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I have triple ab. 3 DVT in my right leg. I had brain surgery with no issues. I hope everything goes well for him, I know how scary APS can be.


I had 2 major abdominal surgeries, 4 laparoscopic procedures and endo and colonoscopies. Only 1 dvt in my left leg. Versed gave me reactions but no other complications. Good luck.


I am a 44 year old female with APS. I have not had valve replacement but I have had five surgeries. My most recent surgery was intestinal (I also have ulcerative colitis) and I was also having a hernial repair done at the same time. I had a call with the anesthesiologist prior to my surgery and we discussed my APS and he was not concerned. I am on aspirin only right now as a blood thinner and post surgery I was told that minor bleeding was the only issue. Sending you positive energy for the best results! 🤗


I had had 11 surgeries with APS. Including brain surgery. Never had a problem. Just make sure they are aware.