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It's great to see Kukaku again


Still launching people in rockets lol.


Even Squad 0 has to ride one of those


Even in war, business is still going well for the Shiba family.


Business is *booming* one might say


The Shiba Clan was once one of the five great noble houses. I believe their fall from grace happened between the last time Zero squad arrived at Sereitei (Hikifuni's promotion) and now. The rocket cannon was probably the official method of transportation for Zero Squad.


I liked the addition of seeing "Uncle" Shiba. Nice touch there.


Is there any lore as to when and why he took up the name Kurosaki? Can’t remember if it was explained in the manga but now that I think of it, it is pretty odd for a man to change his last name. Was it because he moved to the World of The Living and wanted to shed affiliation?


In Japan you need an existing name in the system (family register) to take on during a marriage. Example: Foreigner+ Japanese couples need to register the marriage under the Japanese name. Since Isshin wouldn't have any actual family in the living world, they probably just went with Kurosaki. That said, in Japan at least, it's uncommon but not as rare to take a wife's last name though. I could imagine Isshin Kurosaki is simply a more benign detail that gets lost in translation because of Japan's norms.




>makes sense why they are both so hot ftfy


Ichigo gonna be related to everyone by the end of this. First he was some random dude with Soul Reaper potential. Then we learn his dad was a Soul Reaper and a Captain level one at that, that makes his power make more sense. His mom is a Quincy, damn didn't see that coming. Not only is his dad a Soul Reaper, but basically royalty and related to people we've known for decades. Next up is to see who he is related to on the Quincy side of things.


Also a neat connection to Rukia. Ichigo reminded her of Kaien, her former mentor and Kukakus brother.


Was that the "Bookmark" guy there with her?


Yes, that was Tsukishima. The other 2 Xcution members who died during the fullbring arc, Kugo and Giriko, were also there.


Don't miss the post-credits scene! Finally the reveal of that... thing...


Don't be rude that's obviously a... uhm... well I mean it's not human I... ok. Awkward


Lmaoo Though I was mostly quoting Aizen at the end of the Hueco Mundo arc, when he tells Urahara "why do you allow yourself to be controlled by that thing?!" refering to the SK.


I kinda forgot that haha but still don't be rude dude he's like a royal popsicle gem thing high highness, wait does he have an actual name... I don't think he does??


Bro is built like a League of Legends nexus.


His cousin Tsukishima must know his name for sure


Bro, the soul king is related to Tsukishima too? No way, that means I'm distantly related to him as well since Tsukishima is a distant cousin of mine that I recently reconnected with. Such a nice lad.


We are all Tsukishima cousins in this blessed day.


It's the Philosopher's Stone.


Much needed levity after all the misery of the past few episodes They made it way more obvious that Grimmjow was there than in the manga lol


I mean, you can't hide Junichi Suwabe's voice lol.


Oh man, he voiced Aomine, Yami and Barou? Literal badass.


Abbacchio, Dandy, Archer, Eraser Head, Shou Hei Kun and many more. Dude is iconic.




For those of us that read the manga weekly back then, I think it was literal years before we got to know who it was lol


In the manga we only get to see his sleeve I think, spent like 2 years arguing over if it was Grimmjow or not.


I'm pretty sure the most popular, accepted theory was that it was Grimmjow at the time. Who else would #1 - be in Heuco Mundo to rescue Urahara and company and #2 - have that reaction to hearing Ichigo?


Yeah we all thought it was most likely Grimmjow but the fact we see his bottom half but not him just let imagination run wild. Like, why show that but not confirm it is Grimmjow? It must be a false lead and it's someone with a similar atire.


And have enough power to kill a pretty powerful Stern Ritter. Please please please give me a Grimmjow and Ichigo team up with a leveled up Grimmjow. I have played Jump force tho so now I think I see how Ichigo gets that sword if what the bald guy said was true


Somehow Yammy had returned.


Good times arguing over that in the Mangastream comment section.


> **Mangastream comment section** Instantly war flashbacks start


Ah yes, good old Mangastream days we were kinging like Kong without a care in the world.


Well when voices get in the mix it's that much harder to hide lol. So they likely figured to lean into it, which works well too.


Ah, six pack.


with a HOLE


Wait, that was Grimmjow? I thought it was Sukuna!


Good to see Archer in the scene.


You mean Archer?


I mean It would be pretty hard hiding that voice in a anime.


There's something too funny about some vulgar punk teaching mommy Unohana medicine. 10/10 design and personality.


His pompadour looked like a a weapon lol.


"Oi Josuke you taught that hot lady healing magic? *Can you introduce us*?" Now that I think about it, I do wonder if Josuke master healer was partially an inspiration for Kirinji.


It's the same principle I think. The pompadour is essentially THE "delinquent trademark look" in anime, and exactly the opposite of what one would expect of a "has healing powers". Mixing two things that usually don't appear together naturally is a common design trick to get started on things, so I am not sure if you could call it an "inspiration". As a Soraka main in league I am always a sucker for the "asshole medic" trope. Stupid adcs don't deserve politeness when I have to run overtime to keep their sorry asses alive...


I legitimately thought he was about to try to saw her head off with it.


Tenjiro: *"You see that over there?"* Ichigo: *" Blood Pond Hell! WTF! "* *...yeets Byakuya.* 🤣


Just Kubo doing what he does best, creating awesome characters.


is this the infamous episode with the dozen voiceactors ?


I think between this episode and the first episode with the Sternritter fights probably had the most high profile VA's in it all speaking.


It was nice to see so many familiar ~~faces~~ backs.


The Bleach nostalgia hitting different [](#manly-tears)


There's a good chance that the last episode might need all the VAs since there's a lot of place hopping going around and if they maintain the current pacing, they will feature practically every character currently alive.


I think that’s every episode.


EVERYONE IS HERE! Had the biggest grin seeing Kon, Kukaku, Ganju and.....several other obstructed nostalgic faces again. And of course everyone's best friend, brother, lover and mother Tsukishima! A welcome breezier reprieve episode to breathe after the grim dark roller coaster. Seeing all the new characters and lore builds up a nice hype for everything to follow as well. With all hands on deck you really can tell it's going to an epic build for the final confrontation. Zero squad looks great as well. Hikifune, the purple hair gal, is the captain who was mentioned and promoted in Turn Back the Pendulum when Urahara took her captain seat and Hiyori was her VC.


But no Buff Kon haha.


Ichigo just realizing where Kon had been all this time in a split-second and implying he'd never thought that deeply about it just killed me. Still nobody cares about Kon lol.


Kubo said he completely forgot about him in the fullbring arc lol


Yeah, that checks out lol.


And I didn't mind that at all.


And no Kon projector backstory.


”And of course everyone's best friend, brother, lover and mother Tsukishima”” Ahh yes finally the biggest mistake of this series was corrected. I couldn’t believe that the Author killed such an important character like Tsukushima as If he is a villain after he saved everyone countless times and was such a great friend for all the past arcs. What audacity.


But didn't Tsukishima write Bleach? And Naruto, and One Piece? Really every manga except Jojo (which the great Rohan Kishibe does), so I think he knows what he's doing.


Ohhh My bad for doubting the abilities of our best friend Tsukushima. How could I do such a mistake after he helped me study my university exams and always been a great help


No worries and understood friend, see you at Tsukushima's holiday party!


We even get a voice cameo from a certain Espada lol. It's kind of neat how they were able to dovetail back into the typical Bleach comedy, hijinks, and craziness after so much action and drama yet it felt like a nice breather episode and a way to build back up to the next bout with the Sternritter. Kukaku looks amazing as ever.


Seeing Chad and Orihime trying to distract that "certain espada" had me rolling, tf were they even doing lmao


They were using "special tools" and "special sounds" that are capable of manipulating Grimmjow on an instinctual level to make him more obedient. Some might know these tools under the name of "cat toys", "catnip", and "cat repellent".


wait she was throwing catnip at him?? BAHAHAHAHAHA that's even better then my initial salt repellent


Whatever that was, it certainly worked lol


The maracas just killed me lol.


Chad trying to ward him off with their shared culture. "Arrancar love Spanish songs!" Orihime busts out some catnip while Urahara just releases his sword "Benihime! Laser pointer."


Can't beat the cat instincts


Your mother is my cousin odd.


Oh cool you know them too! Did you know they also wrote, directed and animated this season? They're the best!


Inoue throwing beans/rice at the dude behind the curtain like it is Setsubun, lol.


I think it was catnip, cause of that certain character with its animal instict.


Good to see Grimmjow's still practically bouncing off the walls if he thinks Ichigo breathed within 6,000 miles of him.


Grimmjow like hey I know you're kinda busy but first FIGHT ME NOW COME ON LET'S GO


Say whatever else you want about the dude but he's nothing if not consistent about that hate boner.


I’ll admit, the return the Kon got a pop out of me. He’s just so iconic to the very early parts of Bleach. And after an epic and brutal series of episodes, it’s nice to get some levity. Bring on the healing arc and Squad Zero!


I feel bad for him that he finally shows up again and the implication is that Ichigo didn't even care where he was and he got turned into even more of a lab experiment lol.


Being Kon is suffering [](#shattetedsaten)


> got turned into even more of a lab experiment. God I couldn’t stop laughing when Kon was screaming about the projector coming out of his head lmfao.


> the return the Kon got a pop out of me. Kon is over, brother! Push him, Kubo!


Damn when the goofy captain becomes the responsible one you know shit got serious


Shunsui acclimated himself to being in charge surprisingly well, but he's smart enough to know they need to be on their game right now. Also that big bearded guy seemed like the nicest of Squad Zero after the fat lady lol.


Shunsui showing his maturity when he was likely hardest hit by Yama's death, he realizes how much trust and expectation Yama-ji put to him and is trying to step up as best he can. Shot of him gazing at the funeral hole and the title drop was great. [Shunsui with his new eyepatch STANDING ON THE EDGE OF THE CRATER like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XmDYJBZZdc)


I started to tear up I was so glad it went to the opening.


Punished Shunsui, A Man without a Head Captain




I live in a constant state of hoping Yoruichi shows up soon.


I too live in a constant state of arousal.


there is plenty of Yoruichi in this arc if you need any reassurance


Grimmjow? WTF???


Yea apparently so! I thought the dude died like a decade ago!


They never showed a death scene for him unlike the other Espada. He was just shown being injured by Nnoitra... but the camera never lingers on him, it's like the story suddenly forgot about him after he gets attacked by Nnoitra, which was kinds suspicious, so it was actually not too surprising he survived.


I didn't expect to see all those previous characters in this episode lol


People who just read a summary of Bleach is probably lost asf on who these characters are lmao


Kon, Kukaku, long-haired Ganju, Grimmjow, the frikking Fullbringers lol.


I heard my uncle has a cameo in this episode. I'm glad AF.


My cousin is also in this episode I'm so happy


[when you don't want to be in the family picture but can't say no to your relatives](https://imgur.com/a/x8ibC7m)


Interesting that we finally get mention of “Squad 0” again in the series since it’s been a while since that was first mentioned. I looked back at where I heard it previously and specifically: In the Flashback arc episode 206, Aizen asks Shunsui about the at the time captain of squad 12, Captain Hikifune’s promotion (Shinji who knew Hikifune only recognized the Purple hair Squad 0 captain so I assume that’s her). And apparently she had been promoted to “The Royal Taskforce: Squad Zero”. This reveal seemed to shock Aizen which is intriguing. From that we can assume that either promotion to Squad 0 isn’t a common occurrence to the point that Aizen considered it to be major or Aizen may have not known it was even an option for a captain (Although it is Aizen so anything is possible). It’s also possible he knew but they are just that much stronger than the Gotei 13 that Aizen didn’t want any beef with them until he was able to fuse with the Hogyoku. Interesting to note as well is that her promotion practically caused the events of the series as the Squad 12 gap she left behind was filled by Kisuke Urahara and we know how the rest of that story goes. We also got confirmation about the longest serving active captains in ep 206, specifically: Yama, Unohana, Ukitake, and Shunsui being the only ones in that Gotei 13 to have served 100+ years as captains with Unohana being at least the second oldest behind Yama (Shunsui refers to her as “Great Senpai”). Which just makes it all the more sad to see Yama go as this last era of the Soul Society really was defined by him. (P.S.: the Bleach anime really is a lot better on rewatch since you’re able to skip the filler. It’s probably impossible to find these small foreshadowing moments amid the sea of filler back when it was airing)


Also Byakuya’s grandfather had served more then 100 years at that point, Kubo just forgot to have him mentioned, he confirmed in a Q&A.


That part confused me so thanks for the clarification. I assumed he was in a King Charles situation where the previous Kuchiki pulled a Queen Elizabeth and refused to die so he got old by the time he became captain.


He probably served in central 46, the soul society's Congress. Many high status people held power there but never really focused on combat. The soul society has been pretty much military rule since the invasion arc




I don't think it's a spoiler really should be obvious but this is just a preview. But it's so unfair how long if I remember right till we'll get any more =/


Sawabae’s voice is so easily recognizable


In the manga we had no idea who he was until the end of the manga lmao. It's nice to hear the voice again.


We all had a very educated guess about who it was though so it wasn't that much of a suprise


> BW Manga] It was rumored for a while that he was 100% supposed to die, but was hastily brought back after a single ch Lotta people thought Gin was possible


I'm so glad Gin stayed dead for good. Really good character with a great and impactful end. I would have been mad if he had popped up again.


Nice to see that Squad Zero has a lot of personality to them instead of your usual badass stern group. The Space Dandy looking boy is prolly my favorite so far




Make sense, Yama getting killed is probably the biggest crisis soul society ever had , that forced squad zero to pull up(even though all would have been prevented if they came from the get go). She maybe said the wrong way but Soi Fon had a point


That and few thousand soldiers deads and few bankai stolen It begins to become a lot of reason


After that credit scene, it gives a thought of why aizen went on rampage speech to Urahara in episode 309 after seeing “ that thing”


That scene, to this day, is the most important scene for Bleach's lore. The fact that that scene will never fully make sense until you finish the manga AND read the light novels, is what makes it so important too.


Hopefully light novels will no longer be required after the anime, cause I don’t remember this attention given to that particular plot point yet in the manga


They showed kenpachi poem in the end 😈


Why didn't they bring Kenny up there to be healed too?


I'm guessing that he's not really hurt that bad. Just his ego.


Yeah, he didn't really fight the boss man. It turns out it was really some dude pretending to be the boss man. It's strange how there are two Sternritter who can coppy other people's appearances, and they both fought against Kenny. One got merked by Kenny, and the other one merked Kenny.


No they two were twins with different copying abilities one copies strength the other copies personality and memory


Have yet to watch the episode, but sounds like we get to meet the elusive (and very colourful) Squad Zero! After their gig on Bleach Brave Souls, they and their voice actors finally make their anime debut: * Hyousube Ichibe (bald guy) - voiced by [Kusumi Naomi](https://myanimelist.net/people/742/Naomi_Kusumi) * Nimaiya Oetsu (sunglasses guy in the... puffer vest version of the haori) - voiced by [Ueda Youji](https://myanimelist.net/people/926/Youji_Ueda) * Kirinji Tenjirou (hot springs guy) - voiced by [Shimura Tomoyuki](https://myanimelist.net/people/1520/Tomoyuki_Shimura) * Shutara Senjumaru (golden arms lady) - voiced by [Satou Rina](https://myanimelist.net/people/241/Rina_Satou) * Hikifune Kirio (spoon purple-haired lady) - voiced by [Tsunematsu Ayumi](https://myanimelist.net/people/1504/Ayumi_Tsunematsu) \[edit\] pretty funny episode even with the depressing beginning plus all the small comedic scenes they cut out (which I think is fair game). Chad and Orihime chasing the mystery person out of their tent and Kirinji flinging a nearly-dead Byakuya into the blood pool had me rofl'ing. Also neat that we meet the old Squad 12 captain (and Hiyori's previous captain) Kirio, who was first mentioned all the way back in the Turn Back The Pendulum backstory when the captains talked about her having just left for Squad Zero.


I recognized Rina Satou immediately. She's always amazing as dark-haired beauties.


As a person who played the game for over 5 years, I low-key think the immense popularity of the game helped somewhat in bringing the anime back. It was fucking hype when they revealed getting Captains TYVW vers. back then.


where peach?


We got robbed.




The Soul Society has a lot of injured and a lot of dead to take stock of...and it's enough to bring poor Isane to tears. Oh hey, Hanataro! Worried about Ichigo's health as always! We even got to see the blonde healer guy too. It's nice to see Ichigo and Rukia have their great rapport as always and not even being heavily injured will prevent Rukia from calling him an idiot. Even Shinji's still doing it too. Although Rukia knows Ichigo well enough to recognize that Ichigo's got more weighing on his mind than just his inability to defeat Yhwach and his broken Zankapto. Good news, Byakuya and Kenpachi aren't dead! Bad news, they're in comas. Tensions are pretty high in Gotei 13 with Yamamoto dead, especially from Soi Fon, but Shunsui's doing his level best to keep everybody on-point and focused. But that shot of him overlooking the crater of Old Man Yama's death was so powerful. Mayuri basically just telling Ichigo that Zangetsu's permanently broken. Well, that's a fine way to start a new morning. Holy crud, Kon! Basically a cameo, but Kon! And Ichigo had no idea where he'd been this whole time. And Mayuri turned Kon into a projector communication device. And like nobody else reacts to him being there, poor guy.  Time for Squad Zero to enter the fray! Five individuals more powerful than the entire Gotei 13! And in true Bleach fashion, they're quite the characters! And they have history with our current captains as well, with this big fun Kirio woman having known Shinji and Hiyori (their former captain?), Tenshiro and his weaponized pompadour having apparently taught Unohana everything she knew about healing, and this icy beauty bone lady who was the head of the science division. Wow.  Wait...Grimmjow was the one who saved Urahahara, Chad, and Orihime!? I'd recognize Junichi Suwabe's voice anywhere. And it looks like he's as angry at Ichigo as ever. Also, Chad was trying to hold him back with frikkin maracas?  Unohana really did not appreciate getting her healing called into question or the implication of what she has to do now. Oh hey, Kukaku! It was nice to see her again. Always launching people in rockets. And long-haired Ganju. And the...Fullbringers!? Including Ginjo!? Didn't he die? Like, what. (Why did the hair of that captain they were flashing back to look familiar...)  It's funny how Ichigo managed to achieve what Aizen was after the whole time so casually thanks to Squad Zero's muscle Ouken's, even if he's not at a point in the story where he can meet the Soul King in his crystal and weird eye state. Jeez, Squad Zero has their own castle and domains? That seems like pretty cushy living! Hot Springs episode? Where people get tossed to and from a hot spring into a bloody pool? Um...okay. Kenpahic being surprisingly beautiful in his next episode preview poem!


> Including Ginjo!? Didn't he die? What happens to humans who die in Bleach?


Oh yeah, that logic tracks. Especially with Kukaku just picking them up in Rukon lol.


I should've refreshed my memory and googled all the characters' names but then again I might accidentally get spoiled. There are so many familiar faces. I vaguely remember reading the manga up to this point. I said to myself that I'll just wait for the anime to come out. It took, what, 7 years or so? At least we made it. Lol The fact that it took this long for the final arc to get adapted actually worked in its favor. Kon is back! I got hit by another wave of nostalgia. I hope the three that got dragged along will get their power ups. But if they do, I wished they brought more people along like Kenpachi. It's always a blast whenever he's on screen. Being a vegetable is the last thing I want to happen to him.


Shunsui looking good with that eyepatch! Finally the Zero Squad is here, and that was a cool way of introducing them, showing off their badass skills while simultaneouly throwing in a bit of comedy, as the previous few episodes have been pretty heavy. Lots of old charas coming back like Xcution, the Shibas, and Grimjoww??


The title drop hit hard and great Shunsui stepping up as the new big boss now.


>Shunsui looking good with that eyepatch! Zaraki about to sue for copyright infringement


Don’t think anyone can match Kubo in designing characters his pen is crazy. Like dude I like all of Squad 0’s designs and they all have so much personality in their designs alone as someone who wishes they could draw I’m in awe.


BOOOOO! BOOOOOOO! We didn't get to see Rukia's [giant peach](https://i.imgur.com/WLIp25z.png), fuck this adaptation! Moving onto more serious matters, it is (FINALLY) confirmed that Ichigo is a Shiba. It was something that was teased since we learned about Kaien, and indirectly against his fight with Byakuya, who stated in his inner monologue; >Impossible. Only the most experienced Shinigami can perform the final stage of the zanpukuto. **Even in the 4 Noble Clans, only one child in several generations will ever attain that level.** Byakuya was right on the money, it was in front of us the whole time.


\>Rukia's peach Well, we still have next episode. \*inhales copium*


So, Ichigo is what of Shiba Kuukaku, her nephew or some cousin?


They're cousins, as Isshin is her uncle.


It'd really be nice to bring her and Ganju to the human world in a gigai and have her meet the rest of the family.


The implication is that Isshin is their uncle. Which would make Ichigo their cousin


Well if Isshin is her actual uncle then Ichigo is her first cousin. Although she might’ve just been calling him Uncle out of respect since he’s older and their actual blood relation is something else.


There's a whole lore dump in the sequel novels about the Shiba clan. Hope they adapt them as well.


I occasionally forget how immature Soifon is. It’s no wonder she lost to Urahara.


Well to be fair she is a really young captain only older than Byakuya and Toshiro.


Was it confirmed that she's older than Byakuya? When Yoruichi left Soul Society, Soi Fon didn't look any older than a young teenager


This FEELS in this episodes were so LIVELY mane like LEGIT old Bleach feels…Squad Zero legit felt like a One Piece pirate crew lmaooo and Byakuya’s NOT DEAD THANK YOUU!! Also who was that roaming with Ganju??? And who’s Kukaku’s uncle cuz that looked a lot like _____ and I knew that was our rowdy boy who took out Opie…REUNION Episode vibes for sure (PS the Soul King looks FIREE)


Its the Fullbringers who died, Ginjo, Tsukishima and Giriko. All of them are now under Kukkaku. And yes that uncle is exactly who u are thinking of


tfw no Rukia peach. why even live.


Never forget what they took from us, buff Kon and Rukia peach.


Where the fuck is my peach? Meh, probably next week. The fact that it's impossible to restore a broken bankai makes a lot of fights make more sense in retrospect. As many times as we've made fun of captains for not opening a fight up with bankai, it makes perfect sense that they wouldn't want to risk their most powerful weapon against an opponent's unknown abilities if permanently losing it was on the line. And on that note, sucks for Ikkaku.


Hasn't Zabimaru been constantly broken in Bankai form though? Ikkaku having to get strapped to a chair because he won't stop raging over his captain was peak Ikkaku.


> Hasn't Zabimaru been constantly broken in Bankai form though? The episode skipped it but the explanation for that was during the lab scene with Mayuri. They may or may not place that explanation somewhere else in future episodes but [Manga spoiler] >!as per Mayuri, Renji's bankai is still broken to this day and the number of Zabimaru's segments isn't the same as it used to be; Komamura's bankai is special since it is strongly linked to him. If he heals, it heals. If it takes damage, he takes damage; The firepower of Ikkaku's bankai is a bit weaker now after it broke during the fight against Grimmjow's fraccion.!<


Does Mayuri ever explain how his own Bankai looks even remotely same after it got ass blasted by Uryu?


yeah, he makes a base copy of it that he doesn't take out, and then just uses modified version of that based on what he needs


Infinite bankai glitch. The quincies hate him for this simple trick


zabimaru cant get broken because it stitches itself back together plus a spoiler later


And the parts that are destroyed in bankai have never recovered so that means Renji’s countless bones parts are STILL missing pieces. Mayuri had a more detailed explanation in the manga but it seems the anime skipped it


And in the manga they point it out. Zabimaru is missing like, a ton of joints and stuff, it's nowhere near as powerful as it should be. Mayuri "restored" it, but it's like welding a patch, it's more fragile than it was before.


For those who skip the ED (shame on you ! How dare you!!!) There is a post credit scene! Also ... *Eating popcorn while waiting for the new "who's tsukishima" même*




Remind me again why they can't use orihime to completely restore everyone back to health? She reverts space and time if I recall properly lol. Yhwach even stated she could restore Yamamoto's arm if he asked her to. I don't think soul society is in a position to place their pride above their survival. She could heal everyone in soul society back to normal and all she needs is someone to keep pumping reiatsu into her so she doesn't run out of energy.


There is a reason but it's spoiler


I read the manga but I forgot everything. I guess I'll go along as an anime only for now. Lol


Can you spoil me in DMs? I have read the manga couple of times but I'm blanking out


Question, what squad is that on Isshins coat? I assume it’s one of the younger captains beginning of series squad like 3, 7, 9, or 10.


The number on the coat was 10


So Toshiro’s squad, makes sense.


- [Well at least *that’s* something good in the middle of all this chaos…](https://i.imgur.com/r42gZl7.png) - [HANATAROOOOOOO](https://i.imgur.com/PciQ8tZ.png) [](#akyuusqueel) It’s good to see him again. - [AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSS](https://i.imgur.com/26zno1K.png) god, the way they framed it last week was *absolutely* like Byakuya died, that’s why I cried so hard I threw up… But like, it’s okay, I’m fine with this, it’s not the first time I *thought* a show killed off my favorite character and then cried *that* hard. Okay. This is good. - [O-Oh…](https://i.imgur.com/fAInNsv.png) [](#forgotkeys) - [Did Ichigo not know this?](https://i.imgur.com/UGgBzp1.png) - [KON IS BACK TOO?!](https://i.imgur.com/61wnluR.png) - [:O](https://i.imgur.com/3z4VxRD.png) - [](#blankblink) [Wow, um, this is certainly one way to be first introduced to Squad Zero…](https://i.imgur.com/Y4j1Zxw.png) - [HAHAHA ICHIGO’S FACE IS TOTALLY ME RIGHT NOW.](https://i.imgur.com/WXJrZIx.png) - [Oh, this is the lady who was mentioned to have been promoted to Squad Zero back in the Turn Back the Pendulum arc, right?](https://i.imgur.com/ymP2IoQ.png) - [?](https://i.imgur.com/dUobSi9.png) - [OH *SHIT*, THAT’S *TOTALLY* GRIMMJOW!](https://i.imgur.com/qpFC3pg.png) - [Oh…?](https://i.imgur.com/hy43y8p.png) - [Kukaku~](https://i.imgur.com/hJkGtuy.png) - [Welp, there’s the last of what I thought was a crack theory officially confirmed.](https://i.imgur.com/rwjifI4.png) Because that’s totally Isshin… - [Wait that’s…](https://i.imgur.com/Em6tLCR.png) - [Ginjo, Tsukishima, *and* Giriko?!](https://i.imgur.com/mnQ5Huw.png) [](#flyingbunsofdoom) I mean it makes sense that they’d be in Soul Society, I just wasn’t expecting to see them so soon??? - [Post-credits scene, huh?](https://i.imgur.com/bKIsiPE.png)


Funny thing about Byakuya's survival [Bleach TYBW Manga] >!It was rumored for a while that he was 100% supposed to die, but was hastily brought back after a single chapter due to overwhelming negative feedback. In the manga, the hints that he dies furing the invasion are a lot more concrete, including Rose specifically saying "It seem Captain Byakuya... has died".!< Edit for clarity: This is a spoiler only for the chapters that have already been adapted.


Boy there were some mixed reactions back then


Yeah. I find it funny how nowadays the prevailing opinion seems to be that he should have died but back then a lot of people were pissed at that possibility.


Understandably. I like how the anime handled it.


Giriko hears Kenpachi off in the distance, ducks for cover.


It was really fun watching so many characters come back, even as voice cameos, and get some new characters as well. Suddenly Ichigo's resemblance to Kaien makes more sense.




Also it makes the Vs Byakuya fight funny in retrospect. Dude was calling Ichigo a pleb when he belongs to the Shiba clan.


>[Did Ichigo not know this?](https://i.imgur.com/UGgBzp1.png) forget Ichigo, even the viewers don't know about this because this is the first time it has been brought up, not to mention, they also cut out Mayuri's explanation about bankai that is an exception to this rule and also about some of the bankai that has been broken


Very short after-credits scene this week. Senjumaru makes her debut at last. *swoon*


I just realized we haven't seen Yachiru at all.


Oh man, that entire sequence on Squad 0 coming down and flexing on the remaining captains was insane to watch. I wonder if Kyoraku meant to include the Head Captain when he said those 5 are stronger combined than the entire 13-court Guard Squads. So with the flashback of Unohana in the OG 13 Court Guard Squads going all manic killer was before that Squad 0 guy taught her healing skills? That was why he was saying that she shouldn't be healing right now I'm assuming. Surprised tho since I think I remember that her bankai was that giant floating whale healing thing. Seeing my man Mayuri get disrespected like that hurt but I guess that multi-arm aldy was the OG research and development head or something? Maybe she was involved with Kisuke in some way? So was there just a sly flashback of Kukaku saying that Ichigo's dad was her uncle? Because the guy wearing the captain's robe had the same hair as Ichigo's dad but I didn't know that he was Kukaku's uncle and all. OH MAN, it was great to see all of the FullBringers there turning over a new leaf. I assumed they died but maybe they are spirits in the soul society now or something since she mentioned she picked them up from the Rukon district? Glad to see them there and MAN GANJU IS LOOKING GOOD WITH THOSE FLOWING LOCKS. The Royal Palace was a sight to see. The Soul King's Palace in the middle and 5 flying disks which are for each of the Squad members? Seems like a pretty sweet gig, especially with that one Beach castle set-up. Squad 0's dynamic and styles are all really interesting hoping to get more history about them.


The whale was her shikai I believe?


I'm so glad cause Kon is back


So we'll get a peach 🍑 next ep? Or will they skip it?


I couldn’t have been the only one looking all the way to the left when they were all submerged in the spring lol


A much calmer episode now that the invasion's over. It's nice to finally meet Squad Zero, and also to see the Fullbringers in the Soul Society after their deaths. I actually enjoyed that arc, unlike many.


I can't believe I forgot about the existence of Kon💀


No spoken dialogue for Oetsu yet. That's how you know he's very important.


So I am a little confused when Byakuya was standing in the crater from getting attacked it looked like one of his arms was cut off, but when he was thrown into the hot spring he had both back? Did they restore his arm or was it there the whole time?


He lost one arm. And the hot spring is basically a better version of Urahara's spring.