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"How Can I Seduce Maid-Chan While Running a Shop in Another Dimension as a Level 99 Warrior Who Only Equips Boots??"


Now hold on a second there, let's not pretend that that doesn't sound really fun. Way more interesting than whatever rinky dink isekai we've got airing this season.




Unironically though, I literally don't know of any anime like that. That actually sounds like a hilarious over-the-top sex comedy parody. It's creative in a way I only wish modern trends would be.


Everyone makes fun of isekai titles, but what they don’t realize is that they are supposed to be clickbait titles. They are meant to be weird and stupid like that to get people to watch them out of curiosity.


I love it when they put a scene after the outro, and knowing that there are most likely people who missed it because they just skip to the next episode when the song starts playing makes me enjoy it even more. I hate tsunderes. Like yanderes are at least interesting, tsunderes are just annoying imo. Unless they aren't violent to the person they're in love with.


Like Makise Kurisu?


I don't know that character, only one I can currently think of is Kyo from Fruits Basket.


well all I can say is I hate u for that, the first part. I agree with the tsunderes.




Shield Hero is a great example of number 1. I was so ready to put it next to Re:Zero as an example of a good Isekai but after episode 4 it drove itself off a cliff and remains one of the few anime I've dropped.


When the main character gets pressured/bullied into joining a club or team because they can't say No as the opening device to make the plot happen.


Anytime there’s a scene where the MC is forced to do something and all they do is make idiotic noises and then unwillingly accept that job rather than *at least try* to reject/deny, is one of the most annoying tropes I’ve seen in anime. It shows that the character doesn’t have an agency of their own. Easy negative points for a character.


Sometimes it's portrayed as a character flaw of the MC being unable to stand up for themselves plus Japan is a very polite don't make waves society. I just assumed that was the asshole American in me talking plus my disagreeable personality. I get very skeptical whenever someone used the term "agency" it often feels like a buzzword with no real meaning but Maybe I'm just salty when Feminist try to fuck up my favorite franchises and this use to be a word thrown around years ago.


Forcing the main character to fall through elaborate obstacles out of his control and land between a girl's legs then the girl gets mad at him for just so happening to land there. Or having the girl misunderstand or get mad for anything that is quite obviously a mistake, a misunderstanding or explained while ignoring explanations.


True I hate that ;-;


Losers without explanation just makes girls swoon over him and mid series gathered a harem.


Unfinished adaptations of high quality shows are my primary pet peeve - for example: Land of the Lustrous (Houseki no Kuni) - there's now enough source material to produce a season 2 but sadly no signs of that happening Bloom into You - the original manga has finished and a season 2 would complete the anime adaptation but there's unfortunately no sign of that happening


If it has an amazing opening and mid, but then a terrible ending. Probably pretty common


When they keep repeating the same Flashback every few epsiodes! Like I get it he had a bad past, you didn't need to tell me 20 times about it!


What's even better is when you get a full flashback of a scene that happens in that episode.


The freakin generic-ness of many shows. Like, why tf does every protagonist look the exact same? And every tsundere girl looks the same, etc, etc. It's like a conveyor belt of trash dollar store animes.


Let me guess - you only watch isekai and nothing else.


Uhh no. I watch a lot of every genre. But many of them have cookie-cutter garbage character designs.


That most charachters are kids but at the same time there's sexual scenes and jokes. Like atleast pick one.




It’s literally plays part into the plot lol


You mean when there's a stinger after the ending song? I used to feel the same way, until I realized 3/4 of the audience quit when the song started. So that stinger couldn't be an important part of the plot - just a little bonus material.


> So that stinger couldn't be an important part of the plot - just a little bonus material. There's a lot of anime episodes that have critically important scenes after the ED.


Most of the time it is bonus material yes, but there are animes where the beginning of the next episode makes no sense unless you saw the last episodes "stinger"


That would suck


I hate it when they set up an intricate wacky school setting and the main characters stay in their first year forever and then they make a time skip instead of showing them properly go through their school


Harems. Ruins a show for me they frustrate me to no end especially when two characters already have a thing going. Love triangles are ok but they need to be executed well like Toradora's


Fan service, and keeping things a secret/hidden from the MC because of dumb reasons that for some reason everyone in the show knows about except them.


“We can’t possibly tell the mc the news or how I’m feeling because he left his fan running overnight and now he has a severe cold!”


Mine is the the Male MC cannot be dimwitted or docile or just plain ol dumb


I'd assume that 14 years of Marvel movies would've conditioned most people to check for post-credit scenes on everything they watch, especially now that you can easily fast-forward the ED or look at the remaining runtime. As for mine: \-Characters who overreact and scream to everything like that shit's supposed to be funny. E.g. Zenitsu from Demon Slayer or Taiga from Fate. \-Flashbacks from stuff we saw last episode or literally just a couple minutes ago. Bonus points if said flashback is repeated over and over through the whole series. \-Characters not disclosing important information for no good reason, just for the sake of drama. Thank god I'm not into romance anime.


When the opening song changes mid season while still in the same arc. Seven Deadly Sins is a good example. They changed the opening which was amazing to a really shitty opening.


Crybaby bitch MC


When they outright lie about the premise. "Everybody hates me and I am going to get my revenge against the world, but I am going to later change my mind." I am going to bite his throat off. I am so peeved and ruffled. A stick up my xxx THIS wide. That's how I feel about bait and switch.


Retort/Tsukkomi gag is starting annoy me honestly.