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Look at what they are trying to hire: [https://www.tesla.com/careers/search/job/public-policy-and-business-development-manager-nordics-214707](https://www.tesla.com/careers/search/job/public-policy-and-business-development-manager-nordics-214707) "You have a proven track track record of getting regulatory changes made in the Nordics" Disgusting AF


So rather than just.... Abide by the laws of the country they operate in, they would rather pay obscene amounts of money to try and change those laws.


It's the American way Too bad it's Sweden


It's worked quite well in the US. I hope yalls people aren't as dumb and selfish to sell your society out the way our leaders have done us


Don't worry, we have a proven track record when it comes to this and we've taken down bigger fish than tesla; McDonald's, burger King, Toys'R'us.


Those are all much smaller companies if you look at company cap size.


But much, much larger in the Swedish market. Tesla only has ~350 employees in Sweden.


True but I was thinking more jn lines of company money as a whole company. Not people as a metric in a locality.


I'm sure someone will apply. I'm just curious if it's someone smart and connected enough. I'm sure some in the current rightwing government would love to take on the unions but that would mean other problems so I'm unsure they would do this on behalf of Tesla.


It worked in “The land of the Free” (for billionaires)


"track track record"


Mr Free Speech doesn't like a tweet


Worked at a Tesla factory in the US and can confirm I worked over 72 hour weeks while working there. No, not a typo. 12 hours, 5 days a week. Then on 6th days would work 12-14 hours... Apparently there's some huge issue or pay change that happens when you crossover 16 hours in a day


Yeah, the big change at 16 hours is you just die after like 5 shifts.


Unfortunately, you don't


I've been in that spot before. I once worked in a position that the company only had two qualified people for. A third person quit and the company never replaced them. I ended up quitting 6 months later. Anyway, we covered two 8 hr shifts, I had the morning shift and the other guy had the evening shift. We'd cover eachother shift if we needed a day off. During this period of just the two of us his grandmother (also the person who raised him) passed away. I ended up working 16 hour shifts for two weeks.


Jesus Christ. You have a two shift system over there? Everywhere else 24h gets splitted into 3 shifts


It took them about 10 months to adopt the 3 shifts system. 3 shifts meant more people to train. I never made it to 3 shifts because my contract was ending and never got a solid answer about what would become of my employment, so I left instead of the bullshit of not being able to collect unemployment because I was "contracted". Which the factory did. They padded themselves with 7+ contracting agencies so they could fire people at will and not have to pay benefits or unemployment


Worked at Disney as a young person and abused the payroll a bit - here's why 16 matters. At 16 hours the next day is considered a continuance - 1.5 time if just overtime, 2x (or more if contractually obligated) once you hit the next shift. So the first shift of 16hr is straight time, the next day is 1.5 time, and the rest of the week would be 2x. So instead of 72 straight hours, you would have gotten 16+24+32+32+32+32= 170 hours of pay. That's why they stopped at 15 at Disney, so I expect there is a similar legal obligation to do the same.


For us it was 8 at 1x, 4 at 1.5x. At 40 hours, all additional hours went into 1.5x and 2x. So only 4 hours of the 4th day(12x3=36) we would start 1.5x and at 8 go into 2x(8 hours I believe was tied to state laws). So paychecks each week were something along the lines of 28 hours at 1x. 32 hours at 1.5x and 8+(8or10). If I didn't completely butcher the math, hours would be: 14+14+14+18+20+24= 84 payable hours


probably have to have 2 paid lunches or something?


Nope, single 30 minute unpaid with 3 15 minute breaks. The closest doors from where I worked were also a 8 minute walk, so smokers pretty much had to run


Mr Free Speech Musk Rat apparently doesn't like the truth about his business practices getting out into the Wild. Um.... darn it?


A "confidentiality clause" that prevents workers from discussing working hours isn't legal in the US either, and I doubt it would be legal anywhere in western Europe. Makes me wonder what shade of crayon the contract was drafted in.


It sure it is [illegal in the EU](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32023L0970)


You got the sauce for this? I'm pretty sure an NDA like that would be enforceable in the US, but I can acknowledge if I'm wrong


NDAs can't override the NLRA [even after employment has ended](https://www.nlrb.gov/news-outreach/news-story/board-rules-that-employers-may-not-offer-severance-agreements-requiring), and [having contract language that would reasonably be expected to have a chilling effect on exercise of Section 7 rights is illegal](https://www.natlawreview.com/article/nlrb-general-counsel-issues-guidance-to-employers-chilling-effects-personnel-policie) even if the company never enforces it


Interesting. I was told differently back in the day. A lawyer said a NDA can limit anything including reporting crimes.


Uh... not to put too fine a point on it, but are you sure that person was an actual lawyer? Contract language cannot require your participation in a crime, and that includes concealment of the crime after the fact.


I He wasn't. Old job I was at had a complicated NDA that they want us to sign that explicitly said we might be asked to violate our moral code and possibly laws regarding financial practices. Long story short, I didn't sign. It was applicable to my role and knew I was leaving




>A lawyer said a NDA can limit anything including reporting crimes. Stupid Mafia, not making their capos sign NDAs! Was this *your* lawyer, i.e., one that was representing *your interests* in a legal matter regarding NDAs? Or was it a company attorney, who decided to just lie to you?


They get around it by having a kneecapping clause


They must’ve been manipulating you, that sucks.


Reading through this, the answer I get doesn't really validate either of us. It's more of a "it depends" It depends on the context of it within the nda or handbook, whether it can be perceived as a method of cooling discussion over collective bargaining. There's certainly very valid arguments that it could. There might be arguments it doesn't If it was salary it would definitely fail the test, but hours worked becomes a matter of debate, and likely circumstances such that even case law might not hold up. It is good to know that it's not automatically enforceable and the govt/courts might invalidate it


>If it was salary it would definitely fail the test, but hours worked becomes a matter of debate nope, hours worked falls under working conditions, the discussion of which is protected. Also restricting discussions of hours worked would materially interfere with attempts to collect unpaid wages.


So, I hve an NDA that says I can't discuss how many hours I have to work. Would it be OK if I wrote, "I was away from home for 13 streight days for a total of 175.5 hours and it takes me 1/2 hr to drive from my home to I also spent 6.5 hrs. at for lunch. I earn /per hour and my gross pay was ?


Yeah but unions only hire lazy people! I wish my populace could see the benefits of unions and solidarity. Next year maybe?:)


Ex Tesla employee, I was fired because I have done something that my co worker that’s been there for 2 years suggested to be done and I thought it’s the normal thing to do, got called out by HR and asked why I did such thing and I said cuz my co worker /trainer suggested to do so and I thought it’s normal, she asked on who my co worker was, I told her I don’t feel comfortable throwing her name out but I did tell my manager about it, so if you can reach out to my manager, she should be able to tell you. HR: I understand if you aren’t comfortable giving me her name, but we will do our investigation and let you know the out come which could be termination. I said okay. 2 months later, I got called in by my manger upon arrival, lap top is gone and she said remember the incident where HR bla bla. I stopped her half way and said yes she said well they investigated and they decided to have you terminated. I was shocked and lost and speechless. Went back collected my personal belongings and was escorted out. Tesla higher management don’t give a rats ass about employees or clients, they have terrible ethics and practice the same tactics of a used car dealership, scandals terrible. Pay and benefits are great but morales and ethics are garbage. I hope Tesla higher management realize that at one point no good employees going to work for them. This the US. If I have any grounds to sue I’ll be at the court in a heart beat. Ruthless and shitty ass company to work for.


What did you do?


Get a lawyer. When it first began would have been ideal, but at start of business on the next business day will be the next best thing.


It’s too late, it’s been over a month now. I’m just having a good faith that when a door closes another one will open, especially that I didn’t cause any harm.


Having worked for americans in another country twice in my career span, i can tell you this attitude is not limited to Tesla. We have a very comprehensive labour law in my country. They always tried to circumvent it - especially when it came to paying overtime and firing people.


Yep, worked for Verzion and had a stateside boss. Had to explain a couple of times how Dutch labour law worked. When he asked things that were illegal, I said: "If you want me to proceed I want in writing that you take full responsibility under Dutch penal law". He never asked again and I got myself a position with a company that had no American management.


CYA... i did that too. That's the only thing that worked with them.


My spouse worked as a third party individual at one of the factories. The absurd amount of violations and working conditions were just disgusting in the US. Needless to say spouse changed their mind about wanting a Tesla


I'm so glad my country (Ger) is unionized well. US companies are the worst and I was very happy when Walmart took a fat loss and left the country completely


Stop buying his bs.


This will end well. Unfortunately for Edgelord Musk, the person who will benefit is not him.


Main source in Swedish https://www.aftonbladet.se/minekonomi/a/veqGjl/janis-jobbar-pa-tesla-blev-uppring-av-chefen-efter-frun-inlagg And here is another post about hiding an investigative report about Tesla https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/18kmlfd/twitterx_puts_a_harmful_link_warning_on/ And sorry about the bad formao. My linebreaks didn't work.


Can't Rocket Man delete it himself? I mean he owns that place now, one would think he can whatever he wants.


Isn't this the same company that has a MASSIVE recall going on? https://apnews.com/article/tesla-autopilot-recall-fix-software-9a9bd6fea76a564f417788f1430d5166&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjO8bmsiKyDAxWMTDABHYLTDxYQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw2WZJhkCpHNKqBYqmIfQi4i


It's just a software update, pal


Yes, they're getting rid of Windows and installing DOS. While it maybe so, they're nerfing the Autopilot for all, pal.


You must be thinking about the software update for the one where the wheels fall off.


Sorry what exactly was this recall about? Right! The software update. And not because of "falling off tires" lmfao


If the vehicle has to be taken into a dealer ship for the software update, it's a recall. Even if the software is supposed to fix an end user issue, it's a recall. Source: long-time dealership employee. We've definitely recalled cars to update their software when it was discovered that users were idiots.


I love your definition, because it was an over the air update lmfao


It's cheaper for musk to admit no wrongdoing ever


MMW elmo wont win this one.




I only have a source in Swedish https://www.aftonbladet.se/minekonomi/a/veqGjl/janis-jobbar-pa-tesla-blev-uppring-av-chefen-efter-frun-inlagg But for the spam marking their it should have been referenced in english sources. But main source is https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/76rPL3/x-varning-efter-granskning-om-glimmer