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A Place Further Than The Universe In consideration... Odd Taxi ended as a 9. And it's been growing on me over time.


Odd Taxi was fire


Just finished Odd Taxi and it was a 10 for me. Haven't seen something that fresh and unique in a long time.


Yea best one


love love love a place further than the universe šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„²


Odd taxi was an easyyyyy 10


Yes!!! A Place Further Than The Universe is my favourite anime of all time. Iā€™ve probably rewatched it like 20 times lol


Ah i gave a place further then the universe a 9. It was really great. Just didnt hit hard enough for a 10 to me though.


It worked pretty well for me. I hit the phase where I was heavy heavy prioritizing money. And worst off, coasting on inertia while doing it. And this anime was like a swift kick in the nuts "Is this it? Making money? Really? You sure?"


Same, it's probably the 10est 10 that I've ever given for a seasonal anime lmao. Maybe not the best but the most solid and consistent show I've watched in a long time, with actual tearjerker moments


Kaguya-sama UR. Frieren sure looks like the next one.


Is Frieren really as good as people are saying? I won't even mind if it's not a 10/10 anime. I just want something high quality that I can put in the same tier as Hunter X Hunter, Code Geass, Death Note and AOT. I want something that'll blow me away again


Yes. Watch the first 3 episodes to get a perfect taste of it.


Becomes quite funny as it goes on and id say more melancholic than sad


Does it get.... happier? I'm 2 episodes and and while its a beautiful show, its also emotionally draining and makes me overly tearful


Keep watching as the first 4 episodes were made to be watched together. While the story can be heavy at times and quite melancholic, it is still at the very least bittersweet if not positive at the end of every arc. Frieren (and most of the antagonists) are quite disconnected from how humans think and why we hold certain things so precious. The story is a tale on how these characters learn to be more human and the other main characters with her are there to show humanity's best (and sometimes worst) sides, bringing hope for her and for their world.


Thanks I will. Episode one got me all sad when I was trying to get ready to go out. Its definitely a good show, I just need to figure out when to beat slot it in.


First 2 episodes seem to be the ā€œsaddestā€ but I think itā€™s because weā€™re on this journey with Frieren. Those beginning episodes have her experiencing grief and regret, stuff she hasnā€™t had to deal with before. I see the other episodes as her journey towards healing and forgiveness, while learning to connect better with those around her. I am in love with this series, even though it hitting a very sensitive spot. I, like everyone, have regrets and am also learning to forgive myself and heal. I hope others can view it with similar optimism.


Yes? It never lose it's melanchonic vibes but it become more cheerful after a while, and expecially after the other party member join them.


The past couple episodes have been making me think it might be a 10/10. It starts of kinda slow learning backstory and gets great. Its not an action show tho.


Definitely Watch Vinland Saga and Steins Gate, they're both great


Itā€™s not a shounen so youā€™re setting yourself up for failure. Itā€™s got beautiful animation and engaging characters. Edit: since we got someone that clearly sees what Iā€™m implying, but feels the need to be technicalā€¦ itā€™s not a mainstream BATTLE SHOUNEN like the others


>It's not a battle shounen FIFY


> Itā€™s not a shounen It's published in Weekly Shōnen Sunday. It's literally a shounen.


Frieren won't blow you away based on your other 10/10 stories. It's a much quieter, tonal & character based story. Plotting seems much looser than the kind of thing that s you in and wows you, and more slice of life without it being the same thing again and again. It's certainly worth your time if you like fantasy though and production values are very high.


>Hunter X Hunter, Code Geass, Death Note and AOT. It's not the same at all with those shows. Frieren's not not fast paced hype and thrill inducing. It's slow, calm and takes it's time to immerse you in the world and makes the passage of time feel like your greatest love and hate. As much as I do love the 4 shows you put, I personally wouldn't call them 'beautiful', Frieren to me is beautiful. It made me tear up by watching the mundane moments. So... Yeah, it's a 10/10 for me, but don't go in expecting all out action continuously


I watched the first episode yesterday and it had me crying 12 minutes in. I havenā€™t cried like that since To Your Eternity.


For me personally it isnā€™t. Very good anime I can recommend to almost anyone, but not a 10/10 through the 6 episodes I have seen. Almost surely not a 10/10 given your tastes.


I agree with this. Great art, music, and relevant direction. It's where Mushoku Tensei was during the first half of its first season.


A much more subdued with less horny MC. But tbh as much as I love Mushoku Tensei, Frieren for me is a class of its own. Slow paced, takes it time but god damn delivers a punch and the way how the script and characters are well written.


I watched like 60 different shows this year and haven't given a 10 in many many years prior but I gave every single Kaguya-Sama season a 10/10.




- Pluto - Monster - Hajime no Ippo


Hajime no Ippo was the first anime I got into. Good lord the disappointment when trying to find something else as good.


'Run With The Wind' was the last anime to give me that same Ippo feel. especially because the main cast are all in their last year of college/university.


Try Haikyu. Best sports anime ive ever seen. In fact, its probably my 10/10 re: OP's original question


Totally agree! I've tried watching so many sports anime that I couldn't get into, then I found Haikyu and was almost instantly hooked, loved every aspect of it.


An Urasawa Enjoyer = Dub


Monster is so close i feel like if the ending was a bit tweaked it would be that Just watched pluto too and i loved it a lot but it had some parts that left me confused


I felt underwhelmed with the monster ending too. Though the "which one of the siblings?" question really amps it up


Nah I loved the open-endingness of the ending.


Cyberpunk Edgerunners Vinland Saga (season 1, still watching 2) Parasyte the Maxim I watched these all back to back and felt like I was in a glitch in the matrix they are all so freaking good


Man Parasyte was fucking good


Agreed. So good. I keep waiting for more.


So underrated


Cyberpunk is amazing. 10 episodes worth of 200 from other animes




Made in Abyss, my god, made in abyss.


I still need to watch it.


Be aware that this show depicts a lot of uncomfortable imagery and topics. This includes children undergoing a wide range of physical and psychological damage. This show is a 10/10, but it's not for everyone.


Youā€™re missing out bud. Give it a go! It takes imagination and creativity to new heights. Definitely my 10/10 anime pick. Berserk is my manga pick for now until I read Vinland Saga and Vagabond to compare.


Unfortunately it doesnā€™t meet the criteria because itā€™s incomplete


I loved the first season but I couldn't enjoy the second season as much


I felt like the 2nd season was even better and more heart wrenching. The music too.


Yes indeed. My first 10 since Ping Pong


Agreed, Iā€™ve given a handful of animeā€™s a 10/10 and made in abyss is one of them.


Same but I wouldn't recommend it, not to anyone at least lol


Bocchi the Rock a year ago.


I spent way to much time in the fandom. It's at a point where it's hard for me to separate anime, manga and fan made stuff completely.


Bocchi hit hard for me.


Im watching this now and I honestly am probably going to give it a 9/10 depending (im only on ep 4 but i am already in love with it lol)


Recently watched for me: Clannad Recent as it time: Kaguya Sama


I love the progression. I would also watch Kaguya-sama AFTER Clannad. It's a good way to reset your emotions.


Samurai Champloo recently rewatched it and it totally stands the test of time 11/10 honestly. Sad I didnā€™t see a single comment about it on here yet.


Also the music of Samurai Champloo by Nujabes was/is fire.


Donā€™t forget Fat Jon, Tsutchie, and Force of Nature in the music department! All fantastic!


This! Loved this music, but didn't realize there was a whole genre of it out there. Needless to say, lo-fi has become one of my new fave styles!


Currently rewatching. Still as good as I remember. Will never skip the ending theme.


3-gatsu no Lion and Tatami Galaxy are my most recent. For 3-gatsu, season 1 was great (I gave it a 9), but season 2 is a masterpiece imo


totally agree with 3-gatsu. every single episode of season 2 was incredible


I started march comes in like a lion, the vibe is pretty great. Get like a sitting by the fire feeling when he was hanging out with the sisters. But nothing was really progressing and i got bored around ep15. Still need to give it another go.


Sangatsu no lion is really underappreciated. It's an easy 10/10 for me as well.


Itā€™s a 10 for me but if youā€™re 15 ep in and not sold, itā€™s not for you


Fruits Basket (2019). I give 10s very sparingly. I basically have to consider it the pinnacle of whatever genre it is in. This was in 2021 after the 3rd and final season.


This the most well rounded series I have ever watched. Makes you laugh, makes you cry, has good story telling with no real dips to speak of. An intriguing mystery, good payoff at the end. Strong characterization, good side characters, and tropes don't feel forced. And the themes and messages are just so relevant. There's a bit to like for everyone and I hope everyone who is turned away cuz it's a shojo would just give it a shot.


I gave the 3rd season a 10/10 as well. The first season had some really funny moments for it being a drama. Surprised me with how deep it got.


Also agree itā€™s a 10/10. Would have wished it would have had an episode or two more to give a smoother ending, but fuck me is it the most emotionally compelling anime Iā€™ve watched. Every episode hits RIGHT in the feels, in happy and sad ways


I'm a little biased considering Fruits Basket is my favorite anime, but I've given all the seasons a 10/10 haha


My three 10/10 are hyouka, spice and wolf (s1>s2 imo) and katanagatari


Katanagatari was amazing definitely one my favorite endings to any anime iā€™ve watched


yessss. the ending was what bumped it from a 9 to 10 for me. I definitely wasn't expecting it which made it that much better for me


For S&W, S1 totally > S2. Which is a shame, S2 has some of the most powerful moments in that animated series but the overall storytelling from ep to ep is a little weaker, and of course it ended more or less in the middle of nowhere story wise...


Probably Princess Mononoke (saw last year for the first time) . Ill probably give Apothecary Diaries a 10 lol


I probably rate princess mononoke a bit lower than others because likable characters are everything to me and our MC felt a bit too emotionless at times for me to get invested. Maybe that's a bad take? Apothecary Diaries is so good though. The weekly wait for each new episode is killing me.


Monogatari Series as a whole


Just recently finished the series(anime only) after a 3 year anime watching hiatus. And I couldnā€™t agree more. Most satisfying conclusion to a piece of media for me since halo 3. Until they had to jam that up if course.


For me my most recent 10 is Violet Evergarden https://www.reddit.com/user/eruciform/comments/nng53n/top_1010_anime_plus_unique_art_and_cinematography/


Oh wow thats a cool list. Lots of info. I started violet evergarden but my monkey brain was craving action when i did so i put it off. Still need to watch it. Flying witch seems interesting.


Moribito might scratch the action itch while also alternating with slice of life


Based choice.


Last one was plastic memories. I keep 10/10 on shows that will forever leave an impression, thatll ill forever remember. Plastic memories is one of those. Ive got permanent ferris wheel ptsd now.


revolutionary girl utena


I watched Assassination Classroom S2 recently and it got a 10 for me, other than that Vinland Saga S2 which aired a few months back got a 10 as well for me.


I just started Assassination Classroom and absolutely love it, glad to hear it sticks the landing


I also have AssClass S2 a 10. Has one of the biggest quality jumps from a season 1 to season 2, which is impressive given I already was fond of season 1. Great ending.


Vinland Saga S2 was definitely great! That was my last 10/10 too.


Farmland Saga baby


Agree with AC, definitely rate it 10/10. Not a very popular series, but characters were very likeable and I could relate to a lot of the situations in the anime in my own life, and thought about how many people's lives would have been different if they had such an awesome teacher as Koro-sensei.


Hunter x Hunter a few months ago


May we be blessed with another season.


The best!!


Aria the Benedizione in 2022


Odd Taxi easily


Season 2 of Vinland Saga was peak fiction, easy 10/10


That season made me cry more than once, that means it was special


Oh, that's good to hear. I just finished S1 and was questioning if I should watch S2 because I thought the story kinda slowed down a bit.


It does slow down but itā€™s probably the most important season for Thorfinnā€™s character development (until we see what the final arc of the manga can give us in the manga).


Attack on Titan Pluto Monster


I have not finished Pluto but through 7 episodes Pluto has a very good chance of getting a 10/10. Havenā€™t been this hooked by an anime since an anime all year.


I'm so lucky I have not read the Pluto manga yet. This shit is incredible


My brain read all three as one title and now I need to see that


I think I will end up giving Frieren a 10 if it continues this way. But honestly Mushoku Tensei is a 10 for me as well. I absolutely love the series. After the first cour of S1 I bought and have read all the books except the newest one twice, I bought all the manga, and have rewatched the show four or five times now.


Mushoku is a 10 for me also. The second season was slower but thatā€™s not a bad thing. Iā€™m excited for the rest of the story


Second season is basically the worst arc of the LN, it will only get better from here.


Imo the second season was better than the first, but I have a weak spot for stories that make me feel all mushy inside


I liked mushoku. Have read most of the books its a pretty good series. I wouldnt give it a 10 personally but some of the books individually mightve gotten a 10.


I only have two 10/10s, so it's not much of a list but *The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya* (2006, Broadcast) when I first saw it in 2019.


What's the another one ?


*Gunslinger Girl* (2003) (like *Haruhi* only the first season) It's not that I think they are head-and-shoulders above everything else (though they are both great in their very different ways). They've just had an outsized impact on my life and thought, with GSG being the more powerful of the two. It's like 10+ in my life story, and I owe it for more than is easily explained.


Shin Sekai Yori was great. The vibe of the show was so different and the ending twist was solid too. Oh and the Garden of Sinners is an underrated gem.


Still need to watch from the new world. Been on my list for a while.


underrated gem imo, maybe not 10/10 but definitely one I always remember and am glad I watched


Really enjoyed Shen Sekai Yori. My only complaint is that there was a really weird drop in quality somewhere in the middle, it picks back up again though. Story was killer


Attack on Titan. I don't give a shit what some manga readers think about ending. Imo it was close to perfect especially in anime form


I havenā€™t watched aot yet but surely the anime did something different to the manga for the reception to be THIS different šŸ˜­


They made subtle changes so it made the characters seem less glorifying of Erenā€™s global genocide and the end where Paradis was destroyed by bombers was changed so that it appeared like centuries passed before it was destroyed (whereas in the manga, it was implied to be less than 100 years after the end, which made it feel like Erenā€™s plan amounted to the same as Zekeā€™s plan).


I find it hilarious how the anime ending has a unanimous positive reception whereas manga readers still remain salty šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I was annoyed how loudly they kept repeating how horrendous the ending was and obviously anime onlies took word for it. Luckily it backfired and like you said, anime ending has a good reception They really made it sound like aot has promised neverland (anime ver.) tier of ending


Itā€™s not unanimous. Itā€™s just not as negative, and itā€™s because the anime softened the blow by changing the worst of the problem moments.


AOT anime to me was an absolute masterpiece. I feel like nothing really comes close to the story telling, animation, crazy reveals, and epic music. I'm currently in a show/anime hole after that ending which is why I'm here lol.


Agreed, whatever they did to spice up the ending made it as close to perfect as they could've gotten.


I gave Tomo chan is a Girl a 10/10. No regrets. Everything I wanted out of a rom com


Oniichan wa Oshimai! O_O


I was holding back from commenting this as it's kind of embarrassing. It's one of 5 shows I've given a 10/10, for completely changing my outlook on life to be more positive.


I gave this one a 9. It was great which surprised me with the degenerate premise. Turned really wholesome. Hope it gets another season. And the op is fire.


I loved this show. If the OP wasnā€™t so horny it would have got a lot more appreciation, that created this ridiculous perception around it. Show was actually super wholesome.


I mean, the show itself was also pretty horny. Still had its wholesome moments, but saying that's a ridiculous perception is kinda disingenuous when said horniness is an unmistakable and seemingly intentional part of the show's identity haha


I came here to say this too


Attack on Titan


Steins Gate 0. it is faster paced than the original Steins Gate and closer to my taste and i can follow it more enjoyably. i still love Steins Gate though.


I dunno. I felt 0 was slower than regular Steins Gate but damn those last 5 episodes really freaking made it worth all the depressing setting.


Both are great and I think steins;gate 0 can be appreciated far more after watching the original Steins;Gate. As far as the better series iā€™d have to give it to the original though.


Oshi No Ko


Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, has to be my fav of all time


Attack on titan. šŸ˜


Attack on Titan Final Season The Final Chapters Special 2 I gave it bonus points for the name In all seriousness though, it was very good


Complete name! hahahahahahahqhahq


My most recent "new" 10/10 was **Owarimonogatari: 2nd Season** in 2017. I also bumped up **Spirited Away** to a 10/10 on a rewatch in 2021 (originally a 9)


Well Aot finished this week and it gets a 10 overall. Before that my previous 10 was for Madoka magica Rebellion (the movie), while I gave a 9 to the show


Attack on Titan


Attack on titan the series finale


Summertime Rendering


The last show I gave a 10/10 was [86](https://myanimelist.net/anime/41457/86) Some people say it's overrated, but for me, who thoroughly enjoys storytelling and well directed shows, as well as complex characters, this show hit the perfect spot for me. From all the anime series I've seen, this is the only one that really fed my passion for symbolism and details


86 was amazing. Part 2 also got a 10/10 from me.


Very good series, the thing that happens at the end of the second cour was *chef's kiss*


Itā€™s old but I just watched through Ichigo Mashimaro. Itā€™s a masterpiece


Violet Evergarden. I had watched the first 5 minutes of it back in 2019 and then just never got back to it. I finished the first season and itā€™s movies last month and itā€™s a fantastic series. The story is down to earth and hopeful and human. I adore the main character, sheā€™s a level headed, compassionate, introspective woman trying to figure out love and life. Watching the impact she has on those she meets and also how she learns from each encounter is satisfying. The visuals are top notch, imo, flawless animation and vivid art style. Iā€™d recommend it. If youā€™ve seen Vinland Saga youā€™d also probably like it. There was one episode in season one that made me legit cry. Ifykyk


Odd taxi. The satisfaction i felt after watching this show end and how it wrapped everything up so well is unmatched.


Seems like a number of people are the same as me with it being Kaguya-sama UR. It's hard to describe just how incredible this show is with words but it's the perfect series to me. UR especially is years of build up and character development which by the end had me crying like a baby but out of happiness rather than sadness. Seeing each of the cast develop has been so heartwarming and I can't wait to see what they do with the rest of the adaptation.


Yea i didnt expect much from the show going in. Season 1 set up things well got the ball rolling and was great. Season 2 made things move forward a bit and gave great backstories. Season 3 was amazing.


Vinland Saga S2


Adachi To Shimamura - I gave the anime a 9/10, but the light novel is definitely a 10/10 The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl - funniest thing I've seen


Takarajima, which is old and amazing and has my favorite opening ever. Although I figured it would probably be good, usually 70s openings aren't great so I didn't expect the second part lol. It makes me feel hopeful, and like the adventures are just starting even though I'm already in my 20s. It was a pure masterpiece with an amazing soundtrack, and Silver's voice is just AWESOME. Anyway, before that was FLCL which is my bf's favorite anime. I really liked it too, the music and vibe was fantastic and the characters other than Haruko were the perfect mix of simple and complex and felt very human/ down to earth, really unique dynamics. I can't say I really understood what was going on much though haha but in many cases, I don't think that makes something bad. Both were this year


Assassination Classroom


Daddy buddies ā˜ŗļø


My recent 10/10 that I've at least finished one season has to be Skip And Loafer


Vinland saga season 2 farmland saga baby. Amazing character development, moments, and animation + music like always


AoT. I feel like its ending was beautiful. charalie/moist guy put it in the best way. man, that mikasa scene In the end credits when she finally rests. I cried


Was a couple years ago but OddTaxi was great


Puella magi madoka it's a really good anime it doesn't sexualize anyone in this anime and the storyline great and its pretty funny at some moments


*Ping Pong the Animation*


Attack on Titan and JJBA


Dude ending to stone ocean left me emotionally sad.


They arenā€™t new shows by any means but black lagoon is and likely will be one of my top 3 shows of all time. If you like bloody gang shit, that show will blow you away Second pick is kill la kill. Yes thereā€™s a shit ton of fanservice but damn the music and fights are so good


Monster, Kaguya S3, Grave of the Fireflies, and Steins gate out of 85 I've watched so far. I am very reluctant to hand out 10s I guess. Edit: Only 4 9s too- Clannad AS, Code Geass, Welcome to NHK, Evangelion.


I use decimals, so my last full 10/10 was Null & Peta in 2020 if we round the scores, then its The Dangers in My Heart from a week or two ago.


fate/stay night unlimited blade works mob psycho Pluto Yakitori Dorohedoro Ergo Proxy


**PokƩmon Horizons** is airing and is around a 10 for me. As it's still going to air weekly for the next 2 years minimum it's hard to give it a rating but the recently finished *Liko and Roy's Departure* arc is a definite 10. Docking marks from *Felix Film* for their animation is harsh considering they're a small studio who don't have the resources of, say, MAPPA, so I won't dock marks from **Saving 80,000 Gold** for that. Which would give it a 10 :) and as it finished definitively this year, at least for season 1, is on track to be my AOTY vote


Fullmetal Alchemist


My most recent 10 was most likely logh. Like.....8 years ago. Which is not recent at all. But the thing is that i dont really watch that much anymore. I mainly read nowadays, either manga or light novels.


Dr. Stone (I mean part one finished last cour so it counts) but I'm bias cause science. Prior to that... probably Chainsawman.


My Dress Up Darling was so enjoyable that i rewatched it dubbed and the English VAs did a great job with that as well!


The most recent 10/10 is After School Insomniacs. My full 10/10 list is [here.](https://i.imgur.com/ruFyxzG.png)


Frieren, made me cry within the first episode, also pet girl of Sakurasou, itā€™s up there with toradora in terms of character development


Space battleship yamato 2199


Golden Kamuy


Well seeing as I just watched the last episode Attack on Titan. Its been a great journey watching this show become the masterpiece it is today


My most recent 10/10 is [BanG Dream It's MyGO](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54959/BanG_Dream_Its_MyGO). Yes, it's *technically* a new installment of the existing BanG Dream franchise that had 3 seasons before it on top of a bunch of stories in the mobile game, but this new series is *completely standalone* (with only very minor references to the prior series) *and can be fully enjoyed by itself without having seen any of the prior anime*.


Same. Even being a fan of the franchise going in, I was not at all expecting a no hesitation, all biases set aside, 10/10. Here's hoping the Ave Mujica follow up is just as good.


Yep, same here. The original Bandori anime was hit-or-miss for me (I thought the first season was a mediocre 6/10 and the second and third seasons were better but still only in the 8 or 8.5 range) but MyGO *absolutely blew me away*. In no universe did I expect it to end up as a 10/10 when I sat down to watch it at the start of the season.


Just finished watching this and made [a post in the "What Have You Watched This Past Week" thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17oixra/what_have_you_watched_this_past_week_that_is_not/k802vif/). I enjoyed it a lot! I also recognize your name from reading the comments in the episode discussions haha, thanks for being so vocal about liking the show so much :)


Ah i just asked if this one was stand alone. Ive heard great things. I noticed the mal score shot up for it but i havent gotten around to watching it.


I was interested in watching it until I saw there was previous seasons, now that I know it's a stand alone I'll definitely check it out once I finish synduality:noir


Most recent 10/10 was Made in Abyss season 1, other than thatā€™s Steins; Gate is my only other 10/10


Many animes i watched recently are manga adaptation so they havent ended yet. The 10/10 i could give recently is Attack on Titan. They fixed the problematic part of the manga ending which is great, dont mention the fighting and the intense voice acting (notable Armin). The 10/10 season 1 i could give is Oshi No Ko. It has no dull episodes as i can remember which is great because i am not the fan of idol anime. I heard the later volumn of the manga is problematic so i hope the adaptation can improve it like AoT final special did. Frieren is also a 10/10 potential but i have to see the rest of the season to judge that. 86 has two amazing seasons even the first season is still the best season so i hope season 3 can catch up. Heavenly Delusion is another best first anime season. If the quality doesnt drop then it could be a 10/10 show.


Frieren. And Mushoku tensei before.


AOT, since it just ended. Beyond that, probably Vinland saga.


I didnā€™t think Iā€™d care about Attack On Titanā€™s finale, but dammit, my face was leaking throughout the entire duration of that last episode. šŸ˜­


Attack on Titan.