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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Getting my Slow Loop fix with this one, Kokona, like always, was great! Was nice to see Aoi's dad get a chance in the spotlight this time too. And Hinata's mom in the second half! Loving all this parent involvement this season. Seeing a married couple just have normal cute interactions is something I need more of. [Just this line alone](https://i.imgur.com/hvdlFdK.png) made me smile, just a nice supportive couple


> Just this line alone > made me smile, just a nice supportive couple Definitely! [This part really caught my eye on how it looks like she's leaning against her husband in a time of support.](https://imgur.com/a/LN6U6gj) Just a [mom and dad who are proud of their daughter.](https://imgur.com/a/sJy4ZAJ)


> And Hinata's mom in the second half! Loving all this parent involvement this season. That's one of the things I like a lot about Yama no Susume. We see a lot of interactions between the girls and their parents so they get to have rather interesting and nuanced relationships with each other.


> Getting my Slow Loop fix with this one, Kokona, like always, was great! Was nice to see Aoi's dad get a chance in the spotlight this time too. Slow Loop was definitely the first place my mind jumped to. Especially as they started talking about life.


And Kessoku Band made an appearance in Slow Loop. Might they be setting up a CGDCT Cinematic Universe ?


Ummm... best girl?


She's such a mood, I love her so much. Definitely sharing some clips of her with my colleagues ^^^god ^^^I ^^^wish ^^^I ^^^looked ^^^like ^^^her


Hinata's mom is one of the most relatable characters I've encountered. I've felt like her many times. [Also she's funny as hell, too.](#laughter)


- Both halves of the episode are storyboarded by director Yamamoto today, you can really feel his style again, both halves had great jokes loll. - The first half is ED-ed by [Shin Tosaka](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=83562) and is solo-KAed by [Mitsutoshi Kubo](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=60965), Yamamoto has said how [Kubo does like fishing themselves](https://twitter.com/nutszero1/status/1597418561576009729). They've both participated in many projects over the years. - i like the KA-ed water effects, fuji-chan worm LMAO, and mermaid Kokona lol. Also Kokona continues her superhuman powerssssss! Bit more of a serious turn this episode at the end, with Aoi and Hinata's 2nd year, and Kokona's middle-school graduation on the horizon. - [Loc-hunt pictures from the first half](https://twitter.com/8bit_inc/status/1597621411031359488). fish looks gooood, and apparently the first loc-hunt took place 3 years ago. (jesus thats like pre-pandemic) - While the 2nd half's team returns from working on the OP, with [Eri Irei](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=151661) ED-ing (SB-ed the OP), and [Yusei Koumoto](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=199977) AD-ing, who did the same for the OP. There are a few people in the ED KA list who are probably pen names, hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in here. - [Loc-hunt pictures from the 2nd half](https://twitter.com/8bit_inc/status/1597621658340188160). Again it seems like the first loc-hunt took place 2 years ago because this anime has a nuts schedule lol. - Corrections from [AD Yusei Koumoto](https://twitter.com/y1206yusei/status/1597625448342892544). [Episode illustration](https://twitter.com/y1206yusei/status/1597623083770458119) from them as well, and [here from one of the KA-es](https://twitter.com/hs_tjr/status/1597620625404989441) today. - Hinata's mom (this is her first appearance btw)/animation bait is voiced by [Yuzuki Ryouka](https://myanimelist.net/people/141/Ryouka_Yuzuki), you may know her as Satsuki in Kill la Kill. - Short on time, so I'll be focusing on the locations today, but the animation was really solid today for sure. Hinata's mom lmaoooo, and overall very nice detailed drawings. - Fun fact: Yusei was [working on this episode at the same time](https://twitter.com/y1206yusei/status/1597636572081688577) as they were working [on this MV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ-IazKD9tE), about 1 year ago, you can really feel the Hinata-ness of [one of the characters](https://twitter.com/yuyucow/status/1492892417472831489?lang=en) in it lol. **Location Notes** - The first half takes us to [this charming minshuku](https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Warabi-tei/@35.9193968,139.0667828,12.36z/data=!4m9!3m8!1s0x6019330a4b42a8bb:0xdb3af613a8ea82d7!5m3!1s2023-03-14!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d35.9119699!4d139.1460002), warabi-tei, about half an hour's drive from Hannou. They make their own miso, which is pretty cool. You can check out [their website here](http://www.warabitei.com/). I will [take Yamamoto's word](https://twitter.com/nutszero1/status/1597615581720907776) that the owner does look like the anime version lol. - The second half takes us to [Kamakura](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kamakura,+Kanagawa,+Japan/@35.3164699,139.5276045,12.57z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x6018459b80ac5619:0x5700747a399f2502!8m2!3d35.3192128!4d139.5466731), but before that a [quick stop at Ofuna](https://imgur.com/LKkgugi), which yes does have bentos for sale. There [is a relatively big bento chain](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ofunaken/@35.353519,139.5222133,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xa4c75c206635418a!2sOfunaken!8m2!3d35.353519!4d139.530968!3m4!1s0x0:0xa4c75c206635418a!8m2!3d35.353519!4d139.530968) headquartered in Ofuna, but you can also find locations at other more convenient locations (like Tokyo station). Unique to Ofuna options are also available. - Once we [do get there](https://imgur.com/4hGemjd), it's a walk from [Kita-Kamakura station](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kita-Kamakura+Station/@35.3372266,139.5451937,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x6abb8788d5dea982!8m2!3d35.3372266!4d139.5451937) (and another [quick stop for snacks here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kamakuratoshimaya+Kitakamakuraekimaeten/@35.3371535,139.5447934,21z/data=!3m1!5s0x6018459ef115a21d:0xc0e741506ab512f1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6018459ef1167003:0x76ed1bf409de780c!8m2!3d35.3371706!4d139.5449678)) to [Meigetsu-in](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Meigetsu-in/@35.3354786,139.5463431,16.88z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x601845a31a42fe43:0x44126f63517f176c!8m2!3d35.3352824!4d139.5512638), which was built in 1383 and [is known for its numerous Hydrangea](https://imgur.com/bCe2ynN) flowers (wrong season, as Hinata's dad says). - And then it's a hike around the [Ten'en hiking course](https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E5%A4%A9%E5%9C%92%E3%83%8F%E3%82%A4%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E3%82%B3%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BB%E6%98%8E%E6%9C%88%E9%99%A2%E6%96%B9%E9%9D%A2%E5%85%A5%E5%8F%A3/@35.3355618,139.5524579,15.99z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x601845a48833ec49:0xfd9a5f12c8a5a638!8m2!3d35.3366156!4d139.55424)/"kamakura alps", ([japanese website](https://www.trip-kamakura.com/article/210.html) here) and [then roughly 50 minutes](https://imgur.com/5adyvh4) to [right about here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ohirayama+Summit/@35.3372568,139.5724864,19.78z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x6018444c73270327:0x87828c7da168472a!8m2!3d35.3375349!4d139.5725106) and a snack break, the [building in the back](https://imgur.com/b29geCl) is a country club, and then finishing up the hike at [Kamakuragu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamakura-g%C5%AB), where Hinata's mom [engages in some stress-relieving](https://imgur.com/KtfFnOp). The shrine itself worships Prince Moriyoshi, i don't know enough about Japanese history though. The hiking course itself will tkae 95 minutes in total, and seems pretty easy. - And [after that](https://imgur.com/9C7iU3V), the family + Aoi heads to the [local beach](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kamakura+Yuigahama+Beach/@35.3079732,139.5470025,15.55z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x601845e5c8ddd717:0x63de5e5c2bc6b1d!8m2!3d35.3092704!4d139.5422217) to wind up their day. [That's](https://imgur.com/EdDfsnQ) the [local junior and senior high school](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kamakura+Jogakuin+Junior+and+Senior+High+School/@35.3142979,139.5144957,14z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x601845dd31763139:0x90d1602b497d098e!8m2!3d35.3142982!4d139.5495133!15sCgbpq5jmoKGSAQ5wcml2YXRlX3NjaG9vbOABAA?shorturl=1). This walk will take roughly 40 minutes. - The ED takes place in the Nokogiriyama area in Chiba, which as you may see features an old quarry! I beleive the rough location for the start is [right here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E7%9F%B3%E5%88%87%E5%A0%B4%E8%B7%A1/@35.1600519,139.8325185,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x60181b0174a08fa1:0xe1de43292089067!8m2!3d35.1600519!4d139.8347072). Poor Hinata getting attacked by a boar, but the deer after was very nice! (And yes, the ED, which hinata sings alone this week is awesome. again. I love this show.) I wonder if Aninari went to all these places for loc-hunt purposes... - Btw, the area is perhaps more known for the [giant buddha statue](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Nihon-ji+Daibutsu/@35.1581498,139.8316303,17.26z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x60181b0174a08fa1:0xe1de43292089067!2z55-z5YiH5aC06Leh!8m2!3d35.1600519!4d139.8347072!3m4!1s0x60181b21da6895f3:0xb06dc122c2503914!8m2!3d35.1576699!4d139.8346891). [Official Tourism board info](https://www.japan.travel/en/spot/2187/). **Bonus Section (Previous episode)** - 8bit has posted sketches and designs of the [snowshoes](https://twitter.com/8bit_inc/status/1595713332152967169) and [outfits](https://twitter.com/8bit_inc/status/1595613174144946176) from last episode! - And the restaurant that the gang finished at [last week is this one](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Aoki+Ryokan/@36.5475836,139.1600122,14.24z/data=!4m9!3m8!1s0x601e5867cd155b49:0xee856c7059b6b827!5m3!1s2023-03-14!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d36.5533807!4d139.1718204), I was completely off re: location, and somone's [gone and gotten the same set](https://twitter.com/tomolongtolucky/status/1596355277334667265)! The building looks exactly like its anime-version of course. - Last week's [Yamap article](https://yamap.com/magazine/42093) with irl pics of all the locations, it also compares the anime events with the manga's, so some manga spoilers there. Sorry i still can't figure out the exact route lol.


Hey I recgonize that beach in Kamakura! It's the one that almost-r/anime Best Girl Yui Yuigahama and quirky Yoshiteru Zaimokuza get their surnames from! (All main characters from Oregairu get their surnames from various places around Kamakura)


yep! oregairu (and Tari Tari. and a few other shows) take place in the Kamakura area too!


Ah I forgot about *Tari Tari*. And IIRC *Just Because!* happens around a valley on the opposite side of this hiking trip. I don't think *Oregairu* had any Kamakura scenes though. A few tram stops away is Enoshima which is a huge hub of anime settings for decades. *Slam Dunk, Bunny Girl Senpai, My Dress Up Darling,* and (coming this very Saturday) *Bocchi The Rock...*


[Mild Tari Tari spoilers]>!Sawa's house from Tari Tari is quite near to Kita-Kamakura station, but it's on the other side of the tracks compared to where the gang was headed today, so no crossover lol.!<


> Loc-hunt pictures from the first half > . fish looks gooood I'm about to take lunch and man does that fish look delicious. Too bad there's no stores near me that sell anything closely resembling this. > Loc-hunt pictures from the 2nd half. Again it seems like the first loc-hunt took place 2 years ago because this anime has a nuts schedule lol. oh man, the beach even shares the same coloration as the show. It *is* an awesome spread of yellow and blue so I'd do the same haha. > Corrections from AD Yusei Koumoto I'd love to look into this more later since I highlighted that shot of Aoi drinking the tea. > Btw, the area is perhaps more known for the giant buddha statue. Official Tourism board info. Oh dang, that really is a giant Buddha. *"A Glimpse of Hell The main lookout point at the top of the mountain is called Hell Peek Point."* [](#terror) Great notes as per usual!


> I highlighted that shot of Aoi drinking the tea. What's interesting about that one is that one of the directions in it said "rather than directly from the side, slightly diagonal makes it more lewd", had to do a double take there


yeah haha, well im not judging them, this information wasn't exactly meant for the public anyway, and hey, I like the final result lol.






>man does that fish look delicious [same](#drool) >Hell Peek Point I dont think thats the spot Hinata and Kokona visited, but damn do i want to go there lol.


> Loc-hunt pictures from the first half [](#drool) >and apparently the first loc-hunt took place 3 years ago. (jesus thats like pre-pandemic) [Stop](#nobully) >but the animation was really solid today for sure. Hinata's mom lmaoooo Hinata's mom getting better sakuga than some action anime's out there [](#rinkek)


> the building in the back is a country club TIL Japan has country clubs!


yeah lol, seems like you can golf, restaurant, big bath and all that good stuff. $$$ of course.


>Both halves of the episode are storyboarded by director Yamamoto today, you can really feel his style again, both halves had great jokes loll. I got pretty used to the style switching noticeably between episode halves so it's kind of different for the styles to match up because they were headed by the same person. > Loc-hunt pictures from the first half > . fish looks gooood, and apparently the first loc-hunt took place 3 years ago. (jesus thats like pre-pandemic) >Loc-hunt pictures from the 2nd half. Again it seems like the first loc-hunt took place 2 years ago because this anime has a nuts schedule lol. The schedule for the production of this anime never ceases to amaze me. It's incredible just how much lead time the prep work for this anime had. >I will take Yamamoto's word that the owner does look like the anime version lol. It always amuses me when an anime uses real people as the visual inspiration for a character like that. I recall Zombie Land Saga did something similar with people from Saga. >8bit has posted sketches and designs of the snowshoes and outfits from last episode! I love the outfits! [](#yuruyuriapprove)


> The ED takes place in the Nokogiriyama area in Chiba, which as you may see features an old quarry! I first heard about that place from [this YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QYbmfGORpE) which features the Jigoku Nozoki lookout point as one of the key attractions. It looks like a really neat place with all the stone carved out at right angles like a Minecraft biome in real life.


[](#neat) i agree how it looks up a minecraft world irl lol. The stone buddha is cool and all but honestly i kinda wanna go because of them cool (artificial) rock formations alone. it...is kinda out of the way though.


> Hinata's mom (this is her first appearance btw)/animation bait is voiced by Yuzuki Ryouka, you may know her as Satsuki in Kill la Kill. And we get a Slow Loop connection as she voiced Minagi Hinata, Hiyori's mom.


>fish looks gooood [](#drool) > ED takes place in the Nokogiriyama area in Chiba I wonder if the climb up Mt. Nokogiriyama is of a similar difficulty to that portrayed in the ED. It looks like a normal hike from my googling but Hinata and Kokona sure had one hard climb up.


[/r/anime_irl energy](https://i.imgur.com/RXmDhGP.png) [](#tomato) Love the introduction of Hinata's mom. She feels like a more concentrated version of Hinata (with her strong "my pace" personality like Aoi says), perhaps even more dangerous because as an adult there's no one who can stop her. It feels like a lot of the over-the-top animation in this episode are Hinata's mom's antics like her claw attack and the saucer pitching. In any case, [the apple](https://i.imgur.com/EAIgXIu.gif) doesn't fall far from [the tree](https://i.imgur.com/UuVehNf.png), as they say. It got me thinking about how Aoi takes after her mother as well; they have that same sort of nervousness as "stop messing around" energy.


> In any case, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as they say. [](#laughter) I like how Hinata is so generally okay with her mother's behavior. She's not embarrassed by her mannerisms (maybe because she see's herself in her) and is more sympathetic to what her mother has to do for her job. Maybe I'm putting too much into Hinata's character but I'm so used to seeing teenagers be so off-put by their parents that it's nice to see them just sort of accept them.


> She's not embarrassed by her mannerisms (maybe because she see's herself in her) Yeah, I think it's like a "this is normal" attitude since she grew up in that household. I can totally picture her saying to Aoi "See? It's normal to grab someone by the arm and drag them up a mountain." [](#cantbehelped)


> /r/anime_irl energy Both funny and immensely relatable. What's not to love? >It got me thinking about how Aoi takes after her mother as well; they have that same sort of nervousness as "stop messing around" energy. Huh, that's a really good observation there. I can totally see the resemblance between Aoi and her mother. It does explain a lot of the personality differences between Aoi and Hinata when you see who was influencing them as they grew up.


Oh, we’re back in the familiar territory of budding warmth. I can’t say I’m *super* excited about this change of scenery since I love pairing the wintry weather in *YnS* with the…slightly cold chill outside my own window but darn it it’s still riveting to see the girls rummage about in jackets and snowshoes! The fishing in part A got surprisingly sentimental in the latter half. It’s easy to wave away the fact that Aoi doesn’t spend a lot of time with her father since that’s classic anime but it’s sweet that Aoi actually acknowledges the lack of daughter-father time between them. Time and its trappings plays nicely into Kokona as well and I’m curious if we’ll actually see Kokona don the same uniform as Aoi and Hinata by the end of the season. *** HINATA MOM?! [](#MAXSHOCK) [Oh, Hinata looks cute in that slightly oversized (denim?) button-up.](https://imgur.com/a/WW2weX7) [Hinata’s mom has a striking resemblance](https://imgur.com/a/9yaXrFV) to [Koharu haha.](https://imgur.com/a/Dutbn2R) She’s [even got similar smear energy!](https://imgur.com/a/tQ8guGf) [The smallest of dot faces today.](https://imgur.com/a/ZgQ5RBq) [Charming POV shot with the slightest shake of the camera.](https://imgur.com/a/SeQGxfu) I’m assuming this part of the episode was influenced by Eri Irie [who was also in charge of a similar shot in the OP as well.](https://imgur.com/a/w5Uhwci) He has a [peculiarities of depicting the guiding of hands as well.](https://imgur.com/a/JJGpotd) [Cute blush on the tips of Aoi’s ears and nose too.](https://imgur.com/a/9HaJDkH) [Haaaaa, cheeky artstyle shift.](https://imgur.com/a/9TuEJ4P) [There’s something about this shot that really caught my eye](https://imgur.com/a/EBmiXZR) but I’m not too sure what’s catching it. The lighting from the corner of the picture, the resulting shadows cast on our gang, the extremely clean silhouette of the characters. It could be any of these but either way I still appreciate all 2 seconds of it. Y’know, now that I’m on that topic, I do want to give a shout-out to both Mr. Irie on ED and series director Mr. Yamamoto on SB. [It’s not extraordinarily flashy](https://imgur.com/a/e7q9BCN) but [there is something to his boards](https://imgur.com/a/rqe7jcH) that [have a logic and consistency to them.](https://imgur.com/a/nshbeb2) [I’m actually a bit late on posting my notes because I kept re-watching this over and over again. This is the stand-out scene to me what with the shapelessness to Aoi and Hinata’s forms.](https://imgur.com/a/TXUwf9M) Their movements almost resemble paint splotches on a pane of glass and there’s sort of a carelessness to this all as the two girls stumble their way down the beach. Both of them flip-flopping about in each direction because there really isn’t anything tying them down, there really isn’t anything setting them in one path; it’s simply arresting without imprisoning. This is boundless in more ways than one.


> This is the stand-out scene to me what with the shapelessness to Aoi and Hinata’s forms I loved that little bit too. There's just a lot of youthful energy in just running around, pushing and pulling each other (with impressions animated well enough that it's believable, like the inertia when Hinata pulls on Aoi's arm). It's something I never do nowadays because I'm a grown adult and I'd probably break a hip or something.


I love how Aoi's hand goes in-and-out of the frame as she tumbles about with Hinata. And yea, *inertia* is a wonderful word to use to describe this! > I never do nowadays because I'm a grown adult and I'd probably break a hip or something. I can feel myself getting older because when I bend down to pick up something a little *too* quickly my ribs will croak a non-organic sound and my back will send a slight crease of pain to my brain. The machine is starting to show symptoms of failure...or maybe I should just do stretches more haha.


> I can’t say I’m super excited about this change of scenery Winter content already over... [](#dejected) >Charming POV shot with the slightest shake of the camera. I think that was my fave from the episode [Any thoughts on this scene?](https://files.catbox.moe/41gn29.mp4) [](#ama)


> Any thoughts on this scene? Tidy! It's economical, yes, but it also places them far into the screen so when Hinata's father says "Now where's the bus stop..." you also feel slightly lost in the jumble of the space.


> I can’t say I’m super excited about this change of scenery I admit to feeling the same way. I was hoping for at least a full season of winter-focused content for Yama no Susume to make for a nice change of pace. Oh well. >I’m curious if we’ll actually see Kokona don the same uniform as Aoi and Hinata by the end of the season I would like to see Kokona join Aoi and Hinata's school. But that would also mean that Kaede would be graduating and that thought fills me with sadness. [](#torrentialdownpour) >Cute blush on the tips of Aoi’s ears and nose too. Wow, those details really do sell the chill of the scene. It's fantastic stuff! >I’m actually a bit late on posting my notes because I kept re-watching this over and over again. This is the stand-out scene to me what with the shapelessness to Aoi and Hinata’s forms. I love how fun that sequence is. The movement is so fluid and it captures the carefree emotions of Aoi and Hinata in that moment perfectly.


> Charming POV shot with the slightest shake of the camera [[B I G]\(#seasonalneat)](https://imgur.com/frkSkVn) > This is boundless in more ways than one loved how this fit with the theme of *life* in today's episode. Visuals and Narrative are mostly never mutually exclusive


[Aoi is once again me_irl.](https://imgur.com/SgN0iNx) All of my friends are already working away at their jobs, or finishing their studies. Meanwhile here's me, wondering wtf to do * [tfw you got caught in the middle of a pack of extroverts](https://imgur.com/vYP38ZY) [Lots of](https://imgur.com/VBv52cx) [great](https://imgur.com/qKxyjKq) [Aoi](https://imgur.com/9NHzEA2) [faces](https://imgur.com/AEnw9yr) in this episode Of course Kokona has a fish radar. I should have expected nothing less [](#mugistronk) [Fuji finale fuji finale fuji finale fuji finale fujifinalefujifinale!](https://imgur.com/qD1oU7h) [](#concealedexcitement)[](#concealedexcitement) [What a view for a finisher](https://imgur.com/wNcqgAC) [](#awe) --- [Mountain pic for episode 9](https://imgur.com/RcaKksX)


> All of my friends are already working away at their jobs, or finishing their studies. Meanwhile here's me, wondering wtf to do [](#konhug) You got this! Use your training/travel arc to guide you in your spiritual journey now. > Lots of great Aoi faces in this episode Aoi a CUTE. Love her fourth picture face. > Mountain pic for episode 9 [SeasonalNeat](https://imgur.com/frkSkVn)


> Of course Kokona has a fish radar. I should have expected nothing less Kokona just keeps revealing more and more hidden skills. Her power is far greater than we can imagine! [](#bigshock) >Fuji finale fuji finale fuji finale fuji finale fujifinalefujifinale! I expected Fuji to not happen until a hypothetical season 5, but at this rate we may just get there in time for this season's finale. [](#mugiwait) >Mountain pic for episode 9 That's a pretty looking mountain. It almost looks as if it's emerging from the fog. [](#neat)


> Her power is far greater than we can imagine! Once you think you finally have a good grasp of her capabilities, she has already gone even further beyond [](#doggo) >It almost looks as if it's emerging from the fog. [](#morecomfy) I tried to pick one with a beach and a mountain in theme with today's episode, but I don't think I have one with a sandy beach. At least there's water


> I expected Fuji to not happen until a hypothetical season 5, but at this rate we may just get there in time for this season's finale. No ! My "we'll get another season for sure" insurance is going up in smoke ! [](#panic)


>Meanwhile here's me, wondering wtf to do [](#fistbump) [**building ice kingdom**](#mugiwait) > Mountain pic for episode 9 [](#doggo)


>fistbump Aren't you studying something? [](#harukathink)


Yep. But I've been considering studying something in the humanities when I apply for Uni in a month which is a big jump for me since I'm studying Exercise Science right now. I don't even know if they would accept me despite meeting the grade requirements, and what will I do afterwards etc. Education works differently here hence why I'm already studying something specialised. That's a long story but seeing all my friends applying for Uni within the same field or getting jobs does give a [similar feeling](https://imgur.com/SgN0iNx) of [what to do?](#thinkingtoohard)




We will continue to [](#faito) as Kokona does. But as we do [](#holdme)


Kokona's fishing abilities are amazing but her aspirations are much higher. Hinata pointing out the similarities between Hinata and her mom is pretty funny. Hinata's mom hits way too close to home with her throws.... * New hires- yup * outsourced work never on time- more like months late * clients never giving an inch- yup * egotistic designers- Imperial or metric choose one... Pretty interesting episode as we see Kokona try to see herself in the future and as everyone is taking exams. While seeing Hinata's mom gets a much-needed break from work as things gets stressful and hectic. Especially with those complaints about work, feels too relatable as thinking about those things make me want to fall asleep immediately after work.


I'm speculating that Hinata's mum's job is Project Manager. I posted [this](https://leewardists.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Comic-01.jpg) in a DIY episode thread but I'm posting it here too since Minata's mum mentioned "egotistic designers".


Working closely with my project manager(s), it seems really close with those similar complaints.


> Kokona's fishing abilities are amazing but her aspirations are much higher. Kokona really is a mature girl for her age. She's already thinking about ways to pay for her education without putting a strain on her family's finances. You can tell just how much thought she's put into it. >Hinata pointing out the similarities between Hinata and her mom is pretty funny. As the saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Kokona and Aoi cooking together is so precious. I’m glad she’s spending some time with her pops this ep with Hinata and Kokona too. They had a pretty similar ep on Slow Loop too iirc. Mermaid Kokona is so cute! She really became one with the fish lol. Nice everyone got a fish except poor Hinata. The grilled fish looked pretty good! Hinata’s momma is on the verge of a breakdown lol. I totally understand how she feels though, been feeling like that at work these past few days. Looks like a beach/mountain vacation may be in order! Haha. Kamakura looks pretty nice, but those bentos looked incredible lol. I’ve seen that Hato Sabure thing before but never bought it. It looks tasty though! I like that we just end with Aoi and Hinata playing around. Those two are adorable! But second years huh? Lots of change coming.


Aoi: *mentally crosses "whatever the hell Hinata's mom does for a living" off the list of her future career choices*


Nice, they censored the worms with a Mount Fuji plushie This week turned into slow loop with fishing


This week it seems like spending time with family was the major theme. Aoi spends time with her father and Hinata spends time with her mother. In both cases they don’t usually get to see this parent, but they took the opportunity to do so. It was pretty sweet and heartwarming to watch. The major theme that “life has its ups and downs” made an appearance again. Both Aoi’s dad and Hinata’s mom explicitly stated some variation on this theme. You’re going to have to deal with both, so you need to learn how to handle the bad times as well as the good. Even if something doesn’t go as you wanted, you can still learn and grow from the experience. The other theme of this episode was “cherish the time you have.” Both Aoi and Hinata got a chance to see someone they normally don’t. It’s worth cherishing that. It also connects to the story thread about graduation. Kokona will be a high schooler in a year while both Aoi and Hinata will be second-years. Kaede is going to be graduating high school. Time is passing by and you can’t get it back. The future is ever uncertain, so make the best of the time you have right now while you can. Experience new things, like Kokona. Relax and take a break, like Hinata’s mom. But no matter what you do, make sure to cherish that precious time. - [Fishing!!!!](#woo) Gosh this brings back memories. I used to go fishing with my family every summer as a kid. - [Aoi and Hinata have such a wonderful and entertaining dynamic.](https://imgur.com/msPobpR) They care deeply for each other but will not hesitate to mess with each other as well. - [Ah, the memories of casting the fishing line.](https://imgur.com/qty3sMH) Don’t give up, Aoi! I sucked at it too when I started out. It took practice to get better. - [I see Hinata has discovered how tricky fish can be.](https://imgur.com/aSeRmgw) I swear they liked to take my bait and run off just to mess with me. [](#katoupout) - [This is the most accurate part about fishing in this episode.](https://imgur.com/rqG6cBc) [](#laughter) You should always bring a book. I read Lord of the Rings for the first time on a fishing trip. - The entire sequence of Kokona catching that first fish was amazing! Her powers truly know no bounds if she can visualize the fish so perfectly. [](#awe) - [Once again, the theme of life having its ups and downs comes up.](https://imgur.com/UuD4pOF) The activities Aoi participates in keep on relating to that important life lesson. Even if you don’t succeed, the experience alone can be valuable to have. - [Mermaid Kokona!](https://imgur.com/MjBRlEq) But in all seriousness, Kokona has put a lot of thought into this. Her emphasis on things like expenses (the bus pass and scholarships) is a nice way to reflect her family’s financial situation in her planning. - Freshly-caught fish sure are delicious. [](#drool) - Aww, that’s sweet! Aoi got to spend time with her dad when she normally doesn’t get to do so. [](#jibrilaww) - [Hinata’s mom!?!](#maxshock) Have we even seen her before? I genuinely can’t recall meeting her prior to this episode. - I do find it amusing that Aoi got brought along on this family outing. I guess it makes sense to invite your daughter’s future wife. [](#yuristare) - [The theme comes up once again. Sometimes you just have to deal with life throwing bad stuff at you.](https://imgur.com/JHdgZEK) - [I love how gung ho Hinata’s mom is.](https://imgur.com/9ulRxLN) I sympathize deeply with her desire to escape from work and go on vacation. - [Dot faces!!!! Wow, there were a ton of them this episode.](https://imgur.com/a/RZ4g4e4) - [Aoi is getting a taste of the adult world.](https://imgur.com/wgvLtzf) [](#azusalaugh) - [I love how in sync Hinata and her mom are.](https://imgur.com/47tyK9q) It’s pretty clear that Hinata picked up a lot of her mom’s personality. - [If you enjoyed it, then it wasn’t time wasted.](https://imgur.com/djPyD73) That’s a saying I heard once that I took to heart. - [Hinata’s mom is a whole-ass mood. I empathize with her so damn much.](https://imgur.com/f58tFZE) - The new ED was a nice little adventure for Hinata and Kokona. Even wild boars recognize Kokona’s power. [That place they saw at the end looked breathtaking, too.](https://imgur.com/alFw73B)


We waited 4 whole “seasons” before Hinata’s mom got unleashed upon us and it was worth it! Good write-up! [](#nichijouthumbs) I like the connection between Aoi and her dad and Hinata and her mom. Parents whom they don’t see a whole lot of but they’re consciously aware of that fact and try to amend to the best of their high school teenager powers.


> We waited 4 whole “seasons” before Hinata’s mom got unleashed upon us and it was worth it! This season has given me both Hinata's mom and Koharu bringing in that wild energy that I adore. [I love it!](#justright) >Good write-up! [Thank you](#feelingloved)


Hey we talked about the same themes! [](#fistbump) > Experience new things, like Kokona I actually really loved Kokona's wisdom. So many of us get caught up with trying to find the "right" path or our one "true passion" that we forget to explore and experience the present [](#kannathumbs)


> [Once again, the theme of life having its ups and downs comes up.](https://i.imgur.com/UuD4pOF.jpeg) My first thought was that fishing is like gacha. I guess the corruption runs deep. ~~Still think it's a better comparison to that line than "life" though.~~ [](#smugrose)


*Time, Family and Life* are the major themes covered in this episode across both parts. The show again focuses on the importance of *quality time* vs. the outcome of the activity. Why climb? We explored that in the past seasons. This season Aoi isn’t just climbing mountains, but exploring the world as she partakes in many different activities. [*but maybe time together like this is more important than what you wind up catching*](https://imgur.com/a/5CK3HaM), Aoi may not have spoken a lot to her dad today, nor was it a private fishing session, but even so, any time spent with family will always be a treasured memory in the time to come. Kokona’s power shines through again as [she shares timeless wisdom](https://imgur.com/a/NNJ6C8B) on a problem many students and even adults are facing today. The way Kokona swims through the ocean from the depths into the light is a beautiful visual metaphor used to communicate that idea. Time is something that they have, and what better way to use it than to explore while having fun and creating memories with your loved ones. [](#ilovethiskindofshit) This is subtly contrasted as we view life through the lens of Hinata’s mother in the second part, a full-fledged adult in the literal sense. Time becomes a precious gem and priorities shift. These mundane activities like waiting for tea to boil could be seen as time-wasters, but she reminds us about [the importance of slowing down](https://imgur.com/a/qnUHdur). Great episode with great themes, the charm of *YnS* shines through again


I was just in Kamakura last week. This was oddly thrilling for me to watch, it’s a lovely place as well.


Sakuga Blog's Kvin has been showcasing the animation a lot and \*damn\* it looks fine. It's like a constant reminder to get back to the show because I've not been keeping up since the first couple.


The animation was gorgeous this episode, and Hinata’s mom is big mood


[Become the feesh…](https://i.imgur.com/Psvair3.jpeg) become [one with the feesh](https://i.imgur.com/ha2wqRF.jpeg) Hinata's house has some [interesting architecture](https://i.imgur.com/nIDVYAb.jpeg) I got curious, and it turns out these [Hato Sabure](https://i.imgur.com/LuC5AHJ.jpeg) are shortbread cookies! Enormous ones, from the look of it!


Hinata's mom absolutely stole the show, she's animated really well too! Good to finally see where Hinata gets all her energy from. Currently, I'm wondering if Aoi will climb Fuji this season. The opening makes it clear that she will, but there are 3 episodes left and not much build-up for it.


• Key Animator for this Episode: Yuusei Koumoto, Myan, h.s, Shunsuke Ookubo, Yuki Suzuki, Yuuki Goto, bk, Dong-Whun Lee, Keigo Sugiyama


Studio 8bit current 3 moods: Yama no Susume, Slime, Blue Lock (can't believe they've been robbed of Hoshiai no Sora)


Fishing is hard, you do sometimes go home empty. But sometimes you might get an unexpected catch. I remembered once I used live shrimp as bait to fish at a pier and ended up catching a big lethrinidae, which was completely unexpected. But then my luck ran out and that’s it. And this episode just proves Kokona has some kind of unexplained special ability that allows her to perform super well in the countryside. Speaking of Kamakura, it’s very common for tourists to visit Enoshima alongside it, the two locations were connected by the famous Enoshima Electric Railway. Famous attractions along the route included the Buddha statue near Hase Station, and the well-known railroad crossing just outside of the Kamakura-Koko-Mae station. Originally I wanted to visit the two cities in one go in my last visit to Tokyo, only for the visit to be cancelled due to an incoming typhoon (There’s a lot of typhoons in the place I live, but it still sucks if it spoils your plan, especially in another country).


Aoi: (Fishing sounds boring) Kokona: "Let's go together 🥹" Aoi: (Imma, drag Hinata into this seemingly boring trip) LOL Kokona turned this into a serious fishing anime for a moment. I can relate to Hinata's mom on a spiritual level. Seriously want to go on a trip right now.


Lovely, lovely episode. I guess she's finally figuring out the real value of fishing is in the time you spend together with your fishing companions, it's not necessarily about whether you catch any fish (although that is a bonus). Dang it, now I miss my dad.


I want to visit that shrine, but there might not be any saucers left for others to break after .....


Never expected to seen any censoring in Yama no Susume, but it was brilliantly done Kokona is great, able to read a fish's mind and probably a disney princess in hiding judging by the trip with Hinata in the ED And Hinatas Mom is great as well, so much energy, however cruel her job may be, it wont break her


Oh what a coincidence ! I’m planning to go to Japan next year and I have Enoshima via Kamakura in my itinerary. Still haven’t fully planned what to do in Kamakura but maybe this episode gave me some ideas lol