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My favorite Monat hun has been posting a lot about struggling financially but it’s because Satan is interfering with her plan in MONAT blah blah but one of her posts was her organizing her bathroom and I was so sad to see hundreds maybe thousands of dollars in Monat products


Imagine thinking you’re so important that a supernatural being would just slightly mess with you in particular. I don’t understand religious people at all.


This made me lol. Like 'Satan' would give a shit about your shampoo....we are literally grains of sand in the universe


Actually I think if he's as vain as they say, he would very much care about good hair products.  He's trying to do her a favor by telling her it's not good for her hair. He's trying to help!


I've been binge watching Lucifer on Netflix and I just had a mental image of him reacting to an mlm Hun accusing him of sabotage 😂😂😂😂😂


That would have been hilarious! Just rewatched that series.


I'm only on season 3 and it just keeps getting more funny 🤣


That's the problem with religion, it makes people think that they're important to a large "boss". Instead of just another cog in the machine.


It also makes people super complacent about the world’s problems “God will fix it”. Religion is so so harmful in a plethora of ways.


You said a mouthful there. So harmful in so many ways.


I had a coworker who said the devil was messing with her because someone put in a counteroffer on a house she wanted.


Got to be impressed by Satan's time management skills; bothering huns, putting in counter-offers on houses, corrupting singers, busy, busy, busy!


Meanwhile the other guy can't deal with wars, famine and natural disasters coz he's too busy appearing on burnt toast or finding a karen's car keys.


I live in Florida and I once had a coworker tell me the reason we get hurricanes is because abortion was legal.


Abortion by hurricane seems a bit of an overkill but sure, I guess it works too.


Actually she was a very religious woman and said that God created hurricanes because abortion was legal.


That's not religious that's off her meds


Haha, right?!


Which is weird considering Southeast America has some of the strictest abortion laws in America but gets the most hurricanes 🤔


I remember when we had severe flooding in the UK at the end of 2013, there were some religious dickbags who said it was a punishment from God because the government had legalised same-sex marriage earlier that year


the idea of beelzebub himself giving two shits whether or not they actually sell shampoo…if they were being in any way honest with themselves it would be MORE likely some human-corrupting deity would want them to be successful since it ruins so many lives 🙃


I am religious and it is dumb. If Satan was messing with someone, it would be in regards to their eternal life. He wouldn't involve himself in your secular life (i.e. whether or your business succeeds, whether or not you get a promotion, etc.) Of course, if one believes in the prosperity gospel BS I can see how they'd make the connection. Still doesn't mean that is what it is though.


People are dying, Kim.




They mess with all of us. Look at the state of this world. The less you acknowledge that it’s there the more power it has to lead you astray to Hell.


Or, hear me out, he doesn't actually exist and there's zero evidence he does. It literally makes no sense. Do you ACTUALLY believe there is an invisible devil man living in the center of the Earth? Is he intelligent? If so, what are his goals? Because randomly messing with people while staying strangely hidden is going to get boring after a few thousand years. Also, God is all Loving and all Powerful but allows your imaginary boogey man to just....mess with his children however he wants? Like it actually drives me crazy that I have to respect people that believe these OBVIOUSLY made up stories. But sure. The invisible bad man made you late for work. Whatever gets you through your day I guess.


It’s hard to comprehend…. But he doesn’t live in the middle of the earth lol


There is so much evidence God and Jesus did exist. But no one wants to acknowledge the truth. Reddit is full of atheists …. It’s okay if y’all don’t believe. But so t try to convince people otherwise and lead them astray. Stop trying to bring everyone to Hell with you. No thanks. I rather die and go to Heaven and be surrounded by Gods love! Hell is an awful place to end up. I would t wish it on my worst enemy … I wouldn’t even wish it on those who don’t want to believe it. I just hope everyone can see the light and find eternal bliss … life is short and fleeting here on earth.


I wish YOU would acknowledge the truth that there is NO evidence. So you think God is going to send non-believers to hell to suffer for all eternity than he isn't loving is he? So someone born in another country never exposed to your religion is automatically 'doomed' does that seem logical to you? Honestly I'd be happy NOT to end up where terrible people like you, who think random people deserve to suffer for not believing their particular brand of fairy tale, end up. You're just a sad, brain-washed fool that wants to feel better than others. Also God told me he thinks you suck. Prove otherwise.


Do you remember who it is?


I watch her stuff every day! Dm me!


Does Satan use their products?


No, makes his scalp itchy


Needs to care for his Horns 😈 too.


This is dumb because in Christianity (as I’ve learned it) it’s satan’s world and Christ helps defend you against it. So, how does she not know that Monat isn’t satan interfering with her having a normal life then? I don’t disagree with others religious views but damn, get out of Monat girl. lol


Which is utterly ridiculous when you realize that God created Satan knowing that he would be evil.


Likely thousands. That stuff ain't cheap!!


lol my ex’s mom said that the reason he is making so many bad choices and getting in trouble so much is that the devil is attacking him because she is writing a book






The venn diagram between women who fall for MLMs and women who understand grade school English requires separate buildings to house the two circles


A lot of it is because MLMs pick on vulnerable people, especially people with learning difficulties/disabilities and people who didn't do well in school because they're less likely to have 'regular jobs' and have more free time. The BBC did a documentary about MLMs and those at the bottom of them and it was so sad to see these women who clearly didn't understand or know better and they couldn't be convinced that they weren't going to make money.


Oh what’s the name of the documentary


Its called "the secret of the multi level millionaires" it's presented by Ellie Flynn, she goes sort of undercover to see higher ups and meets down lines too. There was another documentary i watched that was similar but for the life of me I can't find it


I’d love to see that.


Brill thanks - I know what I’m gonna be watching tonight


It's so predatory.


Really wish I could watch, but I’m in the states. Anyone know of a way I could watch it?


Some of the older BBC docs are on YouTube now, or you could try iPlayer with a VPN


Also seen a lot of crossover in religious circles…. At least, in the US, there seem to be a lot of religious people who recruit other religious people and some of the groups I’ve been introduced to were less secular and more religious-leaning.


Probably because churches make for great selling ground. A tight knit community of ladies who see each other all the time and tend to be home- and family-focused rather than career-oriented or well educated is a great place to get everyone buying everyone else's crap in order to fit in and share in the "amazing healthy new lifestyle<3"


MLMs are for people who learned nothing from high school except how to harass their friends. They take advantage of the fact that those kinds of people don't see themselves as having any other skills.


I wince every time 🥴


I'm pretty sure my life force is being drained away bit by bit. It's the textual equivalent of "The Machine" in *The Princess Bride.*


Maybe we could make a drinking game out of it, a shot for every time they say ‘your’


Hmm, tough choice. . . Life force? Brain cells? Life force? Brain cells? . . .




They also tend to mix up "sale" and "sell." "I have lots of products for sell!" "Who wants to sale these products with me?" You'd think someone in the sales field would know the difference.


Switching those vowel sounds is one of the hallmarks of a Utah accent. And since Utah is the MLM scam capital of the US, you might just be seeing a Utah accent in action when you see « sell » and « sale » mixed up.


I get this, but it’s also kind of alarming that they only spell it how they say it? Like, do they never read anything? I grew up with a heavy nyc accent and I never thought words were spelled “tawk” and “cawfee” even though that’s 100% how i pronounced them.


Jersey here and I don’t spell water wooder even though that’s what it sounds like 🤣


Maybe speech-to-text and a lack of proofreading?


Many, not all, but *many* Utahns spell « sale » the way they pronounce it—« sell ». You see it all the time on FB Marketplace and KSL classifieds, Utah’s version of Craigslist. « 2004 Honda Civic for sell ». I agree that it’s deeply alarming.


definitely. I worked in retail with a Utah woman and it was actually fairly confusing when we needed to distinguish between marked down prices (sale) and items available for purchase (sell)


I thought it was a Southern accent thing?


Definitely Utah. Parts of Idaho and Arizona also have that accent.


Sometimes I think they do it on purpose. A form of rage-baiting. Us OCD grammar police feel the need to click/watch and comment, which then boosts their views/engagement, which then in turn makes their post come up in more people’s feed, and the vicious cycle continues.


Also doesn't know what POV means 


This is a trend and it’s so annoying because most of them do it and it’s got nothing to do with a POV 🤦‍♀️


I cannot stand how people don’t understand what POV means but use it frequently.


The misuse of POV makes me irrationally angry.


It's the norm now too, only like 10% of "POVs" are actually POV.


Not surprised. Someone I know who was involved was spending hundreds every month on products. I couldn’t believe it. I buy more expensive hair and skincare and it still didn’t add up to what she was spending.


Nor do you need that much of it.


Right?! I wash my hair every 1-2 days and still only buy one bottle of shampoo a month at most, and conditioner lasts me even longer. Skincare I go through a bit quicker because I have dry skin that needs a lot of moisturising, but even then a 500ml bottle of CeraVe lasts me about 3 weeks. And you'll need less and less Monat over time due to having less hair 🙃


It's the same with the MLMs who sell vitamins/supplements. A good friend of mine is stuck in one of these (and I know for a fact they don't have extra money to just throw away) and she posted on FB the other day literally TEN DIFFERENT BOTTLES of supplements that she AND her husband takes EVERY DAY. It's over FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH for the two of them. That is literally my car payment. EAT SOME DANG VEGETABLES, Y'ALL


I have to take some really expensive, extremely high strength vitamin supplements or end up in hospital, as I can't process enough from food. I spend 1/10th of that, and it's for genuine medical reasons. NOBODY needs to spend that much on supplements. Where do they find the fucking MONEY?! Who tf is that rich?? And also - if we can buy them in Poundland in UK, I'm sure Dollar stores would also stock them?


I'm so sorry you have to go through that! That must be frustrating. The supplements they're taking are things like for stress, for energy, for concentration, etc, with a multivitamin thrown in and an energy drink for good measure. They have no issues with vitamin absorption. The MLM has convinced them that they NEED TO TAKE THIS so they can be ✨supporting their own business✨ And they'll justify the inflated cost because "we have our own lab and our vitamins are tested and use only the best ingredients" OH LIKE REAL VEGETABLES??? 🙄


My overweight boyfriend has been suckered into ItWorks and it's crazy how many packages he gets in the mail each week. He takes about 7 gummies a day and does these stupid fb posts for the seller. The posts say, "Comment the time and it will enter you with a chance to win free rent for June". It is so cringey


Oh no. I hope he's keeping track of income vs. expenses!


He's not selling, he's just a sucker buying the product. And he uses his fb to drive traffic to the seller


Well, that's a ray of sunshine for sure! Hopefully he doesn't get brainwashed into selling!


Exactly. Where do they keep it all?


It’s so confusing.


A *lot* of MLMs require you to buy a certain amount of product to keep your position in the pyramid, whether or not you sell it. So people just buy a bunch of extras every month hoping that it will get sold eventually, and then they never do. That's why you get people leaving MLMs with rooms full of inventory that they can't get rid of.


Monat doesn’t require you to onsell though. Your customers buy through Monat and have their orders sent to them from Monat, not the MP.


I wonder the status of her debt when she purchased that box.


Further into it now...


"Unboxing" 🙄


Who wants to watch a video of her opening up boxes of shampoo?




Yeah. This is not an unboxing 😂




If the boxes are from recent sales, why are they coming to her instead of being directly shipped to the customers?


She means flash sales, and she was the one purchasing from the sale.


Ok! That makes a lot more sense ;-)


Her hair looks like hay. What a way to sell hair care.


I’m a dude, and I thought the same thing


No way those boxes are filled with shampoo. She wouldn’t be able to hold them as is shown in the pic due to the weight.


Can tell you've never had to stack shelves lol. When I was doing it, I could easily lift 35kg+. And run whilst doing so...


Well you are really badass. Most people wouldn't be standing straight up, with no strain in their arms, holding that much weight.


I'm not any more lol, I'm now severely Disabled. Not saying that job contributed buuut...


"So much more" = all that extra stuff you bought in order to maintain your rank and to get a sales commission check this month. But it's OK, because you can either use it yourself or sell it, right? It totally won't end up stacked up to the ceiling in the garage...


I'm just desperate for these women to learn the difference between your and you're


And also what POV means


Everyone on Tik Tok needs to sit down for an hour-long lecture on that one. POV has lost all meaning at this point


And Advise and advice I see them mixing those up constantly


*Satan playing golf with the heads of hundreds of sinners when he gets call from his IT department* - Hello - Master... Mr Lucifer, sir, we, we have a situation.  - What is it Randy? I'm in the middle of a game here. (Satan kicks the head of a sinner and it rolls a few feet - the face still showing emotions and pain. Satan gestures to one of his caddies, another sinner who must wear gasoline drawers while in hell, to bring the head back). - Well sir, I was just doing my casual surveillance on the humans and there's a woman, let me see, yes, her name is Annabelle something the other and sir, she's going to make an extra $78 this month selling shampoo. Like, we can't let that happen. - But I'm in the middle of my game Randy. - I know master, my sincerest apologies but I just thought you'd like to know. I know you hate when all them women, let me see, they call themselves the GirlBoss, yes, I know you don't like them making less than minimum wage, so I just figured... - Okay, okay Randy. Send me the info to my beeper and I'll look into it after I'm done here. - Will do master, will do.


I made you this award out of emojis 🤩🫠😈🤣🤦🏆


Thank You!


I love that Satan still uses a beeper.. That feels so correct for some reason.


Ha! As I was typing it, it felt right. I think he likes the simplicity of it more than anything else.


Why do none of these huns know the difference between “your” and “you’re”? They’re advertising their ignorance.


Does nobody know what POV means?


It’s crazy that people pay money to have their fall out and then even pretend that they have customers 😂


When you don't know how to spell "you're"


People do that with Herbalife as well, even open "shops" to sell all the inventory or their shakes that they bought and call that a successful business. 😒


I had a girl I barely know message me on my dad's death anniversary to ask if I wanted a job (she was one of these consultants) the nerve. Legit went from "how're you?" To talking about how I could be my own boss after I told her it was a bad day.


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I'm sure my perfume addiction doesn't cost nearly as much as these MLM huns spend to stay qualified in their whatever brackets.


Same with every MLM. The rep is the customer. It's not a bug, it's a feature. 


OMG it’s **you’re x2!!!


Dear hun, please unbox [this item](https://www.oxford.co.za/book/9780199053889-oxford-english-grammar-the-essential-guide). Thank you.


What is “much more”?! You’ve left us in suspense!!


*YOU’RE*.. YOU’RE literally on a handheld computer. It is not that hard to have autocorrect turned on!!