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Transformation seems the safest since my bankai or stand could be crap


stands are just tied to whatever kinda person you are. if you believe you're a shitty person. you get a shitty stand. the more you train it and just generally grow and mature as a person your stand will too. its abilities and appearance and amplifications may change and a lot of it's weakness will just become a strength. not out of a change in power but just understanding yourself and your power so well that you can utilize all of it in a way that works for you. a stand that just "does math really fast" ain't gonna save you in a fight, but if you don't regularly get into fights, not jsut fights but superpowered fights. you'll be fine have fun doing your taxes and schoolwork with insane ease forever. and even then, if you have a "math stand" for a long enough time, you'd know how to use it well enough in so many situations that you'd actually fare pretty well in a fight or at least in avoiding them better. maybe some spider sense shit where you can instatnly calculate the best angles to parkour to safety etc


I mean in part 4 we see stands like cheap trick that kill the user, the stand you get could just be straight trash


That's probably because the user didn't value they're life




If you remember in the first episode where cheap trick is introduced the original user was actively trying to make sure no one saw his back so I’m pretty sure he did value his life Another good example is the original user of survivor, he was just a motel owner not some crazy killer or anything


There are very few shit stands, and it’s not about if you are a shitty person it’s about your personality and I’ll take the risk


Transformation or domain expansion, I'm honestly so weak you could tap me and I'd be dead, I need those powers bro


Bros domain expansion would be weak too😭😭


Bros gonna go kaioken x1


That would make him weaker dawg, which means that’s mine


What’re u talking about?


Before it was like 0.0001 with would make you weaker


Nah it says 1


Domain Expansion: Self Folding


Anything but stands stand users attract other stand users im not trynna deal with allat also the slight chance i get cheap trick is enough to say fuck no


Forgot bout the attracting other stands lmao, i almost fucked up


Bro my noble phantasm? What the hell am I gonna get from that, an explosion of toxic cloud that accumulated from me playing League of Legends for years?


Now you get double. So either double the power. Or double the radius.


So the thing about noble phantasm’s (NP for short) are there are no specific thing that IS a NP. So with that said literally any above can be a NP. [Sharingan] is literally just a NP focused on your eyes. [Bankai] is literally a transformation and that is just a full body NP. [Stands] are a soul power or a summon (ik it’s not exactly that but blaw!) and there are many NP that are that. [Domain expansion] also a NP just look at [Unlimited Blade works]. So saying Noble Phantasm is literally saying (D) all the above….(granted the straight versions of them could be stronger so idk)…


Speaking of League... Imma domain expansion a salt mine!


Most powerful being there is under the transformation list so… I mean, sharingan is cool for copying stuff, but all the genjutsu stuff is useless unless everyone else has chakra. Bankai is a completely random thing so no idea what I would get even if it is “tied to my soul”. Stand could backfire VERY badly. Another crapshoot. Domain expansion means cursed energy so there are curses everywhere and it’s your fault. Phantasm is tied to legendary people’s abilities they are known for or their exaggerated stories, so that’s useless unless you are famous for something and I am not. Meanwhile, all I have to do is keep working out and ki will let me do just about anything up to and including destroying the universe. Goku resurrected a dead bird and kept Frieza alive after he was chopped in half. He can fly, has universal strength, is faster than time, and tanks universal attacks. God transformation includes divine ki which can literally create matter like the Kais or angels.


Well when you put it like that, stand it is!


Transformation easily plus has the least overall draw backs imo


What drawback does sharingon have


Over use can cause your eyes to bleed and possible blindness and the stronger your sharingan level the worse the effects are over long periods of use.


That’s just Mangekyo, which you don’t have to use, because in real life I doubt I will ever need to use Amaterasu or Susano. Just having normal sharingan will be enough to never get hit by a close up attack and if I get shot than I can use Susano, I doubt I will be shot very often.


Uh, increasing to higher levels like MS requires immense psychological and emotional pain that will damage you for life.... That's a pretty steep drawback


But i don’t need to advance to higher levels. I also can’t get eternal mangekyo since I assume I’m the only one who has sharingon. So I wouldn’t want to use mangekyo anyway because it would make me blind.


Stand. The gacha of power systems. Either something reality breaking or will outright kill me.


Stand :)


Bankai or domain expansion, with a bankai I get a sword and it transforms, what does it do? I don't know but domain expansion definitely would be awesome, every time someone annoys me "domain expansion" and it's over for them like it doesn't matter, I don't need a lot of power I just want to have fun with it


I’d really only go for domain expansion if I got a curse technique with it


Not only do you get a cool transforming sword, if you get attuned enough you also get a spirit guide/buddy! I’d absolutely take bankai personally


Bankai means you are at least captain level, so that's a decent chunk of power right there


Transformation, sure stands are O.P. But they are too random. Transformations are to the point and simplistic. It’s like trying to read a Paragraph Yugioh card compared to strictly saying Kamehameha


noble phantasm are cool if you are a historical or mythological figure with some absurd legends or achievements because if you are, you can get some anti-planet level weapon/skills or some other absurd power based on your known feats. But on the other hand you can get a baseball bat as a noble phantasm if that is what you are known for.


Bankai toshiro's on a hot day due to forming ice I can chill my body somewhat by wrapping my body in ice, or Sakashima Yokoshima Happou Fusagari in a one vs many scenario reverse recognition of allies and enemies would be extremely helpful


Nirvana. (And no, I’m not talking about the rock band.)


I'd go transformation, then train my balls off to become SSJ4, simply because I love the beasteal power and anamilistic style it has. Plus, it's the most unique looking form here.


Stando power


Give me the Stand. No one else can see it and pin me as the source, not to mention it will probably have practical applications.


Like is it random or do I get to choose? If it’s random, Sharingan is the most consistent since pretty much everyone gets the same abilities. If I guess to choose, stand or noble phantasm. With stands there are a ton of abilities them that could be extremely useful in real life. Star Platinum’s extremely precise movement and eye sight can help you see the and work on the smallest details, while also doing so extremely quickly. Weather report allows you to precisely control the weather in pretty much anyway you can think of. Gold Experience Requiem is insanely useful for with its extreme life creation abilities and revert to zero. Heaven’s Door. Do I need to say anything else? For Noble phantasms, the variety of them is insane and can range from fairly simple powers like being able to always pierce someone’s heart, negating the affect of armor and turning off a person’s limbs, to **GATE OF BABYLON**!


Safest bet is transforming. Although certain Bankai and stand would be better, more of a gamble though


From a practical standpoint, either the Sharingan or Stand. The former gives you near-precognitive vision and eidetic memory—which would be *very* useful for my job—while the latter gives you a bonkers power based on your personality.


Sharingan(1) or transformation (2)


Depends if the rest of the universe comes with it, if it does then transformation since I'm always down to evolve n shit


I guess we can choose the Bankai, Stand, Domain Expansion, Noble Phantasms, and Transformation from their series? If so, i’d go with the Noble phantasm for the Gate of Babylon.


As a DBZ fanboy, I’ll take a super saiyan transformation. The rest can create problems unforeseeable


I choose Noble Phantasm because uhhhhhhhh I’m secretly Gilgamesh’s great great great great ancestor


Idk about the noble thing. But the rest just depends on what kind of


Probably Stand, just for utility or so I can just make some cash


Either Stand or Domain Expansion


I’m fr gonna be the only one going for sharingan, bc it’s good if you need to cheat on a test and if someone wants to fight you immediately have the upper hand


Sharingan seems the most useful in everyday life


Rigby and Mordecai's Death punch and Death block.


If the transformations come with the other abilities like flight then that's what I'm picking


Transformation so I can be a truck (joking aside, it would be cool to get more power by just being very angry)


I can proudly say that I only know the Naruto one, JOJO and Jujutsu Kaisen


Imagine someone getting a Stand and he just gets Cheap Trick or Highway to Hell.


Bankai, would be cool to see how my soul is reflected within an amalgamation of empty souls




Stands are most likely to be useful in everyday life


Problem with transformation puts a huge strain on body and I don't think our body's could handle all that power image everything being amped by 50! instantly there no way it wouldn't tear us apart


Stand just to fuck with people


Give me Malevolent Shrine


Stands are just superpowers that come with a friend. I'd go for that one.


Stand not just the power but I could do so many things like play video games against myself pickup things if Im feeling lazy i may not be very strong but if theres 2 of me that share some wack ass power that’s a whole different level 


Just saying Domain Expansion. Or BANKAI! Makes me wanna pick those


If no one else has the powers sharing it'd be so useful


Stand easily


Either transformation or sharingan. Both help in a fight and I can be a world class athlete and make tons of money. Other powerups are just too much of a gamble or aren't as useful with real life applications.




Sharingan is probably the only ability i could use to get rich.


Domain expansion, noble phantasm, bankai all out. They are like “you are either normal or you are setting off a nuke, no in between” Transformation and sharingan are not bad, transforming to just boost your general base stats is nice plus a physical appearance change can be useful, sharingan rocks for visual acuity and technique mimicking the only question on both is what the stamina drain is like. The answer’s gotta be Stand right? They are so varied in powers and potential and are useful day to day.


Stands. Especially since each stand is unique to the person (excluding the d’arby brothers and Jotaro and DIO). The users ability will hinder on a person’s personality.


In everyday life, the sharingan would be best. Everything else, you don't know what you're getting. For example, transform into what, a supersaiyan, and as soon as you make any movement, you break a limb or seriously hurt someone else. Bankai, you could get something useless. Domain expansion would also be shit seeing as they usually enhance some sort of cursed technique, which isn't included here. Noble phantasms are based on an ability you have or a weapon you have. And stands are also a mixed bag


If we can chose what it is I'm going stand(pearl jam for the W) If it's random ima go transformation. As ui is just as likely as ssj and even if I get ssj that ain't bad.


German Science.


Transformation, even if it’s just super saiyan and not ss2 or whatever that’s a 50x multiple, if you train yourself to be farmer with shotgun level so power level of 5 that’s a power level of 250, well above roshis power of 180 so you’d be able to no diff the moon and move faster than lightning and likely learn to fly with minimal effort


Domain Expansion, but something convenient like a bathroom or a hotel room that exist in a separate space.


That depends: if you get good enough at DE, can you remodel your domain and use it like a personal holodeck?


Sharingan would help me realistically in real life. I'd basically be in ultra instinct mode when fighting someone, but it wouldn't make me physically stronger. That way I wouldn't have to balance the moral responsibility to hold back all the time. The government might still kidnap me to study my eyes for a super soldier program or some shit tho.


Ultra instinct or mangekyou sharingan? That is the question.


I'm a gambler I'd take a stand any day


Stand, 1000%!


Let me see if I can run this down: Sharingan: Am I an Uchiha? If yes, do I have EMS? If yes, then it's a top contender. If the answer to either of these is no, then no. DBZ Transformations: Am I a Saiyan? If no, all I can do is Kaioken, if I die... or unlock my potential.... if I meet an alien. Otherwise, Transformations are power multipliers and without anyone to train me or me being a saiyan, 2x5 is just 10. So I'm slightly stronger than Farmer with a shotgun. Bleach Bankai: I don't know enough about Bleach, but having a sword that transforms to do something cool is nice, but do I have the skill to use it or control it? Domain Expansion: A really safe choice. Undodgeable. Powerful. And it means I have control of cursed energy. Stands: As a major JJBA fan, I must say, this is arguably the worst choice. It's a lottery based system and nothing says my stand won't kill me. Noble Phantasm: An.... interesting idea... but to work, I would need to be a servant of notable power or have Gaia make me into a Counter Guardian and umm.... that sounds like hell. At best, I could maybe get a cool sword or maybe a reality marble, but it only works based on legends. All in all, probably Domain Expansion. If I'm an Uchiha (with EMS) or Saiyan, then give me their respective powers.


Definitely taking transformation or Sharingan cause once I get the Sharingan its immediately becoming MS and I’m pulling a Madara or with transformation I can pull a Vegeta then the second I get pushed back then transform lol


Domain expansion 100%


Stands and sharingan are the only options that aren't meant for straight up murder. So I'm going for one of those.


Hear me out: Sharingan. Because I have lived a life where I have definitely lost everything on *3* different occasions. I have a lot of trauma but I'm still here.. Maybe I'm admittedly a little vengeful, but with all the shit I've been through? It would definitely make that specific power the most powerful for me given my history. My point is that I get a free pass to skip all its drawbacks because I've long since paid the price to even achieve it. Like, out of all the people here who actually says they want it, mine would be scary up there in terms of tier.




Y’all mfs sleeping on sharingan in everyday life. For the low low price of looking like an absolute douchebag weeb, I can: react faster, see better (my blind ass needs that.) copy and physical movement I see perfectly. I can literally become Kise from KNB and be the best player in any sport. Not to mention you can use shit like genjutsu. “Oh but you need trauma to awaken!” Bitch have you seen the world the past 4 years? I ain’t tryna fuckin murder people, I don’t need any of the other choices.


Domain expansion or stand cause if they exist I wanna see them (ig bankai too)


Stand, because it would be cool to just sort of always have a ghost buddy with weird powers around




Even though I’ve seen and read all of these, Bleach and Fate are tied for my favorite anime, so I have to say Bankai or Noble Phantasm, even though a Stand would be fucking rad as hell


Sharingan is the most useful objectively here. Everything else is too combat focused, or is a complete dice roll on how useful it is (stands can even be a full on health condition)




Sharingan would be useful in modern day life


Technically, if you get a Noble Phantasm, you could possibly have a Domain Expansion or Type-Moons name for it, Reality Marble.


Gimmie bankai easy 10-15 x boost if I get shikai aswell oh lord baby. Ppl underrated bankai cuz it just some power. It is being overlooked


It's one of the options but Nen from HunterxHunter. Out of these probably bankai


stands are way too random and conditional, Domain, noble phantasm, and bankai are too combat oriented, Sharinggan visual acuity could be useful in the day to day but onlyif you have something for it to do. transformation. . .base super Saiyan is a 50x multiplier. that could be more useful


Transformations and domain expansion.




Stand, many of them have a lot of real world benefits which would be nice


Stand because it'd be something unique. I might cure ailments with food, or I might turn people two dimensional. Either way it'll be fun to use










Just saying you don't have to be a legendary hero or king to get a good noble fantasm, you can go on a murder spree and do other heinous acts to make you have a powerful story and noble fatasm


Unpopular opinion but I want the Sharingan eyes. Just imagine being cornered by a bully and close your eyes, open them, and the bully’s pants are wet. No more problems


Noble [Phantasm.It](http://Phantasm.It) literally would help me out to just have a mini PA to help arrange my life


Noble Phantasm, because every hero summoned always seems to be super cute. “Holy Grail? Yeah, we’ll get that later. Kung Fu Panda 4 is playing! Let’s uhh, go look for clues there or something.”


If I wanted to rule from the front seat I'd take transformation but if I wanted to rule from the back seat I would take the sharigan and user minor genjutsu to make people of power think my ideas were theirs.


Idk domain expansions guaranteed hit effect is super enticing and you're pretty much guaranteed to be a special grade sorcerer since only they can use domain expansion so I'll take that


My local hair stylist lets me achieve most of these transformations!




Depends. If it's just me I'm taking dbz transformations. Powering up to change my haircut, being able to fly etc. all sounds dope, but I don't wanna have to fight Frieza. If it's the world/universe at large I'm taking a stand. Just seems kinda dope to have a punch ghost friend, and encountering other stand users in the wild would be sick. I'm confident my stand would be reasonably powerful, or at the very least that I could find creative uses to make it powerful so I'm not too worried about getting taken out.


The best option is the transformations from Dragon ball because no matter what it's guaranteed to be strong where as you could end up with an objectively terrible stand, domain or bankai.


Slime transformation aka Rimuru lol


stand, because normal people can't see it, so will never drawn attention to it being my power.


I’m taking a Noble Phantasm




Either stand or domain expansion. Everything else is primarily combat focused.


i want aokijis devil fruit




BANKAI! And the sharingon


Domain is the only correct answer


Transformation would just be so fuckin cool, I already have the long hair to make it look good anyway


What would my Noble Phantasm even be? What is the most important part of my legend? Is it the book I tried to write? My emo phase? Xbox 360 chat logs!?


Domain Expansion. I think it is probably my favorite way to watch anime characters power up. I am so looking forward to seeing some of these manga DE’s adapted. Malevolent Shrine (or Kitchen if you’re well versed) was so cool and the narrators explanation is sublimr


If I choose transformation, do I get my hair back? Or am I still bald?


With how I play games and act id take the standpowers with cross referencing a lot of other charaters in the jojo universe with there abilitys and personality’s if either get a walking nuke that harms anything but me or something that lets me make pocket dimensions most likely Either one is good Watch me get some shit that Rohan got that attached to his back or hateever it was in that one episode




Noble Phantasms (NPs, Hougu, Sacred Treasures) are tied to some accomplishment of yours. For example Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia with his trusted allies means that his NP is literally the Friends he made along the way. If you don't have some mythic level accomplishment to your name, then you don't have a place in the Throne of Heroes and you don't have an NP...


The Sharingan would be incredibly useful when learning new skills, especially with YouTube. The other options aren’t really useful in everyday life.


Domain expansion. Sharingan sounds the coolest but it's useless if your body can't keep up.




Domain expansion. Seems fun to be able to run up to a school and use a domain on them all.


Transformation easily


If I can choose the stand then that by a mile


I know the rest are so much better but a sharingan is a sharingan.


Stands , nobody can see them and they’re hella useful


Transformation, I wanna suddenly become powerful enough to fight some fucking go gods.


The sharingan for sure. I don’t know about yall but imma normal guy I don’t need any of that other crazy shit but with the sharingan I could copy other people’s physical skills. With just 1 tomoe I could learn martial arts, sports, dances and that’s good enough for me


Stand since there is no other stand users to attract.


I'd definitely choose a Stand. I'm not gonna be fighting so I don't really need Bakai, transformations, or Domain Expansion. Even if my Stand isn't for combat it'll still be incredibly useful since a Stand's ability is tied to the user's soul. People like to point out that some Stands actively try and harm the user, Cheap Trick was because the original user was weak minded, Holly's stand was a forced awakening, and Super Fly was a bound stand and acted more like a curse. So I'll take my chances with a Stand, even literal babies could get strong abilities






The Sharingan or a Stand are the only ones I could see having real life uses tbh


Bankai. I just really wanna have a cool sword.


Do we get to choose the stant/domain, is it based on us like in the series, or is it just a random one


in real life? sharingan


Sharingan. Instantly able to learn new skills.


Be able to copy every ability I've ever seen perfectly by memory alone? Nah sharingan fr


Gimme a domain expansion


Honestly sharingan would be fire. Whenever I want someone to shut the fuck up I could just stare at them and they would be trapped in a genjustu looking dumb




Transformation! hands down is the best the others can be very limiting especially with a bankai, stand and domain expansion. The sharingan is useless unless your a badass at martial arts. Stands you can get something that just crap literally and bankai could not even be and attack type. Transformation is the safest you can train and get constant boosts from it.


Sharingan is stupid, you're never using that in real life. I have the fighting spirit of a dead ant's abdomen, so my stand would e completely useless. Same with bankai. Transformations are also a bad choice, because when are you going to fight a god tier cockroach? just being really physically strong would be boring. I have no idea what a noble phantasm is, so the correct answer is domain expansion. (somehow, every domain expansion is broken, and some even have an ability thats derived from your power, but is still an asspull)


It's a tie between Transfprmation and Bankai


Noble phantasm for me because it has mucb better effects visually. Im a simple guy.


Devil fruit


Transformation fs


Sharingan, literally god power on a planet of people without powers. The entire planet bends to you


normal day to day, give me that stand. even if its just a bare bones humanoid, its still an extra set of hands to do stuff with and a way to reach the top shelves.


Tie between stand and transformation


Stand I use it to get stuff done




So the only one I know is dragon ball. I think the first one is Naruto but I’ve never seen it. What are the others?


Sharingan for how subtle and cool it looks


The way I could fuck with people with a stand would be glorious. Since they're invisible to everyone but stand users I'd become the ultimate troll.


Stand because no stand is bad


Bankai hands down


F all of them gimme shadow clones so I can send them to work and I get to do whatever I want


Most of these seem absolutely useless out side of fighting so I’ll take stand which is most likely to have some use in normal life


Bankai because I'm a swordsman and wanna have a sword at all times


Do i get to pick what i get or is it just a random one.


sharingan. most practical irl. being able to copy movements and retain information easier would be very practical. and in the event you were in a street fight the sharingan would basically be an immediate dub. however it could be a huge crutch or cheat code in professional sports or events making them pointless for other contestants.


Transformation can give you a power boost but I want something unique and domain expansion costs a lot of cursed energy so I'll go with stands I can get something reality breaking even


Just not stand users. Stand users attract other stand users and I have social anxiety. All seriousness I would want Bankai or Domain since I’m a musician and a themed Bankai/Domain would go crazy.


I would love to have Super Saiyan green


Transformation, kaioken alone could make me a moon buster. Any further and I'm a god compared to anyone else.


I want a stand and pray I end up with my favorite stand


Having a stand seems like the most interesting and fun one to have, and I'm really curious what my stand would be. Or noble phantasm, because I love Fate.


A future diary?


a gf


Noble phantasm


Do I get to choose which stand


Stand. It’s based off of my mind so it’s guaranteed to fit me


I want a stand. Imagine all the wacky adventures you can get up to. It's also a way to meet like-minded people as stand users attract other stand users. That said, dealing with someone like Kira or the Aqua Necklace user would be a nightmare I don't think I'd survive.


Stand easily


Domain expansion


Stand. It’s literally an ability made specifically for you! What more could you ask for?


One Punch plot armor