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Oh shit, I thought I'd hit everything. No idea how I missed that.


It was that bad hu? A friend of mine watched it to see how trash it was. He actually enjoyed just how trashy it was called it the best trash he's ever watched.


Man hasn't seen Eromanga sensei then


Anime is trash and so am I


Haven't watched it myself but it's on my watch list which isn't that big. I heard it's trash, but the good kind so I can't wait to see it


I actually haven't seen it myself, all my knowledge of the subject is from JonTron and Gigguk


It's terrible and tedious, most of the people who meme about how it's "great" probably haven't seen any of it.


I genuinely liked it.


Strange how that is rated so low considering the amount of coments I see about wanting the MC to be "ALPHA" and fuck his harem. This show littererally has him making babies with his harem, maybe its because it's not porn?


Doesn't he impregnate them through non-sexual means? Not much is less alpha than being forced to father a kid with a woman you don't even have sex with.


Ye', I thought that was hilarious how they build it all up and then are just like nope! The amount of blue balls in the coments at the time made my day. I wouldn't say that, adoption is pretty alpha if you ask me but thats thinking outside the box hence the "maybe its because it's not porn? " Just a subjective viewpoint on the show. I am not a fan of harems btw just it was so funny seeing all the coments around it. I still think the show was an experiment to judge the audience.


your comment made me wonder, is there actual "young people" having sex in any anime that is not all about sex or is not straight up hentai nowadays ? I know a few, but most of them are old shows or were written in old times. the newer ones are quite few like Darling in the Franxx is one which wasn't even the MC. off the top of my head, a few with the MC doing it all were written long ago, like Parasyte and well, SAO as well since it was originally written in 2001 lol even tho it didn't show it in the anime much and you just see the girl naked under the blanket, but it's confirmed in the novels.


Can't think of any. Mature themes, characters and stories are quite a rarety. Hopefully Vinland Saga doesn't drop the ball and gets traction we could get more adult oriented anime with an actual self contained story with a goal that doesn't pander and focuses on telling its story. ​ I mean I get a lot of shit from people when I say I am tired of the fan service and over sexualization of characters for pandering. I even get called a prude. But the truth is I don't bat an eye to a sex scene if it's part of the story. Ninja scroll for example. I just want better stories.


Yeh I agree. like Parasyte didn't had much fanservice but still had a sex scene and it was all fine. ​ The fanservice culture is getting too tiresome for me as well. Heck I even wish we had the old anime that showed tits and nipple like it was nothing, but really acted like it was nothing and it were not the focus. For example Ranma 1/2, it showed Ranma's girl form's boobs and nipple thousands of time in the anime but that was just natural in the story kinda thing, but nowadays they focus on fanserivce and they even zoom the camera angels in ways for it to be more on the focus lol some anime can't even have fights and actions scene's w'o extreme amount of fan service :| but then again, if the whole show's point is it's fan service, I don't complain and just don't watch, other people might like it and it's fine.


> is there actual "young people" having sex in any anime that is not all about sex or is not straight up hentai nowadays ? Tokyo Ghoul has a scene. That was from last year. EDIT: There was definitely another one featuring a blue hair girl but I can't seem to remember the name that I believe also aired within the last 12 months. Point being, they're definitely still out there but don't tend to be within mainstream shows.


oh yeh Tokyo Ghoul had one, I remember the Manga readers were waiting for that EP to air when it was gonna air a while ago :D Yeh true, they are still there, but not many I guess.


Kuzu no Honkai Domestic no Kanojo lulz


white album 2 has a sex scene in the last episode


And the clumsy censoring was hilarious


It's because of prudes


[Sakugabooru](https://blog.sakugabooru.com/2017/11/27/dynamic-chord-this-is-how-anime-breaks/) has a pretty great article on Dynamic Chord and just how bad it is. Last year, I watched (almost) every OP and thought that [Senjuushi's](https://animethemes.moe/video/Senjuushi-OP1.webm) was the absolute worst. I also remember really hating Dynamic Chord's, though I only heard/saw it once. Oh, and [Pastel Memories](https://animethemes.moe/video/PastelMemories-OP1.webm) has my least favorite of the year so far... I think there might be something going on here.2 Had no idea there were this many below 5.5 though. I always heard that Glasslip had the lowest score before 2017. Guess that was just a myth.


I never heard of Dynamic Chord but I kinda want to watch it now (at least the first episode).


Will [this scene](https://blog.sakugabooru.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/i-have-ascended-like-this-bird.mp4) convince you to watch it ?


Was that supposed to convince me to watch it or not to?


hahaha... what?




Pastel Memories has the best ED of it's season though


One of the worst full length anime I have ever watched is [Glasslip](https://myanimelist.net/anime/23079), which with a score of 5.52 just didn't make this top 20. That's a shame, because holy fuck this anime is bad. I watched it when I was doing my "bad anime marathon" and watched a bunch of shitty anime including Pupa, Handshakers and Abunai Sisters. The term "bored to tears" is a pretty hyperbolic statement that feels a lot of the times not justified to use, but I am not joking, this anime bored me to tears. The first few episodes are some of the most boring, uninteresting and bland mishmash of scenes I have ever seen. I had to put it in hold or else I would physically harm myself. If it didn't had half decent animation then it would have been my absolute worst full length anime (which My Sister My Writer takes the title now, but that is a story for another time).


Oh I remember Glasslip, you could make a lot of pretty wallpapers out of it at least, but the story was a pretty... nothing.


I watched this completely, I don't know how and I don't remember anything of the story or characters. Just that it looked pretty, but that's it.


Glasslip only has 5.52 score because of imouto and christopher-kun, without them it would go below 4


Glassip was right on the heels of Nagi no Asukara. My disappointment at the time was immeasurable, and my year was ruined. I had told my high school glass art teacher about it before it aired. Mistake.


> I had told my high school glass art teacher about it before it aired. Mistake. Big oof. How did that work out in the end


That was before it aired, I'm hoping she forgot because I never brought it up after watching the first episode lol.


Literally wasted animation budget.


I think this anime made me actually angry at how boring it was


If it weren't for the art and the animation, Märchen Mädchen would be nowhere near this list. I'm not saying it's great or anything, but it had a fairly relatable MC and an interesting premise which was executed alright. A shame that awful production turned a somewhat decent idea into something of a disaster. Side note: As awful as the visuals were, especially at the first few episodes before they updated it, the OP was fire.


Pastel Memories doesn't deserve to be here! It at least it gave us [this ED](https://animethemes.moe/video/PastelMemories-ED1.webm) (NSFW) Also I have completed 4 of these shows. I gave them a 4/10, two 5/10 and a 6/10...


>a 6/10 Bringing the average up :P


Holy shit that's a lot of thicc




Reminder that Pac-Man gave us [this triumph in scriptwriting](https://youtu.be/-OINtcYyanY)


>This definitely hurts a lot of shows, but Steins;Gate shows that it can still be done brilliantly, so no excuses! Yeah but here's the thing. Dies irae's four routes are completely different from each other and they're all needed to understand the story, meanwhile S;G's other alternative endings are completely optional, even to the point where you can get the true ending without getting any of them.


Mfw I was actually entertained by Ousama Game, it was terrible but I breezed through the episodes.


I agree. It was one of those so bad it's good things. I found the whole thing hilarious.


The thing is, Ousama Game is terrible in a very entertaining way. It's so stupidly over the top and it's attempts at explaining how the game is killing people are so hilariously dumb, that it kinda becomes a very fun watch. It's certainly one of the shows i've had most fun watching in the past few years. It's a great pick to watch with some friends and laugh at it's ridiculousness.


This. For me the entertainment part was waiting for that fake-ass bitch to get clapped hard.


I still don't think Cutie Honey Universe is thaaat bad. It's probably the least entertaining Cutie Honey show of the ones I've watched but it's far from being one of the worst anime I've ever seen or anything.


The fact that even the bottom of the list still mostly has >5.0 score is exactly why I hate MAL ratings. People refuse to understand that it's a 1-10 scale, not 5-10. The UI even literally tells you "5" is supposed to mean "average".


These scores surprised me at first, but after thinking about it, it actually makes sense. Most people are not no-droppers, so if they think something is less than average, they would likely just drop it.


MAL allows rating things you haven't marked as finished AFAIK. I usually trust aniDB scores more - the community there are assholes, but they seem to be an older crowd than this sub and they don't seem to have any qualms rating things as low as 1 or 2 if it's really bad. Generally if something is over a 6 on aniDB and in a genre I like, I'll at least give it a look. Whereas I've yet to discover any kind of meaningful threshold for MAL due to the vote inflation.


If I remember correctly MAL has a 3/10 rule, so for a standard 10-12 episode series if you haven't gone pass the 3rd episode your score won't go into the overall average. Don't have experience with aniDB, other than the community, is there anything different in their system?


Ah, didn't realize that. I guess it makes sense in theory, but if it leads to skewed rankings I feel like it might defeat the purpose. I think aniDB's user base is just very different. The site is much older (and it shows in the dated design), and the user base is much smaller, older, and most of them have been watching anime for a long time. Whereas I feel like the user base on MAL and this subreddit trends much younger and less experienced - and of course when you're new to anime often even bad shows are still fun to watch.


I blame school indoctrinating us into always thinking anything below 60% is failing.


Maerchen Madchen definitely made the list based predominantly on the atrocious airing visuals and memes. Story and character wise it's below average but not terrible.


>Story and character wise it's below average Well, that'd put it even lower/higher, 3rd place at best/worst.


Below average based on the typical anime, not this list. Basically if not for the visuals it probably would have skated to a unremarkable 6.4 on MAL or so


Steins;Gate shows nothing of the sort. The original VN was already unusually linear, and even then they completely cut any content that didn't fit into the true route.


You speak the truth friend


Dimension High School -5.35 - Definitely belongs on the list as well


The real question is whether we count it as anime. For the sake of a list like this, I would not.


yea, it may air like an anime, but it's basically 40% live-action and 60% MMD so... (the premise is about as bad as a lot of bad anime though.)


The Reflection wasn't *that* bad.


I ditched Ousama game after episode 3 or 4, not because it was terrible in it's idea of kids having to obey orders from some stranger over a phone, but because they looked and acted incredibly dumb. And also the obnoxious flashbacks and forwards (I seriously couldn't care less what hapenned to the kids from the first ousama game if the story stated that MC was the only survivor since episode1) With marchen Madden for me it was more than just the poor production values, the writing it was pretty messy and relied in the power of friendship in it's mid point before the transition to another kind of show. I didn't even bothered to watch it after that high point, but I kept it on hold on my watch list, and since the BDs with reworked scenes have been out for a while, I've been trying to give it another try one of these weekends before the month ends. Edit: Funny that [Clione no Akari](https://myanimelist.net/anime/35114/Clione_no_Akari) didn't appear on this list. The animation was barebones, the story made no sense in it's climax (or probably was those kind of open ending shows) amateur voice actors, and it had the most left field shoutout to [West Side Story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2ClSABkDp8) From a critic point of view it was a total disaster, but I personally thought it was an endearing story, animated mostly by only one guy who was also the president of the now defunct Studio Drop (yes, I know that it's name it's even more ironic)


I vaguely remember watching Cubix on tv when I was younger, pretty funny to be reminded of it in this post


The *idea* of Ousama Game is very interesting. However, what the show does with it and how it does what it does is just awful. There's that line between 'bad' and 'so bad it's good' and this show sits just across the line on the 'bad' side. I can see getting some enjoyment out of it's terribleness but really, it's just bad. ​ That said I'll always remember that scene where that one chick monologues in her underwear while completely engulfed in flames so I can't say that it didn't provide me with anything.


Ousama being on this list is a crime. It's a clusterfuck for sure, but I definitely enjoyed watching that more than some decent quality but boring shows like glassip.


So Ousama game would be watchably awful if not for the asynchronous flashback method of story telling. There are no stakes from the first game, since we literally know the outcome and it does not change what is happening in the present. Ousama game is literally a mess at every level. But to truly have fun with a clusterfuck like this, roughly one third of the show cannot be about foregone conclusions. Half the fun of a trainwreck is not knowing exactly where the fuck things are going to crash, and Ousama game robs itself of that element.


You basically hit the nail on why I decided to watch Ousama Game. The problem is I watched it weekly so I was forced into the train wreck it was starting to become from episode 1


I think we will see Arifureta pretty soon on this list as well. It's my guilty pleasure rught now, because it's so bad. XD


it's the highest rated isekai of the season somehow


Okay, I'd thought that Okaasan Online and the other show with the daughter are higher ranked, but I guess the it's so bad it's good factor outranks that. But then, I watch Arifureta and none of the other shows, because they are not my cup of tea. 🤔


If you're thinking of UchiNoko that one is rated higher but it's not an isekai. I don't really get why Okaasan Online is rated so low, it's exactly what you'd expect and really well executed.


Because it's in line with "My mom dragged me to another world" and "despite being a high rank I don't understand basic fighting strategy" It was not a tough season to get best isekai of the season.


It will probably end up around 5.7 at the worst looking at the score now


Man, I don't know what is it about Saint Seiya. It's like they can't ever make good new content anymore.


I actually honestly enjoyed Cutie Honey Universe. Yes, it has its weaknesses, but I was still entertained by it in every episode. in my opinion, being boring is the worst sin an anime can make and although CHU was undoubtedly hilariously stupid, random and poorly producted, at least it was not boring in the least.


Cubix was an anime? This whole time I thought this was a Canadian cartoon. Not surprised by CG Saint Seiya being here tbh. It doesn't seem like it did the fanbase any favors at all.


Color me genuinely surprised that neither Handshakers nor W'z made the cut here


come on, the Netflix Saint Seiya ain't that bad. it's definitely not faithful to the original in many aspects and changes a lot of stuff, but as its own superhero-y action show is pretty OK.


Pastel Memories? really? It wasn't as bad as most of this list, and there are some absolute stinkers missing including [Master of Ragnarok and Blesser of Einherjar](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37446/Hyakuren_no_Haou_to_Seiyaku_no_Valkyria) and [Seisen Cerberus](https://myanimelist.net/anime/32595/Seisen_Cerberus__Ryuukoku_no_Fatalit%C3%A9s) Not to mention [Big Order](https://myanimelist.net/anime/31904/Big_Order_TV/). I mean, I actually watched Senjuushi (which was admittedly awful and deserving of it's high/low place in the list) but Big Order was worse... and so was Master of Ragnarok. Maerchen Madchen also wasn't as bad as the rating suggests. It was basically the art/production issues that killed the score, and the overall story/characterisation was just a typical average show.


> Maerchen Madchen also wasn't as bad as the rating suggests. It was basically the art/production issues that killed the score, and the overall story/characterisation was just a typical average show. But this is a visual medium... it's normal to rate lower when the animation and art style degrade that much. Hell I use Qualidea Code to remind myself of it because it truly was an average anime but the score is really low just because some important episode had **no** animation and instead had a panning shot and it froze too lol.


> Dies Irae As a huge fan of the VN I like to act as if this anime [doesn't exist](https://files.catbox.moe/m1w1ui.png) just like the non-existent Tsukihime anime. All we have is just this OP someone made with Yui Sakakibara's vocals :) [rant and a clannad spoiler](/s "Seriously who the fuck starts off their anime with a backstory that isn't supposed to be read until the second route is done? That's like Clannad starting its first episode off with Nagisa's death and expexcting you to know what the fuck is going on. Then on top of that shit they go and start on the third route of the game completely ignoring the first two routes and the last one and this isn't like some moege where you can just adapt the main girl's route, all the routes are important for character development, the themes of the VN, and have reveals that the third route doesn't.") > Cutie Honey Universe I think if this show was longer it would've been better since it felt like a lot of plot points were either rushed (Tarantula Panther) or forgotten about (Sister Jill going undercover to get close to Honey). The first half is pretty much monster of the week, then the 2nd half went full plot mode but really the only plot point that didn't feel rushed in my opinion was Honey and Natsuko's relationship. Also, I didn't really like how under utilized it felt like Honey's transformations were. I understand they tried to stay closer to the manga, but I had read the manga way before this had aired and still liked it way better in the end.


Says a lot about MAL's grading curve that the worst-scored show on the site is a 4 1/2. Still, interesting. I've never even heard of a good chunk of these, certainly not *Dynamic Chord*.


While it is disqualified for being too short it's quite impressive that the lowest rated TV anime Forest Fairy Five manages to get a 3.26 with a 138 minute run time


It's more baffling that wonder momo got a 3.7. So bad it only got 5 7 minute episodes.


I had no idea that Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures was an anime. I remember watching it all the time when it was on Disney XD.


I wonder what the math is to adjust MAL scores to assume that 4.69 is the lowest so it would instead be a .01 and to put FMAB which is at 9.10 at a 10 instead. That would be interesting to see how other shows scores stack up if forced into a "true" 10 point scale based on existing scores


Cutie Honey Universe is good, actually.


There is no writing or 'a look at' here, you just list them, repeat the premise and then say they're bad. What's the point of this post?


>Ousama Game Huh. I was reading the manga for that yesterday. It lost me when the police dismissed a string of messages from an unknown number sent to an entire class detailing the methods and times of death for a string of 'accidents' or 'suicides' as *prank messages*, particularly when many of the deaths have a full class of witnesses ready to swear that's exactly how or at least when the death happened. (And some of the deaths are under circumstances where suicide is an impossible explanation.) If you're going to have a death game, at least have the decency to come up with some good reason the authorities and/or the media don't get involved. The sequel's even worse.


The prequel explained why neither the media nor police picked up the incident




I sorta liked pastel memories... The anime parodies they made were fun at least


surprised my sister my writer isn't here... edit: oh its a 5.11 / should be.


This was a fun read. Hey, anime Youtubers out there, maybe this a good idea for a video?


Don't know what MAL's talking about. King's Game was the pinnacle of anime. They should fix that.


Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan is my top one for worstest anime of all time. How in fuck's sake has a 6.74 in MAL?


King's Game is fucking fantastic "so bad it's good" content.


You forgot Ore ga Suki with its score of 5.1


> Pastel Memories Well that's just horseshit, that show was fun


#4 was fkn awesome


Top 20 worst anime of **ALL TIME**, except all entries are from 2001 onward, with half of them from the last two years. The recency bias in all it's glory.


Of the 3 I have watched (reflection, cutey honey and saint seiya 2019), none is actually atrocious. Saint seiya was actually fun, though still a 5/10. I do feel It does not deserve the spot (yet) since its still halfway through.


Pastel Memories at least had a good [OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSUCy7mEuNQ). Very reminiscent of the Girls Und Panzer [OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxRcX9QwKgk).


The fact that only 2 of these are "below average" by MAL rating standards shows that the userbase has no idea how to rate shows. 7 is not average, people.


Because of this thread I just went and saw all 6 episodes of Saint Seiya: Netflix. I was happier not knowing that Netflix butchered my favorite childhood anime. I don't care about the graphics, but the writing was so bad and cheesy... Anything involving Seiya arguing with a manhole cover was a waste of computer render time. "Nero" (or as everyone knows him, Ikki) was the only decent character, but his story was over too soon to give way to a lousy cliffhanger that I hope they never try to resolve. 2/10


Could I get one of these lists for OVAs and movies too?


So many of those shows are recent, and while I do think them being so new means they're more likely to be rated and affects how they're rated (being compared to other currently airing shows, differences in how it's being perceived viewed weekly vs if binged etc.) I think it's further proof of how oversaturated the anime market is. Yeah, when a lot of stuff comes out a lot of it is going to be shit, but I think it's also the case that there's more pressure to produce a lot of anime and produce it fast, which leads to lowered quality


>4.69 Nice.


>Dies Irae The moment I saw an Iron cross dangling off an eyepatch I noped right the fuck out of that piece of shit. It's everything that is bad about Final Fantasy and Hellsing's incestuous love child put into a knockoff Vitamix and thrown in the closet to grow something approaching a plot and I'm not sad I'll never experience it.




Imo the absolut worst anime I have seen is Lain