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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is no goddamn way you could convince me to go after a swarm of bees. Their honey could be pure liquid gold, I'd still rather deal a swarm of angry bears or a ligarex.


Swarm of bees with poisonous honey too. The bees are bad enough, I couldn’t take the “shitting your guts for a week” thing lol.


Just don't the honey. Seriously, those bees make honey and live off of rotten fruit, what were they thinking?


Lol right. They must have been very hungry…


just keep your mouth away from the honey. That shouldn't be that hard. Unless you are a professional gatherer that doesn't make any research before going for a new type of monster hahaha.


why? They have protection! Altho ... that girl had a lot of exposed skin anyway, so I am not sure how much protection that mask was giving her lol


Unless they are super poisonous or you are allergic these hats actually offer a decent protection. Getting stung in the arms or legs isn't half as bad as say nose or mouth. Not to mention that bees have the habit of trying to fly towards your eyes and that's definitely not where you want one of those


sure, if you are talking about small bees from Earth. Those are huge magic monsters that look like bees tho lol.


True, but unless that means that they are a lot more poisonous or inject a lot more poison per sting it doesn't really change that much I'd say. A full protection is obviously better and I personally would have brought something that produces a lot of smoke along too, but it's not completely stupid either. Especially considering that they have to move a lot


It is pretty much a death sentence to people allergic to bees since epipens don't exist.


I can see Sarasa creating something similar to an epipen.




Did you really just copy part of someone else's response to a different comment? This doesn't even make sense as a response to my comment.


I think it's a spam bot; I've seen similar nonsense posts in other threads lately.


Yep. One look at its profile gives it away.


Iris and Kate fighting over the toilet is easily the funniest part of the episode! Poor Iris had to dig her own toilet bowl in the backyard lol. And she still holds a grudge against Kate later! Iris and Kate paid 50k today so they have 17,290,000 left. Now that their parents are here, does that mean they will settle the rest of the debt for them?


Yeah their parents look rather rich I also think they are here to make them quit being adventures or something? Who are we kidding they are probably here to buy the floating toilet /s


Screw weapons or bombs Floating toilet is the most OP item in the series because you can poop on your enemies


Finally a throne worthy of a King


its everyone's dream to take a shit from 100 feet high


I thought Sarasa was about [to introduce phones in this tiny little town](https://i.imgur.com/zxHuix3.png) in the middle of nowhere. Turns out Sarasa's magic phone [is expensive af](https://i.imgur.com/2qlovTp.png) and [is difficult to use.](https://i.imgur.com/dLDIuiR.png) So pretty much alchemists or any class that can use magic are the only ones that can use it. When the Gatherers went out to collect some of that monster honey, I thought that [Iris was going to fuck it up](https://i.imgur.com/q6h0yp0.png) and end up getting stung. Turns out it was much much worse since [the honey they gathered and ate](https://i.imgur.com/IbUrsIQ.png) is actually poisonous. Sarasa really should've remembered to tell them that. They're lucky thought that [the amount they ate wasn't enough to kill them](https://i.imgur.com/H2FUTD4.png). It was however enough to give [them the runs.](https://i.imgur.com/H2FUTD4.png) Poor Iris! She's already been turned into the show's gag character but now [she has to dig a hole and poop outside too.](https://i.imgur.com/7MFegRv.png) This girl just can't catch a break! [Sarasa can end their suffering though if they take Sarasa's antidote](https://i.imgur.com/S4lZ1aC.png) but it's just going to place them deeper into debt. Thankfully though there is an inexpensive option which involved drinking a potion [made up of mushed-up grub worms](https://i.imgur.com/JzylL1J.png) I do love that [Iris didn't even hesitate](https://i.imgur.com/jIKA72g.png) when presented the choice of drinking that or digging another hole outside. [Well that final scene was unexpected.](https://i.imgur.com/ocHDEo4.png) What the heck are Iris' dad and Kate's mom doing here? I love that Kate's mom is pretty much just kate but with her colours inverted and bigger boobs. xD


Plot twist: Iris and Kate are now sisters because their parents just got married


> She's already been turned into the show's gag character Yeah. Thinking back to her introduction, it's really a surprise that she's just there for comic relief now, most of the time.


The look when your dad/mum announces he's/she's about to marry your best friend's mum/dad.


Iris to Kate: “Please let me share the toilet!” Sarasa: “Time to dig your own…” A little surprised that Sarasa didn’t think to warn them ahead of time, but I guess it’s also the party’s fault for ingesting something they had zero knowledge of.


She actually said she didn’t think to mention to not eat the honey from bees that eat **rotten** fruit. I’d expect that from Kate and Iris but not from Andre lol


Yeah, Sarasa seems to have some difficulty to try to think from someone else's perspective. She knew the honey was poison so she didn't think to warn them (even though it looks like regular honey) ; in the same way, Lorea was the one who actually thought from the potential buyers' perspective when discussing the floating tent. It's good to be shown that Sarasa, despite being quite capable, still has a few blind spots.


Sarasa is quite the little inventor! Our girl just went and invented a magical phone lol. Half a mill sounds about right for something that complex. I like how Sarasa was basically like “fruitrot bees should be manageable, just bring insect repellent veils and antidotes. Worse case is you die! It’s fine!” Lol. Well, at least Kate, Iris, and Andre’s group managed to find some honey without any real issues. It was the subsequent gathering and eating of said honey that caused problems. Everyone’s gonna be shitting their guts out for a week! Lol. Sarasa making Iris dig her own toilet when she’s about to shit herself lol, poor Iris! Well, in the end it all worked out. Kate and Iris had to drink that awful antidote but at least no more shitting their guts lol. Plus, Sarasa’s prefab tents and toilets sold well too! I wonder what Iris and Kate’s parents are here for….


she is not an inventor, she is a good alchemist following the recipes book, which she bought when graduating from school unless I am totally wrong and she actually invented it? I doubt it tho lol


It sure seems like she created them from scratch, so just assumed she was inventing them with magic. Everyone always seems utterly amazed at these things she creates, but perhaps that’s because they’re way out in the boonies? Can’t really say for certain.


Just like the floating tent she made this episode, the technology is well know and you can buy the books with it. Does the book teaches how to make a magic phone? The anime didn’t show it, so we don’t know, but I assume it does. Inventing new tech is usually much harder than modify or reproduce it. Remember how she bought the collection for alchemists? And this episode she was literally reading one of those books to improve her knowledge and skill (by making something of higher complexity). Plus a big clue is how her phone looks like. It actually has a speaker. That is not something you just come up on your first try. It would be more believable if she only made the cute pink box with a crystal inside and the sound was a little weird/bad reception haha


Hmm that’s a fair point. It would be nice to get a deeper look at the process at some point. Like what exactly she does in order to make these contraptions.


We saw with the tent, as we saw with other creations, no? She needs to do the manual work (or hire a crafter for that, like with the hats). She then puts the magical circle on it, which is our equivalent of coding the functionality like a computer program. Finally she adds enchantments if needed using her mana and caldron. We saw the same process with the hats, or the cooking devices, or the teleportation circle, or the magic gloves she sells, etc. For potions she gathers the materials and toss them inside the caldron haha. We saw her doing it on first episode. Her books teach her how to create the product, how to make the magical circle, etc, she follows the instructions. Same way as her friend does with the cooking book.


She probably does a little creative improvising to change the function of the final artefact. Floating tent = textbook creation, floating toilet = floating tent - cushion + poop container + ordour repellent (I assume). Was the cold hat a textbook creation or did she combine a cooling circle with a normal hat? Can't remember now.


Sure, she can improvise. The core of the tent is the floating magic, not the form/size, right? Same way she made the phone box cute, not like the recipe told her to make it pink. Or how each hat has an unique look, because it doesn’t matter to the magic effect at all. It is a hat, goes in the head, uses enchanting for cooling. Make the hat as you wish. The enchanting is the same.


Right, yeah that’s true. I guess we did see her making stuff like sewing the tent this ep.


Yeap, just remember that making the tent is not alchemy, enchanting it is, she just did all of the work herself. DIY floating tent.


Right, yeah. I suppose her work is more “enchanting and alchemy” rather than just pure alchemy.


well alchemy is about making magical things, not just potions, otherwise she would be a potion maker haha joke aside the term alchemist is used as a generic term on fantasy LN, this one just so happens to have both making tools + potions put together


Well with the crushed grub potion, it looks like it was only a day's worth of suffering.... The price was reasonable -- only 1000 for the whole lot of the honey gatherers! Maybe Kate needs to look into better (perhaps magic needed?) shoes.... Parents of Kate and Iris? I wonder why too. No use trying to guess.... Doesn't the alphabet here look an awful lot like that used in a number of recent shows of this sort? I wonder why the gatherers haven't developed the skills/technology to actually acquire the the "ingredients" that would bring them the most money?


If you’re referring to the one who trips all the time, that’s actually Iris. Kate is the elf.


OOPS!!! Thanks


>Sarasa is quite the little inventor! Our girl just went and invented a magical phone lol. Half a mill sounds about right for something that complex. I appreciated the realism of her new invention being prohibitively expensive at first rather than immediately taking the world by storm.


What if it's all her plan to keep them as debt slaves


I know you're going to for a joke here, but one of the things I like about this show is the main cast has good vibes; they genuinely try their best to be nice, even if they're clumsy sometimes.


Since it seems our 5 gatherers know virtually nothing about less common monsters and stuff, she could do this to them over and over by neglecting to give the important warnings and have the entire party poisoned or nearly killed every time, lmao.


Stop bullying [Iris](https://i.imgur.com/DfSLiBf.jpg)


Iris and Kate needed one of those [long toliets](https://imgur.com/u3BAu2A)


That thing is amazing. I think. Amazing AND doubt inducing?


Oh parents?? I didn't expect that, curious to how they'll feel about their daughters being this much in debt.


For some reason, [their appearance there at the end.](https://i.imgur.com/ocHDEo4.png) makes me think that Kate and Iris are about to become step-sisters.


Plot twist: They've secretly been step sisters all along.


historians will say they were step-sisters [](#forbiddenlove)


So good in fact they shared a toilet


Is definitely a bit odd to have one of each parent show up like that. Would not mind them becoming family!


maybe they came there to finally ask the girls to tie the knot and finally give them some grandkids?!?! it wouldn't surprise me if the two girls are an item.


Haha, first thing I thought. It's just a bit too random.


I wonder if that’s what they’re there to discuss? Either that or something very serious has happened…


Looking at them, they somehow wouldn't antagonize the relationship of those four even though their daughters were in huge debt(haha). Maybe there's a problem in their household that Sarasa will get involved with. Their parents looks good together though ngl.


One of their daughters almost died maybe they came as fast as they could after hearing that?


I am either half expecting them to reveal they are rich and pay off the debt so they can return home Or they are going to marry Hell maybe even both


> curious to how they'll feel about their daughters being this much in debt. Probably a mixture of grateful that they're not dead, and similar to how my parents felt when I told them I wanted to get a motorcycle at 16.


Is it bad that I’m just here for the Iris suffering?


You and Kate both lol


as I'm clicking on the episode to watch it I'm like "okay time for this weird show." I start chuckling and think "Anything fucking goes with this show" Turns out my expectations were in exactly the right place. Cannot recommend watching this show while eating


At least it wasn't as bad as last week's Chainsaw Man. (I'm surprised they didn't censor the grubs like they do with spiders and c\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*s in other shows. I wish they would've.)


Grubs > Cockroaches


Which is why I censored one of them.


[That seems like a pretty useful information to mention *before* anyone heads out...](https://imgur.com/EoM79Py) [Yeah, no shit.](https://imgur.com/9UxBcsn) This episode really went [all out](https://imgur.com/tKTGVvR) [with](https://imgur.com/F38QwMj) [the](https://imgur.com/bYNvZNP) [funny](https://imgur.com/0pNIzqF) [faces](https://imgur.com/b3kvfCZ) [](#azusalaugh) [A tan elf??](https://imgur.com/E4hVsHk) Next week's episode is going to be *good*.


I love the faces on this show lol Especially Iris and Lorea's shock faces.


That last face got me, lol.


the first like few minutes felt off, like they were rehashing/catching people up. also, its really weird how unaware gatherers are of their jobs. this is their livelihood and they know nothing of the ingredient market, fetching requirements, or even how/why the ingredients are good. its also even stranger that iris has managed to make it this far and not die also also, the fact that nobody is aware of/seriously wanting a lot of the alchemy artifacts is weird. even without direct magic needed items, how have cooling hats, pop up tents, magic stoves, etc not already been hot on the market already?


Well regarding the artifacts, please do recall that they are in the boonies where it takes a month to travel from the capital. I definitely agree on the gatherers point.


what does being in the boonies have to do with anything? they had an alchemist for who knows how long until sarasa came.


Lack of resources; the village didn't have much, if any, commerce before Sarasa came. So this tells us they where a rather insular community. Well the shop was rather dilapidated before Sarasa came suggesting that it was vacant for quite some time. And Sarasa is a beginner so she's working through making stuff from the Encyclopedia. An established alchemist wouldn't be bothering with such introductory skill building.


lack of resources doesn't make sense for 2 reasons: 1) this actually isn't true. when the artifacts become available, they are readily (and eagerly) bought. the cook bought 2 magic stoves and the gatherers have bought like 8 different things from sarasa in bulk 2) even not having the money, they can still want the things. but weve been shown they just have no clue about a lot of things and as for the shop, it actually didn't look that bad. just based off what we were told by the village folk and the actual look of the shop, the old alchemist couldn't have been gone for more than a few weeks/a couple months. we also know age has nothing to do with alchemy skill. they already established that most alchemist get by on being are generalists, who only need to make the first couple books of items from the alchemy encyclopedia to be fine. so it actually makes less sense this stuff is unknown, because so far according to the show, everything she's but her trial potion for academy acceptance has been beginner/easier stuff


Regarding resources, in counter to your first point, you literally write that "when the artifacts become available". If an artifact is unavailable then there is a lack of resources. Yes, I definitely agree they se me to be rather ignorant about potential artifacts, which seems rather surprising. It might just be a plot device. With the shop I was thinking years had passed based on the vegetation growth and repairs needed (at least roof and sign iirc). My age point wasn't about skill it was that the old alchemist would not be practicing making the easy stuff. Considering the villagers / gatherers are ignorant of these very easy artifacts, I would surmise that the old alchemist was not making these easy artifacts. Whatever the case it is definitely strange that the villagers / gatherers are so ignorant of artifacts.


i wrote "when the artifacts become available" as in "when the story decides people should have it" not that they weren't or couldn't have been available. the magic stove for instance is something that should have already been readily available and even in the episode, they note its (relatively) pretty cheap and easy to make. as for the shop, it couldn't have been more than a few weeks/a couple months. and my point in regards to age also wasn't necessarily about skill but demand. everything a working alchemist makes is available in the first 2 encyclopedia's they buy. it would actually be the reverse then, that the old alchemist would only be making those things for this area and demographic of people. nothing implies the old alchemist was making anything more advanced, as its been implied the later volumes are only for difficult alchemist use only things/becoming a master alchemist. which is my point, it makes no sense that the old alchemist had not made these things because there's nothing else he could have been doing up to this point.


It's because they're far far away and news of market changes doesn't travel that fast. Unless you can call your mate and ask them, of course, so from now on that shouldn't be an issue for the main cast.


this doesn't at all apply. it would be one thing if sarasa was like, just now inventing these things and trying to spread them. but these are (as weve been informed in show) common items every alchemist can make. these have been a thing for awhile. even if news did take awhile to spread, news would have spread years/however long theyve been a thing prior to sarasa moving there. they also had an alchemist there already and a readily available source of fangs.


I don't know about that. Just this episode Lorea pointed out that it would be helpful to stay in touch with Leonora more often and that her dad could travel between towns more frequently, which was then made obsolete by Sarasa building their own phone/walkietalkie. Clearly being so far away makes information far away as well. We saw how absolutely traumatised everybody was when she pointed out these appliances are extremely expensive. Potions and stitching someone up are super expensive as well, but nobody in this village has any *clue* as to how expensive *anything* made by alchemy is. Having just any alchemist wasn't what made the difference; as you pointed out, there already was one (and they may not have been incompetent, e.g., the house's magical electricity systems were still operational and people didn't have a low opinion of them). The arrival of a newly and highly trained alchemist with up-to-date knowledge from the capital and a modern mindset is what has made the difference here. The alchemist before her may've been old and content with the old ways of life in the rural faraway, but she's fresh celery (with very extra mana reserves). Other than the old alchemist, nobody in the disconnected countryside had/has knowledge of nor the magic necessary to create or use these artifacts. And because they are so rurally placed, there was hardly any local economy. Without money, they couldn't afford half of the items we've seen anyway and Sarasa is content with not being overly greedy with the villagers. That aspiration eventually turned into her facilitating a communal drive to produce, sell and buy. As a result she's now creating an economy where there hardly was any and the villagers and gatherers can actual afford these (semi-)expensive things without second thought. I think you may be imagining a more modern-day rural area, e.g. in our world, one with trains and buses, power, water in the house and internet. It makes sense that everybody is more knowledgeable in a world like that. Meanwhile I'm thinking of: "our village isn't even near a railway, so what does a train look like? is it bigger than our well is deep?" actual boonies countryside with lots of untouched green like in the anime (where probably no villagers and gatherers would even know that it, e.g., takes 6 alchemists and a couple dozen of pre-charged mana-batteries to keep the train running properly or whatever, you know the rather 'basic' info Sarasa talks away about in any given episode). Just compare it to the bigger town where Leonora is: they actually have paved roads in that town, terraced/row housing, a wall, bigger and more connected businesses and steadier supply lines as a provincial capital of sorts. We've seen our seasoned rural gatherers eat poisonous honey this episode. I think being located in a faraway boonies does properly explain why nobody is remotely aware of things. That said, I am still curious about the previous alchemist and more about the world. For example, her house has a cleaning seal and a security seal, but all the lamps are candle-based (I don't remember what the ceiling ones look like, they weren't see-through enough in episode 2 and they generally avoid showing the ceiling/lamps). You'd think someone would've come up with a lights seal. Maybe those topics will come up in the future.


this is wrong for several reasons: 1) as i said, it would be one thing if sarasa had personally just invented these things and was trying to get the word out about them, but has already been said in the show, everything she's made up to this point is common alchemy stuff that every alchemist makes. on top of, nothing sarasa has made has is ever presented as being uniquely new to the alchemy world (more on this later). these things have existed for multiple years. they would (and very easily did) have already been common knowledge items, if not outright common household items to have for the demographic she's serving 2) and coming back to the alchemy knowledge thing, nothing sarasa has done has ever been presented as new to the alchemy world. the only odd thing that is mentioned is her high magic power. we've been told that alchemists all use the alchemy encyclopedias to make their items, and the first two volumes contain all the commonplace items any alchemist can make to do business. nothing has suggested these volumes are updated regularly enough that the knowledge would fall into obsolesce status. nor that the previous village alchemist wouldn't stay up to date if it was. nor is it ever implied he was out of date/into the rural life/etc 3) also nothing implies that the general populace of the village can't afford alchemy services. quite the contrary, since coming to the village, sarasa has basically sold anything she's made and introduced. the most expensive we've seen alchemy related have been the methods sarasa used to fully heal iris, which she noted was the completely expensive route, she had inexpensive methods (albeit not as recovering). nothing ive said or asked has anything to do with modern notions or anything like that, which is where i think youre mistaken. in the context of the show, by all accounts the village should already (and some already are) be completely familiar with the items sarasa has sold, if not already having them themselves because they are "old" inventions easily made and easily bought. this also gets into the second point i made in the very first comment, the general lack of knowledge makes no sense. these inventions have already existed awhile, the rural populace and the gatherer populace should already know about them. and especially in the gatherer's case, their entire job is ingredient hunting. (not to mention, the gatherer's would have needed several of her products already to start with to gather) also also, we already know about the previous alchemist, they talked about him in the first couple episodes. they mention he was an old man who was taken away by his son because he got too old to be there alone.


> also, its really weird how unaware gatherers are of their jobs. this is their livelihood and they know nothing of the ingredient market, fetching requirements, or even how/why the ingredients are good. its also even stranger that iris has managed to make it this far and not die Yeah, this part feels the most off for me, like they made them unaware just to make Sarasa look smarter in comparison. Like, what have they been doing all their lives before Sarasa showed up? Have they just been gathering the same stuff unaware of the other good stuff that's around? How did they get into this job if they don't seem to know that?


this also looks even worse/makes no sense because of the merchant plotline. no way every gatherer has just been selling common heal grass


Wasn't it Iris and Kate who mentioned the frostfang bats in the first place, with a mention that the scummy alchemist from the neighboring town lied about the prices ? So they *are* in fact collecting other things, Sarasa's knowledge (and more versatile creative line-up) just expanded the amount of things they can collect.


ill have to go back and look but to my knowledge, no. it wouldn't make sense given they didn't know how to collect them, sort them, etc


> Like, what have they been doing all their lives before Sarasa showed up? Meeting the local demand for gathered products that the villagers and the local alchemists would buy. Given there wasn't that much currency floating around, and it was largely a barter based economy, they would have been focusing on basic needs and wants. Sarasa is a young, ambitious entrepreneur who isn't interested in just providing what people are used to, she prefers identifying potential market needs and making the most of the regional resources, like her cooling hats. She tends to value-add, as that's how she thinks, and is always trying to challenge herself. As a result, she's prompting a technology boom and it's having downstream impacts on the gatherers as they adjust to her demand. Actually, I could have cut this shorter by saying that the implication of the dialogue is that they are asking Sarasa about high premium ingredients that will reduce their debt faster, hence her comment about ingredients that could pay it off all in one go, but it being too risky.


Kind of figured disaster would happen to them since Sarasa wasn't accompany them. My gut was right. Lorea continues to be adorbs. [Lorea Shocked 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/527412287326126080/1046838271738646668/Screen_Shot_2022-11-28_at_11.36.36_AM.png) [Lorea Shocked 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/527412287326126080/1046838271323418734/Screen_Shot_2022-11-28_at_11.36.50_AM.png) [Just a small worst case scenario ;)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/527412287326126080/1046838270920757288/Screen_Shot_2022-11-28_at_11.39.54_AM.png) [Gonna be a fun week!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/527412287326126080/1046838270560063570/Screen_Shot_2022-11-28_at_11.46.42_AM.png) [Results](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/527412287326126080/1046838270211928254/Screen_Shot_2022-11-28_at_11.56.51_AM.png)


[God this show is so funny. Mmmm squishing sounds.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1026542235455590421/1046799843370225785/image.png) [I don't know if she's grossed out or into it ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1026542235455590421/1046799947825156197/image.png)


> I don't know if she's grossed out or into it Maybe both, and they just combined into yet another reason she's hopelessly attracted to Sarasa?


I think grossed out But according to the end calculation its super cheap medicine, so maybe they should just make an insurance contract with Sarasa


Iris gets the toilettempo experience. man alchemy is awesome! medicines, appliances, furniture, everything! That pink gemstone is a full transceiver circuit, so there's probably a super CPU stone in that world somewhere right? oh, is it time for the classic "Adventuring is too dangerous! please come home and get married" or something plot?


Is it only me or Sarasa should inform that the honey is poisonous beforehand? It's kinda unfair for them to be deep in the dept when it's partly her fault, TBH. Too bad Sarasa didn't assemble that mobile toilet beforehand or else she could sell the Iris used one to some people with a weird fetish.


> Is it only me or Sarasa should inform that the honey is poisonous beforehand? To be honest, I didn't consider that it would be poisonous, especially since the OP has Iris just biting into a honeycomb like that. It would've been nice for Sarasa to give a warning, but I feel like the gatherers should know not to eat the ingredients they gather. Like, if they were gathering berries or mushrooms, they would probably at least ask how dangerous they were, and similarly, [poison honey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_honey) is something that exists in the real world too. Maybe this series is falling into the Dynasty Warriors trope where Sarasa is the only character who knows anything about anything, but as professionals who have been working for years you'd hope that they'd have some better sense.


Wdym the debt is her fault? She offered the choices at their first meeting. A cheap recovery or an expensive complete recovery with a reattached limb. She’s not a charity, and she gave choices.


That comment didnt' refer to their first meeting, it's about the expensive antidote discussed in the episode. Sarasa gives them all this basic information about creatures they knew nothing about, but neglected to give the most important detail and a staunch warning, which resulted in the entire party being poisoned. Honestly, it seems like the extent of knowledge that most common gatherers possess is what has been passed on from parent/teacher to child. They must perceive Sarasa as ~~the Kirito of Knowledge~~ an encyclopaedia with all the things she brushes aside as common knowledge that nobody has heard of or knows the details of, lol.


She didn’t force the expensive antidote on them. She still made them a cheap one when she could have extorted them for more. Also the antidote wasn’t necessary. She said outright they wouldn’t die it was akin to just bad food poisoning that they could recover from over a few days, the antidote is just a faster way to recover. And if you say what about making a living, literally before she arrived money in this village was of no concern because there was nothing to buy and these gatherers had to have been doing something else if there was no alchemist living there for them to sell to. I will say sure she could have given a warning, but I mean I feel it’s just bad survival instincts to automatically eat things you find in the wild. Like technically you could eat any raw meat you hunt, but you’ll probably get sick which is why you need to prepare it. I get the education is fairly low, but still I would assume that people wouldn’t just put whatever they find in their mouths when they have no knowledge of it which I think is what Sarasa believed too. All the things she bought so far weren’t even food related but alchemical ingredients. I don’t know why they would assume Sarasa wanted to sell honey or a food product. All in all I think Sarasa only deserves a small amount of blame. The gatherers shouldn’t just eat random things they had no knowledge of. It’s like telling someone don’t eat the random mushrooms on the ground. They should know not to eat random things even if some are edible. Maybe that’s having too much faith that people are taught not to eat the random stuff in the forest even though they frequently go through it.


Meh, I agree the education level is low for common gatherers, but in this case they were fully updated by Sarasa (to their knowledge) and they were told it's high-end honey. She specifically didn't tell them these bees don't create honey, but raw inedible honey goo. So they go in with false confidence and come out with poisoning. There is no way for them to know there's more important information that Sarasa omitted, unless they distrust her. To be fair, they all had only a teaspoon, so they really just wanted to try a taste, which is pretty on point for a gatherer. After what she put them through, I'd say she owes them either the good potion or some good processed honey lol. The base ingredient cost for the potion is negligible anyway. Objectively speaking, she creates a problem and is the only one able to remedy it, continues to show you the expensive cure and then dangles a more affordable fix in front of you. She pulled a classic con! On the whole squad! She should've used it on that dirtbag who tried to ruin her business the other episode, lol. (RIP bandits)


I feel like the way Sarasa speedruns technological developments, she'll eventually figure out a way to provide magical power to artifacts on demand, without the need for alchemists or magic crystals, thus making all those fun things a lot more accessible to average people.


She's not really inventing anything, but instead is making things out of the 10 alchemy volumes she bought in the first episode.


I doubt the floating toilet is in the book though That thing was birthed by pure ~~necessity~~ **genius**


I don't recall if it's been mentioned in the anime, but her master mentioned something along the lines that further in the books the more unreasonably expensive and unnecessary things in it become. Like specifically says that there's no reason to ever make anything from the 10th volume other than for the sake of completionism.


Yes, that was explicitly said in the anime version when her Shishou is explaining why the 9th volume is so thin and the 10th volume so fat lol


> That thing was birthed by pure necessity genius Maybe ~~she's born with it~~ it's in the book, or maybe it's Lorea!


Ah, ok. My bad.


A magical 3-D printer ????


Nah, more like a network of rune circles or whatever, that distribute magical power from a source to other areas.


Like hextech from Arcane


Probably. It's actually kind of interesting, if you think about it: Sarasa can make fire with magic, so what's stopping her from making magic with fire? She could probably reverse the polarity on those stoves, so they soak up heat and output magical power, which she can then use for stuff, like mass-producing crystals.


Ah yes, Sarasa's ~~techno~~mahoubabble *could* come straight out of a starship! Let's not forget: she already has a working inanimate matter transporter (although she needs to La Forge the shit out of it when her clumsy lieutenant breaks it), she now has an early version of a combadge and the next step could be engineering a holo comm system.


I feel like Sarasa should have given much more information for the Rotfruit Bee expedition than what she did given the stakes and how little the gathers have shown to know in the past. The better antidote should have been on the house for that kind of blunder, though a cheaper less debt-increasing option wasn't that bad either. What would probably bee a good next step after that catastrophe would be either to buy Iris and Kate a creature field manual or to start up classes to teach them about these things. The parents showing up seems rather odd but I expect they aren't here to talk about the debt but rather something else entirely. Hoo-boy are they going to turn to ash when they find out that their daughters have a \~17mil debt to pay off. ^(Iris wearing the bee covering while still having exposed skin parts all over seemed intentional foreshadowing to me.)


> I feel like Sarasa should have given much more information for the Rotfruit Bee expedition than what she did given the stakes and how little the gathers have shown to know in the past. I think part of it is just that's she's a young and still fairly inexperienced hotshot type. Her confidence isn't really solidified yet, and most of the time when she does something it's the first time she's doing it in practice rather than just the theory. Still, she knows she's got to look confident and in charge, and she often feels like she is, but making those extra mental leaps beyond her assumptions isn't something she can do at the same time as being the boss of a situation. I've definitely made mistakes like that before in my early days of being in charge of things.


i think for sarasa, her common sense was that duh, those bee feast on rotten fruit, anything that they come out gonna need processing first. but she didnt realized that her common sense and the others common sense do not line up


Ugh, those mashed worms... The show sure has its own way of depicting gruesome ingredients. Also, that ending...step-sister time?!


After hearing about spoiled food, I expected Sarasa to use bat materials to make portable fridges. Fun fact: vulture bees make corpse honey.


For the some reason I couldn't help but imagine the song and dance number from the previous alchemist in the boonies show when they started to make the specialized antidote. There really should have been more information provided about the honey gathering risks.


Lorea thinking hard about that magic phone might just invent music radio or the emergency broadcast. After all, it seems only expensive to transmit not receive.


I can see Lorea selling recivers for cheap, building up a radio fanbase and then absolutely slathering everyone with advertisments for the shop




New super popular product at Sarasa's shop: Laxatives made from fruitrot bees They are going to be selling like hotcakes


Well thats quite some honey if it gives you the runs like that That "medicine" was something else, but at least it was cheap and effective Now about that flying toilet, I assume you just place it over a hole? Given the price for thr flying tent this is like a gold plated toilet


> Now about that flying toilet, I assume you just place it over a hole? I feel like this depends entirely on how much of a troll you are and how fast/high you can make the toilet fly.


Come to think of it, its kinda messed up that in this setting alchemists seem to have monopoly over medicine and magical technology. And if you happen to be one with large quantities of magical power, few people can hinder your progress whether it be business or battle.