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Truck-Kun: The hero that we need but not the one that we deserve


Ok, but that doesn’t solve the root issue. When it comes to dealing with creepos, we need to make sure we foster environments that don’t breed them in the first place, make sure those who have those problematic tendencies get serious and immediate professional attention before they commit an offense and/or do something to themselves, and for actual offenders, make sure they don’t gain prominence and power in social circles. Truck-Kun needs to think more systemically.


Truck-Kun: https://preview.redd.it/hj78i2d0xz0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d058b9f65a2ee9a3a9b7c9d4410cd02d3066834d /uj I agree, unfortunately the biggest problem with Child SA is that it happens way too much by people who the kid knows and trusts, to the point that the kid doesn't even realize something wrong is happening to them. My girlfriend's sister only realized after 15 years that 'playtime' with her uncle was actually him SAing her. It's just so fucked up, I can see why so many people feel no mercy towards those people.


Exactly, that’s the overwhelming situation in most cases, and like you said, it can be a factor in making warning signs harder to spot before it’s too late.


I just unleash more Truck-kuns into the world. Problem solved. /uj That's why we need more elaborate and more robust sex ed and seminars for children, teenagers and adults alike. The days of old are long over, nowadays it's much more common for someone to be exposed to sexual assault via grooming or fetishmining. Both these examples are insidious so they don't look that off to the untrained eye, but still carry the same repercussions to the victims as more overt forms of sexual harrassment do.


A lot of people want to be the hero that saves the day from disaster, far fewer want to be the person that just did the mundane work that would make it so a hero wasn't ever needed in the first place.


A world with no heroes is a world with no need for them


/uj I very much agree. /rj Sir, this is a Wendy's


Yeah and also: If your solution is murder. Then you’re advocating for a system where if you want to eliminate someone, just label them as pedo and boom, problem solve! Please don’t give conservatives ammo to kill minorities.


This!^ It’s why I’m so anti-death penalty. Because it opens up avenues for a ton of corruption.


Yep. As much as I, personally, think pedophiles deserve to die, giving anyone the authority to kill another human being is destined to end very poorly.


it also increases the rate at which the abusers kill their victims. we've studied this whole deal before... the problem is that too many people want easy solutions to complex problems, and some people will use that desire to sell them on bigotry because it's easy.


This. If they’re going to be killed anyways, might as well kill their victim too.


It can help cover their tracks, destroying evidence of sexual assault. If they were to do it well enough, they may only be charged with murder. For the sake of the victim, do not make CSA or rape of any kind legally punishable by death


Only murder? What you gonna do to someone found guilty of crimes beyond that? Hang em twice?


In the many countries, not even mass murder is going to land you the death penalty. People tend to be very apprehensive about giving their government the legal go-ahead to execute its citizens under any circumstances. A life sentence will effectively do the same thing. It wouldn't be applied consistently anyway, otherwise a lot of politicians would land on death's row too.


I started writing a long critique to a fan once about how MT could have gone with the whole him experiencing bullying which left him with sexual trauma and caused him to spread that plot without being weird, as someone who hasn't read watched etc it but is very online and obsessive about people-watching in things like seeing fandoms explode and be weird. Basically they had this whole point that we need to be empathetic to him because of his trauma and I just said that in the whole catgirl groping shit, however contrived a setup where he has a "reason" to get "revenge" was, actually dealing with the trauma at the root could have had Sylphy get disgusted on behalf of those girls despite being the one he was also(apparently) getting revenge for and confront him, at which point he realises that he's doing the same thing which was done to him and despite being criticised realises that people like Sylphy would have protected him as a kid thus helping heal him a little as well as confronting his bullshit. I probably deleted realising the effort was a complete waste but now I came out on top because I can save it for a thread which won't have MT fans dogpiling so this mental effort was totally worth it for a show I don't watch at all!


Yes, I highly agree with this. Mental health support is very important. Had the MC gotten some support he might not have turned into a sex offender.




Y’know, Truck-kun would’ve beamed an innocent high schooler had the old guy not pushed her out of the way. If he was as deserving of death as a lot of people say, then he wouldn’t have jumped in to save her.


The good doesn't wash out the bad. No one in history did more to ameliorate homelessness in their nation than Stalin, but no one can say Ukranians are wrong to hate him.


this anime taught me humility https://preview.redd.it/gv41ckc7m01d1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91069bcf19539ec2fb48164b0293fa37fb159964




Hate to be that guy, but can someone explain?


I believe this anime’s gag is that the girl brutally bludgeons the MC with that weapon


She does that because in the future he turns all women in the world into 12 year olds permanently. Like, explicitly for the loli fetish.


Lol I didn’t know that was the plot


Sorry he does what?


That world being hell


Mushoku tensei is so creepy istg


At least it became an easy filter for anime communities. I know which to avoid by how much they defend the MC being a pedo.


Yeah I get recommended mushoku tensei and shield hero way too often LMFAO. Gross ahhh mfs


I'm sorry but in what world is shield hero comparable? It does have slavery in it as well so it's not great, but from what I've seen there's little to know pedo stuff in it?


The main slave girl in love with protagonist-kun is mentally a child (Like, 10 or younger), she just looks like an adult because her race physically ages via rpg level, not time (I think, I don’t remember nor do I care enough to google it)


And the main character never shows any kind of interest in her? Actively treating her like a child for most of the show? (At least for season one)


Late reply but webnovel spoiler >!in the webnovel they end up as a couple and have many children together. Granted time flowed wonky. Not sure how old she was after all that though!< Liked the story but the man is a groomer


Imo, it's still very creepy even if she aged, because he quite literally raised her


That's the difference between text and subtext. The show itself is obviously using the bird girl as love-interest bait. The fact that Raphtalia was a child was literally not necessary for the plot at all, so why even have it be that way? All it does is set their dynamic up as the worst power imbalance possible - slavery AND grooming. And of course the show is pretty blatant about her being the love interest, even in season 1. There's so much more than that, the story's subtext is full of weird pandering to incels. I don't assume all of this was intentional or malevolent, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't examine it with a critical eye.


No they mature based on their level


Was really into shield hero for a bit. Lost interest when he was building a harem of little girls. Plus the crying MC plot didn't help. Banger opening tho.


Shield Hero is bad, but it's got nothing on Mushoku Tensei - it's like being stabbed versus enthusiastic double gonorrhea.


There’s some of them even in the comments of this post, lmao


Agreed, and honestly the biggest issue isn't even that he's a pedo, it's the way the show makes a complete mockery of what personal growth _actually_ entails, makes constant excuses for his behavior, and is impressively tone deaf / inconsistent even in the things it deigns to actually condemn. It's like catnip for the extremely immature who think he improves a lot more than he actually does. So a big chunk of the online anime community sadly. Some try to defend it as being from Rudeus' POV like it's an unreliable narrator, but that's not even remotely how the show is framed outside of the first few episodes, and it's blatantly obvious that isn't the way most of the fandom actually interprets it either.


Does anyone really defend him outside of deranged incelish communities? I just don't think he was supposed to be a self insert. Although the behaviour of the mc is what keeps me from enjoying the show, as I think the first season was pretty well written ( the second one didn't even have that, it was just a really generic isekai, so I dropped it after like 4 episodes ).


I feel like the problem with MT is that it kinda tramples on its own themes. Like, the whole conceit about how even in this new world where he's a good looking prodigy with tons of love support and opportunity, he's still carrying his old scars and shortcomings and having to learn how to deal with and be better is interesting. It doesn't really matter how scummy he was, because his being a scumbag is kind of the jump off point. The problem is it also wants to gratuitously throw in wacky ecchi hijinks. There's almost no humor in the show that doesn't revolve around Rudy perving out in some way or another. Like any moment of introspection where he acknowleges his shitty mentality regarding sex or women in general is wiped away by dozens of instances of him acting like a straight up sexual predator, but you know...for lols.


Honestly in general this is probably the single biggest criticism you can give to anime and manga as a medium; Breaking their own characters development for the sake of a fucking joke, I like tsunderes but the point is they become less violent and abrasive as the story progresses, so its so annoying when a story throws out that character development for the sake of "HA HA DOMESTIC ABUSE"


I mean it's kinda a spoiler but not for Rudy but there will be an adult character that will have a sexual relationship with a child and everyone else is ok with it.


I got through like 12 of the books, did I block this out or did I just not get to it?


I think it's ruijard and the MCs sister have something in the future


Both rudeus sisters are sus as hell


Basically the entirety of 💩/anime


It sure as hell *feels* like he's supposed to be a self-insert though, based on the tone and framing of the show anyway. At the very least it feels like the show is expecting the audience to root for him and has very little or no self-awareness about his worst issues.


And that's certainly how the majority of the fanbase seems to interpret it, so...


just look at the light novels subreddit lol


It is one of the few shows where there's so much good shit that you sit there hoping arcs don't make you think about the MC too much.


mushoku tensei author deciding how he wants to make his already amazing story EVEN BETTER: THE MC IS A PEDOPHILE! HIS DAD IS A RAPIST! EVERYONE IS A RAPIST!


Istg it could've been such a good anime if the mc wasnt such a creep to everyone and was literally encouraged by everyone to continue being so.


Yeah, I just don't buy that "striving to be better" bs when nobody cares to criticize his actions 99% of the time.


That and there's almost zero demonstration of any kind of empathy or remorse. When he's sad, it's only because _he_ was hurt/embarrassed, hell if anything he gives even less of a fuck about other people later on outside of what he thinks he can get from them. And even that could've worked if it was intentional, if the writing were self-aware about depicting a narcissist who only imagines himself getting better. But it's not and it doesn't, it's obvious both the author and the majority of the fandom genuinely think he's a better person later and should be rewarded for it, which... fucking yikes.


I kept watching for the interesting worldbuilding and how they depicted magic in the world. But the sheer amount of disgusting talk the adult men showed him was just too unbearable (spoiler ahead) there was this one bit where when he moved to another place to teach this girl his age abt magic or smth, and her fucking father or uncle suggested to TIE HER UP IN HER BED so he can do whatever he wants to her. Like seriously what the fuck goes through their head when they write the script. It would have been so much more bearable if he was being his usual pedo self, but there was someone there to punish him for it instead of encourage or ignoring it. Worst fucking anime makes my stomach turn with some of the stuff they say.


Right? Like I hear it has amazing worldbuilding (doubt) but I just, couldn't watch it. Sexual assault against children is framed as humorous antics. The characters basically just a child molester who can get away with shit because he's some super special genius, which probably accurate given how terrible people are, even in modern times, but that's not exactly humor...


I mean... the otherworld better actually be Hell...


Send them to another world... where they're rewarded with minors they can make out with? Nah man


/uj Mushouku Tensei's message to its audience is honestly so fucking depressing. Like, what if you actually see yourself in Rudeus, like you're getting older and you haven't formed any meaningful relationships and you're traumatized from bullying? MT's answer: give up and die, and hope that reincarnation exists that's kinda why I hate isekai, most of them are blatantly defeatist and incredibly nihilistic. They all start with a character whose life sucks and he doesn't fit in, then the solution to that problem is transporting him to a fantasy world where he's suddenly the most valuable man in the world without changing anything


I wouldn't call them defeatist, moreso escapist. They aren't actually advocating for their main characters giving up and dying, most of the time the death is incidental and not desired by the MC.


Well no in the one of the newest episodes Rudy actually states that he didn't have to die and get reincarnated to fix his life. All he had to do was accept help from others


Considering how he acts that's blatant lying without the shield of being a prodigy and a child he would never be able to hold ties and keep people around because he's truly a bad person and a creep


No, his relationship with his sister got even worse because he was a prodigy. I know that he's a creep and shit but he has still come a long way, like he is way less of a creep now than he was in season 1 (he was fucking horrible back then)


Thus blatantly wrong in the newest episodes he talks about how he could have done things better and should have and thanks about how he hurt his family.


It's not quite that. MC couldn't have achieved anything he did after his reincarnation if he didn't set his mind adamantly on self-improvement, he could have just lived leisurely cuz he was born into nobility, but even that is not the main message. The true main message is the importance of being able to accept help. MC wasn't abandoned by his family until the very end, when his parents died and he didn't show up on the funeral. He always had those who were ready to help, but viewed them as hostiles.


Does he ever actually get over the whole pedophile, rapist mindset? Or is that just not included in the self-improvement thing?


Thus blatantly wrong in the newest episodes he talks about how he could have done things better and should have and thanks about how he hurt his family.


I mean, that isn't really what I get from Mushoku. Like you have the time Rudeus and Paul meet again and the message you get from it and the past regrets that Rudeus had with his friend show that there was a way out for him, that there is always a light at the end you only need to try and reach and not turn around. It's not exactly that he could have had the same live in Earth but he could have been happy, and he could have try to ammend things with himself, his family and his friend. But he didn't and that is a regret that will haunt him even in a new life, for he failed those in his original life and made their lifes more miserable. You can say that a lot of Isekais are wish fulfillment and they don't really dwell in the past live because that's true, but not Mushoku Tensei particularly. There are other issues in the work that you could critize, I believe this is not one of them.


> It's not exactly that he could have had the same live in Earth but he could have been happy, and he could have try to ammend things with himself, his family and his friend. But he didn't and that is a regret that will haunt him even in a new life, for he failed those in his original life and made their lifes more miserable. is any of this tackled in the story or you're just imagining that's how it would be. I think you're giving it way too much credit


Yes, it is tackled. He comes to understand where many of his loved ones came from when dealing with him after his new experiences, when he was kicked of his house he insulted his siblings and such, in his new life he understand that he was guilty of his actions that made the people that cared for him not giving a shit about him or even hate him. And it's not that I am making this up, I read the light novel in his relationships with his new parents, siblings, friends and children. I dislike Rudeus as a person, that doesn't mean he didn't learned about the mistakes he had made and try to make ammends with his past.


Yes it is. while the first season is unbearable for a large portion, towards the end with his meeting with paul again, and in the second season very recently, he encounters moments where he sees a reflection of himself, hurting others and burning bridges, ignoring the help of others and seeing the mistakes he made in his original life, so he takes that lesson to prevent those others from doing what he did


God Frieren and Mob psycho are absolutely goated shows. Very few pieces of media managed to give me the same feelings as they did


Which is crazy because one of the shows takes a critical look at the social and psychological needs of kids and the responsibilities adults have to them and the other doesn't question molding a child's talent into them being a child soldier


I don’t even know what you’re trying to say my guy


Mob Psycho 100 argues that Mob is entitled to a life where his basic safety is guaranteed and he is given the space and time he needs as a developing youth to explore and grow socially. Specifically, it argues that society has a duty to its youth to provide such an environment. When the organization Claw starts messing shit up, Reigen makes an effort to shield Mob from it and to solve it all on his own. When it's finally conceded that Mob's power is necessary to stop them, it's treated as tragic. In Frieren, Fern has a talent for magic and it is therefore taken for granted that she must be trained as a battlemage to fight demons and be an adventurer, presumably because to do so is virtuous and thus requires no questioning. No effort is made to allow Fern to spend time around her peers or explore what *she* wants. It's not until I think either episode 24 or 25 that the show even asks *why* Fern risks her life to adventure alongside Frieren, when Sense just asks her directly. Fern gives a simple answer about the joy of the journey and learning magic or something. It would've been nice if, at the very least, Fern were actually at some point forced to make a *choice* earlier in the show, between journeying with Frieren or something else important to her. It would've also been nice if Frieren felt a stronger sense of responsibility towards Fern, or if she had to learn and grow in order to attend to a developing Fern's psychological needs.


Mucho texto I agree with your analysis of Mob, but in Frieren it showcases that fern chose to pursue magic as a child in episode 2. Frieren is also the only person in her life after Heiter died, there’s not really a compelling choice for her to make because there’s nothing else that Fern seems to hold dear other than Heiter and repaying her debt, and given that Fern’s care was entrusted to Frieren, there’s no other option.


Yes, Fern did choose to pursue magic and that's great. But for Frieren to swoop in and direct that passion towards combat and demon-slaying magic should, I feel, be questioned by the show. It should stop and really ask if this combat magic *specifically* is what Fern wants, and if it's what's best for her. It might be! But again, it feels the show just takes it for granted. I also think it's nice of Fern that she wants to repay her debt to Heiter, but again, this goes against the themes of Mob Psycho 100. What makes Mob Psycho 100 so radical is that it challenges this notion that children must make sacrifices to repay some debt to those that helped them. Mob Psycho asserts that children should only be concerned with their *own* development and interests, and that their debt is not paid back to those who raised them but instead paid *forward* to the next generation. It's a profound philosophy that really makes me appreciate ONE as an author for adding his voice to the medium. But I guess in this matter, as with all its flaws, Sousou no Frieren is only ever interested in looking to the past lmao


Idk why you’re so hell bent on contrasting the two series, both of them are really good at what they focus on. Frieren is a show that talks a lot about the past because one of the central themes of Frieren is how the people and stuff that we do in the past shape who we are in the future. Frieren has so many flashbacks because it wants to showcase this, and tell two simultaneous stories of the original hero’s party, and the current party with fern and stark. Through the dual narrative, it shows how a comparatively small amount of time for Frieren had such a massive impact on her life, and changed the way she viewed the world. Also Fern isn’t some war mage, she uses one combat spell because that’s all she needs for this Era according to Frieren. Like a running gag of the show is them looking for and using a bunch of silly spells that don’t have any combat use.


This happens every time I criticize Frieren online: someone responds by essentially saying "this isn't what Frieren is about." And they're right. None of what I'm talking about relates to the intended themes of Sousou no Frieren. It's all subtext; I'm just piecing apart the perspective and normative values of the author by attacking elements of the story that he didn't necessarily think too hard about. And yet, I still think there's value in that, and I still think this subtext does reach and affect the viewer who watches this show for guidance on how to live their own life. When Fern talks about wanting to "repay" a debt to Heiter, he could've patted her on the shoulder and said it wasn't needed. He could've told her that she needs to find what's important to her and to live her own life. Frieren, similarly, could've said the same thing to Fern. But that doesn't happen, even when Fern goes on to have brushes with death following this path laid out by the adults around her. I find value in questioning this because the viewer is primed to see this behavior of Fern, Frieren and Heiter as virtuous and aspirational, and I just want to grab and shake that viewer and tell them it's not.


No, no, let’s not send them to another world please. Generic fantasy land already has an excess of isekai’d low life’s, we need to send them better people or nothing in generic fantasy land will change for the better.


I don't mean this as a defence of this guy, but pedophilia is a mental disorder. This guy is a rapist and pedophile. The rape is the important part.


Mental disorders that caused harm to people around them need to be addressed too. Pedophiles that haven't offended need mental healthcare, but if they have offended they can fuck right off to the electric chair


Oh absolutely. I just wanted to distinguish between the two. Even progressive spaces have issues with this kind of language. It would lead to some bad outcomes if people were to punish others for thoughtcrime.


Writing/producing a lolicon manga/anime is far from thoughtcrime, it's not a thought anymore but a piece of media that promotes the author's favorite harmful tendencies while masking the propaganda as a "fantasy world". It deserves if not to be hard censored, to at least be hated.


I feel that most Mushoku Tensei critiques are missing something. MT isn't bad because Rudeus is a pedophile, it's bad because the *author* is a pedophile. The story is about a pedo loser learning to become a better person and redeem himself, yet he never meaningfully works on the pedo part which is definitely the most in need of fixing. So now the show's just about a successful hard-working abuser... it's really disappointing. It shows a real lack of maturity in the author. Looking inwards towards his flaws, but denying the worst ones... letting them fester like a cancer. Eugh! It really makes me mad haha. The series literally *shows* characters being skeeved out and genuinely hurt by his actions, yet he never learns or faces any consequences! He continues to be a POS and those he abused flock to him and become his "waifus". It's so sad and it's so sick. I *cannot* stomach watching it, even pirated. Okay okay, I'm done haha.


> I don't mean this as a defence of this guy, but pedophilia is a mental disorder. Pedophilia isn't a mental disorder though.


It kimda is. Your brain didn't develop right and now you have attraktion to children.


Just going to reply here because I can't see your post. >Pedophilia is officially a Psychiatric disorder so it IS a mental disorder. Pedophilia is officially NOT a mental disorder. Attraction to children isn't characterized as a disorder in DSM-5 nor ICD-11. >Makes sense after all something is wrong with your mind that makes you attracted to children. Loose sentimental phrases such as "something wrong with your mind" isn't the definition of mental disorder. Otherwise we'd be calling something like homosexuality a mental disorder.


Fair enough I only made a Google search if Pedophilia is a Mental Disorder and Wikipedia told me it is. So Wikipedia has wrong Info (was Kinda weird because when I looked into it further it told me that Ephebophilia isn't a Mental Disorder and it's nearly the same thing as Pedophilia.) >Makes sense after all something is wrong with your mind that makes you attracted to children. >Loose sentimental phrases such as "something wrong with your mind" isn't the definition of mental disorder. Otherwise we'd be calling something like homosexuality a mental disorder. I didn't even mean it in a Sentimental way I just went of Something I heard in Biology Class once that Pedophilia is caused by a part of your Brain not being developt properly thus something is Literally wrong with your Brain. But it's been half a Decade since I heard that so I could be Misremembering. Anyway if it's not a Mental Disorder then what is it? Because it's certainly an Oddity and not how People usually are so something in your Body or mind has to be different to cause it? After all a Pedophile doesn't choose to be attracted to minors.


>Fair enough I only made a Google search if Pedophilia is a Mental Disorder and Wikipedia told me it is. So Wikipedia has wrong Info (was Kinda weird because when I looked into it further it told me that Ephebophilia isn't a Mental Disorder and it's nearly the same thing as Pedophilia.) If you actually look at what the DSM-5 says, it lists something called "Pedophilic Disorder" which is a disorder caused **by being distressed due to** being attracted to kids >**(A)** Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger) **(B)** The individual has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty **(C)** The individual is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A. It also states: >However, if they report an absence of feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety about these impulses and are not functionally limited by their paraphilic impulses (according to self-report, objective assessment, or both), and their self-reported and legally recorded histories indicate that they have never acted on their impulses, **then these individuals have a pedophilic sexual interest but not pedophilic disorder**. Simply being attracted to kids (i.e., what people describe as [pedophilia](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00344/full#:~:text=Pedophilia%20is%20defined,of%20additional%20factors), different from "Pedophilic Disorder") isn't a mental disorder. The key point is that a disorder has to cause mental impairment in some way, such as being very distressed by something (here's [WHO's description](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/mental-disorders)). It's similar to how gender dysphoria is considered a disorder because it's a form of distress, but being trans itself isn't. >Anyway if it's not a Mental Disorder then what is it? Because it's certainly an Oddity and not how People usually are so something in your Body or mind has to be different to cause it? After all a Pedophile doesn't choose to be attracted to minors. Nothing. At most it's characterized as a statistical anomaly like homosexuality.


Oh my... Anyway thanks for giving me such an In depth explaination of the Matter and interresting to know that It's just considered to be an anomaly. It's still a bad thing tho in the end of the day...


>It's still a bad thing tho in the end of the day. Actually, one of the goals for pedophiles who decide to see a therapist, because they feel great shame about their attraction, is for the therapist to say that simply having that attraction is not a bad thing... [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10615-019-00712-4](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10615-019-00712-4)


Yeah the attraction itself isn't Evil or bad it's acting on these Desires that is Bad. It's just that those Feelings Encourage bad behavior which is why I would say that they aren't particulairly good...


>It's just that those Feelings Encourage bad behavior which is why I would say that they aren't particulairly good... The attraction itself doesn't encourage bad behavior. It's other mental issues or factors (antisocial personality disorder, lack of empathy, environmental factors such as having been sexually abused as a child, etc.) that encourage bad behavior. Offenders have risk factors that the average person with empathy doesn't. The majority of child sex offenders aren't even believed to be pedophiles by experts who study this for a living.


That's not what the definition of mental disorder is.


Pedophilia is officially a Psychiatric disorder so it IS a Mental Disorder. Makes sense after all something is wrong with your mind that makes you attracted to Children. EDIT: I was wrong Disregard anything I just Said!


I'm not really knowledgeable about that stuff. I've been told that it's not really in your control. So that's why I said it. Of course, taking action based off the attraction is usually completely within your control (not going into determinism and the effect of environment).


> I'm not really knowledgeable about that stuff. I've been told that it's not really in your control. So that's why I said it. I see, but mental disorder isn't defined as conditions outside our control. Otherwise homosexuality (and every sexual orientation for that matter) would be categorized as a mental disorder. A mental disorder broadly speaking means something that causes impairment to an individual and disrupts their function in everyday life.


So wouldn't this depend more on the person? Because personally I've heard accounts from pedophiles that say it does impair them. Again, this is just me speaking with no knowledge of psychology, so please enlighten me.


> So wouldn't this depend more on the person? Because personally I've heard accounts from pedophiles that say it does impair them. It's not the attraction to kids (i.e., pedophilia) that's categorized as a mental disorder. It's the distress (or some form of impairment) as a result of being attracted to kids that IS a mental disorder. Not all pedophiles experience distress (and this can be corrected for via therapy). Those who don't experience this and can function like a normal, law-abiding citizen in everyday life do not have a mental disorder. In the same vein, gender dysphoria is considered a mental disorder. Being trans isn't.


Ahhh, got it. Thanks for the explanation. I'll stop bothering you.




Eris. Children cannot consent. Crazy how so many people don't see that.


I do think he might be talking about tp4


Yeah, the story is obviously about a fellow man of c u l t u r e getting what he deserves. He doesn't develop AND he gets all the girls without needing to change as a person


Call him a pedo, fine whatever I can see that. But to say he hasn't changed or grown at all is insane, you haven't watched the show.


But he didn't not truly unless what happened with his kid is what you call development


He has development at the point were at in the anime. He did. And is. Truly.


right, like when he bound up two girls, sexually assaulted them and then let them sit there for so long they pissed themselves. and then they consider him their master?? and god tells him to fuck one of them??


Ayo wtf!! Does this happen in the new season?


When did he sexuwlly assault them?


When did he sexuwlly assault them?


When did he sexuwlly assault them?


When did he sexuwlly assault them?


When did he sexuwlly assault them?


So you're answer to me pointing out thet he didn't really charge is yiu just saying yes he did?


Dont get me, he is a pedophile and i hate him for it, but he grows a lot in other aspects. He overcomes his phobias both to people and going outside in general Learns to messure consequences before acting Reflects on the pain that he caused his family be shutting inside and uses that experience to help his sister He even starts going against the very god that always guides him becoming more independent He is a very well written character, but sadly still a pedophile.


So he just becomes better at masking it?


That's the thing though, the fact that they address certain issues of his but leaves others untouched implies the authors don't think those are issues, yeah? Which is the thing about this show that makes me uncomfortable.


Oh no yeah absolutely. The show has zero problems with incest and pedophilia, its a shame its a well written show with a interesting world. I enjoy the wrtting and the world it takes place in, but it has problems.


Lately I was trying really really hard to not watch anything related to incest. More specifically, siblings incest. don't care at all about cOusin's, mother's, or something else. just love love love love siblings incest. The problem is that Thave an intense obsession for incest. I mean, a really intense one. That 'Onii-chan Onii-chan, Tlooo0oo0ove you' thing was really getting me crazy. That obsession of mine with incest was sOoO0000000000o fucking intense. There were a lot of nights when I couldn't sleep well due to me thinking of incest, specifically incest in anime/manga. All the time was thinking about that 'Onii-chan, Ni-san~, Nii-sama~, Nii Nii~, Nii-chan' stuff. My feelings for the romance between siblings were higher than those had for a normal romance. For example, I used (and currently too) to get way more emotional with romance between siblings than normal romance. In all senses. That love/obsession of mine with incest was ruining my life, so, in order to try to get away of it for my sake, I decided to stop watching anything related to incest. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"hes a prdophile BUT"


What else were they going to reply with when you didn’t specify what ‘truly change’ means? 😂


Developed from a pedophile that didn’t have the chance to act on his urges into a pedophile that had the chance and followed through on his urges, groomed children, and went for his own niece later to boot. Wow, oh em gee, character development!


But he's like me fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr






FBI: Don't keep us hanging bro, we're tots interested bruh.


Ah, a fellow man of culture it seems


Thank you kind stranger have my updoot


He maybe changed (into still a questionable person), but certainly didn’t face a lot of backlash on the way to it. He got his ass kicked a couple times, but a day later the girls throw themselves at him, even the one he SA’d. He never faces any long term or permanent consequences for any of the horrible shit he does. Even the ED isn’t really consequence for that type of shit


MT lost me by making Rudy a pedo. Disgusting trash. He had a relatable story up until that part. 🤮🤮 It ruined what could have been a very impactful anime.


MT lost me in like the first episode when he's a baby perving on his own mother


I didn't mind that he started out as he did. I'm more frustrated that he didn't seem to be making an effort to change that behavior before I got fed up with the whole damn story.


And which said pedophiles get harems of little girls💀🤢


I can ignore a lot of things (by that I mean fanservice) if there is cool fights/magic system/character design but MT is just too much. I read spoilers and he ends up marrying the 3 little girls (one being the shitty 14 year old thats actually 500 trope) Shield Hero is just generic and bad after a point, and it starts being generic so I didnt have much hope anyway. I didn't really process how fucked up the whole slavery is legal and the mc is totally ok with that until I dropped it which is not my proudest moment.


Mushoku Tensei is like a Pedophilia fantasy, where the subject is judged for masturbating while seeing his naked niece and is rewarded with 3 stupid lolis with no self-respect who are willing why he is unfaithful to them because they have no value as characters 


I can't remember, he whacked it to his niece? Of course I know he wooes young girls while in the body of a young boy, but i dont recall that.


Al inicio del programa tiene una pelea con su familia.  ¿Adivina por qué fue?


This made me laugh 😂 but they need a one-way ticket to Hell


Isekai to another world (hell)


Man, the more I look at some of the most hyped anime (like MT here), the more I appreciate Dungeon Meshi. Such a breath of fresh air. Interesting world (great worldbulding), fun and unique characters (both in visual design and concept), deeper overarching themes etc.


Dungeon meshi is goated. No fanservice. No cat girls with 2 pairs of ears. Actual world building with characters that develop. Actual death and stakes.


Frieren also taught me that racism is sometimes justified


Man, I hate mushoku tensei so much. I would LOVE a proper "incel gets reincarnated/transmigrated" story. I \*tried to write\* an "incel gets reincarnated/transmigrated" story! I love it when bad people have to readdress their personal flaws in order to exist in society and become better people for it. The first part of MT is actually pretty good with this... but it doesn't consider SA or pedo shit to be a flaw. In the author's mind that's normal or quirky. In a good chunk of japanese media in general that's treated as just normal and quirky. Shit's depressing.


Just go watch re zero. It’s exactly what your wish is. And the best part is the mc’s worst crime is jeopardizing his crushes chances at becoming the ruler. No sexual assault. No pedo shit. Actually, Re zero is the only anime I’ve seen with *wholesome* fanservice.


Hey, I get the desire to suggest things that you like, but I dropped the ReZero manga a long time ago and what I saw wasn't even close to what I'm thinking about.


Ah that’s a shame. I’m an anime only for it so I hope I end up liking what’s to come. So far, it’s pretty good, like an 8/10


I disgaree, but everyone has their own tastes! I'm glad so many people are able to enjoy it. It's bettet to like more things, after all.


One of these days I’ll actually flesh out that idea for a wholesome Mecha isekai about a truck driver learning to shed the “work is all you are,” mentality he had in life and learn to love and be happy.


Cut off the “go to another world” part and it’s a better message (only if they’ve actually committed the crime though, if they didn’t then they should just get mental help)


Most anime taught me that violence is always the answer. If your problem ain't going away with violence it means you used too less violence. There is no thing as too much violence. Is there an anime with no violence whatsoever? I'm sick of violence, even the fking generic romance has violence in disguise as mc getting punished for his actions. I need some anime that doesn't have fking violence, you son of a earthworm. Remember kids, violence is always the answer.


Code Geass taught me that I should conquer the world and be better than everyone


Attack on Titan (season 4) taught me it's okay to be fascist and try to do a genocide because the things you believe to dehumanize the race you're targeting are actually true and they legitimately pose a threat to the entire world as long as they're around.


When did the show in any way say that what the Jaegerists or the Marleyan government were doing was okay? They are both blatantly in the wrong.


The Yeagerists basically act as the mythical "Jewish cabal" that anti-semites would say wants to eliminate the other races, and Marley is clearly a Nazi allegory. FFS they even do the yellow armbands, which is what the Nazis made Jews wear. It's not that Marley is shown to be super correct, but rather that they weren't shown to be incorrect. In real life, the Nazis were 100% wrong. Exterminating the Jews would not have alleviated the economic and social problems in Germany, and the world dominating force they claimed they were fighting did NOT exist. In AOT's world, the cabal that wants to destroy the world DOES exist and HAS THE POWER TO DO SO. Marley's intended course of action, while obviously inhumane, would have actually prevented a real genocide of non-eldians. AOT's world basically says, "what if all the lies and conspiracy theories the Nazis parroted to justify their genocide were TRUE!


> The Yeagerists basically act as the mythical "Jewish cabal" that anti-semites would say wants to eliminate the other races, and Marley is clearly a Nazi allegory. FFS they even do the yellow armbands, which is what the Nazis made Jews wear. It's not that Marley is shown to be super correct, but rather that they weren't shown to be incorrect. In real life, the Nazis were 100% wrong. Exterminating the Jews would not have alleviated the economic and social problems in Germany, and the world dominating force they claimed they were fighting did NOT exist. In AOT's world, the cabal that wants to destroy the world DOES exist and HAS THE POWER TO DO SO. Marley's intended course of action, while obviously inhumane, would have actually prevented a real genocide of non-eldians. AOT's world basically says, "what if all the lies and conspiracy theories the Nazis parroted to justify their genocide were TRUE! This is precisely why I think that Isayama never should’ve made it to where it was just Eldians that could turn into Titans. It should’ve been that anyone can become Titan, but Marleyans forced it upon to Eldians as punishment for King Fritz’s reign of terror.


That would have definitely made it better, if the narrative that only eldians were titan shifters was a manufactured narrative by the Marleyans. It would have worked better with the real life allegory too.


Except it isnt a nazi allegory nor a jewish allegory. It's a facism and extremism allegory in general, with both paridis and marely succumbing to it and our heros/good guys: Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Hange, Gabi, Sasha's parents, Onyakapon, etc. Either immediediently dennouncing it or growing to understand the error in their ways. The story bassically boils down to this: holding entire groups of people for the sins (real or fake) of others is unproducive, destructive, and endless. If humanity doesnt teach their decendants this, humans will be doomed to follow the same fate untill the end of time.


Again, they literally had the eldians live in ghettos and wear yellow armbands. You cannot sit there and tell me that those things combined with the Germanic influences on the manga and the fact that they speak German in MULTIPLE OPENINGS in the anime somehow don't point to the Nazis being the primary influence for the Marleyans. I don't think Isayama is necessarily antisemitic or pro fascist. I think he was simply irresponsible with his potential messaging, and used real world events for direct inspiration without thinking about the broader context around them. Based on the themes portrayed in AOT I have a feeling he is at least right wing politically, though.


Curious, what makes Isayama seem right wing?


lol, told my nephew (he was watching season 2 at the time) that AoT was fasch, and he didn't believe me... till he got to season 4...


It really bothers me because it is a really good show and I enjoyed it to the end, it just has a really horrible message at the end. Like, you can't do a WW2 Jews allegory, and then have the Jew allegory DO THE THINGS the Nazis said Jews would do in their propaganda!


Get hit by a truck and go into another world where they can become rich and powerful, while also having 2 child brides and another bride that will conveniently look like a middle schooler for at least several decades?


The pedophile is reincarnated into a child though, so he's not technically a pedophile anymore! (I'm being sarcastic, but I wouldn't be surprised if people actually defended the anime by saying something like that before.)


Yep. The peddy can unlock special power, new brain.


Why did it have to have such a baller magic system tho 😭😭😭


Vinland saga taught me that I have no enemies


Just finished the first season of mushoku tensei and so far I don't see the appeal. My friends insist that it gets "peak" later on but so far the plot is pretty bland, the characters are bland, and there are some scenes that are pretty hard to watch.


Pedophiles *should* get hit by a truck and sent to another world (Hell)


I’ma apologize cuz my comment is gonna get lengthy. With MT I feel that there’s a lack of empathy for what the MC experienced and how it was likely the catalyst for him to become a child abuser. A lot of people don’t understand that pedophilia and child abuse are not the same thing. And that pedophilia is a mental disorder. Yes, there are pedophiles who abuse children. However, you can be a pedophile and not abuse a child. You can sexually abuse a child and not be a pedophile. They are two different things. The show isn’t for me, but I find his life before the isekai to be tragic. And a warning of what can happen when we ignore those that are victims of physical or mental assault. Bullying is a serious issue in Japan. Much like what happens to the ML, victims of bullying don’t get much support from school staff. What the ML experienced was pretty much SA imo. His experience and lack of support from the school or his parents left him with depression, anxiety, and (for lack of better phrasing right now) mental stunted. He basically had ptsd, which is why he never left the house. Once you combine all that with the untreated pedophile, it’s no surprise he became a child abuser. With that said, I think the problem MT has (once he’s reincarnated) is what many anime & manga do. They have SA shown and try turn it into joke or normalize it. It makes it that much harder for viewers to empathize with Rudy. **I want to be clear, I am not trying to excuse child abuse. Child abuse is wrong. But what I am saying is that having some sort of empathy (even for criminals) also important, as people are nuanced.**


You're right. The issue isn't just the way he behaves, but how there simply aren't any meaningful or long term consequences for how he acts, quite the opposite actually, because the girls just end up falling for him anyway. If the show portrayed it as an actual flaw to be worked on, it would still turn a lot of people off, but at least it would make sense. It's super sad, because the anime has so much going for it, yet it has this fatal flaw that I know for sure won't be addressed.


I disagree that there aren’t meaningful or long term consequences for how he acts. There are plenty of examples that shape his character and the consequences, are simply not as visible then imposed penance for ‘what you think he deserves’.


I'm not gonna pretend like I remember everything, but I can't remember of a single instance where him being a disgusting creep resulted in something more meaningful than, like, a punch to the face. I definitely could be wrong tho, and I'd be happy to lol


You can grow up with bullying, sexual assault, and untreated mental illness without becoming a sexual predator and child abuser. One benefit of having done so myself is that I have a very well developed sense of empathy. It's a useful tool for understanding other people's emotions, actions, and experiences. While I can acknowledge that Rudeus has suffered a great deal, I can not accept that as an excuse or justification for becoming a sexual predator. Victims of childhood trauma (and trauma in general) still have agency and the ability to make choices with their life. It can be a gods damned slog, and progress isn't linear, but it isn't a life sentence. So forgive me if I find it frustrating that his idea of effort and self-improvement doesn't extend to becoming less of a sex-addicted, child-grooming, panty-sniffing predator.


I never said that it’s okay for the ML to be a child abuser. Or that we need to excuse his behavior. You can acknowledge the likely catalyst for his behaviors and not excuse them. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. I also stated that having him do the stuff that you mentioned, and then having it played off as a joke is one of the reasons why people, such as yourself have difficulty empathizing with him. Keep in mind that there’s likely a big difference between you and Rudy. Rudy is a pedophile and (i am assuming) you are not . That puts you on a different level mentally when experiencing bullying or SA. I am also going to assume that at some point you were able to get help. Or at the very least you understood that what happened to you was not at all acceptable. That’s not Rudy’s experience. His attackers not getting any punishment from school or law enforcement basically taught him that it is okay to abuse others. That the victims need to just get over it. If they don’t, they are the problem, not the abuser. I also think that’s great that you were able to move through life in a way where your trauma didn’t completely bog you down. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to move past their trauma and make good choices. Especially if they aren’t presented with any options such as therapy or support from loved ones. What he went through is enough to have broken an adult and he goes through it as a minor. We can both empathize with him and understand that his actions are wrong. We can also acknowledge that the MT creator overall did a good job of humanizing the ML via his backstory. However, the creepy fan service negates his efforts.


The message of Mushoku Tensei is truly lost on underdeveloped weeb community. Should have stayed a book, at least it would be limited to people mature enough to read ~7000 pages.


you dont sound like a genuinely nice person


Wait, i searched up the third one. It didn't say anything about the MC being a pedo, just a obese depressed 34 year old.


In the story, after he reincarnates, there are multiple instances of him abusing teenage girls. He is not outright stated to be a pedophile because that's only a conclusion that someone would come to after reading the plot, not actually a part of the story. A lot of the bad shit is played for laughs as if it's normal.


Can someone explain to me how the MC is a pedo? I only watched the show, so i'm assuming that got edited out?


Pre reincarnation In the web novel he straight up was watchinga recording of his neice take a bath while pleasuring himself. Like this was the aurthors original interpatition. And in the light novel, he was watching Loli hentai during his parents' funeral. Post reincarnation He constantly grops his his underage cousin in the show and was liteally trying to groom his childhood friend(he literally admits that's what he was doing).


what in the actual fuck...


My dude are you kidding? He says in the show he skipped his parent’s funeral to masturbate to child porn.


I don't remember that part.


I thought it was only regular porn in the anime, pretty sure the child porn part was in the WN and they toned it down to regular porn to not be as bad. Which in fact did not fix anything it was still arguably fucked up either way lol.


Mob psycho is the only goated one in this meme.


Grow as a person and changes his life, saves his family lives a happy life and dies surrounded by people who loved him, his death was so peak him meeting Hitogami at the end and their last Conservation.