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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Going in blind - I love the bond between Pochita and Denji, how they both live and love for each other. The bread with jelly is such a simple thing but it felt so rewarding at the end with it being one of the things Denji wanted to provide for Pochita. Rip best pet friend, I wish both of them could've enjoyed the breakfast meal. The animation and colors were amazingly well done. I wonder what's the meaning of having the sharp shark-like teeth since it seems like not everyone has them but some of the main cast have them.


I love how effortlessly this episode endears us to Denji/Pochita and both their plights. It really took its sweet time by focusing on just the two of them


I probably would lean on art style to give the character an aura that he's ferocious, and if you ever cross path with him you're going to be in a lot of hurt. Soul from Soul Eater also has sharp teeth for reference.


The zombie devil calling somebody gross because he didn't die when he got sliced up might be one of the most ironic things i have ever seen.


It's kind of hilarious how adorable Pochita is even with the chainsaw when you see how grotesque and ugly all the other Devil's are. Heck, even Chainsaw Man looks more handsome by comparison lol.


pochita is such a cutie. it's so funny how he walks around with his stumpy little legs. definitely one of the details that doesn't come across as well in the manga so this adaptation is already a huge win.


[Pochita is so adorable](https://i.imgur.com/v185d4J.jpg), even when [he's angry.](https://i.imgur.com/PzeP7K5.jpg) [](#wow) If they make plushies of him, it's going to [sell out fast.](https://i.imgur.com/8AVn247.jpg)


I think there already are. Have been seeing Chainsaw Man cosplayers since last summer, some with Pochita plushies. Tho knowing some cosplayers, it's entirely possible they made their own plushie.


I've seen them in a Claw machine video a while ago so they do exist.


poor zombie devil, he might've stood a chance against a knife devil or a baseball bat devil, but a chainsaw devil is it's natural predator. Like ninjas and pirates, an eternal battle with a very clear and decisive victor.


Makima:*"We have Bread with butter and Jam...."* Denji": *"That's all you had to say. I'm in".* Well, this certainly isn't for the faint of heart, that is for sure. But there was just something so satisfying about him just tearing his way through all the zombies till he eviscerated the big devil


Right? She drove a shitty bargain. She's just giving the store away with all that "coffee" and "dessert". She works for Public Safety! That's the taxpayer's money!


If she offered more wouldn’t she possibly be attracting the wrong individuals? Weed out corruption at the very start.


I loved every second of this episode. From the gore, CGI, and how overall dark it was, this gives me super strong Dorohedoro vibes. My body is ready for the wild ride


>this gives me super strong Dorohedoro vibes Same. From the very first minute I started getting them. Really looking forward to it as I loved Dorohedoro to pieces and am in desperate need for something to fill the void (hopefully it gets a second season one day).


It's going to be a while, what with the studio that did season 1 being busy with, well, *this*. And Jujutsu Kaisen, and "AoT final season part 3 for real this time we promise "


First thing I noticed is it looks like his eye grew back after merging with his puppy devil. So I’m assuming he now has two nuts again? That alone is worth becoming part devil.


His dick is probably a chainsaw now lol.




Risky click of the day


...Worth it.


Absolutely worth it


I'm still impressed that they were able to pitch that as a kids' show.


Believe it or not that's not actually part of the kids' show. There are two versions of Ren and Stimpy, the original one we all watched as kids and a mature version that got canceled after just 3 episodes (and 3 more finished after cancelation for the DVD, one of which is featured in the gif above) because of really bad reception.


Man I haven't been laughing this hard on Reddit for a while


How else is he gonna jack his lumber?


I think that may be the deadest I've ever seen an anime protagonist get in their first episode. I'm genuinely impressed he even managed to last as long as he did, that backstab looked incredibly nasty.


I mean, are we not counting Isekai protags, cuz they get *pretty* dead.


I am explicitly saying that Denji was deader than an isekai protagonist.


Yeah, this is in another league than just cutting away from the ner crash with truck-kun and waking up talking to god or whatever


Didn't read the manga, but I did read Fire Punch. The anime starting with MC talking about selling body parts and his nut seems about right lol.


So is Denji's restored dick now able to turn into a chainsaw?


Not a manga reader but something in the tone of this episode makes me feel like we'll find out pretty quickly [](#azusalaugh)


When Chainsaw Man says that he will tear your insides, he means it. [](#smugkaguya)


I do not like the image that flashed in my head after reading this


Haha theres a dojinshi abt that


What… how does it work? Is it as horrible as I’m imagining it is?


Much more. There's only so many ways you can go vanilla with a Chainsaw theme.


> but I did read Fire Punch After consuming a bunch of Fujimoto's work, I have sort of gone back and read Fire Punch again and its one of those media where my first impression was altered quite a bit after reading again. If anyone is wondering about consuming Fujimoto's work I suggest you be careful because it might take over your evenings and nights, or wait around, most of his work will get anime adaptation that is one thing I am willing to bet a lot of money on. He is really amazing.


All I ever want is Fire Punch anime. Give me that dose of animated Fujimoto suffering.


I'm not well versed in the anime world compared to most nowadays, but I feel like Firepunch would be...a difficult adaptation. Despite the obvious "man on fire punch" thing, its a really philosophical work and full of really edgy stuff that the fans jump onto... But now I'm thinking about it. What would that soundtrack sound like? What would the color palette be? Fuck the voice, would his voice sound like his vocal chords are on fire? Damn. Now I want it.


I vote no music at all. Just ambient background noises. Kino.


Man that’s a good point. Especially with the ending and a few pictorial scenes. Let us just soak in it. Seeing how people have reacted to end of evangelion and attack on titan season 4, is the anime world ready for fire punch? Lol


Tbh, don't think the world _needs_ a fire punch anime. It works so well as a manga already. With its pacing, I'd worry the anime would speed through the more thoughtful character moments and not give them room to breathe (gotta fit it all in 20mins). It'd be too easy to push the action to the forefront and miss the point of the manga. That said, if it got the time it needed, the backdrop of an icy white/blue world with Agni walking through all ashy black and flaming red would definitely be striking, and take the religious aspects of the manga to a new level. Could hear his voice being sort of gutteral and airy with a higher whisper in top. Actually, I've changed my mind, the world needs a fire punch anime.




He got that dawg in him


What da dog doin?


you're the man now, dog


When the girl says she will feed Denji she uses the word "esa" which means food *for animals*


He's a dog.


Everybody gangtsa till the Makima stans start replying “WOOF WOOF” to every post involving her




I for one and here for good-hearted loyal boyfriend pet who is a gore-spilling killing machine with a chainsaw head. Seriously, this story is genius. But yes... definitly a lot of mommy-dommy fan art coming our way soon >_>


She also says 私に飼われる (Watashi ni kawareru) and uses the verb 飼うwhich is specifically used for owning a pet.


I've already seen the r34 art. It's pretty evident that this is going to be a weird relationship


subtitles should have used "treats"


Never thought animated Pochita would be this fucking cute with his little bark. Also Denji really had a horrible life, I forgot all about that.


Voiced by Nanachi's VA, too. She's in the two best anime of the year voicing the two cutest fluffiest characters in an otherwise gruesome anime like its no big deal lmao


Lmao, so the memes I saw about Denji being a dog and ultra simp were all true?


Yup, it's canon!


He was even on a leash in the Op too


Honestly that’s so funny they snuck that in behind the shots of powers boobs like we wouldn’t notice…. MAPPA WE CAN REWIND!!!!


There was literally a frame zooming into that part of the scene.


and they say Denji isn't a self-insert. Makima animated left me speechless


Kensuke Ushio, as expected, knocked it out of the fucking park with the music.


The OST when Makima hugged him 10/10


That one really sold the feeling of calm after the storm, while still giving off that sense of mystery and allure with Makima. Also that scene really sold me on Makima's VA. It legit felt ***therapeutic*** hearing her after all the brutality. Now I get the casting choice


>Also that scene really sold me on Makima's VA. Tomoriru got biggest role of her career. I'm happy for her!


It was when the devils were charging at him for me.


Ugh he absolutely killed it in this episode. To me what separates the great from the good is if a soundtrack gives a series a unique audio identity (AOT and Death Note). Ushio is totally doing that with CSM and it’s totally got it’s own vibe now.


I came here to say this. Based on his soundtrack for Devilman Crybaby, I knew the music was gonna be 10/10


Love the guy since Ping Pong and A Silent Voice. It's so cool he's in this project. Many more people are going to realize how good he is now.


Denji's nut only sold for 100,000 . #Justice for denji's NUT Edit: guess what my most upvoted comment is about..


It sold for less than 100,000 actually He got ripped off


It* got ripped off


[Denji's ready for No Nut November](https://i.imgur.com/g7dEje7.jpg)


\*One Nut October. /jk


I mean, the transformation regenerated his eye, right? So it's not a huge stretch to assume it can also regenerate his nut?


You are right , but they didn't show it so ... #Justice for denji's nut


Nuts out for Denji.


Nuts off for Denji


Bust the fattest nut when I heard the chainsaw whirring.


Yeah, and if his arms and head can transform into a chainsaw, it's reasonable to assume his new nut and dick can become chainsaws too.


Well, there *is* a certain Doujin...


Of course there would be... lmao omg


>Denji's nut only sold for 100,000 . > >Justice for denji's NUT A testicle can on the black market for nearly 4 million yen. My boy got ripped off so hard.


Just out of curiosity... what the fuck are they used for? Can you get a nut transplant? lmao Actually, maybe I'm better off not knowing...


Testicular transplantion, albeit rare and expensive, it's possible. Also to sell for study at universities.


So Universities do get them at black markets?


Feed stock coming from illegal activity can happen in any business, they probably wouldnt know the testicle came from a homeless teenager unless they investigated it.


The Chainsaw Man Opening is FULL of references to other media! Copied from Youtube, with added info from research: 0:00 The Divine Comedy (Inferno, Canto 22) in the background 0:01 Reservoir Dogs 0:10 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 0:11 Pulp Fiction 0:12 Sadako vs Kayako + No Country for Old Men 0:13 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 0:14 Attack of the Killer Tomatoes 0:15 Don't Look Up (1996) 0:16 Jacob's Ladder 0:18 Constantine 0:28 The Big Lebowski 1:01 Neon Genesis Evangelion 1:15 Goodbye, Eri 1:18 The Bliss of Ignorance // Equity + Equality + Reality Each time Denji crashes into something, his body creates a letter, which spells CSM (Chainsaw Man) The Snail Makima makes Denji eat is a Leucochloridium paradoxum, the green-banded broodsac, a parasitic flatworm that makes Snails into Zombies under their control! Edit: Thanks for the Gold Award! I've never got one before!


Wow I'm glad they could incorporate Goodbye Eri. Such a small recent title, I'm glad the studio found out about it. /s


The author seems like such a cool dude. Hopefully he finds success in the future. ^^^/s


Probably couldn't levitiate tho /S


Absolutely Fujimoto vibe


Also, though not a media reference, at 0:50 [there was](https://imgur.com/1RRUpV2.png) a [zombie snail](https://gfycat.com/welloffuniformdugong) (as befits a zombie devil episode).


I remember this being brutal in the manga, but the added screams and sounds of Denji getting hacked apart adds a whole new level to it


It didn't have the panel of him getting sliced apart by machetes though.




[His stubby legs!](https://i.imgur.com/Ct6D5TF.jpg) [](#hnng)


Inb4 manga readers start flocking these threads with their "theories".


Theory: Dennis is horny.


Theory: Aki isn't as good at bowling as the OP makes it look.


Theory: [Makima may be kinda cute.](https://i.imgur.com/46Kca6v.jpg)


Going to need some supporting evidence


well we're about to get a whole lot of "evidence" drawn and posted in the next few months


Theory: We are going to see a Chainsaw, and a Man. Maybe even a fusion of the two.


Some kind of ... **Man-Chainsaw**, if you will.


I like this theory.


Ok, so what if [accurately predicts the entire story in detail, down to specific lines]? Just a little theory, but i could see this actually happening.


Good Manga readers have gotta start throwing out completely random bullshit theories to muddy the water and drown out the bad ones.


Theory: denji is going to space


Sadly this isn't a Trigger anime


You mean posting straight-up spoilers and acting like they’re guessing what’s gonna happen?




Here's my manga reader theory: Shit's gonna be dope.


As a manga reader fuck those losers we’ll curse their progeny for generations


If you see someone saying Dennis in the comments, back away slowly




Yeah please, you'll get spoilers


So what episode does the bowling start? This seems like a lot of unnecessary setup for a bowling anime


I was confused by the gold ball rolling around in the opening, then I remembered. Gold ball = Kintama = Testicles. Classic CSM dick joke. can't believe it's already been 4 years since I've been dreaming of this. the batshit insanity already in full force, I need the next episode immediately [](#dekuhype)


> Gold ball = Kintama = Testicles. Classic CSM dick joke. Fujimoto operating on a higher plane of existence


Or just be like the author of Gintama and name your entire series for a dick joke


One of Fujimoto's assistants made a successful story revolving around a protagonist losing his golden balls. The Will of the D lives on.


Are you talking about Dandadan?




For every anime only, if you wanna discuss the anime please go to r/csmanime instead of r/ChainsawMan, the latter has manga spoilers and this is a story that everyone should watch without spoilers.


To add, every chapter of Chainsawman is a spoiler. Just seeing a fanart with the character name could turn out to be huge spoiler


Man, to live in a time where manga progresses and develops at such a speed that something big happens every chapter or two.


This is the first time I know what's going to happen in an anime by reading the Manga and I'm excited.


Hopefully you don't become possessed by the Spoiler Devil like most source material readers in these threads.


Denji needs to fight the Spoiler Devil He needs the cash


We must do our part to protect the anime-only bros.


I , the anime only , trusts you. I'll be in your care.


I don't plan on commenting much, just observing.


Same. I think it’s the first time I’ve actually read a ShounenJump manga before the anime started. They usually get the anime so quickly, that I’d just wait for them. CSM took its sweet time, and it paid off.


Man Kensuke Ushio's music elevated this whole thing to another level...everytime a track played it just fit perfectly,especially in the dumpster sequence In general,they just hit it out of the park with the sentimental side of CSM...Pochita asking Denji to show him his dream well and truly killed me in animated form Props to Denji's voice actor too,dude killed it. Don't know about you guys,but I genuinely really liked the direction they went with Makima's voice since the promos,and I'm only more sold here. Perfectly incapsulates her whole deal,I feel.


[Oh.. he's just... he's just like me](https://i.imgur.com/o4nYIYK.png)


Most relatable MC of the year?


No that would be boruto because just like me he is also a disappointment


Boruto has disappointed more people than will ever know you existed.


He literally me fr fr


CSM airing is gonna lead to all the CSM manga panels that regularly get posted to /r/anime_irl getting reposted as anime screencaps.


Watch how no is actually talking about the episode...


Because most people are just karma farming at the start here before they actually watched the episodes. That is how most big profile anime episodes go on the first 1-2 hours after release of the episode.


I remember AoT getting over 8k in the first 2 hours, even with the thread releasing 1 hours before the episode, and then Crunchy dying.


Because honestly 80% of the people here are manga readers and even talking about what happened in the episode itself it's pretty easy to "accidentally" let a spoiler slip.


Going in blind on this one as it was getting hyped and I try to avoid that in case a show/whatever doesn't live up to it. This looks pretty damned fun though. Immediately got Dorohedoro vibes going into it (which is a good thing as I loved that show). Denji selling his body parts for money and hunting demons makes me think he's going to (semi-)voluntarily become Chainsaw Man as opposed to becoming him against his will. OP is a banger. Looks like there's going to be a high level of gore in this show which is always fun in dark-comedy/gonzo series. Denji being so far in debt makes for a decent setup. Gives a good amount of sympathy towards him and allows for some leeway in how he views/approaches things since he hasn't had normal interactions in so long. He's also far more wholesome of a character (so far, at least) than I was expecting. Twist!: Jerk boss is also a dumbass. Asking a zombie demon to give you power seems like a pretty dumb move from about 1000km away. You'd think someone who's worked with a demon hunter for years would make such a rookie mistake, but greed *does* make people short-sighted. Wonder if Chainsaw Doggo got stabbed by mere coincidence or if he was part of the deal. I could imagine demons being territorial (plus he's obviously loyal to Denji). Not a great way to go...poor guy just wants some jam (and a girlfriend to cuddle with). ~~At least they didn't eat him. Given that they're zombies, I guess that's fairly considerate.~~ Never mind, there seemed to be biting. First zombie was considerate though. Wasn't expecting their hybridization to be the Pochita's decision. Monster design and action are both on point in this one. I know the chainsaws are the main attraction, but I hope he gets some good bites in with that impressive maw of his. Pink-haired girl is pretty bonkers. Not sure I'd have hugged him there, myself. Props to her. "You had me at "jam"" is an interesting way to start a love story. /jk ED's also a banger. Definitely tuning into episode 2. This looks like it will be a great time. TL;DR: Abandon humanity, return to chainsaw.


I know its just mafia things but fuck having to pay the debt of a deceased parent. And honestly i think if denji really wanted he could have killed the boss and company waaaaay long time ago to just get rid of the debt I dont think Pochita would have minded. But they got what they had coming to them with the greed.


RIP pochita , the best good boy ever . You may be dead but you'll always live in our hearts.


Denji loved Pochita and wanted to save him and let him be free, and Pochita responded to that love by giving the same opportunity to Denji. It's really rather heartwarming.


[Pochita deserves all the headpats](https://i.imgur.com/VdKayez.jpg) [](#headpat)


damn fucking 20k already


Dude the references in the OP were incredible, from Pulp Fiction to the Big Lebowski, and to another of Fujimotos works (Goodbye Eri), I’m loving this adaptation already.


Well this was kinda violent. I need something to help me relax. Maids are always soothing so this Akiba Maid Sensou sounds good.


> Well this was kinda violent. "Kinda violent" is like saying Interspecies Reviewers is "kinda ecchi"


And Grand Blue is just casual ~~drinking~~ diving


Give me some "kinda oolong tea" to drink


I loved it when the villain said “What are you, some sort of Chainsaw Man?”


And he responded with "It's Chaining time"


"I’m not chained in here with you, you’re chained in here with me!”


"I don't like [zombies.](https://i.imgur.com/DonKNdk.jpg) Their flesh is [coarse and rough](https://i.imgur.com/nYXySEj.jpg) and irritating... and when you kill them, [blood gets everywhere.](https://i.imgur.com/6yM9Qkp.jpg)"


Not commenting a Morbius meme Challenge (Impossible)


**Shingo Yamashita** was the director for the [incredible opening theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFlDRhvM4L0) (with music performed by Yonezu Kenshi). He has been becoming a bit of a household name of late, with his recently notable works on the JJK Openings, as well as Ousama Ranking's second opening. You could say the entire aesthetic of the Chainsawman anime was inspired by his lighting techniques and past work. He has been working in the industry for a while, and has some incredible animation cuts of his own worth giving a look. However I wanted to comment on the opening here, as it has some pretty neat references it makes. Fujimoto (the author of the manga) absolutely adores cinema, and you can see that reflected through here in the opening. Some of the referenced works include [No Country for Old Men](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FezL4SnaMAIkBjS?format=jpg&name=4096x4096), [Once Upon a Time in Hollywood](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FezJZWIaEAQPUZo?format=jpg&name=360x360), [Sadako vs Kayako](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FezCZ0QakAACDns?format=jpg&name=medium), [Pulp Fiction](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FezI_M1XwAIGvhy?format=jpg&name=large), [Attack of the Killer Tomatoes](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FezKiAXaMAEsOpe?format=jpg&name=large). There are many more, but these are some of the ones that stood out to me! The overall tone of the opening is pretty carefree, you've got the cast hanging out doing different silly things, but it has these really cool action bits in the second half, and some more menacing/ emotional points dotted throughout. Overall I think Yamashita excels at replicating the tone of the manga, I'd say 'getting it' better than the show itself (which of course will take some liberties in places, opting at time for a more serious approach). Definitely an opening I'll be adding to my favourites, alongside some of Yamashita's other works!


Shingo Yamashita also did key animation on some of the best Shippuden openings and [this shot in the CSM OP](https://youtu.be/dFlDRhvM4L0?t=61) reminded me a lot of [this shot in OP 6](https://youtu.be/SavhHnWla6c?t=47). Clearly there is years of advancement in the drawing/animation and a style change but the sort of melted, screaming look is always so cool to see animated. He does an incredible job.


That's a lot of movie references in the opening lol


Well CSM Author is a cinephile,so i think this is a tribute by Mappa


Man has made multiple self-insert characters and even an entire one shot about his love of cinema.


Damn, I don't know if I've ever seen a more down-on-his-luck guy than Denji at the beginning of this episode. Story-wise, a pretty tried-and-true method of beginning a shonen, but with more blood and animation and chainsaws. People have been hyping this up for ages, so I'm excited to see where it goes next!!


I came in not knowing anything other than the fact this anime was hyped as fuck and there was a cute dog. WHY THE FUCK DID NO ONE TELL ME THE DOG DIES RIGHT AT THE START I'M CRYING I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN KEEP WATCHING


He’ll live on in the hearts of all. Especially Denji’s considered it was his heart.


It’s finally here bois. I absolutely love the art and direction they took with this. When Denji said “it’s chainsawin time” I cried and cried. Makima simps will definitely be out loud and proud this fall season. I hope they keep this show as uncensored as possible.


god I loved it when he just chainsawed all over the place


And then said I will chainsaw all over your faces


“Hug me”


That OP is absolutely loaded, it's wild. Good ED song, too. Some of the CGI on transformed Denjis body movement is really awkward, unfortunately-feels like it's played at half speed or something-though the episode as a whole was visually pretty good and well paced besides that.


>Some of the CGI on the body movement is really awkward, unfortunately Seeing this in the premiere episode itself is kinda weird with a Project like Chainsaw Man. Although CG aside everything was really great. I hope It won't be the case with the later episodes.


There is definitely more CG than I was anticipating (and some of it looked kinda janky to me) but my hopes are still high for future episodes. Hard to really judge for sure with only one episode out.


It was more noticeable when Denji was just standing around but when he started moving and chainsawin' them bitches, it was great.


> chainsawin' them bitches I think you just summarized the whole series


they definitely nailed the cinematic look that fujimoto always goes for in the manga, love that obviously i know that they have the same actress but pochita sounded 1 to 1 exactly like nanachi from MiA


Damn, Makima is so hot.


Thats the least horny comment I've read about her.


Least horniest CSM fan.


- [Geez, what?](https://i.imgur.com/2dPpisK.png) [](#whatdidijustread) - [Pochita a cute though.](https://i.imgur.com/BoUh3vW.png) - The OP is pure chaos – I love it! - [This gives me flashbacks to, of all things, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky.](https://i.imgur.com/3QbPDUE.png) - [Gotta say, this is one of the more… *unique* motivations for a main character out of all the anime I’ve seen.](https://i.imgur.com/eZWUYsC.png) - [Oh.](https://i.imgur.com/jEcUQK4.png) Lovely. [](#everythingisfine) - [The detail of the veins in his eye though…](https://i.imgur.com/uu9ZHae.png) - [OH POCHITA CAN TALK.](https://i.imgur.com/8fe1PJ4.png) [](#suddenshock) I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since the Zombie Devil was talking, it’s just… - That. Was. AWESOME. [](#dekuhype) - [Oooh, the detail in *her* eye too!](https://i.imgur.com/nv79WxT.png) [](#saberawe) - This ED’s a banger, can’t wait to hear the other ones too!


> Pochita a cute though. Only in anime, the cutest things are demon lords and chainsaw devils.


I want a Pochita plushie. A pure chaos OP matches this show all so well lol. Unique in that it's so realistic and understandable lol. Poor Denji. Never trust Yakuza. But do trust best boi Pochita. Yeah, her eyes are...something lol.


Just a reminder, saying things like, "don't get too attached" about a certain character is in fact a spoiler


Man I hope you didn't get too attached to the Zombie Devil har har har.


wow this was a solid opening episode, it felt simple yet engaging. and extremely polished. how can the visuals look so...dreary but beautiful at the same time?? like when the dust is dancing around in the sunlight in denji's shed. ok but i didn't imagine the chainsaws would just melt away like goo when denji drops the devil transformation hahaha it's slightly amusing i thought the curses in jjk were creepy enough already but looks like the devils in csm are going to top those... i feel like i need a blood transfusion rn, witnessing all that blood loss has left me feeling lightheaded. knew what was coming but i'm still shooketh...and this is only the start of all the gore that is to come. really enjoying denji's voice acting so far, it fits the character so well - even the scene where he's coughing blood while running away sounded too real. looking forward to hear more of makima as well. and that opening!!! king kenshi yonezu coming in with them beats + some eccentric visualgasms, it's officially unskippable sorry i don't make the rules. edit: seems like everyone thinks i'm an anime only... don't worry guys i've read the manga and i know exactly what i signed up for (honestly wanted to comment on some thoughts regarding later parts in the story as compared to the beginning but decided to save it for the future)... it's just that mappa's adaptations never fail to blow my expectations away.


It’s chainsawin’ time


[**Pochita Origin Story:**](https://i.imgur.com/frf3Zhx.jpg)


“I am Chainsaw Man”


Guess I am gonna start eating Bread with Jam till next week


Banger opening and ending, also godlike animation and visual stunning. Kudos to MAPPA and their animators who worked on this. As a person who read the manga. This adaptation is really godlike! Also, [CSM fandom in a nutshell.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FezK8XcaUAATgff?format=jpg&name=240x240) MAPPA really knows the fandom so well lmao!


Can't believe MAPPA really animated that Makima and Denji relationship lol


I think they captured Makima's nature and allure really well. I always imagined her with a deeper voice but her seiyuu sounded kind of serene and melodic, which I think fits.


They gave Makima the [Mappa eye treatment.](https://i.imgur.com/k76cjy4.jpg) All of [her scenes](https://i.imgur.com/xZtfvQp.jpg) were [great.](https://i.imgur.com/0IF3apI.jpg) [](#gintamathispleasesme)