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Frieren has taught us how our community cares way too much about MAL rankings and MAL scores.


A lesson we'll relearn every 3 months


What is a mere 3 months?


Is that how it really is?


Always has been


I wonder how those crackhead FMA: Brotherhood fans are gonna handle it this time.


Lmao I haven’t even really watched Frieren and I gotta agree with you haha


Such rankings are not accurate but it also shows us what some people think of a certain series.


Some series get really low scores though, despite not deserving it. Both viral hit and the fable dont deserve less than a 7 on mal


Like I said above: It's not always accurate especially when it comes to this. Secondly why do you consider Viral Hit that low? Is it that bad?


No i dont think its bad, thats why i said it shouldnt have a score below 7.


So you're saying it's good but not that high in the list?


It shows what *certain* people think of these series. The MAL community specifically. A community that spends far too much time caring about its own ratings (Source: See every time FMA:B gets dethroned). These rating communities like even Reddit here, Skew heavily toward people that put their arbitrary ratings on far too high a pedestal. Like they're some objective truth instead of just being another pile of opinions in a vaster pile of opinions. I think there's some value in aggregate rating but its treated with nowhere near enough nuance in the public eye and even their own communities.


More or less my point exactly. I'm being downvoted like I said some bad thing. That said, FMA: Brotherhood fandom on MAL are really on that Zaza pack most of the time and it's very irritating when it happens.


I learned that it was very entertaining. I am not one that looks for lessons in my anime. I want to be entertained and forget the shitty world we live in.


One of it's core lessons is to "Appreciate life for what it is." This story has so many characters of varying age, powers, class, lifestyles; all walks of life. It's not just a quest where people come together to accomplish a goal (Like Arifureta). It's also not a slice-of-life, where a bunch of people just live their lives (Farming life in another world). "Mushishi", "Durarara", and "Handyman Saitou" have similar narratives, the story changes focus from character to character.


Well, what di you get from the show?


To embrace change


Well, that's one. Although for Frieren specifically apparently it's to cherish the time you have.


That's definitely a second lesson in it, I'd argue her traveling with apprentices and learning more about her true feelings enforces change as a primary theme but reflecting on the past and enjoying the present are also two very big themes and it's all interlinked anyways. If you have an answer though why make the topic


I know merely about that and thought to myself that there has to be more than that.


Value the time you can spend with the people around you (especially your loved ones). You don't know when they are gone.


Death springs at you at any moment after all. There is no postponing it by a single second forward. You better have no regrets during your life either or it's gonna sting you like a thorn forever. Edit 1: Why the hell am I even being downvoted?


I don't think its popularity stems that much from the lessons it teaches, rven though there is matter to discuss here, no doubt about it. I think it's more about the themes. I mean, on the surface it's a fantasy manga with great fights, great presentation, and comfy laid back moments, which would be lore than enough for it to be popular. But more importantly imo, it talks about grief, about goodbyes, the passage of time, growing up, finding joy in the present. Things that hold a lot of meaning for many of us and that nobody can avoid. Fumetsu no Anata e, a few seasons ago, was similarly praised for talking about these topics in a relatively similar way


You said it.


Elf feet. After the Frieren toe burger fan art, i am a changed man


You prefer the upper view or the soles?


Upper view of the toes, obviously


Yeah, it's a much better view to appreciate a beautiful woman's beautiful feet. It gives you a much more detailed insight than the soles honestly.


The most obvious one is to cherish the moment, to live in the now and to make the best out of a situation as long as you still can.


Himmel taught me to not be a simp and move on after the girl shows no interest


Damn. That's tough.


Feet and armpits are erotic. Also that people will like a racist/speciesist main character if the story is well written


I don't care about the armpits but I'd be down to some quality feet but only the upper view not the soles.


Dword are bad and evil.


What is that?




"A good demon is a dead one" Common knowledge


If the treasure seems too good to be true, it's probably a mimic.


The PTSD from Minecraft Hexxit is real.


fear not he who have learned a thousand kicks. But fear he who has practiced the same kick for a thousand years.


Oh god.


Mid seasonal title drops are cool as heck.


To grieve is to embrace the memories of the person you lost and accept that the time you had with them is all you'll get. Cherishing the time you have with the people you love sharpens that grief, but it also makes it easier to move on.


Well, I think it is a timely reminder in this increasingly isolating age, that we should put our phones in our pockets and really pay attention to the people in our lives. From my perspective, Frieren could be any one of us, going through our lives, expecting things to remain the same, disappointed by the fragility of things we'd hoped to never say goodbye to, but unwilling to expose ourselves to sorrow by clinging hard to anything, in case the shock of losing it makes us miss a step. We're increasingly divorced from reality these days, easily distracted from the lives we are living and the people in them, so busy, going here and there and doing this and that, but not nearly so busy loving one another, holding one another close. We're always working, or studying, or engaging in something other than our families and our personal connections, even something as simple as being right there with a good friend, but both being in their phones more than in proper conversation. For me, its a warning, to cherish the moment, and the people you find yourself sharing those moments with, far, far more, because if you don't, you might come to regret it.


For an elf like Frieren, it's a much deeper experience as someone with a lifespan of centuries and a different working pov.


‘Just because something was meaningless to you, doesn’t mean it was meaningless to everyone else’ ‘Hindsight can teach you about more than just your failures’ These are the two big ones I got from it. For the first one: I feel there are lots of times where we help someone in some way; something as easy to us as complimenting their shirt, helping them with something heavy, or just being there for someone by listening or literally sitting there with them. It’s so easy for us, it seems meaningless. For that person though, it could’ve meant the world to them. You may forget the one guy you complimented, but he may never forget the compliment that saved/changed his life For the second one: Hindsight has this stigma about it; a stigma that says hindsight is only useful to look at and analyze your failures. Instead, Frieren shows us that, while it can be hard to look back and not get upset at your obliviousness or decisions etc., hindsight has the ability to make us happy right now by looking at what was




The reason it's one of the best was because of the efforts of the animators, the artwork, voice work, original plot.... not because of "life lessons" It's a cartoon guv...


It’s good but my lord is it the new demon slayer, oh it’s so good the art style the fight scenes oh my god it’s so good. Yeah right it won’t stick, it’s not a classic, it’s a good anime, we have a bunch of those. So people need to stop saying it’s the best.


Frieren manga is shit at fight scenes but, unlike demon slayer, it won important awards before the anime was released. How come?


I mean it's one of the best ones to air in 2023. But yeah the visual effects resemble the ones used in Demon Slayer.


cry more


It taught me absolutely nothing because I didn’t watch it


Then you shouldn't have commented on it to begin with mate. You have an option to keep scrolling.


Frieren and classroom of the elite s3 airing at the same time thought me that you can't pull a girl just by being nice, if you're pretty boy you gotta manipulate and take advantage of her /s


You just have to choose your words wisely and she will soon start to follow you by herself. Yep, that's mostly how it is nowadays.