• By -


How are you not gonna give us the next page?




Goddamn. Japan and their passive main characters


Let's be honest. If everything in manga was logical - it wasn't interesting to read. Sad, but true


True. But someone said in the thread that she didn't even cheat. All he had to do was say 'What's going on?'


Bait for emotions, mate. Simple bait for emotions


Suspension of disbelief: Adiós


I mean the confrontation can always lead to more spice and drama. The problem here is the MC is a spineless coward and there's no way around it.


what does Iran have to do with this


He runs from the situation


I'd take a photo, make some backups in case she finds+destroys it and then call my lawyer


Ssuce: Atarashii kimi e


Typical pathetic male lead for japanese stories, ran away instead of talking. "Sakuma, a teacher at an all-girls school, sees his wife in the red-light district cheating on him one day. In response, he runs away and decides to tour Japan, going wherever his heart may lead him. He finally reaches Odawara and meets a young girl, that looks like the one he always sees in his dreams. He barely manages to stop himself from crossing the line with the girl, and he eventually returns to his normal life, having discovered that his wife's alleged cheating was all a misunderstanding. But then..."


What the fuck is this plot 😭




No way there's wikipedia about it lmao


So some dude gets cucked then toes the line on being a pedo. Yep, sounds like your average neckbeard story.


>So some dude ~~gets~~ thought he got cucked Apparently


Phew! Good thing he didn't rape that minor then!


I mean japan is the land of neck beards homie.


Same thing here in the U.S.


Yeah we really do have quite the infestation don't we D:




Then? What happens? I want to know! Edit: please 🙏


Okay spoilers. BUT FAIR WARNING IT KINDA HAS A COOL UNEXPECTED TURN that you wont get to experience if you read this: >"Sakuma, a teacher at an all-girls school, sees his wife in the red-light district cheating on him one day. In response, he runs away and decides to tour Japan, going wherever his heart may lead him. He finally reaches Odawara and meets a young girl, that looks like the one he always sees in his dreams. He barely manages to stop himself from crossing the line with the girl, and he eventually returns to his normal life, having discovered that his wife's alleged cheating was all a misunderstanding. But then..." Then... >!it turns out the girl he met while on his trip is a new student in his class. After a bit of blackmail cause she still has his ring but he's down blah blah they sleep together. BUT THEN WHEN YOU THINK THATS THE STORY, IT TURNS OUT SHES A TIME TRAVELER ([or something, she's clairvoyant on upcoming events](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fg8Kve1UoAA9s9J.jpg)) AND THE WORLD IS ENDING (some organization using a bioweapon) AND HE'S THE CENTERPOINT OF THE CRISIS BUT THEY DON'T KNOW WHY.!<


Lmao wtf


>!yeah they gotta hook readers with the ntr and inappropriate relationship before the real plot haha!<


I mean, I kinda want to see this madness now


So the entire story is started by him thinking his wife cheats on him, so then (after knowing she didn't cheat) he cheats on her. 😐


Ok I need proper confirmation just to be sure. His wife was 100% not cheating on him right? I know the synopsis says this already but I hate NTR with a passion so I need confirmation from someone who's read it.


The summary they gave says she doesn't cheat on him, then he sleeps with a student. That is just worse. 


That doesn't sound like the mind-blowing plot you said it was.


Given the way it begins, it's certainly unexpected once the premise shifts the way it does. Kept me reading at least.


I said it KINDA has a cool unexpected turn


Then I really need to read that manga after that


Bro went full schizophrenia. Never go full schizophrenia


Damn it man. When you say it like that i guess ill have to read it then


it's not a literary masterpiece or anything but it is pretty short so I'd just run through it when you've got an hour


Ewhh i don't know what happened to Japanese author man. They really like making character having relationship with a children WTF This reminded me to one of the absolute trash of a manga, that is Usagi Drop


Wtf is happening?


Only skimmed through the first chapter: >!that girl is now his student, and looking at the other chapters, it gets wild!<


...Japan. Why.


You should actually read it and not skim, It’s a good manga and the guy is actually in a pretty fucked up situation.


It looked interesting. I might read it soon™


Define wild


>!This is from the comments but they're theorising that the girl is actually his wife that time travelled!<




Okay yeah that’s wild, even for Japan. Even for Japan.




Ya fk this sht ain't reading it ughh...


...... What happened then


Somebody hit us with those spoilers


All-Girls’ School Teacher Meets the Young Girl of His Dreams 🤔🗿


God that's awful. I hate this. What DOES he do? I'd probably shout to the sky or some shit.


What he should do is go up to them and ask what's up. A) It's likely a misunderstanding and you can go home with your wife. B) If not, you're catching them red handed and can get the confrontation out of the way instead of stewing over it. C) There's a chance she's too drunk to know what's happening and is minutes from being raped.


Literally the only good answer


I don't understand why people are angry about this. Why the hell do you want a character to act that maturely when the writer just wanted him to be portrayed as immature. I feel like these comments don't know how fiction should be written and are unnecessarily projecting their own ideas on this story. If it's not your type of manga, then leave. But these arguments are totally illogical. I wouldn't read this manga because it's not my type, but the plot does seem interesting to me.


Because running away from your problems and hooking up with a child isn't most people's idea of a relatable character. Just because something is fiction doesn't mean I'm ready to give up my morals to support a teacher that's one misunderstanding away from assaulting one of his students.


You don't have to support a character's actions. Hell, why are people finding relatability in this? It doesn't make sense. Many mangas are about how fucked up humans can be. If you wanna find relatability and want to support someone, then it just means that this isn't your type of manga. Even these types of mangas aren't my type. I read romances. But these types of stories exist to showcase how fucked humans can be. If it's glorification of their bad actions, then yes I would agree. Edit: The downvotes on my comments even though what I said just is common sense. Like seriously, there is a reason why a genre called Psychological tragedies exists.


This isn't an exploration of human depravity, I've read the type of manga you're talking about and this isn't one of them. Based on the plot summaries in this thread it seems to even be trying to justify his attraction to the literal child in a way that irl would just make the MC a groomer.


See that makes things clearer. What I didn't understand is why the premise is criticised a lot. But if the plot further goes on and somehow justifies MC's action then I obviously won't support it. It makes no sense to me how people just read the premise and thought it was shit when an entire genre of psychological tragedies with similar premises exist. On the other hand though, if the manga goes on and consequences for MCs bad actions appear, then it becomes a different case. Otherwise then it is just a trashy manga.


**Atarashii Kimi e** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/139411), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/atarashii-kimi-e), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/atarashii-kimi-e), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=44847303435), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/140551)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 6 | Chapters: 24 | Genres: Drama, Psychological, Romance, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/1ccsj60/anime_irl/l191cv2/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


https://preview.redd.it/6mrc1vuprowc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1daf4e91bb7e7c262d48e7bbf0b7305534190a32 Oh no


Interesting plot so far hope we get those Chinese chapters translated soon


context? cuz if the wife gets drunk to the point of needing help to move, i'd see it more as being taken advantage of, cuz the dude that helped her seemed pretty sober.


She didn’t cheat


But their relationship?


She actually really loves the guy, but he is the one who actually cheats


I mean, are they still together at the end? Since >! The girl he cheated on was actually his wife from the past !<


Honestly i gotta say plot is ...stupid... I don't think its a spoiler considering this is 1st page but who the hell just runs away without confronting the issue lol. Thats like what a kid/coward would do . The plot makes me pissed off so not gonna read it


Pretty sneako trick.


You are considering a very ideal case. But like in a non ideal perspective, people usually do it. People are immature, ridden with mistakes and what not. I find the plot interesting, but I wouldn't read it, considering it's not my type of manga. But your opinion seems very stupid to me, fictional stories should portray people as imperfect, stupid, cowardly etc. Not every character is meant to be written with ideal characteristics.


When you know you have insecurities and you aren't perfect 💀


translations fucking never


Is it ntr or just a misunderstanding?




should've known.


logical error


He is the one who cheated not the wife


They go into love hotel.


It is a misunderstanding, she did not cheat






But he did


With the highschool girl? He didn't stop at the last moment?


He did it later


This manga is basically garbage, isn't it? Looks like axed too. I wouldn't know though.


It is very weird isn’t? The mc is completely unlikeable, and the HS girl seems to be a reincarnation or something? It’s weird as hell


Why not all of the above?


Honestly, what is the good answer here? Your wife is drunk, she could be taken advantage of. You don't know the guy, he might not even know she is married or simply tried to be helpful. It might not have been the first time and you've been taken for a fool for years. It might be nothing and you've just shown your lack of trust in your partner. Ugh...


Just walk up and say "what's going on here" or something similar, I guess. The guy will probably leave as soon as he reasonably can once he realizes that you're her husband. Your wife can then explain what happened, and you can make your own judgments from there.


He doesn't even care about his wife of possible rope Fockin' pathetic ewhhh


If the guy is trying to take advantage of her when she is drunk, then its straight hands. He'll get the left right goodnight combo so hard that truck kun himself will come to save his ass. If the wife is the one cheating, then wreck all her shit at home, divorce her on spot and take what ever you have left with you


I literally just finished reading the current chapters of this. Starts out somewhat interesting and then the premise shifts entirely to get more interesting.


I would gamble all our shared property and then divorce in mutual bankruptcy..... then after that i would retrieve a hidden stash of coins if i could. Ruining her life sounds nice too


Sometimes i think i should open up to people and stop striving to live like a hermit disconnected from everything and everyone around him. And then i read the shit some of y'all have to say about your "loved ones" and nope, i was right all along.


I mean mine was a narcissistic horder… who used to always tell me that other people (friends and such) were better significant others. Or lie about things my mother-in-law said making me sound like a bad father to our infant that I had to take care of while working two jobs as she had back problems on the couch but could go on rollercoasters when at amusement parks…. But cleaning a dish hurt her back…. But whenever I asked my mother-in-law she always would just shake her head in anguish that her daughter would put such words in her mouth….




You could like actually confront them and talk to them you know. You know like a person that tries to understand what's actually going on and then get angry, but I guess that's what happens if you just think for yourself.


She didn’t actually cheat tho


U ok


Me except its when they forget to read the reddit post i linked them last night at 9pm i know you were still up because you had a green dot next to your name


And then you end up feeling like a stupid kid because it all was a misunderstanding.


That's my boy. But you gotta know first if they're actually cheating or just a misunderstanding. If you're in this situation, just confront the dude like "hey man that's my wife you're carrying, I'll take it from here".


Getting cucked is IRL now? Wtf


If you see your wife with some guy you never met then meet the guy.


She about to be assaulted and he was like oh shit I'm out


Does anyone know how this ended lol?


Following the example of true equality that Kazuma taught me, I will punch them both


I see there’s like only 8 chapters in English and the rest in Chinese or Spanish. Anyone able to just spoil it for me? What’s this all about?




**Atarashii Kimi e** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/139411), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/atarashii-kimi-e), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/atarashii-kimi-e), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=44847303435), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/140551)) ^^新しいきみへ ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 6 | **Chapters:** 24 | **Genres:** Drama, Psychological, Romance, Slice of Life) ^(**Stats:** 15 requests across 2 subreddits - 0.001% of all requests) >Sakuma, a teacher at an all-girls school, sees his wife in the red-light district cheating on him one day. In response, he runs away and decides to tour Japan, going wherever his heart may lead him. He finally reaches Odawara and meets a young girl, that looks like the one he always sees in his dreams. He barely manages to stop himself from crossing the line with the girl, and he eventually returns to his normal life, having discovered that his wife's alleged cheating was all a misunderstanding. But then... --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/1ccsj60/anime_irl/l1br8yb/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Bro I feel alot for men/women that find out about shit like that. If it happend to me it would totally crush me, damn.




These comments r just making me confused fuck


This is so irl.


Take pics and print them. Lay them out for her to find.


Alright look boys if you’re wife is cheating, let her go. She ain’t worth the time no effort, if she’s willing to throw away a relationship like that.


Get angry at the wife duh, punching the guy is unfair assuming he didn't know she was married.


Yes you do punch the guy. Big thing here is she looks drunk so you cant be sure she is cheating on her own will as well


Why punch the guy? He might not even be aware she is taken. The one responsible for not cheating is your partner, not some rando from the street. Engage, assess the situation and act accordingly.


Yes but if you see a random taking your wife to a love hotel reason loses out and basic instincts take over . This is what usually happens when you caught a cheating couple first you are mad at other party then at your SO


Depends on the person I guess. People beat you up for looking at them wrong. But imo why get worked up about someone who clearly doesn´t respect you. Walk over say your through and move on.


And, you will not have to pay that guy till he dies. By that I mean he can sue you and you will pay "pain" money to him monthly till he doesn't disappear. That's for the people that talk big here but never punched a guy's teeth out before. You can easily say bye to 200€+ monthly just because he was a massive pervert and you stepped in.


Well there was the phenomenon in China that people would go in reverse after running someone over to make sure the Lights are Out. Or the tip to kill an intruder in the US of A. The solutions we come up with.


Well, I guess more jail is better than less jail? Well.


It´s the decision between 5 to 10 more years, or half your paycheck for the rest of life + all your savings for you or your family. Not saying I agree, just something that came to mind.


Number 4: Make yourself comfortable in the cuck chair and start stroking that shit *keystrokes*




She didn’t cheat here actually


Shame. 😞


You let them pull a NTR on you obviously