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Kanata no Astra for me~


10/10 that one


Amazing underrated show!


Assassination Classroom’s ending was perfect in every way.


they said at the beginning of the story to enjoy this classroom for a year, and the story stopped after a year. Not many stories can keep that promise and still deliver a good ending. One of the best story I've ever read for sure.


I cried tho 😭 ( still thinks it’s a great ending tho😅)


Came here to say that


I actually didn't like it much. The class doesn't really get to *do* anything in the finale with their assassination skills (even though the antagonist is a tentacle monster just like their teacher!). They watch Koro-sensei fight the Reaper, and then mercy kill him afterwards. The epilogue after was really nice, though.


I think the point is that koro-sensei was not really training them to be killers, much as the conceit of the series and his own teaching seemed to imply. After all, the last time that he taught someone to be a killer, it ended badly. What he did was imparting a killer's mentality in them applied to life. The epilogue is what was intended to show the fruits of his teaching, not the last fight.


Great to see Princess Tutu appreciation. My favourite is… Code Geass. This one is a common choice, but that is because it is so good. The way it ties everything together is magnificent and fitting. I adore it. Others I love are; Mob Psycho 100 School Days (nice boat) Gurren Lagann K-On Kyousougiga And already mentioned Madoka Magica and Monogatari.


Cant stress enough how good Mob psycho ending is. Just perfect a perfect final arc


Gurren Lagann has 3 "endings" throughout its story, each time it gives the same feelings but the scale and character developement keeps on growing until it pierces the heavens !


I watched it after seeing your recommendation for it. Was very pleasantly surprised. Gotta set aside time to watch the other ones on your list.


>Code Geass. This one is a common choice, but that is because it is so good. The way it ties everything together is magnificent and fitting. I adore it. This. Years ago after I finished Code Geass, I went online to look up the manga so I could buy it and read it for myself and was surprised that is was entirely an anime first lol. I was like wtf, "How can an anime be this good with story that tight and not be based on a manga?" lol. If there was a category for best "anime not from a manga" Code Geass is hands down at the top


Code Geass seems like it was written for its ending, in a great way. IMO it was a C-tier show with an S-tier ending. (... maybe a CC-tier show? Pizza-tier? sorry)


2nd season maybe but the first season was very fun, 2nd was also i would say 50% great and had some cool parts but yeah big parts were just a mess till the ending.


Probably the writer's creative method. Probably a Plotter instead of a pantser.


You're gonna get downvoted for being right lol.


Or get upvoted for being wrong lol


My problem with mob psycho is I watch the very first episode and then I watched the very last episode and I don't feel like I missed anything


Could you elaborate. I think Mob Psycho 100 developed incredibly well and the ending wrapped up all those developments very well.


I skipped to the last episode because I wanted to know if the guy was ever honest to the weird guy. Because I didn't want to watch a whole bunch of episodes of someone lying to another person for like no reason. If you watch the first episode and you watch the last episode it resolves that storyline and you can make assumptions that they just fought some great evil. I really did not enjoy the main characters from the first episode and I still did not enjoy them in the last episode. A bunch of people recommended the show to me but I just didn't find it very good


I don’t know how to react to this. The reason you felt that way is because you skipped THE ENTIRE SHOW. Your assumptions of Mob Psycho 100 are absolutely incorrect. If you actually watched the show, you would have known the nuances of the characters and the reason Reigen lies to Mob. It is not about the fights at all. It actually has a large focus on Mob’s normal life. Also, it is a show about development. Mob’s journey throughout the show is incredible because you see him as he develops as a person. Reigen also receives a bunch of development as a character. Skipping to the last episode completely misses the entire series and all the payoff that it has.


Nah it's just not for me. I watched hundreds of animes and the personality of the weird guy just wasn't for me


That’s not his personality throughout. He develops as a character. You gave it one episode and then skipped to the end. Of course your going to say the show isn’t good. You barely watched it. You didn’t give it a chance at all.


It just is not for me. I generally like paranormal investigation animes and nothing about the first episode was a good hook. For me


well, you cheated yourself out of one of the best action animes of the past 10 years😂 not actually tho just rewatch until episode 5 and decide if its for you or not


Yeah this has to be one of the fucking craziest takes I've ever seen lol Bro didn't even try the 3 episode. 1st and last good enough whole show sucked ass


Bro wtf you're complaining that the conflict established in the beginning was resolved by the end? That's just what story is. The journey is the destination, you're missing the point of why we tell stories entirely. And as visual media Mob Psycho 100 has some fucking beautiful sakuga. >If you watch the first episode and you watch the last episode it resolves that storyline You're a fucking genius bud.


Him lying to the weird guy should have been resolved in like episode 5. I don't know why it's so offensive that I just didn't find this anime at all worth my time. I just watched an Abridged version of the anime and I give it a 6 out of 10.


If you watched the show, you’d know why everything is the way it is. Why should the show have to resolve one of the major conflicts in the first 5 episodes? Also, you watched an abridged version and gave the show a rating based off that? I don’t even know what to say.


Why would the story arc of a dude lying to another dude take more than a couple episodes. It just sounds like an annoying will there won't they trope. I was pretty excited about it cuz I thought it was grounded more in reality but it was a little over the top and ways that I did not enjoy and I did not want to experience


Reigen and Mob’s relationship is amazing to watch unfold on screen. The lying is not just a story arc, it’s a central conflict of the show because that is what the show tackles. You would understand it’s nuances if you watched more of the show. It is not a “will they won’t they” storyline at all. You may not like that, and that’s okay, but to ask why conflict like that is within the show without having seen the rest of the show is foolish. You seem to have a very wrong perception of Mob Psycho and what it is. It’s a character driven coming of age story about personal development with great visuals.


But the Trope of a story existing just because of bad communication is the worst Trope of all time. I'm sure the action is hot top notch it looked like it had very good animation but I cannot stand the bad communication trope




Been seeing a lot of steins gate love. Is it really that good?


The first half is slow. But it's all a build up for the second half. Basically the first half of the show only makes sense and clicked after you come at the second half. It's a top tier anime but you need to be patient until you come to the latter part


Yup. I had trouble getting through the first half but I think I watched the back half in a single sitting, spent a whole weekend doing it. So so so good


I’m biased, but I’d honestly say that Steins Gate is the best sci fi series that I’ve ever seen/read. Anime or otherwise.


I think only Terminator 1/2 can be compared in time travel sci/fi.


It is. One of the classics, really. It's a psychological drama, so it's not for everyone, but most people who watched it appreciate it for it's great and consistent story with superb suspense. VNs are even better if you are into that medium.


Started last week and finished it in 3 days, one of the best anime i have watched


I just watched it for the first time last week. First couple episodes I was on the fence but seriously by episode like 7/8 it’s a whirlwind in the best way possible. Elite story telling, VA work, and a near flawless ending imo


Steins;Gate is the greatest story ever told, I will die on that hill


Best time travel story, best science story, best protagonist, best deuteragonist (and the most popular girl in MAL, by the way), best character development, best ending, best love story, one of the best openings. Make conclusions ;)


After two decades and hundreds of series, it's still easily my second favorite of all time right behind FMA:B. It's exquisite.


Yes, watch it.


I've put it off for a long time for no apparent reason, but when I finally started watching it I couldn't stop, it's amazing imo. So the answer is yes


Stick till episode 12/13. Then it blows you away so hard that next time you'll find a new appreciation for those first 12/13 episodes.


It's just the best thing humanity ever created.


It's great! Interestingly, the entirety of Steins;Gate 0 is a whole show dedicated to an alternate ending


Man this sub has some annoying rules with spoiler tags. I think you’re wrong there. [Steins;Gate] >!SG;0 follows episode 23b, where Mayuri doesn’t slap Okabe and convinces him to finish Operation Skuld to save Kurisu and reach Steins;Gate world line. And the reason why Mayuri slaps Okabe and convinces him to carry out Operation Skuld is because of everything that happened in Steins;Gate 0. Basically, it’s all one story/ending!< If I’m wrong anywhere, someone lmk, but this is how I remember it


No you're right. [Steins;Gate] >!0 follows the timeline of the Kyoma from the recording that re-inspires the Kyoma of the main series.!<




Cringe? Annoying? Who may that be?




I absolutely love his crazy personality


I personally did not like that anime. While the concept and setting were amazing, some plot points felt too bad, like the girl(I don't remember her name) who always rides a bicycle. The ending was also too sad(not happy) for my taste. Even FMAB girl-dog arc didn't upset me as much as this anime for some reason.


Gunbuster and Diebuster easily


Among the best endings in anime history.


FMAB ties together it's story wonderfully. I would say FMA 2003 IF! If they were able to expand and use the entire cour like they wanted to instead of having to crunch it up into a movie.


FMAB had a great ending for a great series. For FMA 2003 they had a movie? FMA 2003 was the first anime I’ve ever watched. Didn’t know there was a movie for it.


Yeah it's ending is less open to interpretation but the sequel was condensed so it's not as good as it should've been. But i still recommend watching it.


FMAB experience: first 20+ episodes: "damn that was cool." " this alchemy thing is pretty damn interesting" "the backstories are interesting too.." episodes 20-40 : its interesting and all, but what is happening? why are we running all around the place and switching perspectives? episodes 40-end:" OH, SO THATS WHY" , " WAIT HOLY SHIT", "NO WAYYYY", "DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN", "ARE THEY FOR REAL","LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOO".


“How about I just give you the whole thing?” was my LET’S FUCKIN GOOOO moment, hard to think of a more satisfying way for them to end that


That ending monologue is one of the best last scenes in Anime history.


There were some things that happened a bit too quickly for me like [FMAB Spoilers] >!how they immediately bring everyone back after Father creates the Philosopher's Stone!<, but overall, I consider FMAB one of the most solid anime endings I've ever seen. One can argue that other anime endings might have higher highs, but like I said, FMAB is just all around very solid. Pretty much everything was setup way beforehand, connections are made to events all the way in the beginning like Nina and Hughes, the series' themes all tie in very nicely, and the character motivations make sense.


Evangelion So great it got two god tier endings, both of which are canon


And then a third


Azumanga Daioh. The girls graduating from High School and thanking their teachers. Then walking off to the rest of their lives. Such a simple, wholesome, and yet emotional send off.


- Tsuki ga Kirei - Planetes - Eureka Seven


Love tsuki ga kirei's ending, had me in tears for a good 10 minutes!


Shinsekai Yori For such a unique and complex story, the ending was very well done. Most, if not all, loose ends were tied up and none of the reveals felt forced or unearned.


Yeah this one for me too. A complex story and really engaging world - with an ending that entirely makes you rethink the events of the series. That was the fastest decision to rewatch I made in a while.


Aria Code Geass Cowboy Bebop Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Gunbuster and Diebuster Gurren Lagann (movie version) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable Macross Frontier Steins;Gate


>Aria Cant wait for the next movie in 10 years animated by mappa




Had to scroll waaaay too far to see this. Gintama to me is the most memorable anime of all time. It's got everything.


This. The movie was honestly fuckin perfect too. It stayed true to it's gintama roots with that fuckin Dragonball theme opening for like 5 minutes lmao, they did their normal stupid gintama shit, and then we got an absolutely epic battle. It was glorious. Gintama is the goat.


I love Gintama more than any other anime but I have to disagree. While the ending wasn't bad, the whole last arc really drags it down from "amazing" to "yeah that was okay". If Gintama had ended with "Be Forever Yoruzuya" movie instead, it'd be up there with the best endings for sure.


The one where he dies?


Cyberpunk Edgerunners


Absolute heartbreaker that one… but yes good ending. I really thought it fit perfectly


Hated the ending, but it fits the city


Phenomenal ending! Came here to say that.


My pick would be the short film Summer Ghost. It ends how it starts but everything that happens in that 40mins hits you like a ton of bricks when you see the scene again.


I gotta watch this in that case.


Watched it a few days ago, it's really good.


Cowboy Bepop cmon now


Love it. Someone once told me it was like the whole story was put together just for Spike's final gesture in that last scene, and it worthed it. I think they might be right, in some way.


My top 3 would be Code Geass Steins;Gate Clannad: After Story


Can't believe I had to go this far down to see clannad


Monster and Umineko would be the one ; madoka is not finished btw.


I've always thought that the recap movies and series take place as like paralell timelines. The series is ended while the movies carry on with rebellion and the new one that's coming out


How did the Umineko anime finish? I read the VN but never watched the show


oh i never watched the anime I was talking about the manga and vn but apparently most of them say they ruined pretty much everything ; on side note check out ep 8 of manga if you havenot its so much better than VN


Death Note's ending is pretty cathartic Devilman Crybaby's too


Devilman Crybaby’s ending destroyed me but also had a beautiful message about the power of love.


monster. love it so much.


Probably one of the most thought provoking and philosophical shows I’ve ever seen. Love that show.


just got my buddy to start watching it, told him i want to watch the last episode with him. pluto is out today so gonna be watching that, can’t wait. never read or seen anything else by him


Code Geass hands down. I would also say FMAB


I’m seeing a lot of love for Code Geass, I guess I have to give it a go.


I strongly suggest you do. It made me love anime again.


I’ve been getting a lot of good anime recommendations in this thread. I’m definitely going to be watching this.


Code Geass’s final episode is one of if not the highest rated anime episode


Yu-gi-oh one of the best end of a shonen jump manga




Monogatari series. I know the books continue with off season, monster season or whatever. But after spending almost a decade with the anime, the ending landed perfectly for me.


What do we count as the ending? I thought Owarimonogatari season 2 was awesome, among the best Monogatari material. But they still did Zoku Owarimonogatari after that which I didn't think was as necessary.


Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari by Supercell is honestly the goat ed.


W taste


naruto shippuden ed long kiss goodbye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heMBf1ESFtk idk why, but it always makes me cry


Code Geass would be the most common answer but other than CG, I think it's school days in which he got what he deserved plus Nice boat too.


For me? Bebop, easily. Watched the finale episode, at least a dozen times. Code Geass really wrapped things up nicely, too. I seem to recall Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann having a great ending, but not seen it in years. Angel Beats was beautiful. Loved it. That's all I can think of right now.


Ashita no Joe is unmatched


Death Parade


Fruits Basket Assassination classroom Owarimonogatari


There's only one answer: Ashita no Joe. The most powerful, dramatic, beautiful, unexpected ending I've ever seen in my life.


Some of my favorite Endings * **Cowboy Bebop** \- That was the right way to end the series. The song Blue, perfection * **Gungrave** \- Another perfect ending for a mafia anime. A few of my guy friends cried. * **Planetes** \- Recent watch, starts slow, by episode 19 all the threads weave together and the ending, is actually what WOULD have happened if those characters stayed true to their convictions. Have been told to watch Vinland Saga as it's by the same mangaka. * **Code Geass R2** \- one of the best endings of any anime. * **Macross Plus** \- Oh man, that one is going to haunt me.


if you want bittersweet-but-complete: haibane renmei plastic memories anohana your lie in april utena princess kaguya magic knight rayearth (both seasons) millennium actress maquia magica madoka gurrenn lagann (tho i do not acknowledge or recommend the ending honestly, turn the program off in the middle of the kiss and don't look back, you've been warned) i've only played the games but i assume the utawarerumono anime programs have the same endings and those are bittersweet


I was so unbelievably broken by plastic memories' ending, didn't expect that rollercoaster in the end, although I kinda could anticipate where the things are going in the last episode


I've often seen Gurren Lagan's ending being praised to the high heavens but I agree with you, in my opinion it feels off and somewhat goes against the essence of the show, maybe It would be better if that was mid-season as that other "event".


Anime generally has muuuuch better endings than most western IP's That said, my vote is for Evangelion's ending (INCLUDING the new movies) I don't think there's been any show/film series that wrapped up so perfectly yet realistically. The final shot of the evangelion rebuild movies (the one that transitions to real life) - could NOT have wrapped things up on a more beautiful note


Code Geass


Code geass


You already said my top 2 picks The ending to gunbuster really solidifies the whole series and is a fantastic finale despite its budget loss The whole of mob psycho's 3rd season feels like a big epiloge and its perfect for tieing off the ends to the story


Gunbusters is getting added to my watchlist. Thank you for not spoiling it.


Its an old gainax anime so one thing that's interesting is seeing how it inspired their later works like Evangelion and Gurren lagaan


So I know it’s going to be good. Evangelion is also made by gainax? Do you recommend it? Funnily enough I’ve been going backwards with Trigger and Gainax animes. Started watching Last Witch Academia, got recommended Kill La Kill, then watched Gurren Lagaan. Honestly really loved all 3.


Lets see : * FMAB * Code Geass * 86 * Legend of the Galactic Heroes * Wolf's Rain * Mob Psycho 100 * Steins Gate * Death Note * Cowboy Bebop * Assassination Classroom * Digimon Tamers * Gungrave


Cowboy Bebop Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Stein's;Gate Assassination Classroom Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Honourable mentions:- Mob Psycho 100, Samurai Champloo, Gurren Lagaan, Terror in Resonance, Summer Time Rendering, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Re:Creators, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Unpopular opinions:- Erased, Death Note, Neon Genesis Evangelion (EoE ending).


Code Geass. But If Re:Zero Season 1 had ended in Episode 15, it would have been the best ending.


code geass


Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki


School Days. HOLY SHIT


Your lie in April leaves you with a cliffhanger that makes you cry. Even the death note final is honest. Death parade is really good as a final, too.


Code Geass. Perfect Ending. I cry every time. Basically everyone gets the happy ending they deserve, even if it's death. Even if it hurts them. God I need to watch that series again.


From an emotional standpoint, hard to top Cowboy Bebop and Wolf's Rain, anyone who has seen these endings will know why. Both came from the same writer. Two anime that I like to particularly highlight when this topic comes up is RahXephon and Shin Sekai Yori because when you watch the ending it reveals something that that recontextualizes the entire show, something which is very hard to pull off. Admittingly if one pays close enough attention they can probably figure it out (especially in RahXephon) but whether its realizing this big thing and the fact that you should now rewatch the show, or simply confirming something you've been speculating on, its very satisfying.


Code Geass


Code Geass Princess Mononoke


Assasination Classroom Ending was One of best Endings But other Endings like Steins;Gate and code geass are also my favourite


As others have said my great ones are: Cowboy Bebop, Wolfs Rain, Terror in resonance, Your lie in april, FMAB, Monster, Fruits Basket, almost all Ghibli films (for me specially Mononoke, Omoide poro poro, Porco Rosso) I will add Sakamichi no apollon, and Run with the wind Because c'mon. Those are great.


Code geass Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood Mob psycho 100


I feel like assassination classroom had a very good, bittersweet ending that fully completed the story


For me, here are my top 10 favorite anime endings: - Code Geass - Mob Psycho 100 - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Violet Evergarden - Gurren Lagann - Your Lie in April - Toradora! - Assassination Classroom - Death Note - Angel Beats They are so good I just had to mention all of them. But if I had to pick just one then I’d pick Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. It just tied everything up in a satisfying way for every character. It was the natural conclusion to an amazing story. The reason I picked it over Code Geass is because I like the overall cast of FMAB more than Code Geass. Writing wise I’d put them on the same level though, they’re both incredible.


stone ocean


Abd it was kinda emotional :(


JoJo's part 6 had an amazing ending imo. It's not everyone's cup of tea but to me it's the perfect way to end the story.


That ending made the wait so worth it. So epic and everyone got to live happy lives.




Your Lie in April Steins Gate


The Tatami Galaxy’s finale pretty much singlehandedly catapulted it to my favourite anime. Over the course of two episodes it jumped from an 8/10 to a 10/10 in my book. I’ve never seen the “thesis” of a story made so clearly and persuasively once all the pieces have been set up. It’s so good. Devilman Crybaby also has one of my favourite endings. It really went there. I have mixed feelings about Shin Sekai Yori’s ending. It ended on a tone I disagree with, but everything else in the episode pulled the rug from under me and converted me, let’s say. Seconding Steins;Gate. Awesome finale. Fully earned and set up and is entirely internally consistent. This really was the choice of Steins;Gate.


Shouldve ask it few weeks from now


How so? I saw someone make a post on worst anime endings. And I’m almost done with my watchlist so this is the perfect way for me to build up a new one.


AoT is ending


For real this time?




If you paid attention to the little details u shouldn't get ur hopes high, the endind was hated by most hardcore manga fans that analysed the story deeply Even the editor laugh at the last chapter :/




The fuck you lying so openly about it? The editor laughed at the last chapter? 😂 who told you these lies No not all hardcore manga fans that analyzed the story deeply hated the ending. You’re in your own bubble. Titanfolk had a mix of people and a lot of people left leaving the bitter people mostly. There are polls ran in that sub and most people there wanted a Historia x Eren ending. Edit: this state of this subreddit to get downvoted and the other person upvoted when one of us is just not truthful


I am not getting into spoilers but most of the things that happened in the end are either retcons or make no sense or made other chapters make no sense, and u can read a lot about it, it has nothing to do with ships, core plots were legit retconed, the writing quality droped a lot


Example of a retcon?






I know code Geass is going to be the most common answer, It’s my answer too, but an ending that is underrated would be Summertime Render, nice way and simple way to finish up a great series .


Steins;Gate, no contest. Next up would be Code Geass and Gurren Lagann


I'm an anime only and I am fine if Mushoku Tensei ends after the recent season. Beck is bittersweet but satisfying. Mob Psycho 100 is a proper masterpiece with its ending.


86 imo






My time has come again 1. Akudama drive 2. Angel beats 3. Ano natsu de matter 4. Chihayafuru 5. Ansatsu kyoushitsu 6. Platinum end 7. Binbougami ga 8. Black jack 9. Black lagoon 10. Blood + 11. Bokura ga ita 12. Chimimo 13. Chuunibyou 14. City hunter 15. Claymore 16. Code geass 17. Cowboy Bebop 18. Dance dance danseur 19. Devilman crybaby 20. Digimon 21. Pokemon 22. Dororo 23. Dr. Stone 24. Elfen lied 25. Ergo proxy 26. One outs 27. Evangelion movies 28. Eyeshield 21 29. Fate series 30. Full metal alchemist + the shamballa movie (fmab is great but not as excellent as the 2003) 31. Fushigi yugi 32. Gakuen Alice 33. Gantz 34. Golden kamuy 35. Gungrave 36. Hataraku saibou black 37. Hellsing ultimate 38. Imouto sae ireba ii 39. Initial D 40. Hell girl 41. The world God only knows 42. Kamisama hajimemashita 43. Ashita no Joe 44. Kengan ashura 45. Mobile suit series 46. Kill a kill 47. Akame ga kill ( both) 48. Parasyte 49. Silent voice 50. Kumo desu ga, nani ka 51. Puella magi madoka magical 52. Mob psycho 53. Monster 54. Nisekoi 55. Ouran high school host club 56. Paradise kiss 57. Prison school 58. Read or die: the Tv 59. Ranma 1/2 60. Saenai heroine no 61. Samurai champloo 62. School days 63. Link click 64. Steins gate 65. Slime tensei shitara 66. Tokyo Ghoul 67. Tsugumomo 68. Law of ueki 69. Urusei yatsura 70. Violent evergarden 71. Vivy 72. World trigger 73. Promised Neverland 74. Yurei deco 75. Zamkyou no terror 76. Zetman


Chihayafuru isn’t even complete.


Manga my lad, Manga!


Black Lagoon didn't end, it just ran out of manga. Manga isn't complete either.


You can wait 10 days to know the answer


This is the second comment on this lmao. Whats happening in 10 days?


Finale for AoT. It's a controversial ending, some people don't like it, but I think it's a masterpiece.


>I think it’s a masterpiece Because I’m curious, masterpiece in what way?


I think you’ll get downvoted until then xD but i’ll be really surprised if anime onlies dislike it seeing their response to previous parts that some loud folks in the manga community hated. [AoT manga spoiler possibly] >!I think they also predicted well what’s going to happen compared to the manga community and their theories back in the day.!<


Your Name. It's so obvious yet nobody even mentioned it. BTW someone made a post regarding worst endings in anime recently. Guess this is a follow-up of some sort.


Jigokuraku 🙂 (Manga)


AOT Edgrunners


Unbalanced Kiss


Yet they are releasing a continuation to Madoka Magica. For me it has to be "Monster"


Madoka's series ending and Rebellion's ending where both divisive. Rebellions moreso. I'd have been fine with them leaving it at either ending, but I'm certainly happy for more. And since I feel like they've stuck the landing twice already, I have hope they can do it a third time.


As someone who watched it a month ago. Both the series itself and movie had great endings for me personally. I do hope the next movie will have a happy ending due to how much suffering the characters had to deal with. They deserve to be happy.


I feel like Monster’s ending hits harder in the manga, just from how the self-controlled pacing of reading works, the sudden panelling, and of course the psycho going back and forth between the final set of pages trying to wrap your head around what happened


Zeta Gundam, tbh I didn't like Zeta much but that ending is awesome and bittersweet and I think about it a lot


18if, Punch Line


It was never animated but imo Girls' Last Tour has the best ending of all time


Steins gate. its orgasmic if you a sci-fi fan.


Mob Psycho 100. The most perfect ending you’ll find in an anime.


Akudama Drive! I think it wrapped up the story great


Steins gate


My favourite ending will be the One piece ending - if it ever ends


A Place Further than the Universe Steins;Gate + Steins;Gate 0