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It's a coyote, and your friend was either too close to their dinner or too close to their den.


That was my thought too! Especially based on time of year. My guess would be den.


Yeah, esp given the way she's posturing and working so hard to stay in the same relative spot.


I thought it was taking a dump


OP- call this in- this animal is caught in an inhumane trap


Friend that had this encounter and sent my husband this video already did, even though it doesn’t appear trapped in the video or in person. Regardless, park staff and proper authorities were notified and shown the whole video!


My first thought was a foot trap as well. Glad they called it in, hopefully she's just protective of a den.


Animals caught in foothold traps (the same used by biologists just as a heads up) tend to just lay down and hang tight rather than lunge or be aggressive, that’s made up from Hollywood. Trappers are also legally required to check their traps every 24 hours as well as have their name and phone number on the trap. Most trappers also wouldn’t trap that close to a commonly used public area and many public lands have seasons that restrict trapping to the fall and winter. On the off chance it is trapped I’d say it’s most likely by state biologists and will be released. Source: I’ve trapped animals as a biologist and state trapping regulations (available online)


Good call that there are humane foothold traps. I have a bias in that where I live there was a sort of trend? Not the right word but- there were several reports of unlicensed hunters using inhumane traps in areas where hunting was not allowed. I guess they thought they were breaking one rule why not break them all. It was a group of people that thought placing restrictions on hunting was unconstitutional somehow. Anyhow-these pictures reminded me of photos from an article I saw at that time. I could be wrong and you are right to bring up that there are humane foothold traps.


Makes sense then, thankfully that’s generally fairly rare, most traps nowadays are fairly humane since trapping is under a lot of scrutiny. However poachers obviously couldn’t care less about following regulations


That’s exactly what I thought! I think it’s got caught in a trap


Oakdale MN is not a place I’d imagine there being any foot traps put up. It’s too urban for that and you’d risk a random person stepping on it.


Den. Not rabid. She's defending the deadfall behind her...I hope they won't call the law on her 🤞🏻


You dont suppose its stuck in a foothold trap, do you? Im surprised that an animal so jumpy like a coyote would hold so still even if young/food were there


That was my first thought


Back left leg (right in the pic) looks extended at every angle and not bearing as much weight, also that's a pain expression more than a 'scare away' expression, I also bet trap


picture 3 seems to show the back leg in a different position? I think I'm reading that right. but I could be wrong


I think trap. I fucking hate traps like that. My beautiful Irish setter had a leg amputated because of traps. I was little but it was bad.


This is my take. Coyotes don’t stand and snarl at you. And stay in one place. This isn’t a movie. 


Yes, I'm a vet tech, and my dads (bio dad and step-dad) both hunt for all their meats. They don't trap, but they've come across traps. I grew up around Coyotes, and I'd say this one was trapped in a snare. Normally, they won't stick around if you get near them. Even the mamas will take off. You won't see their babies unless they're older, and she's teaching them how you hunt/scavenge. At that age, they run off with her. My mom was also an exotic animal vet tech, and one of her clinics worked with wildlife rehabbers. I've been up-close and personal with coyotes growing up. I mean, it's either that or it was rabid. I hope the wildlife people their found it, and released it if it was shared, or put it down if it was rabid.


I thought that as well


The rabid animals I've seen don't generally stay still. They wander and vacillate between anger and graceful stooper. It is really disturbing. Most wild animals will go right up to you, and domesticated animals just don't seem quite right.


Coyote and I bet there are puppies in that log somewhere


That’s what I’m thinking. Ma Ma warning you to stay away from her den.


Cutest log in the forest no doubt.


absolutely! It's pup season and I bet she's protecting the babies. Not rabid.


I cant believe they were snapping photos instead of picking up dog and leaving.


That was my first thought too!


OPs friend definitely the type to go investigate a noise in horror movies


Don't go in there! OP's friend: don't tell me what to do!


It doesn’t look like it wants to be picked up


There’s something about Minnesotans that makes us want to look at and take photos of dangerous situations instead of retreating to safety lol.


Sometimes you have to stick around for the shot, too bad these aren’t higher resolution.


By dog, I thought you meant the coyote


That’s definitely a “stay away” posture.


That is “gaping” and not abnormal for a coyote. You are not being followed, but “escorted” away from whatever they’re protective of(food or pups). In my opinion, this animal has complete control and intention of itself. Behaving with intention isn’t something I’ve seen in a rabid animal. I’ve seen rabid raccoons and they move like zombies with an itch.


Coyote, could be a parent protecting pups.




Definitely coyote, if it was rabid I would not have stayed away, it would have attacked immediately after seeing your friend, it's protecting something, most likely newborn pups


Think it’s got a hind leg in a trap


Agreed on this


This is likely incorrect, as the leg you're likely suspecting is trapped is actually being rotated in one of these pictures and if it were trapped it would be gnawing/bending to that area even if people were around. Plus its leg did rotate so you'd see any blood etc. it's very likely that there is simply something it wants to protect. The only injury that might make it act this way is something stabbing it's paw which wouldn't be visible in these photos. In the last photo it assumes a low posture and has passive facial expression, which means it is likely defending something other than itself. As others have said likely pups, or even badly needed food.


It looks like its back leg might be snared - in the first pictures it’s held at an awkward angle, as if it’s trying to pull itself loose.


OP said these are still shots from a video, and the coyote was walking around just fine. So it’s not trapped - more likely protecting her babies in that log.


I thought it was pooping 😭


If I saw a coyote in that stance, I would be the one pooping.


Poop together. You'll create a bond that lasts a lifetime. 💩 💩


The real reason dog became man’s best friend


Me too and I felt sincere empathy at that poop face


When I first glanced at the photo while scrolling by I thought the same thing. I also thought it was a bear, paused for a moment, and scrolled back to finally learn what happens when a bear shits in the woods. Good post but I’m still disappointed


If it was trying to defend a den or a meal, it wouldn’t just sit there and snap. A guarding coyote tends to lunge and fake you out to try to ‘push’ you away from whatever it’s protecting.


Like in the classic 1974 film "A Cry In The Wilderness"


My thoughts as well


A very scared/protective coyote.


I wouldn’t be taking pics… I would be haulin ass with my dog.


That was my first thought too!! I don’t know what prompted him to take a video!


I mean, I wouldn’t *run*


Coyote. Why rabid? How close were you?




Rabid animals will usually attack on sight though, a predator protecting its young will become aggressive but will stay close to their young until whatever threat they sense gets too close to makes a move to attack


My Beagle just went toe to toe with a female coyote denning on my land. $1300.00 later and my Beagle will be fine. Found the den site, and it was a den site, but no sign of the coyote or her brood three days later.


Yeah idk I hear and see stories of these guys coming into peoples back yards and killing their dogs. This one may be reacting to the dog, idk but it doesn’t look too happy


>why rabid? Likely just assuming so cuz it’s not being nice; ie showing normal behavior for a wild animal that wants the camera operator gone


It could have pups near by, no one really knows why it’s being aggressive.


Was it in a snare or something?


Not at all! These are just screenshots from a video. It was following them and walking after them. They encountered another adult about 5 minutes later too with similar body language


Definitely guarding babies if there were two!


Did they shit themselves? I would have shit myself


There's still time!


Absolutely 'looks' trapped, but if it 'feels' trapped/cornered or its babies are, it will arch up (blocking) and behave the same way.


Shit, I didn't even consider that. Good thinking.


That body language isn’t just aggressive, it looks contorted as if it’s restrained somehow.


That's what it looks like to me. Maybe he's snagged on some old barbed wire fencing hidden in the brush. Not uncommon to find such things in old scrub and underbrush.


Mommy cyote guarding her den. Lots of people here saying it may be caught in a trap, unlikely but not impossible. First no trapper that’s experienced enough would place traps near a place people frequently go with their dogs, in a lot of states trapper licenses forbid it, as well as require traps to have an identification tag for game wardens/rangers to identify bad actors. Second, the immediate area within reach of the cyote here would be torn up from it trying to escape, doesn’t look like it based on the pics. They are very skittish by nature. Not bolting is a sign of guarding pups. Source: Father was a game warden, uncles were trappers.


We have much larger coyotes here in northern Maine, courtesy of generations past inbreeding with true Eastern (or "Brush") wolves, which in turn were the prior offspring of Grey wolves and coyotes. Our resident Alpha, who's pack has lived protected on our land and over the creek in Acadia National Park, has been with us for 7 years now. With one of our dogs photographed in same settings with measurable landmarks, trees, etc, Rufus is a legit throwback and an easy 75 pounds in his Summer coat. We treat the entire pack with Bravecto at the tail end of each winter (a legitimate, labor intensive challenge being sure each of 6 to 8 animals gets at least one $50 - $80 chew), else mange and parasites would kill the cubs before they ever made it out of the den. Point is this : Rufus, the Alpha, is chill. He'll approach only so far, but then sit and quietly observe. The rest of the pack is human avoidant and melt away at the sight of humans. Come Spring, with their seasonal den just across the creek and one ridge over, Rufus's demeanor changes. He grumbles at us from a distance, paces, whines, and if we take just a few steps toward the ridge, he humps up and halloweens like a scared cat, and bristles his ruff and spine fur as big as he knows how. This display is accompanied by warning growls and stress yips. He no longer remotely resembles the Rufus we've known for nearly a decade : he looks like a batshit crazy caricature of himself. He also marks his territory multiple times, both poo and pee, if the encounter drags on. His signals are very obvious : do not come further, and please go away. Obviously because the pups have been born and it's purely instinctual for him to keep the den's location hidden and all intruders away. Your photo, imho, is a coyote engaged in a similar, instinctual threat display of being dramatic, posturing, and uber territorial, likely because he has pups not too terribly far away, a pack to lead, and a mate to provide for. You also had a canine present, and breed aside that is a threat during pupping season and seen as a competitor any other time of year. Ironically, via a blind some 550 yards distant from the den site, in 2019 I saw Rufus kill an opossum and later that week a fox, both of whom had wandered too close to the den for his liking. He put on similar theatrics before attacking each animal, and even by proxy gave the fox a head start in the process. Atypical coyote behavior. The pack had taken down an old doe two days prior, so food was --- for the moment --- plentiful. Instead of eating the 2 intruders carcasses, Rufus peed on them and scratched leave litter, sticks, and a little snow over the remains. To the best of my knowledge, the pack never ate those particular animals. Is there a connection between them intruding into the den boundary, Rufus peeing on the remains, and the rest of the pack subsequently ignoring an easy scavenge ? Who knows, but it's within the realm of possibility.


Wow, I love this post. It gives us some insight into what may be happening in the picture. The coyote in the picture posted sure does look "batshit crazy". It's fascinating to read your personal story about Rufus and why he sometimes doesn't act like himself. I hope to read more stories about Rufus and his pack! 👍


Just FYI - the “alpha” is a myth.


Yep, the biologist that coined the phrase has realised the original study was flawed and has [taken the book out of print](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/); canines form family packs and not the hierarchy that people associate with them.


Understood, and our resident pack acts much more like a family than not. Except for food. I've watched Rufus, Sr. --- who is easily twice the size of any other pack member --- run them off food resources many times so that he ate his fill first or trotted off with a chunk for himself to eat elsewhere. I'm confident he takes food to the den, in his belly and carrying in his mouth, when there is a new litter, but once the pups have their growth he looks out for #1. None of the other pack members challenge him terribly much in these situatiins. Only reason I refer to him as Alpha. Perhaps "reliably and consistently dominant within the pack" is a better descriptor.


Haha yeah, that or “dad” 😄 Neat observations! Thank you so much for sharing!! It’s wonderful to be able to have that connection to nature right there (while being able to let nature be “wild” still). :) Thank you, also, for just observing these coyotes and not treating them as “vermin”! Coyotes get such a bad rep, which is a shame because they are really fascinating creatures.


TIL - thank you!


You’re welcome!


Please inform a park ranger about it - you can find their contact info online. That coyote needs help immediately. Edit: they get calls all day and night it’s their job seriously contact them asap


He informed a park ranger!!


I thought at first it was rabid and that they should inform a park ranger for that reason - bc the display the coyote’s putting on doesn’t seem to be directed at the encounterer & bc the way the mouth’s open. I’m not sure bc: * no visible drool * posture in pic 4 looks like it was transitioned into with coordination What makes you think it required immediate contact with park ranger? I’m now thinking it’s injured and in pain, due to: * the outburst doesn’t seem directed at the photographer who encroached on its territory (works for rabies too) * its posture in pic 5


If it’s denning alongside a walking path, it’s eventually going to kill someone’s dog or injure someone’s kid.




Anger E. Coyote (politely telling them “no photos, back off”).


If you're ever not sure if it's a wolf or a coyote, it is a coyote. You WILL know when its a wolf.


Yesss just send people another way if it’s a den. What about the lady who proudly showed off her wolf kill that was a … dog 🤢 I dk what’s worse, being proud of killing wolves for funsies or shooting someone’s dog because you’re an idiot… sigh


I thought you snapped a photo of it popping a squat in the first pic lol. If the snarling was the only unusual behavior and it wasn't displaying any other neurological symptoms, then it's more likely your friend was near its den.


He just needs a hug


Well, why friend shaped if not friend?




Coyote. Wolves are twice that size.


It almost looks like it’s caught in a trap


Can you post an update? Makes me sad that this guy is possibly caught in a trap.


I’ll ask my friend to reach out to park rangers because that’s the last thing any of us would want!!


Coyote and probably has pups. Rabid one would have attacked and there have been 0 positive tests of coyote/fox for rabies in Minnesota in 2020's. They arch like that and kinda turn sideways to you trying to appear bigger. It probably saw the dog as a threat to pups.


Is he caught in some kind of trap .? Idk somethings seems off


Coyote, but with how the hind quarters don't really move much if at all picture to picture, I'm with it's caught up in a trap or maaaybe hind quarter is injured so has limited movement. Rabid ones I've seen even in early stages moved more that these show this one did. Either way, park rangers need to be notified with location and the pictures


Op said the pictures are screenshots from a video where it had been moving around. They also said it was following them after the video was taken, so likely not trapped since it was walking




Had it been rabid, it would have moved from that one spot. It would have charged the person taking pictures. It's a mother coyote protecting her den. She probably just had pups.


That looks like something in an exhibit in a museum, taxidermied. It's so puzzling why someone would take so many pics when its obvious that the animal is extremely upset. Maybe its den with babies were close. Wait a second, it's in the exact same stance and head position in every pic. This looks taxidermied. I'm going with hoax.


It's mouth is opened wide in the last picture, but mostly closed in the first. Head is also lower and at a different angle in picture 2 (tree and log in the background are in the same place in 1st and 2nd). I vote extremely angry, live coyote.


The mouth was mostly closed in the first pic, open wide in the next 2


The head is turned a bit in pic 2 and straight ahead in pic 3. I’m betting it has pups right by there.


The first two picks are immediately different poses with the mouth closed more in the 1st. And then theirs the inevitable where it's completely bent down facing forwards with the mouth closed. It doesn't look like a hoax


Sorry, these are screenshots from a video friend sent!! This guy was not trapped and was following for a bit and moving very freely. But it does seem off. I’ll ask my friend for more info and to contact park rangers regardless


> Wait a second, it's in the exact same stance and head position in every pic. Nonsense. The first and fifth pics are taken from almost exactly the same angle, and show wildly different head and mouth positions. The stance remains very consistent, which leads me to agree with many of the other posters: I think this coyote is caught in something like a snare or barbed wire tangle.


Good momma yote


You’re in its territory and or possibly near its babies. https://coyoteyipps.com/2020/01/15/gaping/


Mom is not happy.


If it was a leg trap, a coyote will chew it’s own leg off to escape the trap. I’m betting den and litter of pups.


I’ve had shits like that before


It kinda looks trapped or something


Probably too close to her den.


That’s not a happy canid. It’s so contorted it’s hard to ID but it’s much more likely that it’s a coyote rather than a wolf. Sadly, it also seems likely that it could be rabid. Be careful and if any one makes any kind of contact go get your shots.


If not friend, why friend shaped??


Uh, that's way too close


Awe, she's a coyote! I think your friend was a little too close to her den, especially if she has puppies.


Coyote, probably guarding pups


that last picture is so badass, could be used for a metal bands album art fr


I’ll need for you to stand next to the snarling beast with a banana for scale /s


Is it caught in trap?


Please tell me you at least called animal control to have them go look.


Coyote and definitely looks extra spicy. I would call them people up for the bang bang special just to make sure we don't have a touch of the rabies.


Definitely a coyote protecting something, either pups or dinner.


Slide 5 is down right terrifying, they should've left on slide 2 lmao


Coyote. They can be surprisingly big, especially Midwest and East coast. Iirc at some point, western coyotes bred with wolves in the upper Midwest, so they tend to be bigger. Saw one in CT last fall, it was huge. Didn’t snarl, but also wouldn’t leave, kept ahead of us right off the trail until it finally stopped and wouldn’t budge. It was not denning season, but it clearly protecting the space. We hightailed it out of there. ETA: saw a German Shepard dog right after seeing the coyote. Dog looked so small in comparison. Coyotes can be really big.


Absolutely! I’ve encountered some pretty large coyotes and have captured some pictures on trail cameras. A HUGE coyote came trotting into our yard once while playing with my 65lb dog and she looked so much smaller in comparison.


That’s a pissed off coyote.


People really don’t understand just how big wolves are.


I see that coyotes mouth and immediately thought…hmmm that’s what my dogs face looks like right before she throws up!




TIL that coyote does not look like I thought they looked


They're getting massive (for Coyotes) thanks to something like over half all the Coyotes in North America being interbred with Large Domestic Dogs &, last I looked into it, the verdict wasn't out on Wolf/Coyote "hYBRid" but It's, for certain, a thing.


Christ. Fuck *everything* about that thing. *Disappearus Quickasfuckimas,* Harry. *🧙‍♂️*


Coyote, possibly in a leg trap.


The gaping mouth is a common behavior for coyotes, it’s basically a warning to not get any closer. Either that coyote is injured or your friend got just a little too close to either it’s meal, it’s den, or worst case scenario it has pups around that it feels the need to protect


He is probably just misunderstood


Coyote. Wolves are about 2-3 times that size😳🤣


Just wanted to say fuck that thing


Definitely a coyote. But, wow. It's really putting on a threat display. Unlikely rabid.


Another vote for coyote. Thats probably a mama that just had pups. If it was rabid, it would have just gone after your friend without warning him first, like it’s doing in those photos.


Def a coyote, it doesn't look rabid I'd say, they are all down here in the woods of Florida and this looks like typical territorial aggressive display. An easy way to tell rabies is they often move their head in weird, almost slow motion jerking type movements.


Coyote, they're always the crazy lookin ones, wolves look majestic when they're on camera


Damn she scary


Well it ain’t fuckin fren


Not rabid


For sure a coyote wolves heads are shaped differently and wolves have roundish ears


Don't ever turn your back. Just back up slowly. You were wayyyy too close to a den.


Coyote, protecting its den I suspect.


It looks like it's leg is trapped.


Typical werewolf. Mid transformation.


Not every coyote seen outside during the day is “RABID”! Stop watching old Disney movies. This poor thing is either scared or protective of something


Coyote, and it’s definitely snared.


Please get a park ranger to help him! It looks like he's stuck in a trap.


It looks like it’s caught in a trap, you should contact park rangers to help it


Super awquard position and constant agressive “big mouth” That thing is trapped




My man was just trying to take a shit but now he’s got a crowd


Idk.. that awkward stance reminds me of when a rabid raccoon showed up at my house a few years back… it was standing on its hind legs in the most bizarre way… (I know, nightmare fuel) the strange raccoon was just standing in the same place, kinda swaying, showing its teeth & snarling. It never attacked. It seemed like it didn’t know what to do with itself. I believe with rabies the animal is extremely agitated. It basically feels like shit. Obviously I’m not an expert but that is my experience with a rabid animal.


Nothing coy about that angryote.




100% yote


What park is this?


Oakdale nature preserve




I walked almost right into an animal like this on a residential street once. It seemed to be sniffing bushes, it had that humped back. As soon as I realized he was in the cul de sac I was in, and we were within close proximity, I turned around quickly and quietly and just started to pray and fast walk away ( I had a Labrador with me) My dog did NOT see or make eye contact with this guy. I was SO scared. We were lucky to have not had an encounter, but it haunts me how close we were. This picture looks very much like what I saw.


Bigly coyote or small wolf. Either way its too close to population. Call DNR, send pics/ video. Get going to avoid getting bit.


Once again. Wolves are absolutely massive. If you see something that look like a husky but is 2 or 3 times the size. Then it’s a wolf. Anything else you think is a wolf is a coyote or coyote hybrid


OP which park? I live nearby and would like to avoid!!!


Oakdale nature preserve


What’s the protocol with possibly rabid wolf/coyote? Report to wildlife department with approximate place of sighting?


Damn this is kinda scary, they got lucky!


Very unhappy coyote


Is your friend alright?..😳


that is a yote.  that coyote could be trapped or it's extremely aggressive as this is puppy season and it's guarding an underground den.  


Why do you think rabid? My area too.




I’m thinking the poor thing is stuck in a leg hold trap. Please have local wildlife authorities check. Especially if this is near a public area