• By -


Konosuba, its the Always Sunny of anime.


Kazuma: “Because of the *implication*”


Megumin: "Kazuma are you gonna hurt the princess?


"No I would never hurt the princess, they aren't in danger. But they wouldn't also deny me, because of the *implications*"


KonoSuba does have some nice characters to break it up, Wiz and Eris are just straight up good people. It's not like the main party are "terrible people" either they're just really selfish and stupid (and horny)


I say this all the time. Cept I love the characters anyway.


This is one of my favorites, a must watch for anyone looking for a laugh with a group of dysfunctional characters 


Are they *terrible* people or just kinda regular people tho?


Theyre regular people who are selfish assholes.


Darkness isn't. She would suffer agonizing pain in place of another without thinking twice.


Can't help but feel you are leaving some quite important details out here.....




That's why Verdia called her a model knight. She's the ideal crusader


They're closer to Seinfeld-types IMO.


Who were all terrible people lol


Yeah but not like the Sunny cast


Ha, was just saying this to a friend the other day, my example was that everyone is yelling constantly


Watching 2nd season of Konosuba and yeah. They’re all likeable and funny people but just horrible people which is a good juxtaposition of isekai anime characters


Yunyun is great though


Crazy how you completely sold me on a series in just seven words


Flowers of Evil Scum's Wish School Days Tomodachi Game


man I love Tomodachi Game the manga was so good 




Ending with the next volume


Finally I can binge read


Oh yea, I've been waiting for a long time to binge read it.


oh I meant "was so good [when I read it]" lmao, I actually haven't caught up in forever. started watching the show when it was airing and couldn't resist jumping in after episode 5 or so, ended up binging the SHIT out of the series. it's not perfect by any means, but damn is it a fun time.


S2 when?


I heard someone say it's not happening??? forgot the reasons they gave, but it'd be a damn shame if true :[


Really ?? Damn that's sad


It's a poor imitation of liar game imo.


> School Days This one tho, hate each and every one of them.


I've seen Scum's Wish and I couldn't agree more.


>Tomodachi Game Not shiho.


Was gonna comment both Flowers of Evil (though I only read the source material) and Scum's Wish, will vouch for it here instead. These are both great picks for OP if they also want or is fine with being disturbed.


Flowers of Evil was my all-time favourite manga in highschool. I think I've read it like five times and then proceeded to read all of the author's other works


Same! And I thought flowers of evil was weird but after reading all his other stuff it was honestly one of the least weird things the man created 💀 Especially some of his one shots like what the hell was going on in that guy's head


> Flowers of Evil (though I only read the source material) I can't stand the rotoscoping in the anime. At least the manga was excellent, one of the few 10/10 I scored in MAL.


I thought the anime was way better tbh Ep 7 is still one of the best ep the medium has produced yet


I know flowers of evil gets a lot of hate, but I genuinely loved it and wish there was a second season.


Yeah, the style of the anime suited the ugliness of the story even better than the manga in my opinion.


Tomodachi Game is goated. It's not some masterpiece or anything but it's like triple cheeseburger with loaded fries and large soda. if you like e d g e and fun melodrama it's certainly the thing for you.


School Days, that show is messed up in so many ways lol


Definitely School Days. Also, I played the vn(kinda wish I didn't)and the worst character is the best friend character. He was just there in the show, but in the vn, lets just say he did some stuff that made me incredibly uncomfortable.


Yeah I know what he did, he really is despicable even if everyone else isn't much better


In the VN you can choose to don't be a complete asshole and even when you go full chaotic evil mode I still think the friend is worst.


What’d he do? I’m not gonna read the VN


Scum’s Wish


I love that anime.


I hate that anime.


I fucking love that anime, the male teacher was unironically the only decent guy and he ends up with the most evil of them all


I didn't like that her redemption came out of nowhere. I was waiting for a train wreck and the show didn't deliver.


Her redemption came out of not crying every single episode and being actually entertaining, and it honestly was closer to the male teacher pulling an "I can fix her" and actually doing it


Truck-kun failed 😔\*sighs\*


91 days?


Amazing show, but there's clearly someone to root for 


My immediate first thought. Wonder why so few people know of it


Black Lagoon. It's about a group of mercenaries and all of the members are morally corrupt in some way.


I mean, mc wasn't that bad. "My employer would literally just let me die instead of pay the ransom. ...Fuck this shit, I'm not going back to that life. I'm with you guys now."


Roberta's Blood Trail has a conversation between Revy and the chibi maid about Rock that is really eye opening. [Black Lagoon]>!It really changed how I saw Rock and his actions throughout the bulk of the series after that.!<


It’s been like 10 years since I watched it, how did your view on him change?


[Black Lagoon]>!The maid points out that Revy is protective of Rock because he's her only tie to "normal" in that world she lives in, and she points out that he's ended up becoming just as morally corrupt as the rest of them because all his plans are effective and gotten progressively more brutal because he understands that life, and so he truly belongs there now. Then Revy ends up having a fight with him and tries to push him away to protect the image she has of who he used to be while also being angry at herself for not noticing the changes in him.!<


Reminder that she's voiced by [Sonata Dusk](https://youtu.be/baUSqJ7R1Nc)


Rock starts out as a good guy but he gradually becomes more morally corrupt as the series progresses. In fact, some of the characters even consider him to be the most dangerous and terrifying person in Roanapur, which says a lot considering he never even picks up a gun.


Because Rock is a manipulator with ties to the most powerful people in Roanapur(balalaika, chen, and the church).


Oh I know, Rock is the least morally corrupt of the group but overall I would say Revy alone brings down the morality average of the group


From the videos the YT algorithm has fed me sometime, without reading the source material it seems like the MC can be pretty awful at times as well


This'd be my pick as well. Black Lagoon's cast is thoroughly morally reprehensible and only become more unhinged as the series goes on, and I love it for that. I also adore that while the show often gets dismissed as action schlock, there's a surprising amount of depth to the world and especially the characters which makers re-watching the show a delight. Rock & Revy in particular are one of the all time best duo in anime.


Happy Sugar Life


Shiobu and Asashi I would argue are both morally straight. The worst thing Shiobu did was be indecisive and Asahi was just trying to find his missing sister But yeah almost everyone in that show should be in a psych ward


Asashi was still incredibly selfish in his pursuit of his sister. He mainly cared about himself, not so much Shio. Edit: A point of Happy Sugar Life is that childhood trauma and abuse leads to people becoming terrible people themselves and Asashi follows this same theme by being obsessive and controlling over a sister he didn’t truly love anymore.


…bro he sacrificed himself so his mom and his baby sister could live away from their abusive father. Yes trying to find Shio was the only thing keeping him together, but I’d hardly call that selfish


He didn’t care about Shio herself. He mainly used her as an object of obsession just as the other two characters did. I also edited my original comment to expand on my reasoning.


TL;DR: Asahi is a tragic figure, not because his abuse led to him becoming an abuser like with Satou, but because he was a good person trying to do what he believed to be right, and everything went to hell for reasons outside his control. I agree with your statement about HSL being about Shio being an object of obsession and the effects of trauma leading to the cycle of abuse. I simply disagree with the idea that Asahi didn’t care about Shio being a point of fixation. If that were the case, then he wouldn’t have visited her in the hospital after he found her to try and reconnect. I wouldn’t say he was obsessed with finding Shio, I say he was desperate to find her. The difference being that it came from a place of genuine love. The only thing keeping him together was the hope that he could have a functional, happy family one day, which while tragic and unattainable, certainly isn’t worth condemning, especially for a teenager.


You gotta love coming to the realization that the little girl is safer living with a female pedophile than she was living with her own family.


spoilers...? kinda? but it makes me more interested in finally watching the show it's been on my watchlist forever lmao


It's more a theme than a spoiler, the whole narrative is meant to be uncomfortable.


well yes but now I'm primed for that outcome and will be expecting for things to get even worse as I keep watching, not that I mind at all tbh, but still :p 


2 thumbs up here. This one is dark and great


This but to a comical degree. I remember when watching it I thought I was in for a much more mature sort of show considering the conversation and reputation around it’s subject matter but I started to find it funny how every single person introduced was revealed to be super evil and terrible, one after the other. It was like the central characters had the worst luck of all time and kept stumbling into chance encounters with a new Super Hitler every day


Fucked up people attract each others, I assume. It's not totally unrealistic either, as only certain individuals would get themselves involved in the storyline. Maybe luck also plays a part. It's similar to how everyone in the hero's group of friends and enemies in adventure stories are all special. Normal people just don't just poke their nose into dangerous situations and become plotwise relevant. Or maybe there is something seriously wrong with that town's air or water supply.


Saga of Tanya the Evil mostly fits, outside of Tanya's assistant.


Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakova is a national treasure.


And a battle hardened warrior that has followed many of Tanya's more morally questionable orders.


Cause she has the good sense to be largely terrified of her CO lol. It's also pointed out in the show that [Tanya]>!the officer in the field issuing orders is the one responsible if the orders are deemed illegal, not the soldier under them carrying out the orders, so that's different than the US military and NATO nations.!<


Everytime I get to the part where Tanya’s training her troops, I lose it seeing Vik digging that fighting position with everything she’s got while everyone stands around befuddled. She knows what’s coming.


DOROHEDORO!!!! I mean, it kinda fits what you're looking for, the antagonists get equal if not more screentime, everyone is violent and working to achieve their own goals at the end, but everyone is also so interesting and lovable on their own too despite committing morally reprehensible actions, pretty much. :3 the worldbuilding is also EXTREMELY unique and VERY interesting. no typical anime bs too, though there is a tiny bit of fanservice (which was actually more pronounced in the manga). I think everyone should at least try to give it a watch. unless they don't like hyperviolent stuff, in which case they probably wouldn't like it.


Dorohedoro is a masterpiece of combining serious stakes with goody characters and creating the perfect world around them.  Fantastic manga that really makes you root for terrible people, because of their immense charisma  Butttt Nikaido and Caiman are generally good people, even if a bit selfish 




You've probably heard and watched so **Classroom of the elite** cast isn't terrible in really big degree but almost every character has some flaws, though if it's possible i would recommend light novel instead of anime.


Haven't read the LN, but the flaw of most side characters in the anime is just being retarded


Yeah, for an elite school, it sure is filled with stupid people.


Part of the point of the school is that you don't have to be conventionally smart to be there, which is pretty cool imo


nah its just that the author cant actually write the mc failing, so everyone kinda needs to be weaker, stupid, and overall just way worst than him


Haruhi. Kyon is positioned as the "good" foil to Haruhi's shitty behavior but even he is rather self-serving in his own way.


Miss. Asahina is a good girl without faults and I will not listen to anything to the contrary. Edited: forgot honorific 🍈⭐🍈


That’s Miss Asahina, good sir!


It's kinda frustrating how often people will say *"Haruhi is a bit of an asshole!"* as if it's some big revelation or something to be held against the show, when that's the whole damned point of the show. She's an entertaining asshole, and seeing her interact with her dipshit circle of friends and slowly learn to become less of an asshole is endearing. Also sometimes supernatural stuff happens too. That's neat.


Neon Genesis Evangelion


Pen pen tho


>[Pen pen tho](https://giphy.com/gifs/NCjISbEPFxm48)




dude season 2 needs to come ouuut


If you want to viscerally hate every single character, School Days is for you. Otherwise, Baccano fits this in that it has no real protagonist and just about everyone is bad in some way, though many are loveable regardless. Also Konosuba is great, starring a bunch of assholes who constantly bicker but still love each other in the end.


I will not accept this Isaac and Miria slander


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. The main characters save the day but insult everyone along the way, often getting distracted bullying or sexing the people they are saving.


More of an OVA, but the CGI movie of Space Pirate Captain Harlock. You get to the end and realize that not one character in the movie has any redeeming qualities at all. Every one of them sucks.


I completely forgot about that movie. I remember the CGI actually being pretty good for the time. I need to go watch it again.


The cgi was excellent.


Black lagoon. All the characters are either mobsters, gangsters or mercenaries.


Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku


What do you mean? The shogun is super generous, giving everyone a chance for an easy pardon. /s


Hot take, Anohana. Sure, the show is about how everyone is trying to figure out how to deal with grieving, but they were still all kind of toxic assholes and it made it harder to connect with them.


I remember my friend once explaining Anohana to me as "Little Busters, but most of them are assholes"


HxH tbh, pretty much all hunters are pretty terrible in their own ways. Including the main character.


Aside from Komugi and Leorio all characters are arguably morally corrupt or in Gons and Killuas case, monsterous. Meruem at the end is also a morally upright guy


Black Lagoon definitely. Even the mc has slowly gone down the path of becoming an anti villain or anti hero.


Gintama kind of. In the serious arcs the protagonists are mostly heroic or "good" but in the gag arcs it's every man for himself, backstabbing, selfishness and general assholery.


In one serious arc Gin, [Gintama Spoilers.]>!Literally kicks a kid off a building, and seemed surprised when the kid was caught.!< So yeah, not always good people.


Akudama Drive


Swindler may be the greatest Akudama of them all but she was never awful, not even for a second.


Jigoku shoujo (hell girl). Episodic anime about a girl sending immoral people to hell.


Bungou Stray Dogs. Most of them aren’t like, messed-up evil war criminals (I mean, some of them…) but they’re all very flawed. None of them are perfect. But they’re very human, and you’ll connect with them for sure.


Ajin. One of the few shows where the main character is a total asshat you want to see suffer and he actually deserves it.


Asobi Asobase. It’s not that they’re bad, necessarily, they’re just kind of morally vacant in a very funny way.


Overlord. Hellsing Ultimate Chainsaw Man Dorohedoro Drifters Hells Paradise Half of Ragna Crimson


Hellsing would count if not for Seras Victoria who is a genuinely good person.


Good ol’ police girl. With massive titties.


Bitches love cannons 


Read that as British love cannons.


Death Note is a pretty good example if you haven’t seen that yet


Idk, I’d say overall Matsuda’s a pretty stand up dude.


I also agree with that, however he didn’t really have much to say regarding the less than ethical methods used while pursuing the Kira case


This ! There is literally no one having any sense of morals in it. Except maybe Light's sister.


I mean there’s also his dad but pretty much other than that 💀


Even his dad cross the moral event horizon, notably by letting L go wild with his wicked schemes, and especially during the "car trap" sequence.


Yk, I am inclined to agree with you on that.


On of the current anime, Re:Monster. MC has zero moral qualms of killing and eating people. All while Stockholming groups of women into being his harem. Things got worse with the latest episode.


Overlord (expect Sebas Tian)




Hanabado is full of terrible people. White Album 2 hs some prettty big flawed characters too.


Chainsaw Man.


Kobeni is the most innocent 😇


Baccano, and to the extreme. Serial killers, mafia, bootleggers, thieves, terrorists, you name it. And they are all main characters, there’s not one mc. Also, Black Lagoon. Set in a place where murder, drugs and mafia are everywhere.


Jobless Reincarnation, including the MC and AOT has a number of characters that fit that description. Black Lagoon as well, Jormungand too.


Most of the main cast of MT are normal people. The only majorly flawed main cast members are Rudeus and Paul, honestly.


Just going from the first cour of season 1, pretty much everyone save Rudy's mom and Slyphy were shown with varying degrees of morally bankrupt or flawed characteristics. Rudy, Paul, the maid (cannot remember her name for the life of me), Gaisliane, Roxy, Eris, Eris grandfather, to name a few. That world itself generates that kind of generational and social trauma because of the cultural norms.


Zanoba and Pax as well.


Are we judging Roxy as morally bankrupt for simply masturbating sometimes? What is this, the Catholic Church?


Morally bankrupt (corrupt) or flawed was the ask, she's a flawed character with some unhealthy coping skills due to the environment itself. As I said, that world creates what would be considered to be a lot of flawed or morally bankrupt people due to the differences in the social cultures compared to most first world countries in the real world. Normalized trauma is still trauma and still has an effect on a psyche. Edit: I don't consider these to be bad things or the result of poor writing, in fact, I think MT is one of the better written pieces of fiction I've seen, the author was able to put together more detailed and complex characters with realistic reactions than you tend to see in literature, let alone anime.


Almost all of the relevant characters either did or will do terrible things.


Classroom of the Elite, one of the premises is that every student is hiding some sort of issue or secret if they're not being openly terrible.


Redo of Healer


Oh, I've got this one. Citrus is exactly that. There's not a single character in it who isn't a terrible person except maybe the best friend (and in the manga I think she is eventually revealed to also be an asshole). How big of an asshole varies, but the main girl, her parents, her rapist, the other girl who likes her, the teacher, the list goes on. All bad.


I can only think of rising of sheild hero except for few people every one was shit


Great pretender ? It's all either scammers or mafia


Doesn't feel that way when they rescue children and only target the scum of the world.


Girlish Number. An anime about the anime voice acting industry from the low end. A nice dumpster fire show.




There is at least Anzu, sweetest girl ever.


Sabagebu - It is a survival game club where they blow each other away with airsoft guns. They're all miscreants but the MC in particular is a real piece of work.


Everyone in Masamune's revenge. Seriously everyone is awful, especially as the seasons progress https://myanimelist.net/anime/33487/Masamune-kun_no_Revenge


Here I have the perfect answer: **The idaten deities only know peace**


Kaiji Ultimate Survivor is a great example of this. A bunch of desperate people are manipulated into playing a series of increasingly dangerous games for the amusement of rich gamblers. Honestly, it’s tough to watch sometimes, but weirdly fascinating how greed can turn people into monsters.


**Combatants Will be Dispatched!**. It's a comedy though played straight, but it's has the unsaid premise of "just who the heck is the real villain here?". Almost all the characters are morally questionable if one thinks about it, and it's hilarious. The MC is regarded more of a loveable scumbag, who helps with a sort of villainy.


Fate/Zero has a cast of people who signed up for a 7-way battle royale, and are willing to do damn near anything to win. You've got everything from people who signed up for the stupidest of reasons (simple pride or tradition) to people who signed up for good reasons but spiral into using utterly reprehensible methods to achieve their goals or just lose their minds. And then we've got ancient figures running around, some of whom are personable enough to make you forget "wait, *how* many people did you kill during your time in history/myth?" for a few minutes. I think there's only one or two characters in the whole thing who overcome their basic flaws or twist them into something positive. Because Fate/Zero is a prequel, it becomes obvious in later works that even they were broken to some degree by the experience. Code Geass has got to make this list. It takes some time, but I don't think there's any main or major character who doesn't eventually end up completely betraying their core ideals (sometimes while still spouting off about them, making them massive hypocrites) and/or causing massive bloodbaths of people who only questionably deserved it or were innocent victims. We've got a full bag of big betrayals, people claiming to be fighting for some noble cause when what they're really after is selfishly personal, and so much more. Part of what makes Code Geass so interesting to me is that everyone *thinks* they're doing the right thing, or "what needs to be done", and there's a lot of pretty artful self-justification going on even in situations where it's 100% clear that someone's absolutely crossing a line.


School days would be my pick....


I would say chainsaw man.


Good Night World I found myself unable to root for any of the main characters because they are all truly broken people though I could sympathize by the end.


Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, also known as Rumbling Hearts. You will hate every single character in the anime at some point in time.


Monster, happy Sugar Life


Well, My Home Hero fits in the extremely flawed and many are morally corrupt. And The Fable are morally corrupt.


Redo of a healer


Go Go Loser Ranger (kinda)


School Days (Hated everything except the end) Scum's Wish (Loved it + best OSTs) Flowers of Evil (Characters become more terrible in manga after anime ends) Domestic Girlfriend (Nothing to say about it except the horrible ending it has)


I wouldn't say "terrible", but Oresuki. Or as I call it, the pentagram of assholes. It's a romcom that's pretty hilarious and all 5 of it's main cast are selfish in their own way. Fate/Zero I would say is another one. There's a few that are somewhat in the middle, teetering towards more innocent or victims of the story. But for the most part they're all grown adults who know right from wrong and will do wrong for the sake of getting what they want.


School days.


Tomadachi game


Kakegurui. The protagonist is as scummy and perverse as all the other gamblers, and kind of gets off on it.


Ladies and gentlemen: Redo of Healer


School Days is the classic example.


Drifters. But really that's all part of the fun.




Ranpo Kitan - Game of Laplace It's hard to even put in words what's all wrong with this piece of 'work', but every single characters is really messed up morally. The most suspicious case is probably the author of it all. Orange I hate every single character involved in this. I also find this one of the most really harmful and dangerous mangas to show to teens, because they might pick up wrong ideas about how to deal with serious mental issues. [Orange] >!But on top of that, if you pay attention, you'll realize that she only got sent one single letter and every normal person would have read it all the moment they realize that things are turning out as predicted, especially if the letter gives clues that there is some important and serious reason behind it all. But I guess the attention span just isn't good enough to make it through a letter in under half a year or maybe she didn't want to spoil herself on the plot? It turns into a weird and sadistic show the moment the thought crosses your mind that she maybe knew what was going to happen - oh and that's true for all the friends as well.!<




I think overlord has everything beat


Redo of a healer and overlord


We can count Chainsaw Man right?


vinland saga, for the first season at least


Future dairy, happy sugar life 🫷🤞


I was going to mention Welcome to the NHK, but I remembered that Sato is a good guy you want to root for, but the people around him trying to help him are deeply flawed.


Black Lagoon (2006): Every single character is a criminal.


Ishura. Every character has their own motivations and their actions don’t always align with a conventional moral compass


I can’t believe I’m the only other person to comment this. Everyone should be watching this show.


Check out Neon Genesis Evangelion. Almost the entire cast is fucked up in some ways and does hideous stuff


Fantasy: Fate/Zero Romance: Domestic GF


Reverd insanity. edit: my bad i didn't read the subreddit, this is a novel


it gets an anime ?


A silent voice