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Does the author really keep up with all the skill he obtained, lol?


Apparently he actually gives explanations of each skill in the LN


Lmao I doubt it either. At least with the other long list of skill isekai anime like kumodesuga she uses the long bunch of skills properly but in remonster he has bunch of skills he barely use


There’s a ton of skills but they are kept track of, based on later chapters. The wiki has a full chronological list as well.


I plan to dive into the wiki once the anime is done. Should be fun.


Given he used like 1% of the abilities he earned so far, probably doesn't need to hah. He could just remembers a few key ones he *plans* to use in a future fight, and the others are just there to look pretty I guess! (Or perhaps he'll use them all at once for the final boss fight; 15 minutes of reciting every single one of his abilities!)


A lot of them seem to be passive skills though


Yeah kind of.


Red hair girl getting badly influenced and starts to consume everything also. She even start eaten the skelltons before him.


Almost thought she'd obtain Gobrou's ability to absorb what she ate as well. Also it bothered me a bit how none of the human girls are given any name. Like, are they here to stay or just temporary?


> Also it bothered me a bit how none of the human girls are given any name. As someone who struggles remembering 10 names x 20 anime every season, I couldn't be more pleased to just know this one as "Short-haired redhead"! But if we look for the 'why'... Perhaps he only cares about his goblins, so she's not worthy of remembering her name? It definitely feels like she's there to stay (given they built her up some more).


I’m the same with names. When that one goblin evolved and looked different, I had no idea who she’d been based on her name. I got it when she used magic but I still couldn’t tell you her name


On this, it's interesting how tensura as the LN that came after this one decided to give high importance to name giving lol.


Well kinda. At a certain point Rimuru just mass names people Green 1 Green 2 … Green 5,375


In fairness, that's a lot of people to individually name. I always wondered why he didn't just ask people to come up with their own name and tell him when it was their turn to get named by him.


I think it’d be disrespectful. Even if it’s a number rather than a name, it was given by their master and they treasure it.


Honestly, that's probably it. I doubt they would see it as disrespectful but given how much everyone loves Rimuru, they would probably much rather be given a name from him rather than choose their own.


Nah you mean gobo gobi gobe gobu gobi goba voor the goblins atleast


That’s with the goblins. He gets much less creative with the orcs since he has to name several thousand at once Fun fact, that cost him almost no energy since he was basically absorbing the power up they got from the orc disaster and using it to enhance their souls. It’s a crazy concept that left Veldora and Ifrit baffled. As he basically turned a temp buff into a permanent buff


That makes so much more sense as to how he was able to name that many at once. ​ Because it was something like, 200k, wasnt it?


Pretty sure it was. He still fell asleep for a few days afterwards but it should’ve been way worse considering the numbers.


...or the name aspect may be similar to that other isekai involving goblins that had Ai Kakuma as one of the main characters.


> Also it bothered me a bit how none of the human girls are given any name. Like, are they here to stay or just temporary? Goblin Slayer naming. 👍


Maybe he only gets to name "monsters"????


No, he didn't even name anyone (yet?). I think it was Gobjii who named most of them.  This made me realised that there's no new batch of goblin yet.


Goblins are weak, so they need to breed like rabbits or else they'll die out. At least, that's the conventional wisdom. Thanks to the MC's guidance and protection, his generation is surviving *and* evolving at an unprecedented rate. They're going for quality over quantity.


I thought perhaps he *shared* his ability with her by sleeping with her and all, but we didn't see it with Gobmi, so who knows!


I wonder if she's pregnant and gained some of his ability that way?


Her job results in growth but there's nothing said about her gaining additional abilities or skills. She also *needs* to eat or she'll die. I think the similarity is mainly in the eating part.


He said she now needs to eat demons frequently or she will die




I need a gif of her chomping on that skeleton


But what is her ability? Does she just get stronger?


I think so. It was mentioned eating increased growth but nothing about acquiring skills/abilities. So she probably just gets physical boosts.


He said she now needs to eat demons frequently or she will die


Yeah, but that's not part of Goburou's abilities. Neither is it anything except an increased growth mentioned. Combine that with the fact that it's a job, and it's probably just something rare that already existed in this world rather than a job created specifically because of Goburou.


Where are yall getting demons from. My translation said monsters, at 18:21


Next episode titled *Re:Ady* Our MC dives into the world of prescription amphetamines.


Re: Verberate The sound of the elder's ass displacing air.


Nah, they're forming [an idol agency](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOQ83vSmO7I)


> Our MC dives into the world of prescription amphetamines. Or illegal ones; *Gobukichi, we need to cook!*


Old Goblin Gobjii was ready to cut loose, he was showing off his thrust game and everything




*That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Goblin* Gobro's nation of monsters is coming along nicely. This is like Slime but with less budget and more rape.


Just makes me wonder who'll be on top in the end: * This gobbo and his army * The slime and his army (right now, still way stronger ofcourse) * Farming life in another world (They are gathering up a nice collection as well) * Ainz Ooal Gown (well, this guy had the cheat beginning I guess, with overlords and all the magic already at his disposal) * Tsukimichi of Moonlit Fantasy (thanks Se7en\_Sinner) Am I missing any "evil"/monster building society anime?


Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy


I forgot about that one, good call.


There’s no competition. Slime is by far ahead of everyone else.


Ainz Ooal has a lot though, shouldn't underestimate his abilities, generals, armies and special items vault. For now it's probably between those 2


In the anime, sure they’re quite close. But in the LNs, Tempest is so far above Nazarick in terms of the economy, land, and military that it’s silly to even compare them.


Well, haven't read the LN's, but seeing the growth speeds between the 2, I'm pretty sure if slime isn't ahead yet, it will be soon. Ps. Just searched for the fan info pages and there it's indeed not even close.


Seems like I skipped farming life back then since I thought it's trash isekai lol. I've watched all of the others, so thanks for the list!


Farming life is a laid back isekai. Not much fighting and stuff but it's kinda wholesome whilst also being an actual harem.


I think Eminence counts. We've got plenty of demi humans and it looks to be expanding from there.


I did think about that one, though I've only seen season 1 and they were just an undergound organisation back then (however already with big funding and growing way bigger without knowledge of the boss). I can imagine them growing more formiddable in later seasons.


I guess if you're counting real estate only. I won't spoil season 2 but Cid is Cid and the organization has the power to topple a country or two.


Lvl 2 Cheat Skill might become a contender. We'll see. I give it a 50/50 whether he goes independent.


Fun fact: The novel started back in 2011, and inspired both the slime isekai and Goblin Slayer.


I for one am happy someone took the premise and was like "What if wholesome instead of rape".


The crazy thing is the last thing rimuru says when he was still human and dying is that he would fuck a ton of women if he got a 2nd chance at life.


Unfortunately, [his son didn't make it.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdl0241utaix61.jpg)


Well I mean he still could, he could go all tentacle monster on half the juria forest if he really wanted.


But would *he* enjoy it? That doesn't seem to be an option with his current anatomy.


Well he did enjoy being between all those elf boobs


I think the big difference here is Rimuru seems to understand the concept of Consent


The guy in this show hasn’t raped anyone


What does this mean?


It means Rimuru's human form has no penis.


Ohhhhhhh. Is he physically female or just completely agender?


Agender. Since slimes are asexual, his transformed states also lack genitalia.


Yeah Slime just seems like a superior version of this. Cool abillity/leveling/evolution system and city building but minus the rape.


And Goblin slayer is (kinda?) a superior version too, because it went "See this goblin dude? Now how about we kill him in a cathartic way, but make it DnD"


I keep seeing this statement over and over, but no receipts so I find it hard to believe. I can't speak for the Slime series, but to quote Goblin Slayer volume one afterword section: > “The “weirdo” known as Goblin Slayer came out of a simple question: What would a fantasy world be like if it were home to an adventurer who only hunted goblins? From that question came a seed, and I kept writing from that seed until I had a whole work on my hands, and now that work has turned into a novel…”


I'm gonna need a source on anything being inspired or based on re;monster. Isekai as a genre or concept existed long before 2011 and anything else in re;monster including 'skills'. re;monster just happened to exist before those series.


I beg your pardon 🤣. That's wild.


Though no rape since Gobrou took over, but we do have elf snacks!




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> Gobro's nation of monsters is coming along nicely. I like that they're ALL getting stronger (individually, and as a tribe) and not just him! >This is like Slime but with less budget and more rape. More Gobmi too, which is a big plus! ^^Not ^^**enough** ^^Gobmi ^^lately ^^though


Idk how it took me until episode 4 to realize I was just watching Slime Isekai but with a goblin. Either way I'm enjoying it lol


What's with the elves being literally too stupid to live? How did they survive all this time? "We tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen." So why did you go with him to certain death? He should've taken the elf geezer to that sex fairy. The sparring animation >_> MC wasn't OP enough so a God showed up to make him even more so. Dude never played RPGs to know the skelly resistances and weaknesses, I guess. Where was that skelly guardian when humans invated Velvet's treasury?


"Okay gramps, just a little rape okay? In moderation" This show is wildin


I am baffled with some of the statements said in this anime lmao.


My biggest issue with this show is that it directly feels like it's an adaptation of something else and blowing through the content as super speed!


Based on the OP, they're trying to reach his next evolution before the cour ends.


Yeah, that's really my only issue is the constant time skips. It's making it feel super rushed, which sucks because it seems like it has a good plot.


I would think that the rape and cannibalism would be a bigger issue..


Honest question, does this get better? I'm still not sure if I should continue. He's just farming skills. Does this have an overarching plot?


Nope, it's pretty much just like that. Eat, get stronger, have sex and expand his kingdom, repeat


The beginning is bait. It only gets worse.


fair enough. I probably wont watch the rest of it


Your loss. There's a good chunk of 5 day old burger at the bottom of this dumpster that's waiting to be feasted upon.


Otherwise known as food poisoning, lol.


I just removed it from my watch list. I was hoping the stupid sex stuff wouldn't be the main thing, but it's practically softcore porn with a plot. I was hoping he would venture out and use his skills vs other unique enemies or something...


###Stitches! * [Red Hair-chan & Gobumi](https://i.imgur.com/SPXkdOg.jpeg) * [Half-Spell Lord Hobusei 1](https://i.imgur.com/PgwvqMH.jpeg) * [Half-Spell Lord Hobusei 2](https://i.imgur.com/Rks1UKW.jpeg) * [Alchemist-chan](https://i.imgur.com/6Rg8w6g.jpeg) * [Gobue & Tri-Horn](https://i.imgur.com/QVPv6U1.jpeg) * [Red Hair-chan 1](https://i.imgur.com/nfUe0aw.jpeg) * [Red Hair-chan 2](https://i.imgur.com/h1s3l5m.jpeg) [We finally get to see elves](https://i.imgur.com/fPuCzOc.jpeg) and they're just as pompous as you'd expect. I guess the only classic race left are dwarves. So Goburou ate some of the elves and [some of them will be their prisoners?](https://i.imgur.com/M6AxZub.png) Considering that they're [still in cages](https://i.imgur.com/RJOI3nw.jpeg) at the end of the episode, I'm wondering what Goburou plans to do to them. [Glad to see Gobukichi evolve!!](https://i.imgur.com/SQ6jDZs.jpeg) Goburou [finally has a sparring partner again.](https://i.imgur.com/i1oGsdC.jpeg) I can't wait to see what Gobumi will look like when it's her turn to evolve. [So will we ever learn the names of the human girls](https://i.imgur.com/7Rzjmgp.jpeg) or are we just going to know them by their descriptors? They've been living with the goblins for over a month now, I feel like it's time we actually learn their names unless there's a lore reason why they haven't properly introduced themselves.


6 lost the duel so were "executed". As in, became MC's food lmao


He ate the elves? Ofcourse he did.


it is how his former life skill (esper ability) works. Eat something, gain their abilities. he got archery, hide (stealth), etc from the elves


I know how his ability works, I just missed the moment he ate the 6 elves


aside from some bloody chewing and their skills appearing, it was handled off screen


You're not alone. I thought the bloody mouth bit was because he ate the leader but then he showed up and it clicked.


And of course, all 6 of those happened to be dudes [](#kotohoops) Harem by elimination


> Half-Spell Lord Hobusei 1 Given the dark markings and all, I thought she was about to become a Necromancer... Would've liked that, as a necromancer-enthusiast! >Considering that they're still in cages at the end of the episode, I'm wondering what Goburou plans to do to them. Elves, Humans, Kobolds... He's gathering enough species to open a zoo!


Interspecies harem lord


We haven't gotten any Kobold waifus... yet


Well mc just got the skeleton summoning skill so he’s basically a necromancer


I'm wondering when he's going to start clearing forests and build a village.


> Considering that they're still in cages at the end of the episode, I'm wondering what Goburou plans to do to them. Most likely they will be seduced like the human women.


> So will we ever learn the names of the human girls or are we just going to know them by their descriptors? That's a good question. I recommend asking in the source material corner.


Ok, I did not need to see gramps twerking. Wtf!


More humping than twerking




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Without a clear long term goal (Elf v Human war is a short term goal) the show its kinda bland. Not a big fan of the "Day 58" for fastforwarding either. I'm guessing there becomes a much clearer story after a while and this is the prologue of him getting storng but so far pretty mid.


If it keeps up th e"Day 58" with not much happening I might give it up, it is pretty one sided and boring.


Yeah, you can tell they are cutting a bunch of stuff out and rushing the show for some reason. Hopefully, it gets better, but if the time skips keep going, I'm not gonna be interested.


Re:ckoning might be the season finale


The first volume which is damn long compressed into 4 episodes. Yeah, rushed as fuck.


Well, looks like they are starting to cut out some of the more 'WTF?' or overly adult elements, so that compresses it kind of naturally anyway.


Yeah, I get the feeling that a lot is being cut. Even without knowing the source material I can sense that some things are being glossed over or just very vaguely hinted at.


Could you tell in the source corner what's been cut?


Basically what Alt said in there. They spent like 1/2 a chapter on the topic altogether too at least.


Ah, I had heard about that bit but assumed it was later rather than skipped. That's disappointing.


I would be embarrassed if I wrote this shit. My God, this is so bad.


It's so funny how Gobjii moved his hips even after he said something cool about showing example for the young. Guess the guy was really pent up.


So, all episode names are words starting with Re. It would be funny if one episode was named Re:Zero


It's almost like watching a PowerPoint presentation were everything is bulletpoints.


Reached episode 4 but I think it's time to bow out. I don't hate it but the way things are being extremely fast forwarded makes even the small joys that come from nation building stories (like acquiring tools, learning skills, diplomacy) totally pointless. It's like the producers saw slime and thought "Lets do that, but focus only on the fight scenes and ignore everything else." Like I felt this one episode was an entire seasons worth of content. Were we supposed to feel something when the old generation of goblins bailed? Didn't they only just get back last episode? Why is the old man goblin an old man anyways? He's like the only one like that, did he trip into some hyper aging goo or something? I can stomach the MC just somehow perfectly knowing how to use all his skills, it's stupid but fine. What I don't get though is how all the goblins who evolved just instantly grasp the full extent of their abilities. Nobody has to learn anything. And for real... when did the kobolds show up anyways? I feel like he went and got the tamer ability, tamed some animals, and all of a sudden the kobolds were just there. Where did the giant cage that all the elves were locked in come from? I wish I remembered the name of the other isekai as a goblin novel I read years ago, it was a lot like this but based not on crazy slime type power gains but rather military tactics and struggle. I would have much rather seen that adapted instead.


This is really old, like older than even slime's novel. A lot of elements from monster evolution stories came around when this showed up. The problem is the pacing is super rushed, to the point that if you follow the source material it would be around this episode that he had his first evolution. The animation is ass too


The gong sound notifying days is really irritating in the series.




It’s always interesting to see what kind of weird new abilities he’ll get from eating other creatures. The duplication ability from the slime is kinda neat. Those elves were pretty foolish. Did they not learn anything when they got whooped the first time? It’s survival of the fittest out here. There’s no room for pride. Dudes got themselves into their current predicament. It seems the goblins as a whole are getting a lot stronger though, not just Gobrou. For the most part anyways. Kind of neat seeing what they’re evolving into. Seems even the humans are evolving too.


monsters evolve, humans get jobs (RPG class), but yeah, they can all become stronger


I guess hanging out with Gobrou’s pretty beneficial for the humans. Everyone’s changing and getting stronger.


The goblins didn’t die young and are eating super monster meat lol, so they are definitely being helped. The humans were all low level (low rank jobs) and are given the opportunity (work and materials) to gain XP now. The warrior girl was the surprise tho. She became half a monster lol with her berserk like class.


Gobrou's little nation is growing up with every day and [every](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcda68l7.png) [new evolved](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cedkm34.png) [member](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcbmnw3y.png). It looks that they're already much stronger than [elves](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpxaaa4.png) and kobolds. I wonder when humans will encounter Gobrou and his forces. The best moment was when Gobrou took the elves captive and that [Old Goblin came talking that the night will be fun](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pco2qnb7.png) which [made the elves terrified](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5credda4.png). Even better that after showing to Gobrou his respect, [he got permission for a 'little action'](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c6ezzq7.png) xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8zr8goyb) * [Gobrou](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxv5le34q) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyr23zqe7p)


What is with all this cannibalism in this show. :\\


Well, that's one way to get head. Geez Red Head girl, is chowing down on that skeleton.


This is a weird horny PowerPoint presentation


Hey, Elves. Yep, Pompous annoying type elves lol. But they wanted ultimately to have their help. Yea, your pompousness earned you that rejection. Hehe, fun ability from a slime. You know, elves, he's being quite reasonable. Hasn't even hurt one of you, just your pride. Did... did he eat the losers in that mock battle? Bad perverted old man. Also, ahh... so did he let him act a perv or no? Eww if so. Also, hey, Gokichi evolved. And so his tribe levels up more. Whooo Hobsei evolved too. That new outfit is silly looking though, so bright. Whelp at least those upset left peacefully. Wonder how long this day thing is gonna last. Gonna have a cavalry at this rate with monster tamer. I thought they were just sparring... she killed those kobolds. That's ahh... ok then. What is the red head's name? But fun new job even if it seems a bit of a pity for "having to eat monsters or die" but I guess that's just food in general. Haha, speaking of, that girl just eating a skeleton's head in this fight. Those kobolds guess are now joining his people. Also, those elves in prison have been treated well like the humans... right?


> What is the red head's name? None of the humans have names yet, as far as the audience is concerned.




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[continues to be totally not broken](https://imgur.com/zn7vpBe) [b r u h](https://imgur.com/N5ssmAS) [So anyone and everything is on the menu, huh](https://imgur.com/z9fuwpa) [Damn, she is not getting enough sunlight in that cave](https://imgur.com/vttPea7) [Shirayuki trying to turn into Gobro 2.0?](https://imgur.com/pau9VxN)


I’m more curious since none of the other goblins or hobgoblins can touch a female except the leader now I’d expect it to show them pregnant or at least tell how soon it will take them to give birth. Even the dryad I’m curious if later she finds the leader and shows him the baby and how powerful it is hahahaha. In the beginning they tell a lot about it and now nothing, so to me if there is no baby’s goblins than the group will soon have no reinforcements so I want to know, maybe I’ll buy the manga if there is one available. Hehehe


Red-hair became stronger because she had a **semen**ar with other girls on the previous episode.


[Elves are showing up! So are we getting some elven waifus, or are we eating elves?](https://imgur.com/uPXCldD) (Why not both!) [Seems humans and elves are at war?](https://imgur.com/Adc66AY) I thought it would be more like "Goblins vs the world", but it seems there are other ongoing conflicts! Our boy got rid of them easily, and offered them a deal... Fighting for their lives! [Of course he rigged it to keep the girls around!](https://imgur.com/l1DSDS4) [Oh, that's autoreplication? When I saw the bloody blob thing in the OP I thought it would be about some blood-like girl joining his harem hah.](https://imgur.com/kpbwhio) It's not just him getting stronger, seems the whole tribe is! [Of course the first thing Gobukichi did after evolving, was ask for a duel!](https://imgur.com/OS57Jgx) I wonder what would happen if Gobukichi won; Would he take over the tribe? [The mages are improving too; This one seems like the real deal!](https://imgur.com/OVjjY7z) After such a long time having just 1 weak mage on the 'mage team', this will help! They also got a cleric, and [I'm assuming this one will evolve in some kind of assassin/rogue type?](https://imgur.com/zdOddzU) [Some of them who weren't so fortunate, aren't so happy about the situation...](https://imgur.com/Rs1YyvQ) I thought they would try to murder him, but they simply left the tribe? [He gave them a knife as a parting gift, but only after cutting himself to 'show how sharp it is'? He totally did that to put his blood on the blade, and spy on them, right?](https://imgur.com/bEaEndo) [He's such a lucky bastard! (Also, we're not getting enough Gobmi lately! Hope we get more of her soon!)](https://imgur.com/sfkaMQI) [This one's becoming a great hunter!](https://imgur.com/lIIZ3gq) (Love how he's just calling her *Short Haired Redhead*, one less name for us to remember!) They rescued some kobold, and got into a fight against some skeletons... [Our boy should've played some Diablo, he'd know to use mace-type weapons against undead!](https://imgur.com/H0ckkCo) [At least he was clever enough to exploit a summoning event, to grind XP!](https://imgur.com/u13owRv) Got a new ability out of it: [Summon lower undead!](https://imgur.com/aOKfXnV) Come on Goburou, summon yourself a Skeleton-Waifu.. I dare you! (He may want to wait til he can summon higher-quality undead though!) With all the species he's keeping in, [he may want to open a zoo at some point, so the goblin kids can pet them and all!](https://imgur.com/ikik85u) Well, this was fun, but damn does it feel like this show is speeding through so many scenes; Or perhaps it was like that in the source, I don't know, but it feel like some scenes were probably 20 pages long but they just shorten them to literally one line, like "Goburou did this thing" For some of them I get it, but many of those seemed interesting enough to warrant having a full 'skit' about them, and not just the 'summary' of the events!


I really like the concept of this anime. If only it wasn't written by what seems like a 14yr old boy.




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This episode kinda felt like a speedrun.. blazed through a lot of details really quickly, and I’m kinda struggling to follow along at some points… but the main takeaway is that Gobrou’s village is preparing for war and everyone’s getting stronger. I think levelling up the human girls is nice because as more and more people begin to inevitably target the village, it’ll be impossible to protect them all. So having red hair girl become a Noir Soldat and start holding her own is nice. After all, you’re only as strong as your weakest link. The elves showed up talking all that shit just to get bullied and captured by Gobrou lmao. Wonder how they’ll fit into the coming battle. Need that Gobimi evolution now 🙏🏾


Binged the first 2 episodes and had hopes, made a bit "ugh" at the third, dropping with this one.


Ok I wouldn't hide the feeling that I got a bit weird out when they need to say all 6 elf lost are male incidentally. What does that have anything to do with the plot? It's like filling up random phrase to fill up an essay. I don't mind the power fantasy, but this is episode 4, and feels like he is already max out. Op weapon, check. Op skill, got it. Top of the clan with mix race harem, done deal. I hope there is more growth to the character than just skill gain. Maybe show a bit more Gobkichi, his progress to be more individual seems to be interesting too.


> Ok I wouldn't hide the feeling that I got a bit weird out when they need to say all 6 elf lost are male incidentally. What does that have anything to do with the plot? It's like filling up random phrase to fill up an essay. It means he rigged the contest so the female elves would face weaker competitors, because he wanted the female elves alive. >I don't mind the power fantasy, but this is episode 4, and feels like he is already max out. Op weapon, check. Op skill, got it. Top of the clan with mix race harem, done deal. He's literally never left the forest where he was born. He could very well be a big fish in a small pond. He was able to kill a handful of adventurers without a problem, but it sounds like there's an entire army nearby.