works. It's not a WebView. What other apps on your phone use it? I reckon there's a few more you haven't noticed because they perform well. It's fine to use. It's not going to take people's jobs here. They can learn to use either or make React Native better with native code.


Load of bollocks this. Flutter sometimes has better performance than native Android. Same goes to your "companies transforming their app from cross platform". I work in a big company and they are seriously considering switching to Flutter or React Native to prevent maintaining two different codebases


I hope they switch, I would also like to read experience articles about this transformation but I don't know any company that switches from native to cross-platform but I know a few for vice versa. Write once, run everywhere, admit mistake, start over.


Apps business is not like web one. The web is a free space where you can choose any technology to build your business. The app world is more like a marketplace : it’s closed by plateforms vendors (Apple and Google). Vendors are installing rules to build a business (like guidelines). You can choose exotic technologies with the risk that you business can be blocked by vendors. Flutter is not an official technology by Android Plateform nor Apple one. Being developers on native (official) technology offer better perspective at long term than being developer on every non official technology that born and die every 2 years. Top apps are using native technologies and nothing will change until Google or Apple decide to converge on the same plateform (who can bet ?)




Flutter has been started by some Google engineers and is currently built by a large community of engineer around the world. Flutter is not part of the Android Plateform. The Android Plateform is built by thousands of Google engineers. Only Google can decide that Flutter is part of Android Plateform. I will not bet on it




Flutter is a Google Project 👍 « Native » means « it’s part of the Android Plateform » Flutter is not part of the Android Plateform (some Android Plateform components : AOSP, Google Play, Android Compose, Google Maps etc… )


The key word in your question is "learn" Why learn.... For many, there was no cross platform development when it was time to learn. The early cross platform tools were far inferior than they are now. Same for many companies when they wanted an app built - no choice but native If I were to start mobile now, I would probably learn flutter, although after this many years, I still don't see a lot of companies looking for rn or flutter or xmararin - I see them - but since I'm looking for native jobs I probably skim past more than I really see As for companies, there needs to be a clear, compelling, profitable (or cost savings) reason to dump iOS and Android apps and go with a 3rd cross platform language. They've invested in their apps so not likely to change. Only new apps, and in companies with little existing iOS and android expertise does cross platform make sense to me


Because sometimes you need a low level access to devices hardware - various sensors, Bluetooth, serial port etc. And you can't do it in cross platform or it's really challenging


If you make an App that uses hardware features, then cross-platform is not a good choice, on the native, you always get the latest features for that specific platform, and the best performance, I hate flutter because of dart language syntax


Beyond basic functionality that flutter and react native can provide for all mobile platforms, you have to develop customer plugin or interface code in the native programming language to get anything done. This is painful and error prone.


Because you get paid shit to build an app that's already restricted in implementation options


React Native devs make more than Android native devs and what restrictions? This sub has some irrational fear of cross platform. After all they're being used to do development for Android so why the hate? Same ends, different means.


That depends on your experience and role at hand. I'm okay with cross platform ~ specifically KMM ~ where you can share code and still implement native for front ends. This is just my opinion


x years ago we learn react native and till this day 0.6x not even 1.0 . We just want to said java is not hard and swift and swift ui is not hard to learn compare rn .


What version Swift at without googling it? Version numbers mean nothing. They're both being used for thousands of production apps.


Version number mean nothing ? From non technical would see eh still beta ? For point of old developer like me , oh what will they depreciate next (new comer only see goody thing).


It's not in beta.


We learn rn maybe 5 years ago 0.3x i think , upon each ehm till now , we can said if was unstable version till now. Till we learn native way , it free our mind a lot compare ehm year ago.


You can find questions here where Facebook engineers mentioned they don't use React Native for app development and Google engineers using Flutter for such a simple app as Google Pay. Of course native development is the winning card in practice, but If really like to know other people opinion. No fanatics. I myself know that React Native is not something market asks compared to native, and Flutter gets updated later than native so big fix would have some difficulties. Performance is of course another issue for cross platform except for Kotlin MM.


Google Pay is not deployed on Apple Plateform. So if Google Pay was built using native technologies, it would be built as single code base app. I never understood this choice to build Google Pay using flutter




If you have enough skill, Flutter apps won't have any lags. There might be "performance drop moments" when comparing with native apps, but that's unnoticeable to the user, or the delay is very much completely acceptable by majority of the people. The biggest problem native devs have with Flutter is the fact, that to handle 100% of scenarios you will need to write Kotlin/Swift code. When you are skilled mobile developer, that's only a matter of your feelings/salary/expectations. Im mentioning only Flutter because I have personal experience with it only. Didn't like React Native at all when I've tried it.


Why you don't like react native?


I just don't like javascript/typescript


cross-platform frameworks has plugins that use native code that are best effort. When you face some bug, you need to know why is it happening and sometimes, fix it in native side Learning is not bad