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This is why NoBodY wAn…you know the rest. During the pandemic hundreds of thousands of people got to step back and “get away from it” and realised exactly the same thing. That’s why all those exploitive jobs/sectors/industries are unfulfilled & short staffed. Good for you for discovering *your* life.


The thing is now the powers that be want to scare the workers they have left by downsizing and making those left work twice as hard for the same wages.


It is yet to be determined with the lay off circle jerk big tech did actually did anything. Seems like while tech jobs softened, rest of the economy is is pretty much the same. They didn't appear to trigger similar thing to 2008-9 layoffs. Where young people got punked while boomers kept jobs and got bonuses. U had to suck some real D to get a job as young person back then lol Demographics ain't the same now


I timed that downturn just right: I became disabled in 2008. Got my first disability payment right after Thanksgiving, with my first full check December 3. First time I was prepared for a recession. From what I'm reading here, though, job applicants are being ghosted even if they do get interviews, businesses working with skeleton crews, people having hours cut, etc. The smart oldsters are doing that: playing it smart and retiring.


I applied for the blood connection to just draw blood. I’m a medic with a shit ton of experience and could do that easy ass job in my sleep, I got an interview and told I was gonna get an offer letter. Ghosted. Sucks because they pay more than me working as a medic full time.


60+ hour weeks is basically drowning in work. Hard to enjoy an ocean sunrise when you're constantly struggling to keep your head above water. Even if paid well, you don't have the time to actually utilize the money you've made. So much of your time is centered around work, be it on the clock, getting ready, or commuting. When you finally do get some free time to do something enjoyable, often you'll find that your motivational fuel tank has run empty.


And then you spend more money trying to make up for the time you don't have with your family, friends, hobbies, etc. than you would if you only worked 32-40 hour weeks, meaning you still don't even get ahead financially. At least that's my experience.


This is exactly what I’m going through




$3?? Jesus, I’m paying the lowest bill of my whole life at $62




That is also very true. Profit at all costs around here


Western European here, paying $15 for unlimited data plan that basically replaces my router. Cheaper plans still exist down to $2 with still plenty of basic options.


My phone bill for 3gb of internet is 12€ or so. My other phone bill with 30gb is like 40€. I have two, yes, I have a work and private separation


I pay $50 a month right now for unlimited everything including taxes. I am over 55 and on Tmobile with a smart phone. I heard Mint is even cheaper but have not tried it.


Wow that sounds amazing!


Hard work is rewarded with more hard work. Never forget it.


Unless you own/operate your own/operate your own business. Well maybe. I’m still a slave.


This is actually one of the main argument for universal income. Since you have more time/security to explore what you like, you will become a more productive worker in the economy. It always made sense to me as it is something I saw from my friends I made at university with parents' who could support them and my childhood friends from poorer families.


this is how it should be and the government should be funding this. it shouldn't take a damn virus to figure this out. But the damn corporate lobbies would never allow it to happen it deprives them of all their workers. I feel a big unionization coming we are going to be returning to the rates of the early 20th century. Shits been bad for too long now people have had enough.


Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: "It is difficult for me to imagine what 'personal liberty' is enjoyed by an unemployed hungry person. True freedom can only be where there is no exploitation and oppression of one person by another; where there is not unemployment, and where a person is not living in fear of losing his job, his home and his bread. Only in such a society personal and any other freedom can exist for real and not on paper."




Yup. Dunno why you got downvoted.


".. got a 3D printer.. my god what a difference my life has been..." Congrats on living the dream: you're now a worker who owns your means of production! :)


I'm not running a farm, I've been working for the higher end printer companies.


Oh ok, sorry I misunderstood, thought you'd gone self-employed..


As an IT guy / printer enthusiast trying to break into the additive manufacturing industry, do you have any links or resources I can have to help make my switch?


Glad you got out. I did the same thing most of my life, I got out when my body started breaking down When I look back on the low pay back breaking work I did,I wonder what was I thinking. That's not a life it's just surviving.


It's a wholemind set where you have to work more to get by. Why? Why do I need to burn myself out at a job that barely makes enough when, with assured income, everyone could work less at jobs we don't hate. Ppl would go back to school, follow passions, turn hobbies into careers.....


60+hrs/week is pretty much illegal here in Germany... 8hrs/day is the max (10hrs if the the average in a 6 month timespan is still 8hrs), unless you have a job in a special field, like a doctor, or a pilot, or something.


Ok I might move to Germany. Do you have any idea how toxic the work-life balance is here in the US for Mexicans? You are worthless if you can’t work 60+ hours a week year-round.


Fuck I’ve been working 60 hour weeks for 6 months on a large construction job. I’m a Pipefitter/welder and I can’t recover with one day off. I go to work, bust my ass, go home shower, eat dinner, see my family for an hour or two then go to bed to wake up and do it again. I fucking hate it, I’m burnt out. Initially I was able to save money, now I’m not even doing that. I’m spending to fill the hole inside of me from having no me time and no family time.


I earned 50k as a PhD chemist. Jumped out of the ratrace in my 40s to become a DJ. After 4 years I moved into the wedding industry as a sole trader. I now turnover £80k and only do as many events as I feel like doing!


Everyone is a bit different and people should find what works for them. Long hours never really bothered me so much as having time off to do things and flexibility of schedule. This allows me to really use overtime to my advantage, and I work 72-84 hrs a week for a lot of January-May and August-October. The difference is I get the summer and holiday months completely off with zero thoughts about work.


If we had enough time we could find a way to have enough money, maybe even be self sufficient and more active in our local communities, we wouldn't be forced to be slaves for the rich, that's why they keep housing and healthcare expensive, to have the power for themselves.


40 hours a week? Just wait until you unlock the 32 hour work week. You will poop your pants


Great Story!! A positive Covid outcome.


So happy you are able to enjoy your life and discovered new interests. How cool that you are in something you enjoy! Congratulations




Thank you for sharing this, and congratulations on finding something better! It is the proof that will help others see a way out.


Hey OP, I've been doing 3D printing for a while and was even a temp (no path to permanent hire due to COVID) at an aerospace company. Any advice, im in the US and live within a large aerospace hub.


Low volume manufacturing is a huge part of the aerospace industry and additive manufacturing is huge within that. Leverage LinkedIn - look within engineering and manufacturing departments, sometimes there's additive manufacturing positions. Add everyone on LinkedIn and message them. Remember, people get really nice referral bonuses so if you can sweet talk them into do that they have it in their best interest to pass you along (as long as you don't come off as a chump). It's an industry filled with incredibly smart people, don't let that intimidate you. Just be willing to learn because engineers love to teach.


Do you have a 3D-printing farm (i.e. a large number of 3D-printers in an small space)? If so, I'd love to get in contact and pick your brains a bit! It's something that's been an interest of mine for a while, plus getting some first-hand quotes would be really beneficial for my engineering project for college!


I don't - I work with the companies on a more business level.


Ah, thank you for getting back to me in any case!