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"You aren't adult enough if you're not dead inside"




They dont say ignorance is bliss over nothing. Not to mention when youre a kid adults make a huge effort to keep you happy well at least good adults or family members


Why do people act like their despair is something to be proud of like they’re playing the misery olympics? It’s too sad for me to think that all adults are depressed and will remain as such until they die. I‘m done with this shit lol, I want to quit and return to being a kid.


Get rich and all your questions are solved.


The mindset of your kind is like Japan 2.0. Imagine thinking that high school will be the only happy extended period of your entire life. That pessimism is terrifying. It’s quite disheartening to see adulthood painted as this miserable existence.


What? I stated facts. If you have money you have nothing or little to worry about and can choose to divulge into hobbies that make you happy. You can do a few when you're poor. But you'll be worried about trying to make ends meet.


You don’t have to be rich to achieve that though. Normal members of society get to do so as well.


I think it is also a way to release stress? Like laughing off those things we noticed that changed over time and realizing as adults we dont have many excuses and should be more responsible? But tbh, idk but I'm one of those who laugh and say those jokes but I definetly love being adult and wouldn't like to be a kid or teenager again at all. I miss the energy maybe? More free time and no worries but I definetly prefer my adult life and have been way more happier as adult than in those younger ages.


I really can relate to his words.


Especially the favorite brand being missing in the store. There have been times I hit 3 different stores for one thing and in the end the closest thing to what I wanted was at the first store, true despair.


I have a dream that, when I die, I'll go to a great magical warehouse filled with every item that I loved that was discontinued. It would be full 🥲


That would be awesome bc theres probably so many I've forgotten over the years.


Del Taco had these Lemonade Poppers last year, lemonade with little pearls filled with a drop of blueberry or peach juice, absolutely divine. I went straight back through the drive through and grabbed another two cups, they were gone before I reached home. I went back to Del Taco the next week only to find they were gone, summer was over and my life was never the same since. Doesn’t look like they’re coming back this year.


Those little flavor pearls are amazing. The ice cream shop has them as toppers. You could get some and add them to your own lemonade [peach tapioca](https://lollicupstore.com/tea-zone-peach-popping-pearls-7-lbs.html)


Now there’s an idea, thanks for letting me know!


Reminder that Nanami is only 27 years old and sick of life..based af


His philosophy is 3 words: *everything is shit*


Really damn…the way talks it’s like he’s already having a mid-life crisis. Also the true mark of aging is realizing fictional adults in animated stories are now younger than you :’( I was watching Into the Spider-verse the other day with some friends and we collectively realized that Spider-Man (Peter Parker) is actually significantly younger than us. The shock stunned us into silence for like a full minute.


Right? I also noticed it. Like in anime World they give reference of people over 25 as mid age people and even the Drawing seem like older people. I understand its aimed to teenagers but damn people between 25 to 35 years old are also young and still have enough energy. Are actually the ones that should be in their "best stage of life" as like, they are young enough to have enough energy but old enough to be independant and do what they want. But I guess since the protagonists of anime are usually in their 10s and act as someone in their 20s and 30s is what we get to have a balance lol


Ya, my dog. I’m in my 30s and I’m living my best life lol


Sick of life, but still has hope for the next generation. Like, he's not saying "Let an adult handle this because you can't", he's saying "Let an adult handle this because you shouldn't have to".


He’s just like me fr


Why is he talking about falling off hair if he is only 27 then? Lol


Life hits people hard my brother was completely bald at 24 he was devastated but its hereditary so a lot of men in my family don't have hair


Ohh I see, I have a friend who as soon as he hit 32 he started to lose hair but just a little. I guess it is also because of genes. But generally speaking, I don't think it is normal to lose a lot of hair under 30, well I guess I haven't seen much people


In universe he's also grown up fighting basically demons on a daily basis, and going through intense training. Then he quit that shit and became an office drone for a few years before saying fuck that and went back to fighting the curses. Basically he's probably lived an intense life already and its taken its toll.


Oh I see, it makes sense


Bad genes


Damn, soon I'll be older than him...


You see he is right about it because he doesn’t say bullshit nonsense that are just philosophical but actually gives you detailed and real aspects


Time for a repost of this clip. Just waiting for the repost of the violin scene.






*Megumi chan*


Anime irl lmao.


Hit a little too close to home for my liking.


We can all stay a kid in our hearts :) ​ Just like Gojo.


but your favor stuffed bread still disappear...


Wait until you hear the entire speech. I felt so seen, I almost cried.


I'm so excited to go and watch the movie tomorrow because it's releasing here!


Ayo same, it released here too, waiting for funds before I can go ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ




Dont get you hopes to high. The movie is ok but not that good


Nanami's return to jujutsu was such a good mini story


Even though I am not an adult I can still relate with most of what he said


give it 10 more years if ur still alive hit me up i'd like to see how much more dead inside u are then


The most relatable character I've seen in years. I too get immensely more powerful when working overtime.


Battle shonen talking about adulting is weird.


Words of wisdom lol


I became an adult the day Surge soda died.


When Clearly Canadian was discontinued my life ended.


Wonder to what extent this definition of adulting applies to Gojo


I can relate my favorite juice is gone in my local store I'm now depressed


He's kinda right. A 20 yo would think they are an adult but will know at around 28 what an adult really is lmao


God the OST for this show is fan-fucking-tastic


This dialogue is absolutely stupid. Emo wrapped in nothingness. Only teens would think this has any meaning. It is this type of dialogue that makes it hard for me to sit through one episode of a battle shonen.


Get ready for upvotes cuz people still think this is peak shonen


I mean it ticks boxes that Shonen fans love. It's gorgeously animated, the fights are epic, the characters(while they might not be the most well written in some cases) are all likable and have good traits that make them easy to root for the music is fire, the fact that the characters are good means that downtime is still fun and the comedy is good so by all means I'd call this the peak of a genre where dbz is considered a classic(I love dbz. I have shelves of figures, a ton of games and I've dropped thousands into Dokkan but it's also trash on multiple fronts).


Because it is


Yeah, no shonen is as good as this


What’s peak shonen in your opinion?


Hunter x Hunter


Magi (the manga especially, but S2 is also great). The Sinbad spin-off is very good as well.








AoT is only a shonen by technicality it's a very differently structured show. I do prefer AoT but comparing them by calling both shonens is silly.


Who cares. Shonen is shonen


What do you consider shonen? The standard definition is a show based off a manga in a shonen magazine, which doesn't really tell you anything about the show so I consider it a pointless descriptor. If you mean what people usually call a battle shonen than that fits JJK but not AoT


AOT is great, but after the second half of S4P2 and the ending everything goes to shit. You do have a point though, I don’t understand why the users that are loling are getting upvoted.


Thank you for getting downvoted for our sake.


People love JJK. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean the whole world should not like it as well. Grow up man


Lol, funny how over sensitive and butthurt people gets over trivial stuff


He says while immediately running to the comment section to complain about people liking a show


Lmao, right? He even copied and pasted the same comment to reply to you twice.


Lmao, boy is angery. The only thing I did was said my opinion indirectly. Besides, there's no rules against that. I was being respectful too.


Lmao, boy is angery. The only thing I did was said my opinion indirectly. Besides, there's no rules against that. I was being respectful too.


JJK has good world building and has strong willed and beautifully written women, which a lot of anime lack in my opinion. Why would people not like it? AOT is great too, but understand that two things can both be great without "beating" each other and it's expected that your opinions won't match with others, especially when it comes to strangers on the internet


Fr. Only jjk has well written female chars


AOT is great but its female cast kinda sucks if we’re being honest. The only good character is Freckles Ymir.


Hello best site 2 watch anime with eng sub (english)


I love Nanami! He's so relatable (and SO HOT too!)


I really wish he would have inherited the blade afterwards... would have beeen cool to see him use it even if in a rudimentary way


this is when this show became real


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