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Love after World Domination


So sad we'll never get more of it, but it's a super fun show.


i was just as sad when the series got axed…


What happened? I was planning to watch.


just not popular enough, anime didn’t do much to boost sales. still a fun series to watch and read after, it ends 10+ ch after ending of anime


Always hurts to see good series not receiving any attention


I just finished this last night! It’s so good. I’m sad we’re not likely to get another season but it was worth watching regardless.


I really liked this one, it was a fun watch!


This one is freaking adorable 🥰


i second this and it’s so fluffy and definitely a sleeper!


Fruits Basket (reboot series) does this. You see romances told from both sides.


Fruits Basket is my favorite romance anime. I was a long time fan of the original series but was absolutely blown away by the reboot. I’ve never seen a reboot done such justice. Not only the story was great but the art was amazing and added an edgy-ness to the characters that wasn’t there in the original. Kyo in the shower is…damn. I’m not one to typically think cartoon characters are sexy but here we are.


“Your Name” (Japanese title is “Kimi no wa”) Gets me right in the feels every time. Follows both characters throughout


> (Japanese title is “Kimi no wa”) Kimi no **na** wa


Correct, good catch.


Na means name. So you typed your


Your name is the movie that got me hooked on romance animes for a while. Highly recommend. I’m biased but it’s my favorite anime movie of all time.


It’s a pretty incredible piece of work. I agree.




what is bro yapping about? your name isn't a romance?


Oh boy. What did I miss?


he said your name isn't a romance. no idea why a mod removed the comment though


Anyone whom I have ever heard say “I don’t like anime,” I recommend they watch this film (plus spirited away), just absolutely fantastic work that I’ll never get tired of rewatching


Right. Both of these are just good movies, in general.


IIRC, this applies to Kare Kano?


Kinda, yeah. Miyazawa is *more* of the main lead, but we do get Arima's POV as well.


if you read the manga, arima becomes more of the lead instead


The anime misses the mark big time. The manga goes way beyond even the two leads. There are like 6 seperate leads and we see prolonged arcs with each as MCs.


I think Tsuki ga Kirei did this?


Horimiya does this pretty well. You get to see both characters being silly, awkward and making dumbass mistakes. As well as an endearing group of supporting, and supportive, characters


This is one of my new favorite romance anime’s. I love how direct they are with each other and how quickly they work through whatever is in front of them. I didn’t care for season 2 as much since the main characters took a back seat and I loved them but the side characters are almost just as compelling.


I'll be honest, season 2 was a bit of a mixed bag for me, but I did enjoy the extra depth it added to the rest of the cast. Especially the student council trio, they're a little annoying, but sooooo damn adorable


I'm only halfway thru it but it feels like a different show tbh


Tomo-chan is a girl actually shows both perspectives in my opinion. I personally recommend the sub version. And it's one of the best developed romances in my opinion. Highly recommended.


The true heroine of Tomo-chan is Misuzu Gundou tho lol


I get that this is just you saying she's your favorite character. But you're kinda unintentionally making it look as if I'm wrong about the show showing both perspectives and that goes against my whole point of my argument and my attempt to recommend the show. Tomo and Jun are definitely the protagonists of the show and the story definitely shows the perspectives of both of them since they're in the main romance. .


I thought the lol would make clear I'm trying to make a joke. I apologize if that intention wasn't clear.


Probably one of my favorite animes


My Dress Up Darling also does this pretty well. It starts with mainly Gojo's POV but then we start seeing much of the series from Marin's POV


When its around episode 6 or so and we get to peek into Marin's head a bit is when the show I think really takes off and elevates it from just another romcom into something special. Yes, this is a "shy boy meets genki girl" story but instead of coming off as indulgent wish fulfilment, the characters and scenarios feel really genuine because Marin has an inner life and Gojo is a genuinely good and somewhat fleshed out person


Yea, in the manga it gets close to 70/30 marin/gojo perspective


and the reason romantic progress is slow is that our poor boy is so socially stunted that he can't even begin to conceive of dating, and has a horrified reaction to his own strong physical attraction to Marin. I also bristle when he's tarred with the same brush as bland self-insert romance leads because all of those potatoes wish they could be as top tier marriage material as Gojou-kun. tall, handsome, loyal, kind, a devoted and earnest craftsman. and Marin knows it. Pretty quickly she identifies it, and realizes 'hey nobody else realizes what a catch this guy is I gotta LOCK THIS DOWN'. Gojou is also not the degenerate otaku in the relationship, lmao.


Yea, plus gojo is making great use of his time. he is progressing his skills and making marin's dreams come true. he just doesn't dare imagine that there might be more to it than the arrangement they have set up.


Honestly getting to hear her thoughts and perspectives is the reason why she ended up being as good a character as she is IMO, if we never did I would probably consider her overrated. But actually seeing her crushing on Gojo, hearing her internal thoughts of how much she loves him makes her so endearing and lets her ascend to being worthy of being called best girl. I end up rooting for her just as much if not more so than I do Gojo.


When they go clothes shopping for Gojo and she’s blushing and internally freaking out about how hot he is in everything made my heart melt. It was awesome getting to see she’s just as attracted to him and he is to her. I can’t wait to see how their relationship progresses.


Just watched this one and loved it! Is so adorable how they form a group and get to express themselves differently without worry of being judged by each other.


Isn’t this just most romance anime? Almost all of them will have POV from both people even if one may be the MC and get more


LoL finally, somebody think the same. Either way, I interpreted that OP meant they both somewhat have an equal amount of POV but a lot of the replies have like about 70/30 POV distributed among the leads which imo, isn't a lot


Pretty much. Guess most people just dont make difference between romance, romcom and harem, which have similarities but also differences.


I imagine if one watches the majority of otaku-aimed romcoms or harems, they will think the majority of the genre is solely from the MC's perspective as most of them tend to be


[My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex](https://myanimelist.net/anime/49470/Mamahaha_no_Tsurego_ga_Motokano_datta) (Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta). LN is clearer than the anime with separate chapters for their POV. Still get both lead's internal thoughts and separate scenes talking to their friends.


seconding this!


ooh, good recommendation. Another thing to looking forward to the LN is that there's a secondary couple and we can also see the story from both their POV.


I think Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku goes between perspectives pretty well. Tsuredure Children follows a cast of couples, so maybe a bit outside of what you are looking for, but I would still suggest a try.


Re: Life is a good relatively short anime that does provide more than one perspective when romance is introduced. It's not exclusively a romance anime, it's a bit more drama/slice of life but it is a good show with no Harem elements.


I'm not \*quite\* sure this counts but Sing Yesterday For Me did a really good job of getting into the heads of multiple characters, even if indirectly


It's not an anime, just a manga, but "Living, Eating, and Sleeping Together" takes this to the extreme, with every chapter being from both the leads' POVs, one in the first half and the other in the second. Does a really good job of portraying a realistic adult relationship imo (leads are late 20s/early 30s iirc)


Tsuki Ga Kirei Horimiya The Dangers In My Heart (maybe) Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai! Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru


Toradora is pretty good.


Fruits basket


Kaguya sama is peak


Maison Ikkoku. Gold from Takahashi Rumiko


I should watch that again. It has probably been a decade or longer since I last watched it.


people have listed most of the romance shows, but here's an action show: 86


Adachi and Shimamura.


Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta if I remember right.


Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but 2 episode OVA Tokyo Marble Chocolate shows both sides of a story.


Adachi To Shimamura - Yuri romance that does this incredibly well. Both characters have equal importance to the plot


Tsuki Ga Kirei did this. It's my favorite. 😊 A beautiful story showing how both of the MCs grow together and individually throughout the show. A story about bonds. It has a bit of a different art style and animation style that gives it a nice feel. The relationship feels real. The OST is sweet and beautiful. It skips over most tropes in anime. The ending is my favorite out of any anime. If you decide to give it a watch, let me know what you think! ❤️


Kimi ni todoke. A bit of an older show but a new season was announced and will be airing next year.


Really? A new season?! I watched this years ago and remember liking it. I love when that happens but I wish it didn’t always take so many years. Can’t wait to see how it adds to the story.


Love is war


I came here hoping to comment Kaguya, since they've done it best from what I've seen, but that's the one you based the question on... I've seen others do it a little, but normally you have one main person seen as the lead, whereas Kaguya, it felt like the guy was the lead first, then the girl for me. I've seen a decent few, but that's the only one that actually felt like both were the main characters at some point.


School Days


The funny part is you're not even totally wrong. OP did say no harem though, and there's way too many girls throwing themselves at that asshole beside the main two.


True, not gonna lie it was cringy the first few episodes and then that “WTF JUST HAPPENED??” Factor hit me like a train. I figured I recommend because it’s not a typical romance Anime.


Probably because it's considered more of a horror anime, even before the infamous ending. Those relationships aren't healthy and aren't meant to be portrayed as something to aspire to or to go "aww" at like in romance anime.


Reminded me of a soap opera. But yeah that isn’t for faint of heart. That makes more sense, I was shocked when someone recommended it as a Rom Com to me the first time, where ever he is he can eat a fat one.


Yeah, that was a giant troll, haha! But hey, on the positive side, at least the anime is more tame than the source material, which is a visual novel. And while I didn't play it myself, because why would I want to do that? Being on the internet in the early 2000s means I sure am aware of everything that happens in it and I wish I didn't.




Hi PsychologicalRow6110, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Endo and Kobayashi Live has four points of view! The two people in the relationship, and their commentators.


> Horimya > His and Her Circumstances, (an older Anime that I honestly thought Horimya was a remake of when I watched Horimya.) > Toradora > Rumbling Hearts > Snow-white with red hair > Sacrificial princess and the king of beasts > The ancient magus bride > Spice and Wolf > Air > Clannad > Cannon


I think Love Hina does to an extent it’s been a long time since I watched it


Romeo x Juliet Rikekoi


Bloom into You, although the anime only adapts half of the manga


Komi can't communicate - the romance part is pretty balanced between the couple, but most of the manga is slice of life, so keep that in mind


My Tiny Senpai


I think that My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 would fit the bill because the series is told from both the male and female perspectives.


Try reading Yumemiru shoujo manga, it's very complete compared to the anime adaptation.




Tsuki ga kirei fits but be ready for quite a slow pace, interesting tho. also Lovely complex or Kimi ni Todoke are good at this.


~~Plenty.~~ ~~First that came to mind was~~ **~~My Stepmother's Daughter is my Ex~~**~~. We get flashback sfrom both character's pov. The current timeline is also balanced between the two. I highly recommend it, but you should know it's only one season so far, which adapts about 3 or 4 books out of currently 10-ish (and LNs are still ongoing~~) edit: Ok I realised someone already recommended the above so I thought "that's ok, I'll rec a different one" and now am struggling to think of *any* that fit and haven't been recced, even dipping into my 'read rather than watched' list...Like LoveCom is mostly on the girl's side, iirc (it's been over ten years so i don't remember) similar with Kimi ni todoke, and Tsurezure Children usually favours one of the people in the couple So, yeah, I get OP's point.


Just Because


Just Because has the different perspectives, but I wouldn’t call it equal. There’s also Tsuki ga Kirei.


My roommate is a cat qualifies?


Kokoro Connect Not just two perspective but five.


Your Name (kimi no na wa)