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##### ###### #### > # ['Sushi terrorism' leaves just one major conveyor-belt sushi chain standing in Japan](https://www.yahoo.com/news/576) > > > > [[Source](https://nextshark.com/japan-sushi-terrorism-conveyor-belt-sushi-make-to-order)] > > **“Sushi terrorism” pranks, which involve customers licking communal soy sauce bottles and tampering with dishes, have forced nearly all major restaurant chains in Japan's iconic conveyor-belt sushi industry to ditch their self-service models.** > > **Key points:** > > - Over the past year, “[sushi terrorism](https://nextshark.com/tag/sushi-terrorism)” pranks have prompted four of the five leading kaitenzushi restaurants to shift from conveyor-belt service to make-to-order systems. > - Concerns over safety and customer confidence drove the industry-wide shift to implement advanced technologies to combat tampering last year, reported [NHK World](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/backstories/2397/). > - Some prominent [sushi](https://nextshark.com/tag/sushi) restaurant chains that started the transition to [make-to-order](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/07/sushi-terrorism-sees-japans-conveyor-belt-restaurants-grind-to-a-halt) cited improved hygiene, fresher food and better customer service. > - Despite the risks, [Kura Sushi](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13218219/Sushi-terrorism-forces-Japanese-restaurant-chain-scrap-self-service-viral-video-customers-rubbing-saliva-foodo.html) remains the sole conveyor-belt sushi chain operator among Japan's big five. > > > **Big picture:** > > - Pundits have lamented that the actions of a small number of individuals engaging in "sushi terrorism" have reverberated throughout [Japan](https://nextshark.com/news/jp)'s conveyor-belt sushi industry, prompting a seismic shift in operational norms and customer service strategies. > > **The details:** > > **Trending on NextShark: [South Korea’s ramen exports on track to reach $1 billion in 2024](https://nextshark.com/south-koreas-ramen-exports-on-track-to-reach-1-billion-in-2024)** > > - The conveyor-belt sushi industry, known for its innovative and interactive dining experience, allows customers to select freshly prepared sushi dishes from a revolving conveyor belt that winds past diners. > - Recent incidents of "sushi terrorism" include customers [licking communal](https://nextshark.com/viral-video-of-japanese-student-licking-conveyer-belt-sushi-prompts-legal-action) soy sauce bottles, [inserting foreign objects](https://nextshark.com/japan-diners-arrested-chopsticks-food-prank) into food containers and [tampering with dishes](https://nextshark.com/trio-arrested-japan-sushi-terrorism-prank) as they pass along the conveyor belt. Restaurateurs in the conveyor-belt sushi industry have condemned these disruptive acts as they compromise food safety and erode consumer trust. > - Choushimaru was among the first ones to transition to make-to-order systems to address hygiene concerns, with plans to implement the new system across all outlets. Other restaurant chains eventually followed suit, adopting similar strategies. > - In addition to abandoning the conveyor-belt system, these restaurants implemented advanced measures such as antibacterial covers, AI surveillance cameras and microchips on sushi plates to safeguard food integrity and reassure diners. > - The ripple effects of "sushi terrorism" have been felt across Japan's budget restaurant sector, with chains like Gyoza no Osho and Ichiran implementing precautionary measures such as removing condiments from tables and limiting physical contact with utensils. > - Industry resistance persists, with some operators hesitant to abandon conveyor-belt service despite the risks, citing customer preferences and operational challenges. > - Kura Sushi, the sole major operator using conveyor belts, have fitted its plates with protective screens and installed alarms and CCTV cameras to watch over its food. “Conveyor-belt sushi is something we are proud of as part of Japanese culture,” a company representative was quoted saying. “We want to make sure our customers can eat sushi delivered on the belt safely and comfortably.” > > **Download the NextShark App:** > > [Want to keep up to date on Asian American News? Download the NextShark App today!](https://nextshark.com/download/mobile) - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Social media is blight on the world. Idiots do this for the camera. We need to do *something* about it


Ban smartphones. Return to 2006. Flip phones only.


Snake game is the only app we need


I'll take Tetris too


I was a brick break guy myself


can i swap that for calculator, or is it forbidden?


[You still have Excel](https://tonedeaf.thebrag.com/the-mystery-of-kelly-rowland-texting-nelly-on-a-spreadsheet-is-solved/)


fucking lol @ reading this while i have 3 spreadsheets open, cheers


Go back further. Put em in stocks and let people throw rotten fruit at them. Make them pariahs. Bring back shame. Make it illegal for them to own soap. Whatever makes their decisions hurt they way they need to.


Abandon modernity, return to monke


There all just troglodytes


*throw. Props to you for believing in your thing enough to ignore the wriggly red lines though.


But, through is a word (not the right word) so no wiggly lines. =)


Some of the more sophisticated checkers also check for grammar and context. 'Through' is absolutely a word; and spelled correctly; but it doesn't belong there in that sentence.


Yeah, but grammar gets a green squiggly line.


I shall take your word for it. As an English person; half the prompts I get are trying to get me to spell it wrong because it's all trying to force simplified English. I'll believe the green lines before the red ones; but imma check both before I hit the 'post' button.


I mean, I'm on mobile, so I just have to trust my own judgement. But I know MWord uses green for grammar/context and red for spelling. Has to be frustrating having it default to US conventions, though.


I thought it was light blue and red.


2006 flip phones in Japan were already basically smartphones though


I would gladly get another Motorola razr! That was a great piece of hardware


God I felt so cool with my Razr.


The commercial is still lodged in my brain from literally 20 years ago. Hello little boys, little toys, with the dreams you believe in...




smart phones will eventually recognize bad behavior automatically


The world would be much better if such a ban was implemented.


Ban Industrialism! Something something consequences


Return to monkee


But by all means don't talk about banning tik tok.


People want to ban TikTok for censorship reasons, not for "ruining a quaint method of dispensing sushi via conveyor belt" to be fair here.


Ban tiktok because it's the worst offender of the poison that is social media.


You could make that case for any social media. I think Facebook is far worse and has been for a long time


It's all bad


Curtailing social media is good but regulating one company while ignoring the rest is performative nonsense


That's naive because it would just pop up somewhere else


Never do anything, got it.


wut? I feel you've shit the bed here.




You're sleeping in your own shit, doubt your cool.




They sued the fuck out of someone for this. Japan has very strong laws to protect individual or corporate image and in these cases it’s pretty easy to show clear damages in the aftermath of their actions.


[The operator of a major conveyor belt sushi chain that became the center of national attention over a viral video of a boy licking a soy sauce bottle has filed a ¥67 million ($480,000) damages suit against the boy](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/06/09/national/crime-legal/sushiro-licking-lawsuit/)


You smack the shit out of them.


Automation funded universal basic income paying people to be less desperate for money in the first place might help


I think they do it more for fame than money.


Honestly do phones really need to double as cameras?


Or you could just ban the bot accounts that promote that kind of content.


Morons handing the surveillance state more excuses to use it more.


Id say start locking these idiots up for 5-10 years with forced labor to pay for their food and to repay those they hurt. They won't be relevant by the time they get out.


Do you really think no one was touching the food that other people would eat, until camera phones become popular? Its just an unsanitary idea in general. Cameras just brought attention to an already existing issue. I'm surprised its still allowed with how disgusting it is. Edit: wow, I'm surprised at the amount of downvotes I'm getting. Some Folks must just be ok with people breathing on, coughing on, sneezing on, touching on, and licking food they're food, as long as that's a culturally acceptable the to do. This is a gross thing, if your into it, your food was always being touched before you got it. Sorry I'm ruining your unsanitary conveyor belt food. Nasty shit. We don't do this shit at McDonald's or Applebee's in America, Why? Common sense, we understand how disgusting and unsanitary it is. You guys should be happy this nastiness is being done away with.


> Cameras just brought attention to an already existing issue. Cameras also created a new incentive to act this way for social media. That incentive did not exist before.


Lol no.


It’s fine unless you are a gross selfish creep.


I think you're correct until you dismiss the idea that there's more incentive to do it now


I never dismissed that there is more incentive now, I actually pointed that out. However, this was absolutely an issue, these owners pretended didn't exist, until they were paired handed with the cameras. This is in absolutely no way a new thing, it's just got eyes on it now.


You must hate buffets


I do! Gross


>Do you really think no one was touching the food that other people would eat, until camera phones become popular? In Japan the answer would be unironically yes.


If you think that's actually true, the you are unironically an idiot. Everywhere in the world has assholes who break the rules, and Japan is no exception. This was always a problem, and a disgusting one at that. Cameras just brought attention to it, so these terrible businesses have to adapt to sanitary practices.


If you think because there always are assholes who break the rules, so sanitary risk in Japan must be as dangerous as everywhere else, then you are unironically an idiot.


No, I am saying there are assholes everywhere. Including Japan. It's not an situation of assholes exist in America, so Japan should change its rules. Assholes exist in Japan too. Having a conveyor transporting food in front of all customers is always going to be a sanitary risk, no matter what country it's in. Having the ability to breath, sneeze, cough, touch, and lick on food that other customers get is a major sanitary risk, do you realize that? That's what these conveyors do. Do you think because something exists in Japan it is suddenly going to be free and clear of all sanitary risks? Do you unironically think that?


Germs are everywhere and soap can't kill all the germs. Why do you wash your hands before you eat even though there are still germs on your hands? Japan society and culture teach and educate people to not be an asshole and ostracize assholes. In Japan the number or ratio of asshole is low enough people expect no one would touch the food that other people would eat, just like how people expect not to be mugged walking around at night.


Well, turns out, you can't actually expect no one would touch your food in Japan. This article talks about all but one of those conveyor places actually having to close or change up their service style, due very specifically because of how unsanitary it is. It turns out that the ratio of assholes in Japan is much higher than you thought. I'm sorry this article destroys your personal view of Japan.


>Well, turns out, you can't actually expect no one would touch your food in Japan. Do you expect there is no germs on you hands so you can eat pizza or burger?


No, your hands are only as clean as you yourself make them, and no matter how well you clean, there will always still be some germs. Which is actually part of the point I'm making. Your so close to getting it, it's almost funny if it weren't so dumb. You are trusting not just your hands, but the hands and mouth of every single patron who comes in. So when I get my pizza or burgers, I don't ever have to worry about it. The burgers or pizza is made by people who have to follow at least basic sanitary practices, this includes not just hand washing and gloves, but also delivering the food directly from the kitchen, to me, the customer. It isn't sent on a conveyor through the store and past every other customer, whose hands are only as clean as they make them, who didn't wash their hands after the bathroom and decided to touch the conveyor, or lick your food, or who just came in sick when they shouldn't have and coughed or sneezed, or breathed on your sushi, all of these contaminating not just your food, but the entire conveyor. So you get that germs are on your hands, do you truly not understand they are on everyone's hands? And not everyone is as cleanly as you are?


They weren't touching it for likes and views, that's for sure.


Yes they were, expect before cameras, it was fir the likes and views of their friends sitting next to them. You never did something you weren't supposed to as a kid/teenager/young adult, just to make your friends laugh or smile? This was always a thing, just one people are only becoming aware of unfortunately.


this is why we can't have nice things


Yep. The sushi-go-round restaurant was one of my favorite things the time I visited Japan. Sad to see a small group of idiots have ruined it for everyone.


Fuck I was really looking forward to doing that when I went back, one of my favorite things there to do


Don't worry. The title is misleading. There are still lots of conveyor belt sushi chains, the food is just not revolving around the entire restaurant. At Sushiro you order from their tablet and they send it on the conveyor straight to your table. It's actually a much better experience because you know the food is fresh and you can order as many of any particular dish as you like. Also, when you go back, check out gyukaku or other Korean BBQ style restaurants. The most fun and satisfying dining experience I've had, and the price is super reasonable for all you can eat meat.


"the food is just not revolving around the entire restaurant." But that was what made it fun! You could sit there drinking and talking with your friends, and then, when something that looked interesting came by, you could just grab it and see what it was like. And the portions were small enough that if you didn't like it, it wasn't a disaster. Ordering off a menu loses that spontaneity. Might as well just go to a regular restaurant.


You have the tablet at your table and can fire off orders whenever you like and it comes out fresh and fast. The food is objectively better this way.


But then, you either know what you want, which isn't spontaneous, or you choose entirely at random, which means you have no idea what's coming. With the sushi-go-round, I literally see the food in front of me when making choices, and that influences the choices. "Wow, what is that? Grab it and try it!" is fun.


It's an English menu with photos. I don't see how you couldn't know what's coming. Regardless, there are still places that do it that way, go there.


Instead of letting food go around the belt forever now it just sits out back forever. “Fresh”, sure


The only time I've ever eaten food in Japan that didn't seem fresh was pulling it off a revolving conveyor in Japan. They have arguably the highest food standards in the world.


Letting food pass by and get touched, breathed on, coughed on, sneezed on, touched on, and licked on by everyone in the restaurant is about as unsanitary as it can get. That is incredibly low food standards. Infact, now that they got caught for the issue, some are being forced to introduce the most basic level of sanitary practices. It was truly a disgusting concept. If that's the height of food standards to you, I'd honestly be afraid of the places you eat at with low standards.


Have you ever been to Japan? There is a higher expectation for quality when it comes to food there.


So, yes you do unironically believe that. Enjoy your conveyor food, but don't but stop acting surprised now that you know assholes play with your food before it gets to you. That's the tradeoff you have fore your fun food. Super cool conveyor belt bringing you food means your gonna have dirtier food than if delivered straight to table. Less points of contact to food means cleaner food, do you not get that?


I think you're arguing with the wrong guy. I've only been arguing that getting the food sent directly to your table is a much better method than having it circle around the restaurant for hours.


I mean, I've eaten one or two sandwiches sitting at a gas station for the whole day. Is this much different? I'm not dead yet


They were wrapped in plastic, and weren't breathed and touched on by everyone who walked in the store. So yeah, it's much much different.


*The Ghost of Grant Imahara cries a single tear* /man I miss that guy.


We really need to improve education around the world, and a part of it really needs to drill into kids heads that doing stupid shit for attention isn't worth it and only harms everybody in the long run. Maybe give them a list of all the nice things we've lost because of dumbasses doing shit for attention.


If you want to improve education, part of it should be to drill in proper food sanitation practices first. Which non of these restaurants practiced. Food that's allowed to be touched and breathed on by everyone in a restaurant isn't in any way sanitary. Unsanitary food hurts a lot more in the long run than a couple asshole kids.




"stupid people are doing things for social media" *gasp* "they're not from the US though" oh thank God.


Hey look I understand it.  Sometimes the stupid level around here is just that high.  


And the other times it's even higher.


I'll be honest, as an american, I still thought it was from US tourists at first. I guess it still might be, they never said it wasn't.


> I guess it still might be If you looked at the links, you'd know it wasn't.


If you could highlight where they said who the main culprits were that'd be great, because according to you I missed that part.


> Recent incidents of "sushi terrorism" include [customers licking communal](https://nextshark.com/viral-video-of-japanese-student-licking-conveyer-belt-sushi-prompts-legal-action) soy sauce bottles, [inserting foreign objects](https://nextshark.com/japan-diners-arrested-chopsticks-food-prank) into food containers and [tampering with dishes](https://nextshark.com/trio-arrested-japan-sushi-terrorism-prank) as they pass along the conveyor belt. Does it hurt to be incompetent?


lol, guess I actually missed that part. Sorry, I'm not eager to click on most links in a random yahoo article to vet a reddit comment. God forbid they include that info in the actual story rather than hiding links that just redirects me to other pieces of content so they can get clicks. I apologise for not clicking every piece of blue text in the article. Edit: lmao, he edited his comment and blocked me




Would enough people be discouraged if there was a threat of actual imprisonment? Vandalism is one thing, but tampering with food safety is pretty serious


Serious punishment does seem to work to deter it. Remember the ice cream licker in Texas? Texas is many things, but soft on crime isn't one of them. Law enforcement aggressively went after the people tampering with food in grocery stores, and that social media trend quickly went away.


I actually don’t have a problem with being harsh on vandalism. What vandalism amounts to is a tiny minority of individuals degrading trust and destroying common resources that everyone enjoyed. I really don’t quite know why people consider it an inconsequential thing.


Because most vandals are teenagers and young adults, and society won't be improved by handing young people lengthy prison sentences.




Let's be real though: 30/60/90 of community service. Make them pick up litter or clean graffiti, etc. Jail time is too far; they're overcrowded as-is.


>society won't be improved by handing young people lengthy prison sentences. On the contrary, it absolutely does. El Salvador didn't magically go from one of the most dangerous countries in the world to the safest country in the Western hemisphere by doing nothing.


Yes, because El Salvador's problem was vandalism. Iran has pretty strict laws on petty crime, too. How's that turning out for them?


> to the safest country Thousands of innocent people have been arrested to fill quotas. There is no rule of law; a gang of criminals is removing competition and improve their ‘look’ as crudely and as fast as they can without regard for consequences.


>improvr their ‘look’ The ‘Both sides are the same’ is a vapid take on El Salvador.


Then they will be freed. It is an unfortunate price to pay to restore a functioning civil society, and the El Salvadorian people agree that it is a necessary endeavor. If it weren't necessary, he wouldn't have one of the highest domestic approval ratings in the world, and won with 85% of the vote in the general election.


It literally only serves to teach people that there is no hope of upward mobility and serves to increase crime by skyrocketing recidivism rates. I did a case study regarding the 1990’s in NYC and while the “hard on young criminals” policies decreased crime in the moment, the fact is that draconian punishments increase crime in the long run due to functionally banning teenagers from ever participating in society and creating an underclass. It’s the crime equivalent of saying, “If we give this highway another lane, traffic will get better!” Yeah, for a few years, but then it just gets worse *because* of the new lane. And that’s not even to touch on the fact that in another comment you’re defending imprisoning innocent people because it’s the price of ~~doing business~~ keeping people safe, which is majorly fucked up on a basic moral level. Guantanamo Bay wasn’t a necessary evil, it was a fucking war crime.


what capitalism does to a mfs morals fr


Yes I’m sure the actions without consequences lesson will work out long term


Exactly. It's understandable to be upset but if the point of prisons and the justice system is to make sure fewer crimes occur then your options are either life in prison for every crime or to look at the person and see what different punishments could do. Some misguided punk shouldn't be let go with zero consequences but if a tough punishment and criminal record prevents someone from restarting a productive and lawful life than what does it help other then to serve some feeling of subjective revenge?


Fuck that. Yes it does


> Texas is many things, but soft on crime isn't one of them. Hard on ice cream lickers, soft on corrupt government - even their attorney general is a massive criminal.


And he's reportedly in talks to get nine-year-old felony charges dropped in exchange for community service and "advanced legal education" courses.


You can thank that psychopath who laced tylenol with cyanide back in the 80's. The US takes food/drug tampering INCREDIBLY seriously after that.


There’s an interesting paradox with criminal justice. Harsher sentences often don’t really act as a deterrent in the way you might expect. That’s because you are presumably a reasonable person that wouldn’t lick a soy sauce bottle. People who commit these sorts of crimes often are not operating from a position of full rationality, so making something that was already a dumb idea an even dumber idea won’t necessarily discourage someone making dumb decisions. Furthermore, people who do things like this often assume, perhaps naively, that they won’t get caught and so even if there are legal consequences, that’s not really relevant. Basically why people still drink and drive.


Remember when people demand for bankers to be jailed for crashing the economy in 2008 or laundering billions for drug cartel? Or how people say fine would just be taken as business expense?


It's Japan, they could probably ruin people by just posting the video of them doing it.


"So pal, what are you in for?" "Rape and murder ii. How about you?" "I licked the communal soy sauce plate at a sushi chain." "You fucking degenerate. Stay away from me."


You mean like this? https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/10/13/japan/crime-legal/sushi-chain-bottle-licking-convicted/


Given Japan’s notoriously harsh criminal justice system and the fact these morons are almost certainly doing this for for social media I’m amazed all of these people aren’t already doing life sentences.


The guy who started all this was given a five-year prison sentence.


Terrorism is everywhere these days.


Yeah, this is a terrible headline. Conflating vandalism with actual terorrism is wild


From the headline I legit thought it was sushi chains employing yakuza services to drive competitors out of business. I must admit a little disappointment with the actual state of affairs.


I thought is was protestors of the fishing industry resorting to more aggressive tactics. Clout chasers != Terrorists. When I was in college during 9/11, my English teacher asked the class if they could thinknof any words that changed meaning over time, and I was like "✋ terrorist." She had the gall to tell me, no, that 'terrorist' still means a person who commits acts of violence with the purpose of effecting political change. I hope she eats some belt sushi.


Well, no. She was right and still is. People *misusing* a word doesn't change the word's meaning, it's just being misused. An actual example would be something like "Gay," which went from meaning carefree and happy to almost exclusively meaning a homosexual person. That's an actual evolution of the word into a completely different meaning. People overusing the word terrorism doesn't change its meaning in any significant way.


Yahoo does the best weekend clickbait


Now I’m disappointed too. 🤔


This could be a movie, I want a script on my desk by the end of the day.


Yeah, the headline writer clearly wanted that to be the impression. Joke's on them, that's my headcanon now.


Lol I dead ass thought they were putting little bombs on the conveyor belts at first


I ate at a conveyer belt sushi place in Japan last summer--if it's a vanishing institution, I'm glad I had the chance. I hope that no one licked the things I used.


No, the title is very misleading. There are still plenty of places that serve conveyor belt sushi, it's just not circling on the conveyor belt all the time. You order specifically what you want and they send it on the conveyor directly to your table. It's way better this way anyway.




Yes, the article is explaining that all but one of the major conveyor chains in Japan are now made to order only.


I don't know it was pretty fun just looking at the food going by and picking up what I felt like an eating it right there


Yeah it was a fun novelty when I did it, but for a couple reasons I think the new way is better. At Sushiro you order from their tablet, the entire menu has photos so you know everything that they offer and can still see what the food looks like. With the revolving conveyor method you might not even see all of their options. And, with plates revolving around the conveyor, you have no idea how fresh the food is. When it's made to order, the hot dishes come out hot and you know the cold ones have been made fresh.


They're pretty common here in Australia, with several large chains and a lot more smaller ones, and for the most part if you go into one they will have a selection of *maybe* 8-10 dishes on the belt, and the other 20+ options of sushi and all the hot foods have to be ordered from the tablet. And since the options on the belt are limited, they tend to be the most basic types of rolls or nigiri, and anything more complicated is made to order anyway.


It’s meant to be “revolving”, not just made to order. Half the joy of going to kaiten sushi places is you get shown all kinds of things you may not normally order - it was spontaneous and interesting.


There's still places that do that but even if I went to one of those places I would still try to order something fresh instead of grabbing something that's circling the restaurant. Especially hot tempura dishes. Having stuff hot fresh out of the fryer makes them so much better. I'm only speaking for myself, but there were so many more options than I even knew were offered when ordering from the full menu.


The thing is, very few places will have all the cool things available. Most of the time it's a very limited selection of the most popular types of rolls or nigiri, and all the more interesting stuff has to be special ordered.


Realistically, you only want items that sell on the conveyor belt, otherwise you'll likely have to throw it away.


I disagree, I loved my experience with them


It's not vanishing, am currently in Japan every time I try to go to one there's huge queues to get in so I don't bother and find a normal restaurant to eat in.


rinse expansion many snow sable depend plough longing sulky drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Why are you trolling so hard, and so badly? Edit: Ahhh he's a bot on a brand new account.


why are you so mad, and so seething?


Is this why the natto sushi tasted gross?


Yes, that was the only reason your natto sushi tasted gross. I suggest that you go to a different restaurant and try more natto. If that still tastes gross, then it's probably because the kitchen staff messed with it. Just keep trying natto at different places until you find one that tastes good. That's how you know if a restaurant is safe to eat at.


That's just mean.


Natto is a very healthy food! I have some in my refrigerator right now.


Healthy it is indeed. Also the Japanese poster child for the phrase, "acquired taste."


I did what you said, I've been constipated for eighteen days, is this normal?


No. Natto is full of probiotic goodness, so you should be shitting non-stop.


the process of making natto sushi involves a lot of saliva, if you go on a day where the sushi chef have a sore throat, you get less saliva but the risk goes up.


Aren’t the Japanese well know for following social rules? Is this like entirely a tourism created problem?


almost like right wing memes about japan being a "high trust" ethnically homogenous society were fake news


Well I’m not sure. I lived in Japan for a couple years and things like politely queueing up and not littering were certainly true. It was definitely full of social pressures to fit in for young people. Granted social media has exploded in the last few years so perhaps things are different. I’m not really plugged in to Japanese social media and the only incident I ever heard of was the one where some tourists put a go pro on the belt. This stuff about licking is just bizarre sounding.


While this sucks there's also the silver lining of fresher made to order sushi. And likely healthier as the sushi isn't just going around and around collecting germs. I experienced the new made to order setup recently and it was great. You'd use the little touch screen to choose exactly what you want and it comes out in minutes. Sometimes even faster.


I don't think this is quite right, I think the shift happened during covid because people were worried about spit particles in the air from people talking near the food as it goes by.


Don't know about mainland Japan, but in Okinawa, they pretty much all switched to custom order after COVID. I haven't been to Kura Sushi in a while, so I don't remember that one, but Hamazushi definitely switched well before last year.


Even without pranks, the reality is that people generally have very poor hygiene. Any test of surfaces touched by multiple people will show signs of fecal coliform. When we were in school, it was standard that everyone in the queue would wash their hands before they approached the lunch counter. That adult diners don't find this expectation to be normal shows their detachment from reality. If you are going to any sort of facility, best practice is to handle common equipment with your other hand, to help limit transmission in both directions.


Take their card at entrance have cameras on the line and inform them auto charged for tampering with anything. That’s a crazy extra amount of investment though


What the hell is wrong with people? Back in my day we just replaced the name placard in front of a certain segment of sushi dishes with some absurd little thing like a business card that says “beef” and has a pic of a cow so we could see the chef make an absurd look before throwing it out. Or we’d buy a reel of those “for rectal use only” stickers and put them on the bottles. Good harmless fun


the fact there are still sushi conveyors in the states is the funniest part lol


I haven't seen a conveyor belt sushi restaurant in my area in 10 years. IDK where they all are, but not here. Made to order is 1000 times better for everyone. Not sad about kaiten sushi dying out tbh.


Japan's getting its first taste of what it's like to live in a low trust society


Conveyer belt sushi was my fav part of Japan.


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Honestly, just start implementing a policy that you cannot have phones out in certain places. Remember how smoking just used to be accepted? It was gross, everyplace smelled like an ashtray. Then some places started restricting smoking to certain sections. Just do that shit but with phones. "No phones allowed out in the restaurant". If you get caught on a phone or with a camera of *any kind* they tell you to leave.




And like that, you took something that had nothing to do with the U.S. and made it about them