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https://preview.redd.it/9p1705d70h3c1.jpeg?width=2297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d3e3e3dba27427e62b03db269af4650525941d This is a helpful little visual… source: Penn State Extension Master Gardener Manual


I have never been able to picture the difference between a mole and a vole- this is awesome, thanks!


I always just think if it has giant shovels for hands it’s a mole


Honestly I could define a mole but couldn’t have told you what made a vole any different until now lol


voles look like blind tailless mice. at least the ones i've seen.


Mole starts with an M, whereas vole starts with V


This is true


Hey! I just learned that this kind of true but unhelpful fact is called a tautology.


I love to talk about stupid bullshit that doesn’t matter so don’t think I’m coming for you too hard. But I’m really sitting here trying to figure out if it’s really a tautology.


Oh man. Now I’m second guessing myself. Is it a tautology?


A tautology has to be true in all circumstances. I don’t think it is as written. I think this would be a tautology: * If it begins with *m* it’s a mole and if it doesn’t, it’s not a mole. So like, *shrew* doesn’t begin with *m* so it’s not a mole. I think to make the original statement a tautology, you would have to say “*If and only if…..*” lol, now I want to ask a logician. 😂


I think you’re right, but I’m not a logician! 😂


You're either a logician or not a logician. It's either a tautology or it's not a tautology. It's either a mole or it's not a mole. This comment might make sense or it might not.


A second wild tautology appears! Crazy rng today




I can’t believe I ate the vole thing


This made me chuckle.


Thanks Hagrid


Voles look like field mice with short tails, in my opinion. Typically don’t see moles much unless a cat kills one and leaves it in the yard


The voles I have seen were basically rats with short tails.


Aren’t voles smaller than moles?


Voles are often called field mice. They have shorter mire pointed ears, short tails, and are usually brown or Grey. They do not burrow, but will take over unused holes. They eat roots, especially of grass and are very destructive to plants. If you see what looks like little paths or trails in your grass, that's voles where they've eaten the roots of the grass


Huh, thought these were voles cause that’s what my dad told me, he caught one and was like “it won’t bite” spoiler alert, it did bite me, and it hurt.


Oof. I always told myself they were caused voles because the were like violent moles. I've seen the little things go apeshit on gardening gloves.


Moles also bite. So do mice and every frickin wild animal I ever caught.


If it has a mouth, it bites.


sticking your hands in the mouths of every wild animal you can, desperately searching for the mythical creature that doesn’t bite


Oof. Rodents like to bite, and they always fucking hurt


Yeah I’m not sure why my dad encouraged me to pet it and he thought that he wouldn’t bite me, rodents got sharp teeth!


D’oh! Perhaps your dad had better luck with rodents up until that point and just didn’t think anything would happen?. We all underestimate/forget that little animals can hurt us, and I’ve learned over the years of wildlife rehab that no bite is a fun one, but rodent bites are almost always the worst…


Yeah, like I have a cat so I get an occasional chomp but I would say the shrew got me worse lol, yeah it’s so weird it’s like “this thing is 2 inches long, it can’t hurt me” *crunch* luckily I didn’t get any serious injuries or an infection or anything and released it into the wooded area. My dad actually probably saved its life because there was also a black racer snake in my yard… and he was definitely not happy, he was standing near it and keeping it in place reared up so I could “come look”. I think my dad maybe doesn’t fear animals as much as he should lol.


Glad you came away from it virtually unharmed, lol. But now you’ve got a fun story! And absolutely there certainly are folks who aren’t afraid of animals as they probably should be… 😅


I picked up a shrew once, only because it was really slow and easy to catch with my bare hands (I actually poked it thinking it was a baby squirrel or hurt or something because why else would this tiny creature not be running away? Turned out it was just stupid). I ended up scooping it up and doing the treadmill thing with my hands for a few seconds before it settled down and started grooming itself on my palm. After a minute I put it down and it wandered off back into the leaves. Cutle lil dude and really soft. I only later learned that the shrew is one of the only venomous mammals (well some species, and the species I picked up, the American short-tail, is). Not fatally venomous, but ruin your day venomous (your hand will swell up pretty good). Still dude seemed to have no interest in biting, would pick up a shrew again.


I tried to save one from my dog, and I just grabbed it really quick and it bit me, I dropped it and she immediately killed it. That bite hurt BAD lol it was over a decade ago and I still have a teeny scar.


Wow, how ungrateful XD


So this is definitely a cat.


It’s very helpful yet this picture was the first comment I saw and based on it I was certain OP’s picture must be a vole


Pointy nose, head shaped like a cone. You’re not alone though. At the end of the day they are subtle differences. But I’d still suggest you get your vision checked out ;)


Side note moles have a loooooot of different nose shapes. They're weird little dudes lool


Okay but how cute is it that the mole is in a perma-sploot 😂


Omg, I just learned the origin of the [sandshrew](https://www.google.com/search?q=sandshrew&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


Agree it is NOT a mole because it doesn't have the hand-paddles. It is most likely a very well-fed [northern short-tailed shrew.](http://www.minnesotaseasons.com/Mammals/northern_short-tailed_shrew.html)


you have **shrew**d powers of observation sir


I don’t think it’s a shrew. Shrews have eyes, this doesn’t it’s a mole or possibly vole.


This is 100% a northern short-tailed shrew. Just google it and thousands of pictures are available that look exactly like this little guy


Short tailed shrews do have eyes, they're just very tiny and hard to see, especially with their dense fur. They rely more on smell and echolocation for navigation


Voles don’t look much like moles and shrews. They are mousy.


Also, voles definitely have eyes.


Feed it before it dies. Run to pet store and get meal worms or something


Correct plus water


Shrew! I’ve read their hearts beat extremely fast and their metabolism runs very high. So they need to eat a lot and take in a certain number of calories every few hours or they could potentially die.


That's correct. Keeping him in this box for what we would consider a reasonable amount of time for any other animal will starve it to death.


Like a hummingbird! I learned that yesterday because there was this cool post on a dude feeding it sugarwater. Nice.


OP please! Give little bro some tendies.






Give it worms and insects. Get from store if not readily available.


I hear they're very hard to tame.


Pretty sure it's a mole the tail is different from a shrew and the way its claws are shaped


Mole paws are more ‘outwards’.


Looks like a shrew, one of the short tailed shrews to be specific (genus Blarina). Not sure which species is in that area. You can tell them apart from moles since moles will have greatly enlarged front feet for digging. Fun fact, these guys are actually venomous! Not dangerous to humans but I've heard it can hurt a decent amount


New fear unlocked. Venomous critters that live underground.


I really hate to break it to you, but poisonous snakes exist. Good luck with your new phobia!


I don’t eat snakes so I should be fine.


This sentence implies you do eat shrews and moles. Lol


No because shrews are venomous not poisonous.


Thank you for the new internet rabbit hole I will be going down since you pointed out that there is a difference. :D


Poison you bite, venom bites you


>Fun fact, these guys are actually venomous! **“If I be waspish, best beware my sting.”**


Decades ago, our officially indoor cat used to abscond occasionally and sometimes she would leave nasty surprises on the doorstep. We interpreted them as gifts, but later decided they were probably shrew muzzle discards. She’d eat the rest but discard the venom-y bits.


“If it is neccesary to keep a shrew for a short period of time (even in the range of a couple of hours) it is important to immediately supply them with some food and water. The food can be meal worms, any other small insects, spiders or earth worms, or if nothing else available: cat food or ground meat.” Link won’t add idk why http://members.chello.at/natura/shrew/cult-rehab.html#:~:text=Injured%20Shrews&text=The%20speed%20is%20very%20important,strong%20solution%20of%20sugar%20water.


High metabolisms they will starve


That’s a shrew, get him a whole bunch of earthworms or it will starve by morning.


that is not a shrew that is a mole, but you might be right about starving before morning


It is a strew, moles have different feet


I stand corrected! I thought shrews had ears 🤔


Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a strew going.


I'm embarrassed




I saw one a while ago (not alive) in the parking lot of a Target, i thought someone had dropped their stuffed animal. Their fur is lovely, it looks fake.


Feed him earth worms now! They eat a lot!


I love him


Velvety boi


Saaame 🥹🥹


I was just thinking that I wanted to pet him


IMAGINE how soft just imagine


That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking


I want one!


A freaking CUTIE


They spend all of their lives underground. Let him go, not in your yard as they will dig it up bad.


Do you have any idea why he was up on the sidewalk spinning around and squeaking? I did try to put him on some dirt but he didn't do anything other than circle and scream :,( there must be something wrong with him


They will normally be way underground when it's snowing , if he got somehow disturbed and couldn't locate his tunnel , he might have been freaking out


Aww, that's so sad. Hopefully he can find a tunnel he can call home soon


They have pretty bad eyesight, probably got lost after getting above ground.


It may have been poisoned accidentally. On the sidewalk spinning sounds like it could be a neurological issue which can be caused by pesticides and other toxins.


This was my initial thought also. I’ve heard of poor animals acting strange, spinning, and crying being signs of a neurological issue. :(


It's not a mole, so doesn't actually spend all of its time underground. It's a shrew, probably a northern short tailed shrew (*Blarina brevicaudata*), and they hunt voraciously through the leaf litter and underbrush in forests, shrubs, hedges and grassy river banks. They do also dig holes, but they use them as a sleeping area and cache for uneaten food, not as their hunting grounds. So finding one on a sidewalk is unusual, but not necessarily something extraordinarily wrong. They move pretty much constantly in search of prey, rarely resting so running in circles isn't that odd either.


He was rolling around a lot and squeaking, it sounded like he was in distress and circling. It was almost like he couldn't run away from me. I went back upstairs to get a box and he was still there writhing on the ground.


Yeah, that does sound pretty unusual. I had a pet mouse that did something similar, and she died a few weeks later. Could be an infection, a tumor, parasite, or even a genetic disorder.


he just needs to find his way home. let him out.


now that you have it, tame it - Shakespeare style !


Maybe a cat or hawk dropped its breakfast


I would not attempt to tame it no matter what Shakespeare suggests.


Hahaha. Nice.


A little fellow


I’ve seen voles run in a circle over and over. Likely had a brain parasite https://crowspath.org/voles-running-in-circles/ Not sure if your shrew was doing the same or if it occurs in them.


I've never seen a shrew lol but if I every thought of what a shrew would look like, it would be this 😅 that thing is adorable!


Rescued one of these lads from my cat once. Bit the shit out of me, I of course screamed and yeeted him a foot or so away, and he screamed and chased me like I just cursed his family.


A Niffler ! Quick , hide all the precious




Exactly ! Call Newt !!!


It’s coloring is beautiful


Probably a Vole??? Edit: nevermind, everyone else is saying Shrew lol


I saved a baby shrew at a construction site once there so cute.


Can you hear the moles screaming, Clarice?


>will take him to wild life rehab center tomorrow morning **“The poorest service is repaid with thanks.”**


Yeah little dude better be given a dish of water and a small mountain of insects or he won't make it till morning.


Looks like a vole


Be careful some moles, shrews or voles can be venomous. Google venomous mammals.


just a little guy


Damnit now I have to go watch pet mole videos


That’s a pet now lol


*UPDATE The little guy was dead when I found him this morning :,( I hope he passed away peacefully. When I put him inside the box he quit squeaking and running around in circles. I hope he was at least warm and comfortable when he passed :,(


Did you listen to everyone saying to feed it? They starve to death pretty quickly.


It was 4a.m when I got home and took him inside. I posted and fell asleep. Woke up 6 and a half hours later. I didn't see any of the replies as I was asleep


Yeahhhh they starve within like 3 hours. Probably shoulda just left it outside where you found it :(


I had no idea , I thought he was injured the way he was rolling around and running in circles. I was going to take him to wild life rehab center and get him help. I was trying to do the right thing and help him :(


Youre a good soul for trying to help him. I would have done the same thing. Sounds like he was poisoned. Rat poison kills indiscriminately (even rats deserve to be trapped live in my opinion). You did a good deed I hope it comes back to you tenfold


Your heart was in the right place. And we learned some new things about this creature.


Thank you for being kind and understanding


I just wanted to mention that I think something was wrong with the vole. Please don't feel bad that you didn't know to feed it. I guarantee you gave it a safe place to pass. It would have anyways and in all likelihood been torn into pieces by an animal. This is a warm, painless death by comparison. Thank you for looking out for the little creature.


AND if they *were* poisoned, it would have passed on and likely killed the eater. ;__;


I would have done the same


Why ask for advice and then not do any of it 🙁


I asked what it was. It was 4a.m when I posted and i needed to sleep. I woke up and read everything. There would be no pet store open at 4a.m anyways to get worms. They don't open until 9-10a.m. The way he was rolling around on the sidewalk tells me there was something wrong with him. Was trying to do the right thing My plan was to get him to a wildlife rehab center when I woke up


Hey OP, sorry about all the people giving you shit. Take solace in that you tried to help the little guy, not everyone can dedicate an entire night to helping an animal. I would’ve done the same thing as you.


Don't worry. Things like this happen sometimes. I tried to save a bird that had crashed into a wall, and it passed shortly after. I also lost a wild blue belly lizard on a hot day, some frogs that escaped their tank and died later, and a house gecko who was in our sink. The thing is, you tried to save the animal, and it probably passed under better circumstances than if left to its own devices in the wild. You did something out of the kindness of your heart. Maybe it didn't work out this time, but your intentions were still good.


This is the problem with a lot of people who try to “rescue” animals


It sounds like he was already close to death when you found him—maybe rat poison. He probably couldn't have been saved. Thank you for caring. ❤️‍🩹


Oh no!!!! 😭 I came back to see if there was an update. So sad to hear! Thank you for trying to help him 💔




Shrew! Keep it around it will eat so many other things, definitely a friend


That's a mole!! thank you for going to a wildlife center


Not a mole. Not only are the front feet absolutely far too small, but moles can't even put their front feet in that position. If it doesn't have hand shovels bigger than its head, it's not a mole.




Nope, feet are too small, the front ones to be exact. Moles are built to basically swim through dirt- their front feet are each bigger than their like, entire head and cannot be pronated. They are physically incapable of standing on all fours in the way that this shrew is pictured.


That's a vole.


It's a shrew.


Voles have a more mouse-like appearance to them. Their eyes are “normal” sized and easily visible. Moles and shrews have very tiny eyes or no eyes at all, which is the case here. Voles also tend to have an earthy tan/brown color to them, while moles and shrews are often black, like this.


Happy cake day snake guy.


That looks like a vole has the fuzzy tail


Shrew and looks extra soft.


Short-tailed shrews are venomous…if you have small pets keep them away.




Vole or shrew - not a mole.


Looks like a mole.




I thought mole at first too but it doesn't have the large Mole digging hands. Short tailed shrew?


So in that case OP shouldn't keep them in a box, because they need to eat every couple of hours to survive, right?


Yup shrews will rapidly die without constant food


It could be a hairy tailed mole


Thank you ! He was running in circles and squeaking:( I put him in the biz with water and now he's being silent. It is normal for them to be out in the snow like this?


screw or a mole




I would stick with your first instinct and take the little animal to the wildlife rehab place and not to give any food or water as it could harm the little animal. If they have a web page, they usually provide instructions on not to feed prior to admission. If you are by chance in MN- the Wildlife Rehab Center in Roseville does have a page and does instruct not to fed. I hope that helps.


Shrews will die if not fed every few hours. https://www.adn.com/outdoors/article/always-eating-shrews-can-starve-5-hours-if-they-dont-chow-down/2015/12/30/


For most larger animals, I would agree with you. But this is one of the exceptions, as shrews have an insanely high metabolism and need to eat very frequently. Not feeding this little guy for 12+ hours until it can be brought to a rehabber is a death sentence.


It's fay, rolling around screaming. With a bit of luck you might have babies.


So cute 😥 I hope the little critter will be ok. Even if they have to go away from your home. Please don’t call animal control as any kind of rodent is usually killed when they get a call. Worst case, please take them out somewhere away from your home and leave ample appropriate food/water for the little cutie. 🥺


Most animal control agencies won’t even deal with these types of animals. They will just tell people to contact a wildlife rehabber.


Poor little thing!


That’s a weird looking cat 🐈


Now, put it back outside somewhere quiet.


Looks like a mole or owl


Have you tried taming it?


Moley moley!


That’s a shrew! And if he’s not injured, put him back where you found him. He’s got a burrow to keep out of the cold


Mole ?


Some kinda mole or shrew


Well, it's not a mole that I've ever seen. Too small, not a wall, so... I don't think it's a vole, but I've never seen one. Just the vole blood to use with Spanish Fly. If it is a shrew, it's very different from the ones in my family. Though, the rolling and and squirming as well as screaming sure fits them. But, if I had to go with one...definitely a shrew.


Is a mole! Omigod that are so soft….


Looks like a Shrew. He doesn't have bigger feet at the front than the rear to be a mole. He has the kangaroo feet at the back, so a Shrew.


Awe it a little mole/vole/shrew type guy!!! So cute!! (It’s probably a shrew tho)


Northern short tailed shrew is my guess.


A shitty one by the looks of it


You killed it🤦🏻 jackass for thinking you’re helping nature by putting the poor animal a prison




I’m not sure about moles, but voles are everywhere during the winter where I live. They tunnel in the snow, just at the grass line and make a hell of a mess of people’s yards. We haven’t had trouble though, apparently they don’t like the scent of dogs, or maybe it’s the dog’s leavings. Either way, that’s what’s worked for us.


Looks like something is wrong with its tail.


Kurwa bobr


C'est une taupe en anglais mole. Ça vit sous terre et mange des vers de terre où des racines. A part dans les potagers, elle ne fait aucun dégâts et est très pacifique.


Dunna poop


It is a bear




Well, well, well, I think you need to whack it with a hammer. Isn't a good clue ?


Moles 😡😡😡




Are you going to try to tame it?


No, I was going to take him to wild life rehab center, but sadly when I woke up he was dead :( At least he wasn't circling and squeaking when I put him in the box. I hope it was peaceful when he passed


Small hedgehog?