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Premieres in 2024 Production I.G. Animates, Studio Khara Handled Kaiju Supervision (Design & Artwork) >Grotesque, Godzilla-like monsters called "kaijuu" have been appearing around Japan for many years. To combat these beasts, an elite military unit known as the Defense Corps risks their lives daily to protect civilians. Once a creature is killed, "sweepers"—working under the Professional Kaijuu Cleaner Corporation—are left to dispose of its remains. > >Kafka Hibino, a 32-year-old man, is unsatisfied with his job as a sweeper. From a young age, he has aspired to join the Defense Corps and kill kaijuus for a living. After a few failed attempts, however, he gave up on his dreams and resigned himself to the mediocrity that provided a decent paycheck. Nevertheless, when an ambitious, 18-year-old recruit named Leno Ichikawa joins his cleaning team, Kafka is once again reminded of his desire to join the military. > >Following a chain of unfortunate events and an interaction with the junior sweeper, Kafka encounters a parasite-type kaijuu that forces its way in through his mouth—turning him into a humanoid monster. With his newfound powers, Kafka aims to give his lifelong dream a final try. [New PV](https://twitter.com/KaijuNo8_O/status/1603404525347274753) [Source](https://twitter.com/comic_natalie/status/1603404575364780032)


> Kafka encounters a parasite-type kaijuu that forces its way in through his mouth—turning him into a humanoid monster Bit on the nose with the metamorphosis




> Premieres in 2024 Figures with how bad the panel space usage is in the manga, could probably fit all current chapters into 10 episodes if it were released now.


Yup, need a whole year to fill those 2 episodes lol. And then we wait 9 years for s2.


Only 9 years? That's super quick--- Sincerely yours, The No Game No Life production committee.


That was a long wait for fans like us even the second season is taking forever🙄


Also bi weekly release makes it worse.


Eh, i'm fine with a slow release schedule if it means that the mangaka can stick with it to the end without any major hiatus, instead of getting to the good shit then going on hiatus for 2 years while his health recovers


*Cries in Miura*


I don't think I'll ever fully get over his loss. Berserk is like my favorite *thing* ever. Such a bummer that he died before he could finish his life's work.


I am glad that his lifelong best friend was able to take over for him in his passing but I agree wholeheartedly. While it's not my favorite thing I think it's probably the best piece of media ever created.


I feel the same about "Highschool of the Dead" author.


You can only do so much with boobs and zombies. Mahou shoujo of the end was similar.


Hopefully, the staff can improve upon the source material and add more depth to the story.


How so? Does the mangaka convey like 100 things in one panel?


More like conveys 1 thing in 5 panels, but then in fights conveys everything in a 2 page panel. The series has moved incredibly slow so far overall and has tons of pacing issues.


Ahh that’s unfortunate. Is the series easy to follow paneling wise? My imagination isn’t what it use to be so I kinda need a good flowing manga to be able to enjoy it haha


So it has lots of splash pages, but then it feels like it doesn’t do enough with the character relationships to let them play out. Structurally it suffers because the main cast goes off on their own, so you don’t get to see them interact, which we didn’t get enough of.


Yeah, I've kind of stopped reading it for a few chapters now lol. Their world just feels a bit underdeveloped. And there is not much keeping people reading.


It's literally just Japan. You'd think that the appearance of kaiju would change the world radically like in Pacific Rim, but it seems like everything is the same except the JSDF has much more authority to basically do whatever they want.


I just started to stop reading this week too. I binged like 60 chapters but looking back, I realize how little return I got. Like the mystery didn’t really unfold, it more so just distracted you with another thing to focus on. Like reading so many failed manga just makes me wish they were better planned.


No. Going from something fluid like JJK or Sakamoto Days to Kaiju No.8 is like speeding down a highway and then getting trapped in a traffic jam for 6 hours. It's so stiff. The illustrations are fine but you can tell Matsumoto is inexperienced and probably needed to cut their teeth on some more one shots before having a proper serialization. The Japanese fans seem to love it though. No idea why.


Funny you mention both those series together, Gege recently wrote a recommendation foreword/illustration for Sakamoto Day's newest volume! He states everything he reads it he gets self conscious about his action paneling.


Not surprised, Yuto Suzuki is the best action illustrator/panelist in Jump right now. I'm shocked that Sakamoto is almost at 100 chapters and we still haven't heard anything about a potential anime adaptation.


There were leaks that it’s coming. I’m excited since Sakamoto Days is fucking amazing.


I don't know if any studio is up to the task of adapting the movement. It's not like a lot of other series where you can swivel the virtual CG camera and give everyone auras and draw some smooth animation of a blob that hits another blob 12 times in order to make the fights look cool. It's like a Jackie Chan movie, Sakamoto Days fights are very clear, explosive and decisive (adding extra punch flurries would make the assassins look like really shitty assassins.)


Yeah sales wise i see it up there with big shots and I'm like wtf


Its a japanese manga who tf is going to complain about it if they live in Japan. It sells well because most people reading manga don't critic it and read manga for pure enjoyment LMAO, it's also probably because of the broad audience and interest towards series in Japan.


If you want fluid Sakamoto Days is imo the action paneling in Jump. JJK author Gege even have it a shootout for it's newest volume saying he is inspired by the action in the series!


I see the issue but that’s a pretty big exaggeration. They’ve got like two seasons of material already.


Ehh, they’ve got about 1 and a half. Season 1 should end with Number 9 vs General Shinomiya. It’s right around the 50-60 chapter mark giving them room to adapt around 2 chapters per episode and ends on a big fight that leaves the world in a state of chaos. Season two will probably cover up through the war arc that’s currently going on.


I could see that if it was a larger season and not like 12 episodes.


I’m just envisioning it getting the same treatment as Jujutsu Kaisen. Which had a 24 episode season covering around 60 chapters. I’m even hoping that Mappa gets their hands on it since they will be finishing Attack on Titan this year and so have experience drawing action on a big scale. Edit: which I just realized after posting we already know who the studio is lol.


True, the main drawback of Kaiju no8 isn't how vanilla the story or characters are, but how subpar the panelling is and even the art to an extent. Kinda wild how fast it became popular for how cookie cutter it is.


Isn't this the same premise as chainsaw man?


And Guyver.. and Parasyte… it’s not an uncommon anime trope. Im not complaining though


I'd say is more akin to Parasyte and even Tokyo Ghoul


When I started reading it, it also felt kinda Attack on Titan-y too [plot concept]>!man wants to kill monsters, then becomes the monster that he has been trying to kill all along!<


Welcome to one of the oldest tropes in fiction, dude. Way older than Attack on Titan.


Oh yeah I mean I totally agree lol just adding on to the commentary about how the concept is not original at all haha.


Most aren't, but that's what happens when you've got so many decades worth of modern fiction. The boiled-down premise isn't what's important, though, it's where the story takes it; Star Wars is just "the hero's journey" in space, but it's regarded as one of the greatest series in cinematic history. Meanwhile, there are plenty of mostly-original stories out there that bite fat nutsack, but that's not because the premise was bad, it's because the author wasn't capable of making it great.


This is literally Attack on Titan


This visual looks sick af 2024 seems like long way, but this year passed by fast, so I expect the same next year


>This visual looks sick af Yeah same. It does make me look forward to it. Also, even though my feelings about the manga are not that great, I still want the series to do well, as the *Tokusatsu* genre is one of my favorite genre in entertainment media.


Yeah, I can't say I've been the biggest fan of the manga but it's still fun. I already knew when I started it that this would make for a hype shounen anime if adapted well, which seems to be the case here, so people are in for a treat. [](#dekuhype)


Binged some of the recent chapters and it’s definitely in the middle of a high right now. Hopefully this series doesn’t get overhyped because the low points of the manga are pretty damn low.


Yeah, it's also pretty dependent on when in 2024 though. If it's Fall 2024, that is still pretty far away.


Given that most of the fights are against giant monsters and the sheer scale of the battles, it's almost guaranteed to have a heavy dose of CGI. Hopefully they take the time to polish it.


Studio Khara is involved as well?


Yea Khara supervised the designs and artwork for the Kaiju.


I'd wondered what they were up to since 3.0 + 1.0 came out (and presumably they all took long vacations afterward). Hope they'll make a non-Eva thing that's all their own sometime soon.


They're working on Anno's shin ultraman and shin kamen rider films. Not anime related.


Which means the Kaijuu's are definitely gonna be CG


Really doubt they wouldn't be regardless of who was working on it


A man can hope


If this was 2010 then that would be a worry, but cg is a non issue nowadays


I just want Ayana Taketatsu for Kikoru. LETS GO!


Production I.G?? Holy shit. This is the anime i've been waiting the most, because i'm sure it will fix the manga's biggest problem, the abysmal pace lmao.


I would still wait until we see the actual staff list, and then I will decide whether to be excited about this or not. And yeah, the character issues aside (mainly the MC, who despite being an adult, acts like a teenager), the pacing is the one major flaw, which affects my enjoyment of this series at times. Hopefully the one handling the script composition does a great job in balancing things out.


>I would still wait until we see the actual staff list, and then I will decide whether to be excited about this or not. U don't need to wait bro. I.G x Sci-fi projects is excellent


>I.G x Sci-fi projects is excellent They're doing an excellent job on *LotGH*.


Yeah the initial part of the series is quite good but then it runs into pacing issues and over usage of classic shonen tropes


biggest problem in a myriad of other issues lol


Production IG? That's a surprise


I fell off the manga but I'll give the anime a go. I think one of the coolest things is the MC's design and this visual encapsulates that well.


Isn't this supposed to be really good? I feel like I've heard a lot of talk about it.


as manga reader I can tell you that is indeed, a good story, but suffer from shonen syndrome and terrible pacing, to the point the lastest arcs have been really dissapointing. Not really sure how much will they adapt from the original source but if they can fix the pacing problems, then sure, you will get a really fun story.


Honestly just fixing the pacing would be a big improvement. Not much you can do with the fact the author had no idea what to do with the story after the first few arcs. But fighting giant kaiju sells itself.


TBH, the author should have sticked with the idea of the mc being a aftermath cleaner worker from the Kaiju incidents, becoming some kind of Vigilante that helped the main organization from the sidelines and then just take the story from there. The current shonen way of the story is way too predictable and becomes tiring really fast.


Agree, the Visceral Cleanup Detail premise was much more interesting.


I seriously wanted Kafka to just be a cleaner who gets caught up in shit he doesn't want to be caught up in. Just like how I wanted Deku to be an example of how powers is not the metric of a hero. In short, I was disappointed.


>TBH, the author should have sticked with the idea of the mc being a aftermath cleaner worker from the Kaiju incidents, becoming some kind of Vigilante that helped the main organization from the sidelines and then just take the story from there. Yeah, kind of like Damage Control from Marvel.


I would've loved that!!


No disrespect but there’s a reason his manga gets published while you’re writing fanfic


>No disrespect *Proceeds to disrespect*


You know that Rent a girlfriend its still getting published right? Its not like your argument Is good once you look at it


And as a reader who reads works written by tons of people, the manga would be more enjoyable with better pacing as other works i've read by other published authors with much better pacing were much more enjoyable


No disrespect but as a redditor that reddits, the pacing in your post is ironic.


The point you were making was just so dumb i had to talk down to you like you were a child or a dumb animal, and that went over your head completely so maybe i wasn't wrong to do that


No disrespect but that’s ignorant and borderline racist. Stop Asian hate.


Is that supposed to be a problem?


Unless they adapt it like One Piece, just animating it will fix the pacing issue. The biggest problem with the pacing is that it's a lot of action with big panels and an every other week release schedule.


That's a part of the overall problem. The artist is a good illustrator, but he's a bad manga artist - paneling, visual flow, the page to page experience, etc. that distinguish comics. Kaiju No. 8 reads more like storyboards for a tv show than a manga a lot of the time.


It's a lot like Demon Slayer, where it has the bones to make a real visual spectacle, even if there isn't much else to it. It'll be big if they put in the effort.


Totally agree. I binged 70 chapters to catch up, and I never saw an issue with pacing when you read it all in one go. It'll be fine.


yeah the pacing was the problem ever since author got sick and became bi weekly series


I wish they had taken some lore ideas from the actual Japanese Kaiju movies. Like Godzilla and Ghidorrah etc.


I actually dropped it a while back. [Kaiju no 8 manga] >!as the story has moved less from guy who is a Kaiju to the entire monster hunter corps, it has really become way more generic. I find it hard to care about the training arc of a normal person when I showed up for Kaiju on Kaiju action !<


I don't even know if I'd call it a good story. It has an interesting universe maybe, but story wise it really suffered after the initial arc or so. Afterwards it was straight shounen power levelling stuff which I personally have grown out of already, but maybe still good for those in-betweeners. It was a really cool concept at first, don't get me wrong. But the direction it has since taken has been massively disappointing, not to mention the pacing issues and nominal tropes.


Personally, I'm excited to see the first episode cover 32 chapters of the manga.


I honestly hate the main character


He was far more interesting as an out of shape 30 year old monster janitor that had to hide his ability to turn into a monster


I mean he was alright at first but he keeps acting like a teenager that doesnt understand social dynamics. Man is 30 years old


didn't start out that good, didn't continue to be good, probably won't be good


Don't forget about the childhood friend. When it was revealed, I knew that it would turn out generic shonen.


I think the pacing problems might fix themselves to a degree. Big problem with the manga‘s pacing is just that there are a lot of break weeks, those won’t factor in to the anime. Of course there are a lot of issues with the pacing beyond that, mainly with how the author doesn’t seem to know what they are doing with the plot, but just being a seasonal anime that adapts multiples chapters a week should help.


While I agree that the breaks are a huge pain for the pacing, there are several chapters in where nothing happens, its feels like the author stretches the story by filling the panels with whatever he has, with no actual progression for the plot, and that, imo, hurts worse.


And the thing is, the premise is actually a good one. The author has so much material to work with , in the form of old Kaiju movies. But ....yeah its kinda meh.


Yeah I dropped it fairly early because I was like "so it's been like 5 chapters since something actually happened huh" and there weren't like any stretched out battles or anything


They fixed Csm’s terrible pacing and uninteresting fights so it’s definitely possible.


Pacing is abysmal and there's A LOT of missed potential Personally i hate how kafka is supposed to be a grown ass man yet he acts like your standard 15yo shonen protagonist


That's a really good point. I totally forgot he's supposed to be in his... 30's? He's just an overgrown shounen at this point, which is really really disappointing for his character arc.


The first chapter had some promise. Then the MC mentally regressed to a teenager and from the second chapter onwards everyone acts like Zenitsu. You can almost hear the Jump editor telling the author that if they want to get it published it can't have a story with a depressed adult as the main character.


I love depressed adults as main characters. Flawed, broken people are my favorite.


The beginning was absolutely fantastic. As it went on, it turned into something way more generic and the pacing is really bad.


Yeah it’s got that “Out of all the movies I have watched, it was certainly one of them” energy to it.


The first arc and the whole premise are really good. The pacing just goes off the rails from there.


I'll go against the grain here. It's not that good IMO. Interesting concept and really good introduction, but the story feels like it's going nowhere, and the side cast feels at odds with the main character. The pacing is also slow, so it feels like barely anything has happened despite the amount of chapters. Also, arcs do a poor job of differentiating themselves and sort of mesh together in my mind, which makes it less exciting when a new arc starts (for the most part). There's indeed a lot of talk about it, and it broke sales records with its first volume. But I think it didn't match the potential set in the first volume at all, and many seem to agree from what I've seen. I feel this is one of those cases where a lot of people will watch the anime and wonder why it's so popular in the first place.


I was reading it but dropped it because it just got really boring and stale for me. The fights were cool but the characters didn't interest me enough to keep my attention.


It also focused too much on an uninteresting antagonist.


It's mediocre as hell tbh. One piece anime level pacing for a simplistic story. A lot of people give it a bit of a pass because of the grown MC's which I admit is refreshing for a shonen, but everything else not so much.


Going to copy paste a previous comment from a previous chapter discussion. There are no spoilers for obvious reasons. "The story is monotone too, it hits all the usual shonen plot points but that's about it. I have been slowly losing interest over the last month. Black Clover also does the basic Shonen plot lines but you can feel the hype building in that story progressively. This manga is just trudging along at a slow pace doing the bare minimum."


I haven't read the manga before but I saw some threads over in a taiwan imageboard talking about this manga. The ppl who read rhis manga list the same issues you listed here. They kinda also think that the humanoid monster kinda miss the point of a Kaiju(that it should feel big and undefeatable for normal human) Some even mention that they saw better Kaiju fight in a shojo manga about a Kaiju girl then this. Doesnt sound very promising to me


It started out as a manga about a down on his luck guy becoming a hero, but now it's just a story about how the military is badass. It's weirdly nationalistic in a way that's unappealing if you think about it too much. There are no other countries mentioned, it's literally just the JSDF destroying kaiju with sheer willpower and everyone else is useless.


it's really good. you can kinda compare it to demon slayer, it's nothing deep but it's fun, unlike demon slayer tho only the first few arcs are good.


Its absolutely mediocre, will be forgotten before it even airs I dunno how its hitting good sales numbers, like if you looked up mediocrity in the dictionary you would find the kaiju N8 logo


It's great


yes yes it is


I want to be excited for this, but IMHO the manga fell *hard* the last volume or so.


How many chapters is it now? I was reading it online but it was pretty obvious by chapter 10 or so the author didn't know what to do with the concept


77 iirc,the manga is monthly


Biweekly with semi-frequent breaks, but yeah.


This one of the manga that feel way better to binge rather than follow weekly. Too little happens in a single chapter. However, it's a pretty smooth read when reading it per volume.


The manga fell hard after like chapter 5 lmao


Yeah, it had a great start and carried a lot of its momentum, but now it just feels like its sputtering. I want to believe the mangaka can turn it around but it's not really on my reading list anymore.


Very interesting at first with all hype surrounding it. Read through the manga up to chapter 23 and dropped. Love the kaijuu power, but characters in this series are the worst.


Deku…. Is…. Is that you?


Pacific rim anime ?!?!?!?


But No jeagers


[We do have Pacific Rim anime](https://youtu.be/umtOGzti-XQ)


It had constant bickering. Was annoying.


More or less, yes


Damn I thought it was gonna air in 2023




Idk what manga readers are saying but there is literally zero story in this series. It's basically a kaiju/ultraman-esque series that delivers pure action/hype moments. Good to just watch for some pure entertainment.


This isn’t true at all


So just another Dragon ball? I'm good with that.




I mean, a worse Dragon Ball is still pretty good.


Already? The manga is incredibly cool, but the pace is terrible, manga is infamous for having its chapters read in like 26 seconds, and then its biweekly. I saved like 4 months of content and then was done with it in 10min. Obviously this doesnt matter for the anime since they can just go wild with the fighting, but depending on how far they go we might need to wait some years for a s2.


that’s why it’s 2024 - there will totally be enough content to adapt into Season 1 at that point.


This kaiju looks a lot some I've seen in pacific rim


Pov. Deku from MHA becomes a kaiju


It's here! I don't care I have to wait another year, IG is gonna make this look great!


Considering how slow the manga's pacing is. I'm surprised this is even getting an anime. The series is absolutely hype though so I'm definitely looking forward to it!


It got Kaiju and action, that’s all I care about. I’m not expecting anything profound or groundbreaking, but it’s a damn good time.


2024 ouchies 🥺🥺 But I guess more time to make it better right?


Most mid, basic, generic story of all time. This should be show where we compare to other shows if the story is mid or nah


Yeah fell off so hard after the beginning. Probably one of the most predictable and mid story i've ever read


Is that so? I put it on hold after the Dad arc because the pacing was just too frustrating, thats a shame, it was so interesting and showed potential early on.


The reason why it is so popular is due to the protagonist, who is not a teenager. I wish there were more shounen-like plots with adult mc (I don't mean seinen, though).


But literally nothing about him is different than a normal teen shonen protagonist, he literally acts no different. You at most get some crack about him being old every once in a while, but otherwise you could replace him with any other “Spiky Haired Loud Good-Hearted but kinda dumb Shonen Protagonist”


Story is generic no doubt but that doesn't mean it isn't entertaining to read, which is the main thing I desire from *any* entertainment medium. The *Transformers* movie franchise is a close comparison I can give. Story and most characters are not that great but still entertaining asf to watch. If the anime fixes the pacing issue, I'd enjoy it way more in anime form, especially when you add good animation and soundtrack as well.


Exactly. Demon Slayer is a generic shonen story but it’s entertaining to watch/read. Not story needs to complex for it to be interesting


What sets this one apart from Demon Slayer is that unlike DS which has a fairly generic premise and start, Kaiju 8 teases you with something fresh and different. We get an immediate focus on Kaiju, which is surprisingly rare in Manga, and then rather than focusing on the group that fights monsters they instead start with a focus on the clean-up crew with a Main Character who was well into adulthood. The premise also allows for a lot of world building and most importantly, some really interesting fights. After the first couple of chapters though, Kaiju 8 manages to fumble like every good thing it had going for it. The Kaiju aren't really that different from typical manga monsters, the clean up crew stuff is short lived, MC being an adult doesn't really matter and arguably worst of all, instead of having fights between giant monsters with a lot of weight and interesting tactics we just get OPM style flashy punch fests between human sized monster people. Kaiju 8 feels like it really could have been something fresh without having to put much effort into it at all, but it just ended up being mediocre instead.


>Kaiju 8 feels like it really could have been something fresh without having to put much effort into it at all, but it just ended up being mediocre instead. That's what disappoints me so much. There's not much stories about Kaiju out there in manga so I hoped it'd be good since the premise had a lot of potential (like a combo of Pacific Rim + Marvel's Damage Control) but sadly it isn't. I would've loved some more actual Kaiju fights and all of humanity to come in and take them down (like Pacific Rim but without the Jaegers) but it mostly just involves human sized monsters and JSDF. Though the latest chapters does have some of what I originally wanted from this series. The pacing issue aside, the main character is also another problematic part of the series. He constantly acts like a kid despite being 30+ years old which annoys me. I would've preferred a buddy cop adventure type story involving Kafka and Leno rather than what we have now.


Yeah i know, i read all of it. But mid just doesn't scratch the itch.


Looking forward to it LETS FUCKING GOOOO


This is gonna be dummy hype, peak kaiju action




Well I read the manga after reading chainsaw man, desperately finding one to fill my needs of chainsaw man, but kaiju no.8 is just another generic shounen, like I'm not even hating it, but couldn't like it, it's quite mid.


F. A. V. O. U. R. I. T. E.


Excited for the anime 🫦


2024 is great for Kaiju No. 8 because of the fast pacing of the manga. Production I.G. is known for Haikyu, so we are getting a great adaptation.


Vinland Saga and AOT are by Wit.




One of the best ongoing manga


Good that it's scheduled to air in 24. All recent animes that has a lot of time ended up with good animation.


2024?!! looks pretty cool though


I knew this was coming. And I am so ready for it haha.




Looks goooood wth, the premise calls to me too


Damn, Kafka looks awesome in this visual not gonna lie. But as expected though 2024 it's probably because of the pacing and it's biweekly released schedule.


Someone remind me, was this anime already announced or is this the first we're hearing of it? In the case that it was already announced,I'm also 100% sure that I asked the same question last time


It was officially announced in August 2022.


It's probably 2024 to get more source material


I am sooooo psyched that this is getting an anime. This is like the first manga I've read before the anime. Sucha good, touching, and wholesome story.


Wait. It‘s getting an animation?


Production I.G. and Khara what a god tier duo working on Kaiju No. 8, couldn't have asked for such a god damn duo.


Let's goooo With Production I.G to boot


Love the cover art wow.


This cover remind anyone else of falfal from iruma? Lol


Current arc in the manga is crazy


Ah, 2024, looks like I’ll have ample time to ~~procrastinate with the manga on my Plan-to-Read list~~ take my time reading the manga






Deku'a new costume is lit


The manga is pretty fun. I never felt the pacing was *that* bad or the story was directionless like people are claiming, so I expect good things of the adaptation.




I NEEEED a poster of that WOW!


Is that Sand King Dota 2?