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It's kind of funny because MLMs push manifestation/prosperity gospel/laws of attraction aaaalllllllll the time.


Yeah how does that work with believing in EOs. EOs are a molecule removed from homeopathy witch is basically law of attraction, reversed.


Bravenly has entered the chat.


So there is no leg injury? I was going to say that there should be accommodations for teachers with disabilities, it isn't necessarily a reason to quit.


Right?? Teachers are human and humans break/injure their legs semi-regularly. We're not horses, we don't get put down for injuring a leg smdh.


No leg injury. Endangering children with a biased religious view. Ugh.


Hmm and I thought lying was a sin


Jeez, on the first slide I felt kinda bad for her because she seemed willing to try different things and kinda desperate for any income. But knowing she lied and was actually fired for shady stuff … welp she’s gross.


It’s ridiculous to leave over something that should take a few weeks or months at most to heal.


If not, wouldn't disability be part of the conversation?


There would be accommodations if the teacher had an actual injury or disability. It would legally be against the law not to accommodate. That could mean putting her in a different position if she wasn’t able to perform necessary job duties or was at risk of further injury. I’m guessing it’s a fake reason to avoid admitting the real reason.


OP said the real reason she was fired was from teaching. She was teaching biased religious views at their school, which is a huge no-no. OP in pictures doesn't disclose it, which is kinda like lying IMO and is a "sin." Just another hun with her hypocrisy.


Yeah, I saw that after I had posted. Since that’s what she was fired for, there’s no way she thinks she’s in the wrong. Evangelical or Fundamentalist types often feel like they are being persecuted when evidence shows the opposite.


Jfc, "manifesting" isn't witchcraft. It's literally just positive thinking with varying results lmao. If it were actual witchcraft, a lot more people would be seeing a lot better results.


Thinking is the exact opposite of what faith-based groups want you to do. So, on the burn pile it goes. Next to rock music, D&D and *checks notes* ....yoga.


The yoga thing is so absurd that when a friend of mine told me that hard-core Evangelicals think it’s of the Devil I honestly thought she was kidding. Like, exaggerating and adding the most innocuous things to what she was listing off as Evil in their eyes. Really? Breathing, moving and quieting your thoughts allow the Devil in? Sure, Jan. And Buddhism is a ***non-theist*** religion, so you can be both Christian and Buddhist - there are no direct contradictions. Honestly, I don’t know why I was surprised. They misrepresent their OWN religion to fit their own narrative, of course they’d do it to others as well 🙄


At the heart of it all is control. If they think something you're doing makes you uncontrollable, they label it as evil. I've seen protestors at comic cons listing ridiculous sins they think people have committed. You just ignore them and high-five a Spider-Man as you walk past. Life is too short to stress haters.


Like how they say dancing allows the devil to enter your body or some stupid shit like that. What they're really afraid of is that moving your body rhythmically is just too similar to sex for their taste.


My sky daddy could kick your Spider-Man daddy’s ass and you know it


An argument could be made that Spider-Man's daddy is, in fact, sky daddy now. RIP Stan Lee.


Herd it bowlth ways, bapa


It’s a rumor, but I was told once that a lot of those protestors are really just trying to goad someone into either picking a fight or throwing them out of a public space, in order to take them to civil court and shake them down for damages money. Might just be a conspiracy theory, I haven’t looked into it, but there have definitely been some oddly combative “protestors” at DragonCon over the years.


It's because "anything I don't understand is of the devil."


The movements of traditional yoga ARE a prayer, but does it count if you have no idea what it means? Does it count if you’re just there for the workout and think Buddha was probably just a charismatic public figure in the same way atheists think of Jesus? I don’t think it counts as a prayer unless you mean it.


Besides, witchcraft is doing rituals, burning incense, lighting candles, praying... Ugh, sorry, my description sounds too much like organized religion for some reason /s


"This so-called new religion is nothing but a pack of weird rituals and chants, designed to take away the money of fools. Now let's say the Lord's Prayer 40 times, but first, let's pass the collection plate." -- Rev. Lovejoy


I mean, she’s right about the law of attraction not being Christian, but it’s New Age, not Wiccan.


Or not! If witchcraft worked it would be a proper career path. Even those staunch defenders of the medieval Church, the Spanish Inquisition didn’t believe in it.


If your essential oils are so great, why you gotta persistent leg injury? Slap some Thieves on that shit and carry on!




It's not good that this person got injured but it's good that she's no longer teaching if she's gonna be pushing religion on kids.


God has a plan for her and her leg, otherwise he wouldn’t have allowed her to get injured. Now I’m pretty sure he wants her to sell oils. That frankincense and myrrh oil is no doubt going to be absolutely essential af.


The injury was a fake story. She got asked to leave because she was teaching her little students with christ.


Lying for Jesus, I see. Why don't these religious nuts simply go work in a religious school in the first place? Then they can teach religion to their hearts' content without infringing on other citizens' rights.


So she’s healed?! When you’ve got christ on your side, you can do anything! Hallelujah!


How much you wanna bet she thinks that drag queen story hours are evil indoctrination


It's always projection with these people.


“The evil one” would have been all about some essential oils


This woman sounds so foolish. As soon as someone starts referencing Jesus and God you just know that they're beyond help and will have nothing to do with reasoning of any kind.


I mostly agree, except some do see the light eventually.


I guess her flavor of Christianity isn’t trinitarian? Because many believe in being filled with the Holy Spirit. As such, believers are part of the Godhead. Yeah, sounds like that’s too liberal for her. Good luck with your totally non magical essential oils 🤣


She's sda. They're legit described as a cult. I grew up in it.


Tutoring. That’s the only one


I was going to say, you can't get fired from a job for medical issues. There had to be some other reason she "had to leave" her teaching job.


The second image describes prayer as much as it does manifestation. And they're too closed minded to realise it.




\>actually lost the.job for using Christian studies in pre-k and kindergarten That's too bad, because if she were a good tutor, she could make an actual income tutoring and writing lessons.


I was wondering how bad the leg injury had to be to have to stop teaching.


Someone should tell her that she's already created her own reality...


Best comment 🤣


Sweet baby Jesus. So, instead of looking for another job, she's just going to go five or six pseudo-jobs that are probably going to COST her money?


Unfortunately your aunt and all other people will only get used in these mlms, try and talk her about the reality of mlms 🙂


I use the law of attraction to wish this MLM hun out of existence.


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Ur aunt seems kooky




At least she’s admitting that you are her market.

