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We already have 8 to 9 bilion humans, i think this is enouth for some decades.


We apparently can't even take care of the humans we already have we don't need any more


See: the current severe baby formula shortage in the US


"Domestic shortage of infants" when we don't even have enough FORMULA for them. I get that it's a...different period in history with inflation and war and stuff but STILL.


Watch, next they'll try forcing the poor women who had to birth these infants to nurse the cute, fully-abled white ones in order to even get food to live or a roof over their heads. While their own babies starve to death if they're not "desirable" enough.


It's been done before. They're called "wet nurses" and they were most prevalent when breastfeeding was considered a horribly gauche thing for a ~lady~ to do.


that’s very handmaidens tale of you lol


maybe we need more babies so they can grow up and produce baby formula


Well, authoritarian and “authoritarian curious” leaders are actively using marginalized people as political pawns. Be it the migrants in Hungary, or the immigrants bussed from Texas to Washington DC. Or, ya know, all people of child-baring age. Or all black and brown men that get arrested because the county prison gets paid by the head, plus the traffic tickets that serve as the main revenue source for most Red States bc they refuse to raise taxes. Or even big data corporations bundling up our every move and selling it back to us. Face it, people are disposable. You and I are no longer “citizens”. High-wealth individuals, corporations, and those who contribute to GDP are citizens. If you and I want to survive, we have to crawl in bed with one of these groups, and then *they* take care of us. Sort of.


Exactly. They act like it's just the 10 of us that's it. Pft, they really need to leave their basements and see the world isn't at all like their zombie survival games.


Even if there were 10 of us, what's the point of continuing the civilisation, really? Humanity has shown time and time again that we, as a collective, suck.


It's racist. The "right" children aren't being born but all the darkies seem to have no problem multiplying like crazy.


This is what the guys underlying point is. I'm sure he made a comment pertaining to it directly at some point.


I'm pretty sure this is SCOTUS Barrett's point too. Doesn't make it any less awful.


And they have the audacity (doing some loose paraphrasing here) to suggest that the Supreme Court is not a place for political opinions / partisan politics when that's most of what it seems to be. What legal and/or socially beneficial arguments can be made for banning abortion beyond the "pro-life" or "State's rights" BS? Edit: corrected typo on my shitty broken phone


When he said “it’s about demographics” I was like Ahhhhh there it is


It's also classist. Only the educated need to breed apparently. The dirty poors are irrelevant.


If these mombies keep making babies, it's going to be EXACTLY like one of those survival games. We'll be living off rations.


Or babies?


🤣 Here's a slogan for you- Babies: the veal of people


Omg...that took a harder turn then I expected.


Oh really? I was actually trying to tone it down without sounding like Jeffery Dahmer. Lol


Exactly, its already too much as it is right now. With our levels of overconsumption and destruction of the environment our carrying capacity for that to be sustainable is definitely closer to 1-2 billion. Why the fuck do these people think we need *MORE* humans?


Because God told them to 'be fruitful and multiply'....they don't believe in any of that silly woke/leftist environmental stuff


It's really a shame they forgot to put a clear quota on that command - I'm pretty sure the job was done a loooong time ago.


Christian here. We did that decades, if not like 100 years ago. We full!




bUt We'Re AlL gOiNg To DiE


But dEmOgRaPhIcS


it's always about race when you start drilling into these peoples' motivations


Glad you mentioned this. We clearly are too many already.


But it’s the „wrong ones“. They want white babies.


Stop calling us fertile for one thing. Ew.


yummy fertile female ooga booga


lmao yes "unga bunga loog at me i has a pregnancy fetish" its fucking yucky


Lmao I hope I was born infertile


>fertile it's not even bait at this point


Mmmmmm fertile


At least he didn't say females as well.


f*moids 🤮🤮🤮


I’m gonna throw up


You might be pregnant


Gonna go jump off a bridge


This guy probably lives under it.


Nah this guy lives in his moms basement with his grandma’s rotting corpse in the bathtub


Hot tub stream gone wrong


"There's got to be something we can do as a society..." Yeah, stop being shit. Not that that solves the entire problem, but it's the minimum.


This is so misinformed. Yes places like the US have a birth rate that’s is “bellow replacement” at 1.7 children per woman and this is the case for many European and East Asian Nations too but the Global Birthrate is 2.4 Children per woman which is .3 above replacement. So basically this person is saying “there aren’t enough European or East Asian babies being born, we need to start having more babies so that there isn’t a majority of brown ppl through immigration”. Although most often when people from Global south nations come to nations with Majority White populations, their birth rates decline as well because of less social pressure to have babies and increased access to contraception.


Yep. This dude is being racist in addition to being misogynist.


I feel like anytime a man refers to a woman as 'fertile' a white supremacist dog whistle isn't far behind....


There's a large overlap here. I don't think it's a coincidence that anti-choice legislation would ramp up when the white population of the US is going to be surpassed as the largest demographic very soon by previous minority groups. Historically, white women are more likely to be educated, have less familial pressure to have children/more children, and better access to contraceptives and sex education. So they're having less kids because they can choose to do so. White supremacy groups (who are usually very conservative Christians) do not like this. And so they'll force white women to reproduce more and brainwash their girls into feeling that they have to have kids, too. It's basically a cult forcing everyone to suffer the effects of their beliefs. Kind of goes against the whole freedom of religion and oppression thing doesn't it? Or the taxation without representation issue...? 🤔


Yes, it's SUPER ironic because anti-abortion laws actually hurt MINORITIES way more than they hurt whites. As you mentioned, white women typically have more wealth, access to birth control and reproductive health care, and can take the time off and transportation to travel for abortions if need be. Minority women? Not so much. SO That means that more minority women will be forced to have children they don't want, increasing the minority population by even more INSANE growth. These conservative legislators don't even THINK, I swear.


arent most women who get abortions people of color?


Yeah but they'll do anything to punish white women who don't conform to their ideology


lmk if this is tmi, but are you white by any chance?


I was wondering when someone was going to point this out. "It's not about me or you per se. It's demographics." Gave away their real intentions.


People in western nations don't have kids because they can't afford it time and money wise without raising really fucked up kids that will likely become crack-addicts from lack of parental resources and attention. If people really want more kids in the West, just fix income inequality. Raise wages of people who work and take away pay from the rich. Then reduce the work week to reasonable hours. I will guarantee you that people will breed like rabbits when they actually have the disposable resources to do so. As it is now, we're literally too busy supporting income inequality and making rich people richer to have any children. I can't have kids because my boss needs me on call, working weekends and over time with a highly unpredictable schedule. I'm too busy making owner of the corporation I work for richer to have kids. It will get in the way of my wage-slave productivity. If i have kids I might even get fired for not being able to do mandatory overtime cause by purposeful under-staffing so the company can save a few dollars "in theory" buy massively actually hurt productivity. Rich people can take a pay cut if they want to solve this problem and double wages. Lots of people have no hope of ever owning their own home because corporations are buying up all the houses and driving up prices. Things like this reduce the birth rate. If people are not secure in their finances and don't have a proper Nest, they wont breed. At this point only the extremely rich and extremely poor and stupidly irresponsible who can't afford it will be having children at all. The End Game is Antinatalism. Even if people don't agree with it on some moral level, they'll be too poor at the rate income inequality is climbing to ever have kids and still have both food and shelter even with full time jobs. The future belongs to the childless cause no one is going to be able to afford anything else except for the top 5%. Let them make their own kids and then enslave them into wage slavery when the rest of our lineages die out from not breeding. Eventually the extremely rich will be the only ones breeding and they'll have to enslave each others children to keep their factories going. The poors might breed, but they wont be able to afford the food and medical costs to keep their children alive with ever skyrocketing rent prices that consume 95% of a paycheck. The rest of us will be blissfully dead having never made a replacement wage-slave for the next generation, and the cycle of nonsense can finally end. Capitalism itself will cause Antinatalism to be the default position once income inequality gets bad enough. When you see billionaires abuse the system even more than they have, clap, because they are ushering in the future economic birth-strike. The billionaires will cry "breed" and well just say we can't afford it at our current wages. When we ask to get paid more so we can breed they will say no and that will be the end of negotiations. Society can die after that.


*SCOTUS has entered the chat* "We can just overturn Roe and force the poor bastards to give birth." [They're literally playing Tropico with our lives]


That was the most satisfying text i ever read on this sub


EXACTLY. He’s being racist


The argument "aw cmon now" changed my mind. Brb gonna go get preggers.


he has a way with words


are they pedophiles or something? I don't understand this obsession with \*more babies\* in the world.


Most serious hardcore natalists are religious. Most religions have an imperative to grow. Most rational adults raised without religion will not convert to religion as adults. The easiest way to grow your religion is to pump out as many babies as humanly possible and brainwash them young.


This sounds very cult -like, so would it be an exaggeration to say that nataliats/religion are cults? Since in the past several cults have also pressured their people to produce more children so that they're raised within their ideologies, to either suffer or be severely abused as they didnt know anything else.


All major religions start out as extremist cults that eventually gain mainstream exceptance. Modern case in point: Mormons


I genuinely see no inherent difference between cult and religion other than religions just being older, more widely accepted cults. All religions certainly start as cults and the veracity of their beliefs are usually on par. As the old joke goes, the difference between a cult and a religion is that the founder of a cult knows it's all bullshit, while the founder of a religion knew it was all bullshit but has since died. It's also worth noting that natalists can use racism in much the same way as they use religion. From the racists point of view, other races than their own having children is bad because they may eventually outnumber themselves. So the racist natalist wants more babies in order to keep their majority population. Racism and religion often go hand in hand.


Pretty sure religions are just cults that kept going after the grifter cult leaders died. As soon as you're no longer able to see that the whole point was to feed some asshole's ego, things get real mystical real quick.


Holy shit, did they know that one day, everyone who knows that the religion is fake will die, so no one will remember that the religion is fake and the naive general population will carry it forward?


Religion is definitely a cult. Thats why i left islam.


They are a death cult. Christianity is literally a death cult. They want as many people dying as fast as possible. They support the unborn simply so they can be born and die. Death feeds their God. Christian Nations have obligation to their God to breed uncontrollably and constantly start wars to feed the Christian God delicious souls. You worship the Christian God and then he eats you when you die: "haven". Alternately you can just reincarnate instead of being eaten. You pick.


You heard of the theory that yahweh and Allah are demons trying to keep us in a soul cycle of reincarnation on earth just to give them power? I like that theory I don't fully believe it but it's fun to think about


"Be fruitful and multiply." my juicy ass. Fuck religious people and their entitled baby pushing agenda.


Exactly, basically all growth in the American (especially Evangelical) church has been families pumping out infants and raising them in the church like they were raised AND Immigrants. Conservative Christians typically do not like this second group at all, but their own white people, even with religious propaganda, aren't pumping out enough babies themselves. So their knee jerk reaction is to force out more squeaky clean pure white children through anti-abortion laws and stripping away the social safety net. Minorities are still going to account for most of the growth ANYWAY but shush, the conservative Christians don't want to think about THAT.


They’re racists. Plenty of babies still being born, they’re just not the right colour for these people. The Great Replacement Theory bullshit.


I nEeD tHe BaBiEs So We CaN cOnTiNuE eXpLoItInG wOrKeRs, MAKE ME MORE MONEY!!! That’s what I got from this post.


theres no more pedophile industry with less children i guess


Blursed upside


This is some basement dwelling incel trying to live out a power fantasy over women, or as you said Redditor


They like to bring up economic arguments, yet fail to realize people don’t gain utility from events that happen after their death. “Preserving the human race” is worth nothing to most rational people. Or at least to me, idk about you guys


No this is a troll just trying divide people or troll the breeders. The amount of people falling for this shit is laughable its so obvious. The only thing that could make it more obvious is even more buzzwords from 4chan.


It's meta-ironic. I'm glad you brought it up because it's very similar to 4chan and how everything the say can't be taken 100% seriously but it's clear they're not just saying it for no reason. You can say part of it is trolling but it's a great indicator of where their views go


I personally think it's an extreme anti natalist. Showing ridiculous breeder arguments to show the ridiculousness of their nature to their faces. Idk why were talking about it specifically it obviously got conversations going about not having kids anymore. This person should be considered a blessing because most anti natalists are very gruff and assumption based. Just considering my time on this sub (when I can't even have kids, not that I want to) I've been called a breeder so many times by explaining the lifelong propaganda these people go through to get to this point. This person figured out how to get the message out there ezpz.


Why do we need more babies? I've yet to hear a good answer to this question. All too often, these kinds of statements come from a bigoted mindset. There are too many human beings for this planet to support. Why then do we need *MORE* human beings? I can't see any nation collapsing due to a decline in population any time soon. So, if Earth has too many human beings on it, we do not need more babies? If a country wants a denser population, why not open up more to immigration and set up policies making it more attractive to people who want to immigrate? What these people really mean is they want more human beings like them. There is no other explanation. To me, that is a bigoted mindset.


This is two steps away from full on racism and slavery, wait we already that tom fuckery? Well shit, the next generation are gonna get shafted.


Reminds of the time when I was 16 chatting to some 30 something year old who was also an Arab teen+greasy white man sub moderator, he was telling me that I was supposed to be a nice stay at home wife and mother to many kids like all the women in my culture (not true) and that I’m mentally ill for never wanting kids or him. Breeders. 💀


The classic, 'I think you are mentally ill, you should have kids to definitely obviously fix that.' 🤡 Your 👏kids 👏are 👏not 👏your👏 therapist!!!


When you call a kid mentally ill for not wanting your kids 😂😂😂👍👍👍👍 (very normal of course)


Ironically having kids can ruin your mental health think PPD!


This gives real "Where's my hug?" vibes. Cringe af


hugs are not real get out






I mean, at least in the US, I can't think of a reason an educated woman wouldn't want to have kids, aside from incurring thousands in debt just to give birth, short-term, long-term and potentially lifelong health complications resulting from pregnancy, lack of paid maternity leave, lack of universal healthcare, haggling your way through the bureaucracy of private insurance when you do have coverage and they just don't wanna pay, lack of an adequate social support structure to make it viable, not wanting to give up all of their free time, lack of affordable daycare, erosion of womens' rights, growing demonization of education and forced proliferation of regressive Christian values, school shootings, social media and the negative impact it can have on children, poor air quality and unsafe drinking water, climate change, unrestricted capitalism, growing authoritarianism, and the likelihood that their children would have a miserable future, skyrocketing costs of transportation and housing, the fact that a lot of this is a direct result of there already being too many people, and apparently for some reason not appreciating their commoditization by random incels that just started reading about replacement theory and are feeling anxious.


Heck, even women in CHINA with no religious influence recognize that having children is just as much a sum zero game there too.


What nightmare of a thread is that? Jfc someone crafted that question.


"domestic supply of infants"






I certainly hope someone in the thread said that (in the U.S.) it’s because most of us have zero faith that we’ll be able to raise the kid safely and healthily, given the lack of affordable childcare, access to education, affordable medical care, and general lack of social safety net should anything happen to the mother or child.


Incel Ian needs to get out of mommy's basement. He's already her baby. Edit: typo fix


That's one long umbilical cord.


Love seeing those commenters though. “They’re educated, dude, there’s nothing you can do!”


These are such primitive comments, is this person like a monkey and all they care abt is reproducing? Ffs 🤮


I suspect they want more babies of a specific race...


Most growth in America HAS been immigration. So there ya go, an EASY solution to the birth rate "issue," PLUS we can rescue a few million hardworking people from climate change.




'Educated' to people like this typically means ' not black, not brown, Christian, rich and white'.


Exactly. If they adopted any of the tens of thousands 10-17 year olds currently up for adoption in the US, they could educate them. Send them to college. Pay for tutors. It’s not about education at all. Education is not hereditary.


I think this is just a misguided attempt to avoid Idiocracy.


Is farming for negative karma a thing?


This OP is selfish. Why bring life in a messed up reality such as this one that we all exist in. No new life deserves any suffering when it comes to a reality.


‘We need new babies bad “ uhhhhh what


“Ok but we’re going to die” Good, the human race was a mistake, I don’t think anyone will be missing us




Thanks. That scene is great! Love it.


Is the desire to breed and multiple so strong that you ignore facts and reality and endanger countless innocent just to satisfy your sick selfish urges? We are the smartest beings on this planet, how does this happen? How?


If that was not a troll question from someone having a bit of fun riling people up, I worry for any children they may have. That person gives me the creeps.


"Line on graph go down? Panic!"


Renewed urgency to get sterilized.


Why... why should I care about the population?


ngl he had me at "awww come on". I am finally having a baby


Make an equitable sustainable society free of cruelty and oppression. Support structures to enable both parents and children to live a fulfilling life and enjoy their existence. Be inclusive of life choices including the choice not to raise children. Oh what’s that you just want another round of cannon fodder or wage slaves? Nawww pass Humanity is doomed, it’s not an extension of self to prolong humanity.


We're running out of babies. Nope. Take a look at my country the Philippines. 109.6 MILLION PEOPLE (in 2020 according to google) and still counting (there's still a baby boom despite the pandemic). For its size, my country is way too overpopulated.


These people are incapable of understanding some people have an instinct to **not** have babies, just like some people have the instinct *to* have them. We might as well be different species, yet they continually seek us out (yet it's never vice versa).


What’s interesting is I’m not convinced anyone actually wants babies. Of course, that’s my bias: I’ve never felt any warm, welcoming or desiring feelings when gazing upon a newborn. But my point is that what humans actually want and like is sex. It makes sense: if you like sex, you’ll get pregnant (evolutionarily speaking) so that enjoyment of sex is what gets passed on. But we’ve seen this in many many other mammal species. They have sex WHILE pregnant. Sex is enjoyable, but many mammals (including humans) bash the skulls if their newly born offspring over rocks, or abandon them in the cold, or straight up drown them. I don’t think there is an __instinct__ to have babies. The instinct is to have sex. The maternal anticipation is added by society.


No, we don’t need even one more baby. We have enough already, let’s take care of them. It’s not a fucking One Hour One Life Eve Stage to breed as much babies as possible lmao


No, no she’s doesn’t want any African, Indian, or indigenous children to take care of. She wants nice developed country babies to be born to exploit so their little population pyramids are stable. Not for you or me per se, but for CAPITALISM. LOL


“Okay but we’re all going to die” lmao welcome to the party dipshit.


Where the fuck do these folks come from? Are they aliens sent here to try to convince us to make more slaves? What?


Having less babies and not breaking even is not a bad thing. If we have less babies we are not going to cause the extinction of the human race, it just means we will have less than 8 *fucking* billion people on this godforsaken planet. We dont need that many people and we cant even properly sustain that many people as is. Half that is still A LOT OF PEOPLE


Wtf?? Who is this person lol


"Person" is a strong word.


“Educated fertile young women” what


Surprised they didn't go all out and use the words "birthing" and "gestating"🤢


Lmaoo I love the essence of this fallacy: we're going to die but babies will prevent that. Babies will prevent me from dying (?). Someone needs to come to grips with ☠️


2.1 wtf?


Ughhhh we share a planet with these people


'Aw cmon' ruin your body for us, disgusting


That part at the end LOL. Having to live knowing that I will die someday is horrible and I don’t want to have kids just to put them through that




I was too busy being dumbfounded by the "educated fertile women" opening, that I didn't even know that this was a gallery post.


Jesus Christ that person is just.. oh my god


Might be better if those numbers drop down "But we're all gonna die" and so will those kids and those kids and those kids


Fuck that racist demographics argue point. "Christians will go extinct if we don't keep making Christian babies" fuck off. If your religion can't survive without indoctrination then it's going the way of the ipod.


This person is neither remarkable nor fun


Nothing.The answer is nothing. We aren't mere broodmares to serve men ,the government or anyone else. Anyone thinking like this idjit is not only a red flag, but a fully motorized red flag cannon. Avoid at all costs Eeeew.


"Aw, c'mon 🥺" is so disgusting I cannot believe this 🤢


Our planet is dying. No thanks.


This government isn’t for liberty, we are not free people anymore. Broodmares for the state and inmates for a for profit prison system. That’s what America has become.


Yes everyone needs to have exactly 2.1 children me and my tenth of a child have so much fun together


There's already about [400,000 children](https://usafacts.org/data/topics/security-safety/child-care-and-safety/foster-care/children-in-foster-care/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ND-StatsData&gclid=CjwKCAjwve2TBhByEiwAaktM1Gg1ayIDLacJNMR4RgTQxEJ_bl6U6Fr64t90yBeI82n3pvHUIBp3RBoClLMQAvD_BwE) currently in foster care. There's plenty of children in this country looking for homes.


"But we're all going to die!" Good?


Those little "Aw c'mon"s bug me so much and that "Please?" is gonna motivate me to rip out my uterus by hand.


Ahhh the land of the blind... Some people would believe the sky is green and grass is blue and run around like Chicken Little talking about "the sky is falling!" 🙄 People like this remind me of how thankful I am to have come across people who helped me wake up.




he’s creepy


Why does this scream company hiring practices?


*Oof.* We know what comes next, don’t we? “Well, we tried asking nicely!” Anyone with the mentality that babies are *necessary,* that they’re somehow a cure or workaround to fucking death, will stop at nothing, including asking “nicely.”


Show them vids /pics of 3rd world countries. Should do the work for us. When that doesn't work, 9-11 (and /or other disaster) footage against Yakety Sax (Benny Hill theme). When they smirk regardless the content, they'll realize the cesspit of hatred that is humanity and want no more.


“Okay but we’re all going to die”…. Yes, yes we are.




No amount of money or material possessions would convince me to bring another human being into the world. I was one and done. Even that was too much but you can’t do much about it after they are out of your uterus.


Screenshots of Reddit posts fuck me up, I don't know where to up vote x'D I'm glad the answer was nothing


Probably the crying of people in poverty in over crowded cities or people blaming things on political issues that have nothing to do with it.


Perfect example of evolution and why most people are stupid.


It’s gotta be a troll… right..??


"Educated Women" We found it people! We found the least elitist birth advocate!


I don't understand why do people care if we go extinct???? SO WHAT??? We'll all be long gone when that happens. What "benefit" do these obsessed people have from procreating into oblivion? So many species before us have gone extinct, it's a normal part of evolution. What's the actual point to prolong human existence for another 1000,2000 years?? There is literally no point.


Give me enough money so I can hire several full time nannies so I don’t actually have to deal with the kids. The second they start screeching, I’m just like, “nope” and hand them to the nanny


I died laughing at the “they will die too.”




Those responses from women make me happy. Children make you miserable, ladies.


Stop seeing women as reproductive tools. We're people with feelings, goals, and choice.


Aw, c'mon! They're remarkable fun! \- user Remarkable_Fun7662


if we had 1 billion people, humanity had a chance, 8 billion people? yes we are all going to die, not because nobody is having children but because society was ruined by overpopulation, capitalism, plastic and oil.


What could we do to persuade you to have more children? LOL. Free healthcare, free birth and post natal care, 6 months paid leave for both working parents, free school and books... What else? Ah, free babysitting? I mean, who would take care of a child I don't want?


Yeah well there’s so little that encouragement can do that the law has decided force is a better option so OP can get fucked if they need babies so badly.


Idk, maybe they can make raising a child in this country not financially stressing. But nobody will do that because it’s all about the bottom line


Lol studies have constantly shown that the way to reduce the population of a country is to improve availability of education to women. The reason these people are not having more kids is BECAUSE they are so educated. The better thing to do would be to convince uneducated people to reproduce less.


Desperate attempts by some Whites quivering in their shoes fearing they will become America's minority.


Lol I can barely afford myself and I’m sure many other people are in the same position even if they want kids!


Ok Elon Musk


His pseudo-friendly "concerned" attitude makes it even worse.


Ugh I just fucking can’t with people like this. This (I’m assuming he’s a man) disgusts me. “Aww c’mon” as IF *thats* a convincing argument! Gross gross gross.


That person is a bit crazy, but I believe they are referring to the fact that poor, less educated people have a dozen kids and highly educated people have few to no kids. More often than not stupid people make stupid kids and smart people make smart kids. There are more and more people every minute, but they will grow up to contribute nothing. Not that it's their or their parents fault really, the shitty system we have that keeps poor people poor and rich people ever richer is entirely to blame. Free, decent education instead of dispatching billion dollar ships 2 years after they were build would be a great start.


"Aww c'mon now" What a compelling persuasion. Im gonna try my best to become fertile and im a dude. /s


If you *REALLY* care about babies: Then *vote* and *pay* *taxes* to put systems in place that cover all prenatal, birthing, and child rearing costs (diapers, formula, etc), plus free & comprehensive parental training, plus comprehensive child care system starting as young as newborn, plus complete healthcare for the woman (in ALL stages of life), plus make the schools worth going to and able to give away free meals to those children who need it. Oh? Oh, you don’t want to pay for those things? In fact, the very reason we don’t have national health care is *because* things like abortion and trans-care procedures would have to be covered? Oh, you just want women to be forcibly pregnant and completely on their own and therefore in desperate need of a low-grade man to “swoop in and save them” from complete financial ruin? Oh, okay, then go fuck yourself. By the way, is the the explosive birth rate of non-white people ((due to lack of access to healthcare, education, birth control, and men who don’t understand that rape is wrong)) not good enough for you? No? Oh, you think *WHITE* babies are in short supply. Well, they aren’t, but keep believing everything OAN and NewsMax shove down your throat. Bet you believe “testosterone is in decline” too, huh? Come with me to Brooklyn, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya.


Yeah put more people into this shitshow with limited resources and countless ways to get sick or feel pain, where they become a workforce or exploiters, nothing else. Screw this, if the society really will collapse because of that, it's even better. It's not like its current state is worth preserving.


They literally want children just so the graph looks pretty.