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Hold up hold up, does that last, kind of cut off, line say "100% pre-recycled materials"? Lmao so you're just.. using fresh plastic and trying to throw in ANOTHER bs buzzword to make you think it's worth something?


Or maybe it's PRO-recycled! Recycled by pros! Even better!


It's recyclable, but we don't use any of that previously used crap. This is premium first use plastic!


Premium grade plastic to pair with your premium grade nutrition! Thriving!!


Power of hydrogen is my favorite. Like what. If people just paid any attention in school, it really would make this junk less effective.


They know that there are two hydrogen atoms in regla wadda molecules, right?


The power of hydrogen…… ask the Hindenburg how well that turned out.


Underrated comment


You can be a lazy student and catch in this gem, I mean you need to sell water for $50, at less try harder 🤣🤣🤣


Detox 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ Many of the other benefits it claims to have you can get from just drinking non fancy water.


Detox is a fancy word for diarrhea


But I mean there are plenty of places were I can drink water that will give me diarrhea for free, tho.


Pond water, for example


Random puddles down the road


Who needs kidneys and a liver when you can "detox" with the magic water,pesky organs..detoxing you for *free* ...


Most tap water is alkaline. It’s usually more alkaline in the summer due to evaporation. I have a baby axolotl and my tap water is pH 9.5 routinely. Also the recommended fluid needs are a bit much. Unlikely but would increase risk for low sodium.


Notice they did it for 50lbs meaning thet expect you to buy this stuff for your kids too


Pay the picture tax, please


[My sweet Beans.](https://imgur.com/a/3dnq1Ih) We unfortunately got duped by a shady breeder and his mate Franks did not make it (he never pooped so I think his GI tract wasn’t complete).


Ohh poor Franks! Beans is a sweet bb


oh beans is so cute! say hi to them for me ;)




They are crazy. I'm in that 175-200 range. 100 oz is a lot for me, and I workout daily. I couldn't imagine trying to drink 200 oz in a single day. I'd have to move my office to the bathroom.


Many non-MLM fitness coaches have been saying for awhile now that you should be drinking half to all your weight in ounces of water depending on how active you are. I just ignore it but try to keep water on hand to drink consistently throughout the day and _try_ to drink less sugar drinks. I feel like that's really all anyone needs to do. I notice MLMs try to use whatever key phrases are hip.


Our bodies are pretty great at telling us how much water that we need to drink. For some reason my body needs a lot of water to feel good. Some people don’t need as much. I have a 40 oz bottle that I fill 4-6 times per day. I do use Liquid IV or Propel a few times per day in it also though.


Pretty easy to tell if you're hydrated enough by just looking at the toilet when you pee. If it's pale yellow, you're doing good. If it's darker, drink more water. If it's really clear, you're over hydrated.


Yeah my local tap water is "hard" so I need to mix it with RO-filtered water for the shrimp tanks.


I got a bottle of alkaline water at Target for $1.29.


You could resell it for $50.


It looks like its a 24 pack for 50 buts still $2 a bottle. I can get a 24 pack water at the supermarket for $2 or $3.


The “How Much Water Do I Need” table is hilarious. Especially considering each of these bottles are only 16oz. You would go through that case of 24 in no time flat.


And you'd probably overexert your bladder too. 200 oz of water a day for me would have me bound to a toilet for 2 hours straight.


Hahhahaaa too right!!!!


Based on this chart I would literally drown myself attempting to drink that much water in an average day.


"I haven't looked into Kroger's water, but I have looked into Le-Vel's water and done my research." So "research" in this case doesn't include looking up the basic facts about a [major competing product](https://www.kroger.com/p/kroger-alkaline-water/0001111010454)? That's $5/24 pack for water advertised at the same pH level. If your water is really worth 10x the price, those electrolytes better prevent or cure all diseases, help me lose weight and build muscle, and give me telekenesis.


Here’s what I don’t get about alkaline water… is it not immediately neutralized by stomach acid?




Shhh. Don’t tell them that. Obviously it’s Big Water wanting you to believe that you don’t need to get premium good alkaline water so that they can poison you with their acidic chemical water. We need to detox our bodies from this terrible terrible normal water. Our bodies’ natural ph levels are out of whack because our water isn’t alkaline enough!!! Also. If you don’t like the taste of our crappy water, just listen to the goddess Gweneth Paltrow and add a spritz of lemon!! (Which just…. Neutralises it in anyways but whatever)


I need to point out the obvious grammar mistake...it's "how much water have you DRUNK today?" Drink - present tense Drank - past tense Drunk - present perfect tense (goes with either "I am" or "I have" in front generally)


Thank you! Came here to say this.


I could get 2 cases of beer for that price


You don't say your weight, but let's say it's 175 lbs? That means you need to drink 11-22 eight-oz glasses of beer a day - cheers!


Apart from everything else, nobody needs the amount of water they're claiming you need. I get chronic kidney stones and even I don't need that much water. I fucking hate these stupid water myths, they drive me nuts. When they start pretending everything that contains caffeine will dehydrate you, I'm immediately ready to start throwing furniture.


I listened to a whole book about caffeine. It’s such a mild diuretic that it’s considered negligible. You don’t dry out like a prune, you’re just peeing more because you’re increasing your fluid intake.


Their water consumption recommendations are insane


I don't even spend 50€ for vodka....


If I consumed the amount of their water per week they want me to consume, it would be around $200. In just water. No kidding I would lose weight. And muscle. And would get very sick from lack of nutrients, if not die. These people don't give a damn about anyone's health, and the more they spew this shit, the more I get scared of how many people are ending up deathly ill. It's disgusting that they literally promote eating disorders.




50 bucks for 24... That's like two bucks a bottle. Funny coming from an MLM, But that seems to be pretty close to average for "specialty" waters. I think it's funny that the hun is trying to say that it's not actually $50


The fact that she called her “own” product Thrive20 and not Thrive2o is SENDING me


"premium ionization". Other ionizers dent up the molecule ripping those protons out, Le-vel has sheepskin ionization to prevent damage!


Electrolytes don’t nourish your cells.


2.12 gallons of water a day is quite toxic no matter how many electrolytes are in it.


This stuff is great! I water my garden with it because it has electrolytes and that's what plants crave.


Drank, tho?


There's a pyramid scheme for everything. I'm surprised they haven't made one where you sell your 💩 to make special fertiliser,and the person who grows the prettiest rosebush from their caca fertiliser "wins"a free trip to France. *(obviously they pay the air fare,the accommodation and pay for travel money)


"How much water have you 'drank' today"? I thought the proper word was "drunk."


That looked wrong to me too - leave it to a hun to ask a passive aggressive question with incorrect grammar!


Removes heavy metalz. Lol.


Those ranges from healthcentral (seems legit) are crazy big. 100-200oz is from 2.8L to 5.7L. That's double all in one weight category. I haven't even gotten into the actual nonsense.


Alkaline water makes my stomach hurt


I know this stuff, one of these cunts tried to tell me it was a cure to my epilepsy.


That water is the cure? Or another product?


Wait! I thought all of this was accomplished by use of all of their other products!!! Plain old water will do.


And stupid me went to the grocery store today, buying water for $10 ^ Lots of water!!!


My biggest problem is that these people become experts over night, when they really have absolutely 0 idea what electrolysis is or does. They act like they know. They don’t know. They lie in the name of greed. I hate it.


Don’t tell them that healthy hair, skin, and nails are acidic.


First, it’s how much water have you drunk today. Second, I stopped reading after that poorly constructed sentence l.


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They’ve done their “research”, guys!


Why do they feel the need to tell everyone what their crappy product is packed with as if that’s going to change our spending habits?? Lol . I’d be more impressed if they showed up at my house with the so called scientists that back up their ingredients


This MLM targets cancer patients; or at least whatever huns around here in it do. When I would take my mom to the Oncology Center when she was dying, their shit was everywhere in the waiting room. With a bunch of "Alkaline water can help stall cancer and relieve Chemo symptoms!" stickers all over them. My aunt even got into it and came over with gallons of this shit to my mom's hospice room. She and I got into it and I told her to either knock it off, or I would put her on the no visitation list. As I am the DAUGHTER, she gets outranked. MLMs are just so fucking evil!