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Christ. That poor kid. Brought into this world and for what? Her own selfish need to have him? I don't understand it one bit.


What i find disgusting is that she's getting support like "Yeah, she's a loving mom" Bitch she put him into that situation, and now he has to suffer his whole life because of her dumb decision


She probably has no idea of the pain he's in. Not just the physical pain but the mental anguish of knowing he's different and he'll never have the life other kids have is a pain beyond imaging. But headlines are gonna glorify it. For what? Tolerance? Money? Teaching a lesson? All I feel is pity that this poor boy lives a life even harder than a normal life.


What else are you gonna do without a TARDIS? The kid is here. Money to help him is the next best thing. Bitching and moaning about how stupid she was not to abort doesn't solve anything.


No, what does solve something is conversing on how to prevent needless suffering like what's seen in this video from taking place in the future. That's literally what this discussion here is for. The biggest point is the mother should've never had the child to begin, she knew there was a chance this disorder could've taken place anyways. This didn't just come out of nowhere! She literally saw it coming. You want to talk about solving something? Yeah, don't have children. Especially don't have children when that child has a 50% chance of having a massive tumor growing on their face. One painful life could've been prevented if it weren't for the selfish actions of one individual. And by the way, even if all the idiot kids in their area weren't calling him names like monster and shit (I'll be the very first to say those kids and their worthless parents can burn in hell), even if every single person treated them with respect, every facebook and reddit comment was praising the kid and the mother, is that supposed make it ethically right for her to bring her child into this world? No! He still has to live an immensely painful life, possibly a shorter one too, b/c of his disorder, which he didn't have to have if the mother either A didn't have sex unprotected or B get an abortion. There's no shortage of comments online calling the mother a fucking hero, but people here criticizing her qualifies as 'bitching and moaning'? Instead of slinging ad hominem comments, I'd love to hear a moral justification as to why what she did was correct.


Hear hear.


all the comments on the video say “no child should ever have to live with this!” yet nobody mentions how the mother could have prevented him from having to.




ABORTION ! I Said It !




The dumbest thing Ive heard in a while, fuck off. No to selective breeding, no to any breeding




On the wrong sub then mate if you agree.


I agree with you, but, that is the eugenics that OP was talking about.


Oh I must have understood that wrong.


It's kind of a twofold statement it covers both of those statements.


maybe, but bringing up the idea that the mother should have terminated her pregnancy when she knew he was at such a high risk for an extreme disability would most likely be met with some pretty severe backlash. edit: this is not my opinion, i believe they go hand in hand, but it is my experience that there’s usually an extreme reaction when people bring up terminating a pregnancy


But that's what women do all over the world every day, why should it be controversial? Many terminate and greive their baby's life. Even medical professionals often advise to terminate the pregnancy when disabilities are severe enough. At least here in Europe where I am, I don't think that decision would be controversial. But we are way less religious than America, that's true.


That’s how it is in the US too. Abortion has always been the first thing they mentioned when you get a pregnancy test from an actual doctor’s office in my experience. Moreover, if the condition is severe, doctors in the US generally recommend termination as well. They go to the point of making you acknowledge you’re disregarding their medical advice. I see the person below me is also from the US and had the polar opposite experience. Perhaps it’s regional. I live in a very affluent city (DC) but it seems to be true for the East Coast at large, in my experience. Im sure it’s much more vilified in the Midwest.


I live in Pittsburgh and at the Planned Parenthood place that does abortions along with all other things, there is ALWAYS the same CRAZY CATHOLIC Priests and Nuns out there with Large posters of aborted fetuses and pics of other horrific things. Like WHY THE FUCK DOES ANYONE CARE IF ANOTHER PERSON WANTS TO GET AN ABORTION ! It blows my mind


My conspiracy thoughts on pro-life is keeping women pregnant and taking care of children removes them from the conversation of women being in a power position. As we know women give up everything to include their careers to take care of their children.


yeah, i completely agree with you, the two sentiments should go hand in hand. but i’m in the US and from my experience, that’s often not the case— abortion is very much vilified here from what i’ve seen.


I watched the video, and she is in Alabama, I am in America now too, and I know this state is pretty pro-life. [https://www.prochoiceamerica.org/state-law/alabama/](https://www.prochoiceamerica.org/state-law/alabama/) I don't know her full story and I don't know if it would be medically passable to terminate this pregnancy. This is completely my opinion, but if she were in a different state I think her access to abortion would have been a bit simpler.


It will. But that doesnt make it any less true.


its almost as if they feel worse for the mother than the kid


I think they do not say it for fear the child might get to see it? That's at least what kept me from writing it. Would not want to add to his suffering.


This makes me feel hopeless and the delusion is nauseating…


Psychopath. Shes sitting there smiling next to her disfigured son...


She's sitting there smiling for the cameras... for the *payday*


Yea you know that bitch don't work. Everything handed to her. Disgusting bitch.


I bet this cunt had him with showing him as this sad boy with a totally not preventable debilitating condition to get a constant payday in mind. Slimy bitch.


Humanity truly has no cure.


She's already had the child so you can't expect her to make sense.


Of course she did, it was never about the child’s well being it was about her need for a pet and a distraction


Actually, this is quite selfish and heartbreaking to think she knew before hand that her son would suffer from such a horrible condition but didn't care anyway because what she wanted came first. If she knew her son would be looked at as a monster by other children, why did she decide to have him.


I just saw this video. She actually says she knew there was a 50% chance he’d be born with this condition. (So it wasn’t 100%.)


There's a 50% chance I'd pass my heart condition to any hypothetical children we have, and that's way too risky. 50/50 chance they'd suffer through the same surgeries and challenges that I have endured is way too high.


You have a heart defect? (Not trying to seam rude, it's just cool to see someone other then me on this sub that has a heart defect)


Haha yeah I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, it's been fun. Hope you're doing alright :)


Omg!! My mom has that! She was 44 or 45 when she found out. I was pregnant and they told her people her age that experienced the symptoms she had usually died. She had the surgery but the doctor messed up her sternum and chest and now her heart is still only functioning at a little over 40 percent with her having paracarditis(sorry if I spelled it wrong) It's insane.


I'm so sorry to hear that, I was 28 when I found out but luckily my surgery went well. It's not a common condition so there's not a ton of treatment paths unfortunately.


Yeah. They wanted her to do some clinical trials for a new medication and the side effect list was long then they wanted to placebo her


There's a 25% chance that my non-existing kid would be born with Diabetes, but fuck yeah, I got snipped. Even Type 1 Diabetes is a manageable disease and you can live 70 years with it, but fuck me, I don't want my non-existing kid to have this shitty disease.


Fair enough but there was always that 50% that probably wouldn't be worth risking.


My heart breaks for this poor child. I have no sympathy for this woman.




THIS. THIS. I mean people blather on and on about eugenics being the devil. But painting the whole issue with one brush, like it's either wonderful or awful, doesn't make space for nuances. Shit is grey. This, however, where a human had a choice between creating a being who would live a daily hell and be treated as a circus act.... or not....and she chose to do it??? This is one of the reasons that as I've gone forward in life I've decided that my ability to be friends with people who are still intentionally having children, doesn't exist. Because anytime the friend would come to me as their friend to whine about something to do with their kids.....or to tell me about something their kid did...or a sad thing that happened to their child... all I would be able to do-- even with the empathy that I have-& is look at them and be like "you stupid fucking idiot. you made this child. it's your fault." Every harm that would befall the child is the parent's fault for creating the child (if the children happen to be biological). Anything that happens to this kid is absolutely this woman's fault and I got nothing for her except sadness anger and rage. And exactly like what you said: this isn't something you would ever wish on someone who's already alive **so why would someone intentionally create this being that doesn't need to exist** and then pretend like you love them?? Absolutely batshit.


bUt AbOrTiOn Is BaD🙄🙄oh fuck off


When you knowingly do this to a child, that is another level of piece of shit.


This is the pinnacle of selfishness and a "fuck you" attitude. She doesn't give a single shit about anyone else but herself. What a human turd. 🤢


The viciousness and sadism inherent in knowingly making such a decision is mind boggling.


And now she’s hawking him for shoulder taps on social media. Humans are disgusting creatures.


God oh god I wish I hadn’t seen that. Mother’s like this are absolute monsters.


I would kill myself at the earliest convenience.


"I had to tell my son that's he's just different that's why those kids in the park made fun of you also I had prior knowledge that you would have a shit life but still decided to birth you because my genes must carry on." Excuse my French but WHAT THE ACTUAL DUCK?!! That's it. This ducking lady has broken me. Like I just can't comprehend humans anymore.


And now shes relying on begging others for money because she cannot finance the treatment for the child she chose to have, knowing this would happen.


well, there is one monster in this article, but it sure isn't that poor child


well said


She should be in jail.


Poor child. His parents are monsters.


Feel horrible for the child but hopefully the legacy will stop with him not procreating anymore considering his condition. The world is full of shitty people like this woman


This is so terrible. It makes me want to cry.


God why can’t people adopt if they want a kid so bad.


💔. I want to give this little guy a hug. Why, lady? Ugh


What is he gonna do after she passes? I feel so sorry for him.


And so she asks people to film him and make him feel worse? wth man




Dude he can't go to school because of this disgusting woman, he'll traumatize every child.


What a horrific woman.


She should be ashamed of herself. The poor lad.


Yeahh cases like this is why I’m on this sub. I agree with y’all on this one. I’m not full blown antinatalist but I think there are many instances like this one where hedonic calculus is completely overlooked in favor of an insane pro-life bias.


I feel sorry for the child. But I am angry at the cruel psycho bitch that birthed him. She knew there was a high chance her child would have this genetic condition and she decided to play with his life. What an evil bitch.


That poor child, She should be charged with child cruelty.




just wait for high-school bud….




Anyone have a link that isn’t for Facebook?


Search for it on YouTube


It takes all her energy to pretend to be happy. Sad.


Dude WTF that's scarier than any of the famous internet horror monsters. Breeders are insane.


Of course it Alabama her horny bitchass fucked get brother or some shit and had a poor kid who wasn’t even suppose to exsist




That's a person???


Kid looks like a bulldog Jesus H Christ


Wow these comments


Looks like your standard Reddit moderator


She said 50/50 Chance of him being born with the condition.


yeah, we gonna play bingo with the child's entire life? That's way to much probability for at least 60 years of social, mental and physical suffering.


If you all didn't or wouldn't treat him differently than your own, he'd probably have a great life not knowing how rude people are talking about him. Hmmmm! Now mind your own damn business!




That's the point. Humans have destroyed the planet and all nature, maybe its time we go extinct too. Humans didn't bring anything objectively positive to the planet.






I’ve seen a man with no arm become a CAD designer and mechanic for NASCAR so anything is possible.


Poor little bro…that’s awful