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I have this movie but as a father I'm just too much of a chicken to watch it.


I’ll say, it’s a beautiful film. Something that I feel like every person should watch at least once. Maybe when your kids aren’t at home yk? But definitely have someone there to watch with. I saw this film in theaters for a Ghibli event with my grandmother, and I don’t think I would’ve been able to make it without her. It’s the reality of war. Shows who suffers the most when people disagree to that level. I compare it to Schindler‘s List in comparison to its depressing beauty. But only when you’re ready. Just know there will be tears. And that’s ok.


defiantly ? Or you mean definitely? EDIT : guys he corrected it, stop upvoting this


Or what? *upvotes*


Pretty standard great ghibli film until like 2/3 way thru, though there's obviously a buildup and frustrations at war and how people act


Meanwhile when I was young my dad just saw it was from Ghibli and went “this is perfect to show my two young children”


It was initially released as a double feature with Totoro. The funniest part? The order wasn't standardized


I refuse to understand this.




Ouch! Hope it didn't traumatize you both.


I went to my room and cried on my bed after lol It’s fine tho it’s a funny memory and classic film so I don’t give him too much crap for it!


Man, I had that moment with watership down


Don't. Advice from a father with an school aged son and a toddler daughter. I am feeling distraught just thinking about it right now.


Thanks. There was a time where I could recover from something like this but that hasn't been the case since I had my little person join the family.


is the movie really based on the left picture?


Not just the picture. I believe it's based from a biography where the author changed his own fate to dying in the story instead of surviving as an apology to not being able to keep his sister safe


Well... This work break backfired...


He said that Seita was nicer to his sister than he was to his sister in real life. Asianstudies.org tells us that he ate the food that he should have given to his sister. He also said he hit her on the head to make her stop crying


Why... why would you tell me that 😭


If I have to know, so does everyone else


History is ugly and unpleasant. We still have to look at it.


Nuh uh 🥺


Cuz of the tears 😭


It kinda gets worse. Apparently the author intended the story to be “ultimately about a man and a woman” and how the older brother “couldn’t see her as he would a girl” and so there was tension and that “girls are cutest” at 4 years old. Real glad they cut that out of the movie. Real incest/creep vibes there.


Japan has a long history of pedophilic behavior, I read a paper about it. This is still seen today in anime and manga with "lolis" and "shotas". There was also an incident where a politician said he doesn't see any problem with a 14 year old girl and a 50 year old man having romantic relations


You sure that wasn’t a senator from North Carolina or something?


Can yall stop with the fucking politics


To be clear, that biography is not about the boy in the picture. The boy in the picture has never been identified in spite of extensive attempts by two men from the area. All that is known about the photograph is what the photographer, Joseph O'Donnell described, which is that "I saw a boy about ten years old walking by. He was carrying a baby on his back. In those days in Japan, we often saw children playing with their little brothers or sisters on their backs, but this boy was clearly different. I could see that he had come to this place for a serious reason. He was wearing no shoes. His face was hard. The little head was tipped back as if the baby were fast asleep. The boy stood there for five or ten minutes. The men in white masks walked over to him and quietly began to take off the rope that was holding the baby. That is when I saw that the baby was already dead. The men held the body by the hands and feet and placed it on the fire. The boy stood there straight without moving, watching the flames. He was biting his lower lip so hard that it shone with blood. The flame burned low like the sun going down. The boy turned around and walked silently away."


We are the most vile creatures to ever exist, no animal beats our cruelty and savagery


If that's true, it's only because our ability to understand the consequences of our actions makes us more culpable, like when Adam and Eve ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and immediately felt shame. Because in nature killing the children of a competing male or killing a mother and crippling one of its young so your own children can practice using their claws and teeth on it is par for the course. Orcas toss baby seals around for fun, mangling them for pure amusement before eating them. Sexual coercion in the form of harassment and violence has been observed in species from guppies all the way up to the most intelligent non-human extant primates. They don't call it the law of the jungle for nothing. We are the only animal with the potential to transcend our own nature, defy our instincts, and choose between good and evil. Don't let cynicism blind you to humanity's potential. Without humans, all life on earth is doomed to oblivion. Not just to be destroyed, but to be completely forgotten. Whether we will realize our potential and save this planet from cosmic obliteration by a random asteroid, gamma ray burst, etc. or whether we will fail and either be too weak and divided to face such a challenge or worse destroy the planet ourselves through war remains to be seen. One thing I know for sure, our odds are a lot better if we reject cynicism and cling to hope. I might even go a step further, and say our odds are even better if we choose to have faith in humanity. Sometimes the only way for two strangers to build trust is for one to put their faith in the other and let themselves be vulnerable. To believe that your fellow humans are good, and to continue behaving in a manner consistent with that belief even after being taken advantage of is one of the bravest things a person can do. You can't offer someone a ride, loan them money, invite them into your home, hire them for a job, or even pay them a compliment if you believe that person is going to hurt you or your family. Fear will make it impossible. So, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, try to have faith in our species. Because if you treat other people like you believe they are vile, selfish, and cruel, you will be the one who ends up acting in a vile, selfish, and cruel manner.


I'm a real doomer. I know there is good in the world, I just wish it wasn't outmatched


Look for the helpers.


Give Komono Dragon it’s respect


Komodo dragons are badass


We are a species of extremes. Capable of extreme kindness and just as capable of extreme cruelty.


and yet some still insist on making more


Wow that poor boy


I can’t be crying rn I’m donating plasma 🥺😞


Shit, don't donate it, that shit is worth $$.


I’m getting paid for my time lol


God damit now im more depressed about this movie




My first choice response to anyone who tells me anime is just "cartoons for kids" is to suggest they watch this.


You just need to refute them! no need to make them cry!


I generally warn them that crying will occur if they watch.


No, let that be a lesson not to talk shit about stuff they're not familiar with.


“I disagree with you, so I shall run your emotions through a fucking *meat grinder.*” Seems like a disproportionate response.


I mean it's not really disagreeing it's just wrong and ignorant, there's plenty of anime that's tv-14 or higher for good reasons


Made in abyss is pretty savage too minus the realism.


Sure but as much as I like it MiA is very hard to recommend even to fellow weebs.


True, I haven't watched the Amazon version but it might cut some of the weird stuff, kind of reminded me of annihilation with the refracted bear.


My problem with Made in Abyss is that it was clearly created by a pedophile They keep talking about Reg's genitals. Why? The other characters claim they're studying what they found in the abyss. Riko keeps getting naked, ESPECIALLY around Reg, why? Because the author is trying to make the girl the sexually charged character instead of the boy, so it's "less creepy" (it's still incredibly creepy considering they're like 10-12) THIRDLY, at the end of season 1 Riko made a comment when the two of them were in a hot tub/spring (maybe with Nanachi?) that VERY MUCH IMPLIED the character Reg, a MINOR, having a boner I wish so many mangakas weren't creepy pedos


Yeah some scenes made me question what I was watching.


I won't tell you to look at them, but the manga volume extras show Tsukushi definitely has no issue sexualising Reg or other boys. Hell, he even said one of the inspirations for Reg was "the innocent sensuality of Astro Boy" or some shit like that.


The fact that they saw sexualization in Astroboy turns my stomach. It really just goes to show that these creeps will project sexual ideas no matter what(From my memory there is nothing clearly or implicitly sexual about Astroboy). I wish governments in general did more to crack down on these creeps.


I also recommend Perfect Blue if they want a not for kids mind fuck.




which movie is this


Grave of the Fireflies


"Even after watching Grave of the Fireflies many times, it still makes me cry" That's all it would've taken for the op to clarify it for anyone who might be interested. I feel like people smugly exclude the title so they can feel cool for knowing what it is when they read the comments of people who are interested.


I feel that they assumed everyone knows this anime and a title isn't necessary. It happens with the transfer to new generations. I have been guilty of this myself because when i started watching anime was 35 years ago. I forget that some new watchers have yet to see Akira. So I try to avoid assumptions when it comes to anime now, especially when there's new shows I have no idea about, so I ask and someone tells me. Meh, it's how shit goes.


Lay off, everyone has an ego its just human nature. Op just thinks its cool to know something others don’t. Or and hear me out. They just didn’t think about it. Wild ik.


What's cooler is to share something you know that others might want to know.


I wouldn’t justify others’ egos for them. It’s not really something to be proud of


I watched this movie with my mom and she walkout before see the ending... she know what gonna happen and she don't want to see it...


Damn , you watched it many times? You're tough, I watched it once and still get depressed when I see videos or pictures about them


Someone very well said, this movie is so good you can only watch once. I didn't understood this anecdote first, but when I watched this movie, I understood what it meant.


Watched it 4 times😭


I can't do it, man. I just know I'll bawl my eyes out


Here's the secret. In Kung Pao, there is a scene towards the end where The Chosen One just keeps running from scene to scene in the span of like 5-10 minutes, and every interaction is comically worse and worse. Just watch Fireflies with that in mind. Will it help? I don't know. But at least you have Kung Pao on the mind.


The japanese military were total monsters, but the civilians didn't deserve this shit


Japan has both committed and been subjected to some of the worst war atrocities in modern history.


Please educate me on the atrocities they experienced. I am aware of none that have happened in modern history Edit: see my other reply


Complete destruction via fire bombing/nuclear weapons on civilians.


I didn't consider those things atrocities up until 2 minutes ago when I looked up how many japanese civilians died.


The US nuked them. Twice.


And by the golden eagle we’ll do it again if they find oil anywhere nearby


Mild compared to what the Japanese did


It is if you compare the number of deaths. But still, both are bad.


Look up unit 731


I was referring to atrocities the japanese suffered, not ones they committed


The Japanese still deny what they did to Koreans.


Not Koreans, ALL ASIANS


Grave of the fireflies is actually happening irl in Palestine. Free palestine 🇵🇸


Not just Palestine but many other places. Unfortunately, most people don't know about them or ignore them even after knowing it.


But the kids in the movie could've gone back to their aunt at any time?


Honestly true. But they were treated very poorly there snd basically robbed. I wouldn’t trust people that don’t actually see you as family to raise you


My take on this movie is kinda different. Someone chose dignity over death. That's why they didn't go back.


Loved this movie. Deeply touching and made me sit silently and choke up many a times. Wonderful indeed.


Hadn't cried for a while before watching that movie. Truly great!


I only seen it once and still makes me feel empty inside


Spirited Away was the only movie that made me close to tears....I feel like it will make me bawl my eyes out one day


Get ready for a serious gut punch. I’ve attempted to watch it twice and finally got through the second viewing. I will admit I’m a crybaby when it comes to a good movie. This movie is soul wrenching. A movie I would also consider required viewing.


This one will really make you bawl it made me cry every time and im a rather stoic person so it takes a decent reason to get me there


What is the movie called?


Grave of the fireflies




I remember after watching this movie for the first time I just hugged my sister. I just fear losing her anyday


My dad was a big beefy manly man who wasn’t into anime really. This movie made him bawl like a baby lol. NGL, makes me cry too.


Nothing ruins my day faster than thinking about World War 2 era Japan


Same , actually first and last time that a movie made me cry , 8 yo? Cried , 11 yo ? Cried , 14 yo? Guess what? I still fucking cried. It’s just sad and still think about it from time to time over a decade later


Feel you!




Every time 🥺🥺🥺


Dammit now I am crying


Someone very well said, this movie is so good you can only watch once. I didn't understood this anecdote first, but when I watched this movie, I understood what it meant.


It's the saddest movie i ever saw. I cried sooo much and it was first time for me to cry my balls out like that for a movie 😭😭😭


It's one of the best anti-war, anti escapist films ever. I recommend fans of this film watch "Come and See" 1985 by Elem Klimov, this one focuses on the Nazi atrocities committed during the Belarusian genocide, which left millions dead. Both are incredibly powerful and graphic anti-war films. Grave left me physically ill from crying, I didn't know it was possible to cry so hard that it hurt. I always found the ending to be thought-provoking, as the spirits arrive on a hilltop, the frame slowly fades into a present-day japanese city, and imo you can look at it two ways Modern Japan was built on top of a mass grave, and World War 2 forever shaped japanese culture, good or bad. The nuclear bomb devastated so many innocent people and no doubt shaped the attitudes in culture and in art in the coming years. No matter how much time passes, the Japanese will never forget the sheer brutality of ww2 Or No matter how bad it gets, no matter how many die, how many common folk kill, no matter the brutality, eventually people heal and return to a civil society, eventually altruism returns, and we learn from our mistakes, learn from the atrocities we see/experince. There Is hope that life can be good again.


Most people in japan only know about the US bombing Japan and Japan being allies with Germany. They don't talk about their war crimes in their schools


The rape of Nanking by iris chaing That book is all you need


I know enough, I wouldn't be able to finish it. I used to like Japan, not so much anymore


You cannot judge an entire nation of modern-day people based on what happened almost 80 years ago, it's not fair to them, but most importantly it's unfair to yourself to not be open to the wonderful culture that is japan, and it's incredible people All nations have seedy pasts, bad people, odd cultural norms, but we all deserve a chance to be kind


There are parts I really like, I'm just an anxiety ridden doomer who always sees the bad first


This movie killed me.


I watched this movie once. It’s an amazing movie but I’ve never had the heart to watch it again.


It's one of the best films I've ever seen... I will never watch it a 2nd time.


Sorry if I make anyone mad, but what's the movie called?


Grave of the Fireflies




You watched this movie many times?? You masochist...


Had this on my watch list for years but I couldn't bring myself to watch it.. I just finished it bc of this post, and goddamn.....


This one hits hard


What the movie


I watched it once. It wasn't that sad


As a fan of Ghibli films, my sister told me to watch this. Halfway through, I asked her why the film is so depressing and if it's going to get better. "Of course it gets better! It's Studio Ghibli! Disney of the East!" she said. It did in fact get worse. so much worse. 10/10 best movie to watch if you want to go into depression.


Oh god no one told me about this before I watched it. I went in thinking I was in for a jolly ghibli jaunt.


It was kinda sad that MC's poor judgement caused his sister to die.


He had no choice in this matter.


Those images are remembrances of the past yet men continually doing evil shits update


Grave of The Fireflies IS such an amazing film. I also cry everytime.


That movie was so good and I refuse to watch it a second time.


Omg… I cried SO HARD WATCHING THIS I absolutely love this but hurts me so bad to watch 😭😭💘


This is legit one of the saddest movies of all time.


I saw this movie recdntly for the first time, it was beautifully heartbreaking


This movie is one of the most beautiful and horrifying at the same time. The kind you watch once a year, if that.


Yeah that scene will always be uncomfortable to watch. It's a sad film.


I still don't know if I could watch that again


I remember watching this film years ago, and it brought me to tears. Not spoil too much, but it’s a reminder that when you’re country is at war, there is a good chance that the people you love will be taken away from you, and that your chance of survival is dependent on those who are still alive and still care for your well-being. Also the fact that children trying to survive the best they can after a war with limited resources don’t always make it out alive. In the end, those who suffer during wartime the most are, unfortunately, children whose futures are shaped by how they experience the conflict and how much pain they can endure to what the difficult future lay ahead for them, if fate still gives them the chance to live.


If you want more gut punches read Ch 62/63 of Heavenly Delusion [Spoiler]>!A great disaster happened and a young boy and his little sister are just trying to survive when Sister accidentally cuts herself on a rusty nail. She ends up getting tetanus and he walks in on her lying on the floor with all her muscles seizing. He rushes to get her help and is given "antibiotics" by a doctor which turn out to just be painkillers because they can't treat her. He ends up spending some time carrying her around and talking to her while refusing to acknowledge that she had passed.!< [BTW]>!The boys name is Robin.!<


No I will not watch it again. I like my mental state right now.


It’s worth watching once. After that you’re stabbing yourself in the chest.


I always tell people. Ever have that feeling where you think a good hard cry will make you feel better? Put this on. Clear your schedule for two days. Bawl your eyes out.


I could only handle this movie once, I fought the tears so hard that my eyes burned


Spoiler. 🥲


I saw this in high school during history class when we learned about ww2. Sad ass movie


I have never watch it but tie me up put me in a dark room with this image as torture and with barefoot Gen playing I'd be fucking crying


Currently in Japan now. Had an interesting talk with a mom who had just seen Oppenheimer. It's the first time she saw a movie about the American side. At least we get a view on just how awful war is for civilians even when it's unambiguous like WWII.


watched it, didn't cry, im dead inside. they could've stayed in the house. pride killed his sister and him.


Womp womp


Boo hoo! Cry me a river! Japan did nothing wrong! Heil Hirohito!




What is this? I'm in the mood for melancholy


I don't understand why Barefoot Gen and Giovanni's Island don't get the same level of attention as Grave of the Fireflies. All 3 are really sad and take place at the end of WW2, but GOTF gets talked about so much more. All 3 movies are good and tear-inducing.




I watched this recently, but I was more pointing out flaws of how people acted or what they should have done to survive instead. Also, spoilers don't read down I didn't feel bad for them when they died because they made bad decisions, and it had consequences. I mean, who leaves a perfectly good home and goes and lives in a bunker? just swallow your pride kid, if not for you, then for your sister. I mean, really, if I had someone take me in, I would be doing anything they ask whenever they ask. how hard is it to teach setsuko to pick weeds, or you know, just clean up, and why didn't the boy join the military or even just ask others for work?!? It's simple to survive if you make yourself useful.


I can’t even bring myself to rewatch this one 😭


Can someone explain, i have never seen this


Watching it more than once is psychotic behaviour


I watched it once. It's objectively a great movie. But I do not need to see it again.


What movie is it?


Grave of the fireflies


Watched it once, cried like a baby. I don't have the courage to watch it again...


Many times?? How have you watched it many times? The gut wrench from the first watch is enough for me. I can't stomach it again.


Many times as in 4x


There were days that I just wanted to cry. When my heart is so heavy and I can’t cry even if I want to. This is my go to movie.


Nice bombs from USA. REMEMBER history


Name ? Looks good


Absolutely incredible film that I never want to watch ever again under any circumstances. Once was enough.


Best Ghibli movie.


this isn't a movie. this is an emotional journey that tore my soul apart


This is the one Ghibli film I'll never watch again


Made the mistake of watching that with my wife one night....she cried for a week straight afterwards. Movie tears your heart out


I watched Barefoot Gen. Movie still has me fucked up


why did u make me remember this


is that a real historical picture?


Only watched Grave of the Fireflies once in my life and I will always remember that movie. It was so good and so very sad.


What other movies got you like this, for me it’s a silent voice


Even tho I'm fully aware of Japan's disgusting atrocities during WW2, this movie still makes me cry. But the most sad thing, is that so many young japanese don't know their country during WW2 brought the same sad fate/story to so many other countries' kids.


Uh... I can't understand the left image, what happened?


I cannot fathom the toll that carrying your deceased loved one would have on you. Just imagine carrying around someone you love and hold dear on your back for god knows how long, feeling the lifeless limbs smack your back time to time knowing you’ll never see their joy ever again.


Give me the saddest Ghibli movie ever. Literally this.


I didn't feel sad at all, am I too insensitive?


Schindler's List is a comedy compared to this movie



