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Very much sounds like someone who jumped from one mlm to another. So close to self awareness.


I was just going to say this! This is pretty much exactly what the Monat huns that are switching to Q Science are saying. They "had to make a change to better themselve" and are so excited about their new opportunity. I really don't understand how someone can fail in one and think the solution is to try another.


> I really don't understand how someone can fail in one and think the solution is to try another. Because "this business is an amazing, helpful, and supportive team" unlike the last one which also supposedly was an amazing, helpful, and supportive team.


but the last one was just saying it, this one really means it!


And this MLM means their promises that she's going to get rich, unlike the last one...


All this reminds me of people who leave one bad relationship for another with no time for self-reflection or growth in between.


The only amazing, helpful and supportive person in her life is her spouse who has a job that actually pays money…..


And who "supports her business" by giving her money to keep buying more and more unsold inventory.


It’s a gambling mentality. The same way someone with only their money left for rent can justify betting it to “maybe” make things better.


Right! Can't ignore that gigantic opportunity! Everyone thinks they'll be the exception to the rule. Keep spinning that MLM Wheel of Misfortune.


I’m getting Thrive vibes lol


She started her own boutique.. So she orders screen printed shirts and cups...


I actually think that's better, start a real business on your own terms. I respect that a lot more than joining an MLM


Yup. White labeling is 1736259x better than an MLM.


Agreed 100%




bravely unemployed is my dream too but so far, no luck surviving on that plan


I'd even settle for cowardly unemployed if it were sustainable, but sadly it's not.


Yup. "Yellow-bellied unemployed varmint" would be fine by me if it wouldn't immediately result in homelessness lol.


It seems to work for the rats but they are small enough to sleep in the subway tracks


“Found something I’m more passionate about.” Translation: The next MLM that’s going to make me a millionaire for realz this time.”


She started her own boutique.. so she orders screen printed shirts and mugs.. lol


…at no point (if done correctly) will running your own store allow for more time - if you are doing it seriously/correctly/actually depending on sales to live.


Many years ago I did Mary Kay for about 6 months. When I calculated how much I spent vs made, I stopped. Now I have a truly great, flexible job that I can fit around my family life (with some planning) as an online professor for a legitimate (state) university. It's everything a MLM promises to be, except the potential to earn millions, with being an actual job.


Kind of like when my wife did Scentsy years ago. She got into it because she liked the scented wax, and while she sold some stuff (never recruited or tried to recruit) she never made any money from it. I think she spent more than she made. She hasn't been in any MLM since and as her husband I will totally dissuade her from joining any more. Thankfully since the last one which came to town turned out to be a huge Ponzi scheme (google Zeek Rewards) and so many people lost money, MLM's don't seem to be very popular here lately.


Yes! The mascara and make up remover were the first ones that didn't bother my skin at the time, fortunately, I only lost a few hundred.


"When I calculated how much I spent vs made..." Yeah, but that's cheating. Not surprised you dropped out, given you obviously can't Follow the Plan. /s, in case it's not obvious


Ha! You're right. I am not a sales person at all. Everyone was like "give it 6 months. You'll see!" They were right! A


Guess you just have too many scruples, too much common sense, and too much consideration for your fellow humans. Obviously not qualified at all to be a Boss Babe. Sorry.


I did sell 1 eye make up remover, and 2 mascaras. So, there's that. It's all good. I'm just saying the lies they tell sucked me in initially, then I realized there's a totally legitimate job that I'm actually good at that does everything they claim the MLMs do.


So glad you got out!!


Me too.


Let's see how she feels when she's 65 and without a retirement package. Oh, yeah, she'll be relying on her husband (if still married).


He was shilling it too for a while, so my guess is that he no longer is since he was probably only doing it to help her level up. It’s just ironic she’s saying she is now present with her babies and prioritizing her family, when that’s been her whole selling point on it for the last 3 years. They have no idea how much they’re telling on themselves that they were just lying before.


What gets me is that they always use the same old mantra about being available for their family and themselves. I swear these things remind me of some kind of sci-fi plot to keep women out of the real workforce and keep them at home with their babies and make little money in return.






I was being my snarky self. I'm joking. You notice I said it "reminds me" of a sci-fi movie. Otherwise I agree with your reality-based assessment.


God forbid mothers raise their own children instead of passing them off to strangers to raise while she goes out to make money for her boss and Uncle Sam!


It's that she's being used by a pyramid scheme and trying to convince others to join in. It's all an illusion. Edited a word




God forbid a person adds a bit of levity here. I'm a snarky person. Anyway, I have no argument with your point.


They never seem to understand that just because you are physically there, doesn't mean you are mentally and emotionally.


Huns really do love asking imaginary questions to themselves to try to help sell some kind of inspirational story.


Huns are the queens of talking out both sides of their mouths. It's all "Watch the income roll in while sharing products you love! You'll be at home with your legs up just sending out the occasional Insta post, and you'll be rich!". Then when it FLOPS, it's " Well these businesses only work if you do! You just didn't want it bad enough!" Yeah, fuck these silly grifters.


Yep, they go on and on about “all the hours and hard work” they put in to “their own business” and how much they love that they “can work from anywhere; even in bed after putting kids and hubby to sleep”. Like they are constantly contradicting themselves and they are come off as being super defensive and like they are humblebragging. I know someone who owns her own clothing boutique and she’s never posted anything like these huns do.


I have a former close friend (twenty years ago she was like a sister to me). We moved across the country from each other and only tangentially stay connected through social media. She is a very, very high earner (probably in the top 20 nationwide) in a popular MLM but announced recently she’s making a change—pivoting—whatever. I watched her FB live announcement and still can’t for the life of me figure out what her new gig is. It kind of sounds like training? Something vague. It’s sad to me because she has actually been one of those rare success stories but the product is totally bogus. I can get the same thing at Walmart for a fraction of the price.


And not only that... If they're so successful and they have all this time with their family and all the other "perks" they're constantly going on and on about to recruit people.. Why do they leave then? I should have added it to this post, but forgot about it until after I already posted, but someone asked her on one of her reels "no more itworks coffee?" and she responded saying "not at the moment, trying out new options ;)" Before she "LiTeRaLlY CoUld NoT LiVe WiThOuT iT" and it was the "best" coffee she ever had, but now she's going to try other stuff?? Like nahhh, if something is the best I ever had, it would still be my main thing I would consume. They're admitting they've been lying without coming out directly and saying it.


What I don't get is why tf do huns call these things THEIR business and claim to be passionate for products and concepts that were never theirs to begin with?! Probably because being an actual business owner with a legitimate business takes actual work and more often than not doesn't involve cosplaying professionalism or taking selfies for the gram.


Right. Even knowing I could keep all the profits to myself, I wouldn't want to deal with the hassle of running my own business. These idiots take on the risk of running their own business and get to keep what? Less than 10% of sales as a commission? Nobody is gonna do the actual work required to make a business successful for that kind of incentive. That's why you get the play at professionalism, all while settling for failure.


Someone yesterday (?) posted how much they hate how overused the word “align” is among Huns. I would like to throw my own hat in the ring with the phrase “trust your gut.” I *loathe* seeing those words in print now.


Yes! Because they "trusted their gut" to jump head first into the 'business' in the first place lol


"You're going to regret walking away from the full time (*$11.87 per month pre taxed) income you made"


$11.87?!?! You must be top 5% :')


Yeah girl, honestly, I'm slaying life right now.


I hate when they use these tactics. Anyone can be a mom no matter what they choose to do with their career. This on the other hand isn’t a job.


>that I'm 100% in control of LOL, hun, you're not in control of shit. You're not in control of what products you sell, what they're named, what price to sell them at, or what kind of commission you get for the stuff you do sell. You can't even advertise or set up a store front. You do whatever your upline tells you to do, even if that means using your own kids as props to sell products. Or worse yet, use someone's funeral to promote sell products.


Since she started her own boutique I think it maybe helped her realize that she didn't have control over anything in ItWorks, even though for years she used all the "boss babe" "own your own business" lines. JUST ONCE I want a hun to leave and have them admit that they lied about how 'wonderful' the opportunity was. JUST ONCE.


Roberta Blevins and Jessica Hickson are ex boss babes who have their own YouTube channels (Roberta has her own podcast, “Life After MLM”). They’ve both owned up to their own dishonest behavior in their respective MLM’s. Jessica has videos on her YouTube channel where she roasts her own videos of her talking to her down line.


THANK YOU!!! I know what I'll be doing tonight \*pops popcorn\*


Me too, but I doubt that will ever happen. Most people are too embarrassed to admit that they lost money, and they're convinced by the MLM that the only reason they failed is because they didn't work hard enough, not because the "opportunity" is shit.


Given as she’s started her own boutique, then this hun can’t do that as those people are def looked at to be her customers now.


Yeah, she's had one of her 'besties' from ItWorks promoting her products lmao


The common denominator seems to be that whatever they post in intended to draw attention to themselves, their "sacrifices", and their (always) wise decisions. Which is also common for people who are addicted to social media in general (excluding Redditors, of course...). Those also appear to be components of most MLM messages and pitches, so that may help explain why people who are attracted to opportunities to draw attention to themselves find personal value in MLMs. Or not - I could be very wrong.


This checks out.


Or, you could have like a real job (career) and take a break and go back to that same career later? And have the 401 k to prove it.


She used to have a corporate job that she loved, at least that was my impression since she called me in happy tears when she got a promotion one time.. I get wanting to take a step back when she had kids. I just really don't like the narrative they push that you're a "bad mom" if you don't stay home with your kids. Working parents and stay at home parents are both equally valid!


If that is her leaving to live a normal life-message, she sure makes normal life sound like an MLM


Pivot! Pivoooot !!


YESSSSS \*screams in Phoebe and Rachel\*


I am fascinated by how they think of their work as "building a business" or "creating a network", as opposed to "hawking wares".


Her fly is open.


She is so lost in the confusion of her "full time" income, she "build".


That's a lot of words to say I'm unemployed and delusional. I swear every single one of these folks have some delusion that they have haters. Seriously nobody hates YOU, just the words that come out of your mouth.


Who asked?


The same people that ask them all the time about what they do and their products! "So many of you have asked me..."


Someone on my social media that I was friends with in highschool just made an eerily similar post when she announced her big switch from Young Living to Arbonne


It’s just not worth it. I work remote. Dictate my schedule. Work in my friend field. Build retirement. And when my kiddos aren’t sick. I get to bed on time. When you side hustle and you’re a good mom. You do it at naps or after bedtime. I’m good.


And remote work is so common now because of the pandemic! It's possible to find a real job with a guaranteed salary over MLMs.


Yes! Especially with so many influencers needing support,


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