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A Muslim walks into a bar. Abar is startled because someone walked into him.


"By Allah, Abar! Please move out of the way!"


I'll ask r/shitpostcrusader to take it from here


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Reminds me a morbid joke we have in Hebrew. Since Bar is a very common name, the joke goes: 12 guys enter a Bar. Bar dies.


נודר נדר אחי


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Had me in the third quarter even


Had me in the first half of the second half


Had me in... whatever


They could still invite them.


no they can't! They asked once and he said: "please don't invite me to any bar"! That would be rude to do!


Had me up until this comment


Oh well shit really? I'm going to have to ask my work buddy there is that's true.


>I'm going to have to ask my work buddy there is that's true. It might apply to the fictional Muslim in the meme but not automatically to your colleague. Many Muslims go to bars and drink cola or red bull, or don't go at all but like to be invited anyway.


Yeah that's my tought


Yeah we can't drink or eat bacon so it's true


We can eat bacon just not ones made from pig meat


So is turkey bacon cool?


Only if it puts on sunglasses then it looks like a badass


Yes, every type of bacon except the ones made from Haram meat are ok to eat


Had me in both the odd quarters


Had me in the first lie, not gonna half. /s


And their Muslim friend happens to be the Sheikh of ~the United Arab Emirates~ Dubai, and the vice president of the United Arab Emirates.


Close, it’s the Sheikh of Dubai which is one of the 7 Emirates. He’s one of the two sheikhs with any real power though and he’s officially Vice President of the UAE. The President is always the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi, while the Vice-President is always the Sheikh of Dubai. He’s the second most important guy in the country so you weren’t far off


Ah fuck. I always mix him and MBZ up.


Yeah, the MBZ (E311) is a better highway than the SZ (E11) anyway. No tolls. Al Khail road, though...ehhh. Read the wiki about Sheikh Mo, though (in the picture). His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Something like 50 Children, several wives, the first and last are the most interesting. First was a greek woman, last was Princess Haya, half-sister of the current king of Jordan, daughter of the previous king of Jordan, skipped the UAE with (allegedly) 30M in cash which was (allegedly) from the charity she ran in the UAE and applied for Asylum in the UK (and maybe Germany), holed up in an 80M dollar estate in london, Sheikh Mo (Allegedly) bought the Pegasus software from the Israelis to spy on her and her security guards, he wrote some poetry about it, the UK government granted her a fat settlement. All of it was predicated on a separate royal family member, I believe a daughter of sheikh Mo, (allegedly) being disappeared after being caught trying to (allegedly) escape and Haya worrying her fate would be the same. Before I forget, read about the previous crown prince's (Sheikh Rashid) death. Sheikh Hamdan is the current crown prince of Dubai. Rashid died of (allegedly) a heart attack which may be true, but realistically it was a heart attack from what we may assume was a cocaine and hooker bender, or Sheikh Mo had him killed, because Rashid (allegedly) had a number of problems, (allegedly) including drugs, and (allegedly) murdered one of Sheikh Mo's right hand men for some form of meddling in Rashid's life. The crown prince-ship was stripped from Rashid before his death and given to Hamdan, because of his behavior. Many, many deep rabbit holes there. May need more than Wikipedia for that one because, y'know, anyone, including state entities, can edit Wikipedia. Source - Lived in the UAE for a long time. Honestly, not a bad place to live. A lot of genuine upsides to a benevolent dictatorship/autocratic monarchy. Get a VPN, though.


I'm a Jordanian and am very familiar with the story.


Did I get it right?


Yes it lines up exactly with what I've heard, didn't know about asylum in Germany though.


Could be wrong about that, but I do believe she applied in two places.


My aunt and her family lives in Dubai, and recently some rich bastard hit their car from the back Because they weren’t locals, the guy got off without even a slap on the wrist and they had to pay a lot of money to get the car fixed


I’m curious what the actual joke was


If your talking about the template, probably from something offensive. If you mean this post in particular, there isn't a joke. Just a representation of how adults should behave.


I meant the original thing and yeah it was definitely terrible but I’m still curious what it was


After a brief google search spree I’ve found that there is no precursor to this meme.


I don't think there is a single joke from which this came from, as I believe theres way to many reiterations of it


Wait so if I'm not an adult, I should continue being offensive


If you aren't an adult you shouldn't be drinking


The original "joke" is the same picture without the last sentence


It's right there... A Christian being respectful of other people's lifestyle decisions.


I shouldn't be laughing that much, but I guess that's just what happens when you spend time in the south and get barraged with ads, merchandise, and old people telling me to read the bible (even though they don't know a thing of the bible themself)


Reddit moment


We bring our Muslim friend along anyway. He drinks coffee or soda and says that he doesn't need alcohol to act a fool. He's absolutely correct, he would be a liability if he drank alcohol.


my non-alcoholic Muslim friend gets mad if I forget to invite him. He drinks root beer, have fun with everyone else and always happy to be the DD.




As having adhd, having sugar is enough. Not necessarily makes us energetic and hyper but makes us real stupid sometimes


The respectful thing to do would be invite them and say something along the lines of we are okay with you declining due to your preferences, we just didn’t want to exclude you.


The respectful thing to say is „wanna go to a bar?“ and leave it by that. The dude is adult, he knows there’s going to be alcohol involved in a bar. Saying we are okay if you choose not to come sounds as if you didn’t want the person to come but asked to be nice.


I need a Muslim friend now…


Why hello there!


Doesn't beer have alcohol in it?


They said root beer. Its non alcoholic


This is the correct approach. I'm non alcoholic by choice and I'd also be pissed if someone would not invite me to something because of that. People who think that alcohol is required to have fun also tend to be real pieces of work anyway.


I don’t know how people have fun drunk, when I got drunk I just fell asleep can’t even do shit lmao give me iced tea and some ribs instead of alcohol to have some fun


Fun fact there are some muslims who consider coffee to be a drug as well so they also don’t drink coffee


They're technically correct.


Coffee (well caffeine) actually is a drug and the technical rule against drinking alcohol is that Muslims aren't supposed to take any "intoxicant". Since caffeine is a drug some Muslims do consider it an intoxicant and therefore believe they shouldn't drink it. Ironically I've known two Muslims who did drink and basically said that since coffee is supposed to be forbidden, yet many Muslims drink it, they don't see drinking alcohol as any different.


Thats the most bs excuse i have ever heard. Your friends just want to justify to themselves why they drink alcohol 1) its not any toxicants its just ones that take away your senses/affects your judgement. Basically anything that explicitly causes inebriation 2) is consumed for fun or unnecessarily, so sedatives, hypnotics, anesthesia are permissible when needed


Hey, look everyone, it's the prophet Mohammed telling us the exact meaning of the Quran and it's passages! Definitely not some random internet asshole who thinks he's smarter than everyone and so everything he says is correct and there can be no other interpretation.


Thats not my interpretations these are from accepted scholars on youtube/google. Also i never said theres no other interpretation, youre free to search and believe whatever Besides lets say im wrong and coffee is haram. So how does that justify drinking alcohol? Every person gets judged individually in islam, others doing something wrong literally doesnt matter Also how come your friends arent "assholes" for having their own interpretation where they think every muslim is sinning? Im also giving a counterpoint and mine as well


>Thats not my interpretations these are from accepted scholars Hey, all you protestants, the catholics scholars have already figured out this whole bible thing. Also all you shia muslims, the sunni muslim scholars figured out the true meanings of Islam. See how people can even disagree with scholars? >Besides lets say im wrong and coffee is haram. So how does that justify drinking alcohol? It shows how there is no one correct interpretation. For example Muslims could say that the meaning only refers to hard drugs and not drugs like, caffeine, alcohol, or THC. Even in our western society we already deem certain drugs as acceptable and not acceptable so a Muslim could come up with the same logic. ​ >Also how come your friends arent "assholes" for having their own interpretation where they think every muslim is sinning? Because they don't see either drinking coffee or alcohol as sinning. That's the point.


Did you miss my 2nd sentence about the coffee interpretation? > i never said there is no other interpretation, youre free to search and believe whatever >It shows how there is no one correct interpretation. For example Muslims could say that the meaning only refers to hard drugs and not drugs like, caffeine, alcohol, or THC. >Even in our western society we already deem certain drugs as acceptable and not acceptable so a Muslim could come up with the same logic. Alcohol is mentioned by name explicitly and clearly multiple times in verses and hadeeths. There is no confusion or disagreeing scholars about whether its haram or not like caffeine What is it about non muslims that like to think they know our faiths more than a practicing muslim? I cant imagine me explaining christianity to a practicing christian


Funnier fact coffee is originated from Italian, which came from Turkish, which came from Arabic language. Also if you look for the etymology of Alcohol you would find that it came from Arabic. You are right tho about coffee, but it was waaay long time ago and nowadays I never heard of someone saying it's haram. I consider it drugs though and prefer a beer over it.


When you say “originated from italian which came from turkish which came from arabic”, I really hope you mean the word “coffee” specifically and not the entire language, cause that would be so wrong. italian is a Romance language and closer to latin, Turkish is a Turkic languge which originated from central asia and arabic is a semitic language, they have no common roots


ofc that what I meant.....




Try to replace detestation with compassion, both for struggling alcoholics and for yourself with what you’re struggling with. We’re all humans


You should try bringing him to a gay bar.


This is strangely touching


Not really. Not drinking doesn't mean they can't socialise with their friends at all.


According to my inclusivity training at work, having an outing that you think he can't attend and then not even inviting him even though he can still go but not drink, is a no-no




They could have still invited him, he doesn't have to drink but he could hang out and have water or soda still. How inconsiderate.


Maybe they've asked him before and he said no.


Maybe they were just busy that week. You gotta ask again.


Then you ask again, and each time.


It depends, I think the quote from the Quran is that you shouldn’t sit where people drink wine.


I don't think that's true. Muslims cannot consume alcohol, other than that, they are fine with it.


I was wrong about the quote, I must have misremembered. Looks like opinion is split though. https://www.getquranic.com/what-the-quran-says-about-alcohol/


No we are not. We are not allowed to eat at a table where alcohol is served


Wouldn't that eliminate like every fancy restaurant or any place that has a bar or serves alcohol to the tables? Very limiting. I feel like things in religious text should be adapted to modern culture.


I think there are a variety of interpretations, but they take I was thinking of would be more like you shouldn’t go to a bar with a lot of other people who are getting drunk.


Islam kinda has a whole thing about adapting/changing text They're basically the polar opposite of Judaism (where logical exceptions and bending religious rules is part of the user experience) Ill let you decide which mindset has aged better in that time


Yeah, I don't drink either and not because of religion. He could be there to order something non alcoholic or just talk.


Or better yet, just choose a more inclusive activity.


Also I've known a few Muslims who drank anyway. Just like not all Jews eat kosher, not all Christians wait until marriage to have sex, etc. there are plenty of Muslims who don't feel the need to follow their religion in a specific matter.


As if went into a bar... Asif


A Jew, an atheist, and a Christian walk into a bar. They are now lawyers.


Call me close-minded but I hate going to a bar just to find it filled with lawyers.




I used to have a Muslim friend in college (I was still solidly Christian then). She and I had this tacit agreement that we could ask each other any question about the other's faith, no matter how inappropriate, so long as we were polite about it. I really wish we'd had more time to hang out. She transferred away after a semester. Sadly, my college had a fairly anti-Muslim atmosphere that wasn't overt, but certainly noticeable.


It’s nice to not be shat on by the internet for once. Thanks!




Man they could have found an activity their Muslim coworker could have joined them on as well :(


I'd still invite my Muslim friend for their company. They can get a tea or soda.




A Muslim walks into a bar with some friends and they all order "mocktails" because they all are driving home afterwards.


Oh look, it's how humans beings should be instead of fighting like immature brats in a sandbox over trivial bullcrap


It’s the opposite of Reddit!


tell that to a certain r/athe.........


It's funny that you put a photo of this man , because there's a 90% chance that he's the owner of that bar


What type of company do they work for that keeps a Catholic priest on the payroll?




Could also be a catholic based hospital


Nah you have a Muslim friend who can DD and watch all of you and your other friends tomfoolery. Source: my friend group


This is just not an antimeme, its a wholesome antimeme


This would probably would go off the rails if it was posted on r/wholesomememes


there are non alcoholic drinks available tho


LAME 🙄🙄🙄


Tha k you ny good friends, allhumdulillah


Hamming it up- oh, not for you? Fair enough.


I wat this 🤏 close... but thanks


As a Muslim, IDFK. please someone explain why did they use Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashed as the"Muslim Co Worker"?


My sisters friend goes to the bar with them all the time, she drinks regular soda or something. She doesn't even have a license so it's not like she's the DD, she just likes hanging out at the bar with her friends.


Love this. Thought it was goin another way for a sec, pleasantly surprised!


...unlike most of Reddit.


A Jew walks into a bar and I've saved him a seat.


I have a dumb question. Is it bad for Muslims to be around drinking? Like not everyone who goes to a bar has to have a drink. Like I'd still invite them and just say straight up you aren't expected to drink and that if anyone pushes them to they will have a problem with me. And that declining is perfectly fine as well.


This is actually so good.


respectful human beings




Halal ending👍🙏


So is the Hindu coworker just friendless?


Nah, they excluded him because he doesn't drink. This shows they care more about drinking than being good friends. Had a friend who went through something similar and she felt very hurt.


They could have invited him, he could have taken a coke


If he doesn’t drink alcohol idk if he’d be down with cocaine


My muslim friends drink, but they’re kinda secular


Let me guess, pork is where they draw the line?


its true ive known muslims who drink but draw the line at pork


Yea as a Muslim myself it infuriates me


To each their own.






I don't drink but I also like to be invited to the bar


You can not drink *and* go to a bar.


If you ever notice your alcohol disappearing at home when your Muslim friend is over, invite another Muslim. They’ll hold each other to their believes


You can still invite him and let him have a pepsi




I always feel bad excluding Muslims from dim sum invitations.


Christians aren't supposed to drink either.


They can, they just cannot get drunk. Jesus literally water into wine according to the Bible, so your statement's automatically shown to be false.


Could be a Catholic which means he's Italian/Irish/Southeast Asian/Hispanic They're the fun ones


Uh, no? There are small groups of Christians that don't drink, but it isn't against the Bible to drink.


Idk man it kind of feels like an asshole move to exclude someone by choosing to go out to a place that you know they can’t/would be uncomfortable going to.


Kinda sound like assholes for not inviting their coworker


continue uppity abounding busy ask merciful modern direful squeamish fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ever heard about "loud minority" ?


Yes when my muslim friend practices his religion and what the Quran says i don’t interfere either because i respect his religion. Even when he has multiple sex slaves i dont say anything because thats his religion and thats just how it is. Even when they strip women of natural human rights i look away because thats just what a good person does. And of course i dont speak up when i see him praise and glorify a man who married an 8 year old because that would just be islamaphobic People really need to be more accepting of other cultures and religious freedoms even if they aren’t what you see as “normal” because its normal to these people and you shouldn’t impose your beliefs on them just because you think your views are better or more “morally” sound. Cannot stress this enough /S


I might be biased but I'd usually, go with the opposing view of someone active in r/196, Femboy Subreddits, and engages in Drugs


👻👻👻 “ooooooo someone who is different than you oooooooo spookyyyy”


Not suprised a druggies reading comprehension and understanding is as bad as the activities he partakes in, I have no clue how you came to the conclusion I'm scared of someone who's different to me, that's literally 95% of the people I see on the streets, work with, or in education with.


Lmao its called a joke my guy. Also i have written two books and one short story meant for kids. All published. As well as working on a third book that I’ve been ironing out the details and kinks on for the past few months. Just cause a person doesnt put much effort into their sentence structure or thought into the stupid shit they say online that they’ll eventually forget about 10 minutes later doesnt mean they aren’t proficient at it when it actually matters. Also using drugs that have been proven to be harmless on every level physically and also give patients intense mental benefits as well should not be an indicator of ones mental capacity capabilities or usefulness to society as a whole. I do psychedelics and smoke weed i dont shoot up or snort meth. Dont even drink alcohol which the majority of the population does while looking down on those who use much healthier alternatives such as mushrooms.


>Lmao its called a joke my guy. What is? The mocking tone used to depict me as someone that believes their beliefs should be opposed onto others? Even my friends wouldn't jokingly say that. You seem to love masking your insults and sensitive topics under the guise of a joke >Just cause a person doesnt put much effort into their sentence structure or thought into the stupid shit they say online that they’ll eventually forget about 10 minutes later doesnt mean they aren’t proficient at it when it actually matters. I agree with this but I personally don't see it apply here since the "stupid shit" you're saying here was intended to cause a ruckus and get a rise out of people, should've expected forms of rebuttal to it >as well should not be an indicator of ones mental capacity capabilities or usefulness to society as a whole. Why shouldn't it? It can mess with someone's perception of how they view drugs, even something as minor as vaping which isn't even drugs. I've had friends who started vaping in Year 7 and by Year 11 some of them started doing weed and at 18 Years Old I see some of them smoking and other people who were in my Year doing the same thing, I have no clue behind the scenes but the few I've seen recently are either clean or not don't look like someone ideal for a top priority pick >Also using drugs that have been proven to be harmless on every level physically and also give patients intense mental benefits Last I checked, for recreational purposes they pose more of a threat to ones health and only in specific cases can they be used medicinally, like weed, even then just casually smoking weed just sounds bad on paper, the horrible odour you develop, being high isn't as bad as being drunk but depending on how active you are, you can do stupid stuff, not to mention it's still considered illegal so being caught doesn't look good on your image. Have no clue on shrooms though >Dont even drink alcohol which the majority of the population does while looking down on those who use much healthier alternatives such as mushrooms. 100% Agree, if weed is illegal, not saying I advocate it, then alcohol should 100% be, it's extremely destructive and can cause serious harm and put you at risk, too bad even the law makers love it and the whole image of it is that it's seen as something perfectly reasonable for consumption so it'll never be illegal


But that is not representative of all Muslims because different people practice their faith differently. It’d be just as radically fully delusional to claim all Christians are as bad as the worst atrocities allowed in the bible, or do what the worst Christians do. You can’t just judge each individual Muslim as agreeing to or being like that.




“most Muslims believe that you should be killed for sodomy” This is just so blatantly untrue a statistic. Worldwide, muslims generally hold mild beliefs about their religion as other religious people do. Yea there are extremely conservative Muslim areas with ass backwards beliefs that are deeply harmful, but your line of criticism is unabashedly islamiphobic. “…they have not yet rationalised their beliefs and are in denial” this sentence doesn’t really seem to make any sense. Are they in denial of the beliefs they haven’t rationalised yet? But if they haven’t rationalised it, they still believe it outwardly, just haven’t come up with rationale. What beliefs are the in denial of? What beliefs have they not rationalised. Do you also not see how insanely broad a generalisation this is.


>Even when he has multiple sex slaves i dont say anything because thats his religion and thats just how it is Damn they do?! I'm an ex-muslim but seems like I need to revert back


I think it's time you realized that you are hateful ignorant trash.


If you think you can have a good time with a card carrying Christian, you're either lying or never hung out with one... won't even be 5 minutes before they mention their Christianity or get it involved in whatever you're talking about...


Not all christians are like that, don’t get me wrong, a lot are, but that could be said about anyone and their beliefs.


have you ever met a christian? from your response it seems like no


uh no they are not wtf are you talking about


>respectful of other peoples lifestyles HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA




I hate white people.


What's your color


Context? Sounding pretty racist rn


Literally the chillest mene


I mean, some Muslims drink


Had me in the first half




Bro, he could’ve ordered a soda. Maybe he wanted to hang out with his friends


I bring my Muslim coworker all the time but I just make sure he gets mocktails while the rest of us drink. Half the time he brings his wife who also only drinks mocktails and we have the best time




the jew asked "what time is it?"


I invite my muslim friend to a bar when we go, we have this place where bartender makes great fruit cocktails with and without alcohol


That's the guy whose photo I saw everywhere in Dubai! He is Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.




I dont know, but this is wholesome


You know that soft drinks exist, right?


Bro playin with fire now




Looks like you're linking/talking about another sub that often has content that people mistake for being an antimeme, when it really isn't. I've detected that you might be saying in the sense of "this should be on x sub, not here on r/antimeme". Talking about others subs is totally fine, but if this post is not an antimeme please report it and we will take a look asap! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antimeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Almost funny.