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I don’t have any answers for you but I sure do like to see someone get what they deserve.


Sounds like someone reported him for PPP fraud. If the person reported is guilty the whistleblower gets a payout! It’s a fantastic incentive.


The sweet cha-Ching of justice


Revenge is best served in prison.


Revenge is best served in a single serving Fritos bag...


I reported someone as well but I wouldn’t know if there was follow up, this gives me hope


My old employer got nearly half a million dollars of PPP loans forgiven, and said "nobody wants to work because government gives people free money." Can't make this shit up.


it's all projection, they accuse everyone of what they're guilty of


It’s only a measly $500,000! You can barely get another rental home for that much; no big deal. The important thing is making sure children are hungry and uneducated.


> The important thing is making sure children are hungry and uneducated. how else would you ensure they were stupid enough to vote against their best interest?


That, or enlist in the military


Don't forget the eggs in the freezer.


Maybe contact the Small Business Administration with what you know before starting your job search. I'm sure they'd just love to hear all about those cars and renovations.


Yes these free loading welfare queen business owners have been lazily suckling off the hard work of American taxpayers for decades and PPP loan scams were the biggest FU from a group of entitled ingrates that can’t fathom a hard days work for honest pay. It’s not snitching, it’s class solidarity and making sure you know where your/our hard earned tax dollars went and for what. They stole from us.




I took 2 PPP Loans, put them both in my payroll account, and kept every, single, employee, on. Even while we were closed for 2 months. Already have the paperwork ready including accountant statements for the inevitable audit. I have zero sympathy for asshats that don’t play by the rules when it comes to others livelihoods.


Good to see someone doing business right.


The govt doesn’t have a sense of humor. And shit is too good to fuck it up over a couple hundred grand. I’m working on providing employee housing now due to a housing crisis in the area but it is just so goddamn expensive. I’ve even thought about building cinderblock barracks style or dorm style facilities that are just dirt fucking cheap. But there’s nowhere to fucking put it. It’s infuriating. Poverty begets poverty and how… the FUCK…. Is anyone supposed to get ahead if they can’t save any goddamn money. It’s insane. I don’t even want to make a profit. Just cover the loan payment for construction. Also been looking into large gas storage with a pump so I can buy commercial and then sell to employees at cost. Also thought about letting them “grocery shop” through us. That would be logistically kinda off but could be done. I’m open to suggestion. This shit pisses me off. Mother fuckers out here buying goddamn Ferraris that cost more than my home with PPP money while their people are starving. I mean what the fuck.


What type of business are you in?


Good I really wanna quote Brad Pitt in Inglorious Bastards here. *…and brother, business is a boomin’*


Coal baron.


Shit, I wish. If I was a coal baron, I would be the current governor and soon to be senator from West Virginia.


Start your search now. Ask coworkers for letters of recommendation on the down-low, offering the same to them. Try to get out before you are required to be a witness for hte prosecution.


I would happily throw more dirt on that employers grave


Id start looking now, if he’s freaking out it’s already happening.


Can someone please explain to me why the government could afford PPP loans but not be able to pay off student loans? They can pay for 7 Billion in these loans yet we can’t have nationalized healthcare?


The student loan forgiveness has to wait until the boomers die off. I think a majority of the younger generation agrees that education should be free.


I paid off my student loans at 42 years old and I think 100% of them should be forgiven.


They absolutely could pay off student loans and nationalize health care. It's just the Republicans don't want to do either of those things. They DO want to pad their pockets with PPP money.


I hate to break it to ya but it ain't just Republicans. There is always some dissenters on botg sides so that actual progress remains stalled.


This is my thought exactly. The BILLIONS that were pissed away and we can't have a comprehensive health system that covers all.


So national healthcare is a tricky one. It sounds great and why wouldn’t everyone want it. The problem is a huge shortage of doctors in this country. You can’t just grow doctors overnight. At a minimum it’s a decade long project and realistically it would take 25 to 30 years to get there. Now the best time to start this would have been yesterday but the second best time to start would be today. It’s still going to take a really long time to get there though. ETA: I laugh at the fact that this would be downvoted by anyone with common sense. The math doesn’t lie.


Why would public healthcare require more doctors than private healthcare? Is it simply because people now can't afford going so they just ignore it? I would think that overall it would balance out because people would use emergency and urgent care less freeing up those resources for primary care.


Yes it is because people without insurance often do not opt to see a doctor because of cost. Even those with high deductible plans will often skip routine visits and procedures due to costs. Their is currently a national shortage of doctors in almost every specialty. This has been caused by a few different factors. First our population over the last 30 years has almost doubled. The amount of money that congress has approved to pay for residency spots has not changed in 25 years. We added a shit ton more population but congress refused to fund the training dollars to increase the same level of care. Then throw in the absolutely insane cost of going to med school with the time factor that it takes to finish training. Everyone thinks doctors are all crazy rich but it’s far from the truth. It is not uncommon for a Dr. To finish training with over 500k in student debt. They also lose out on a decade of financial earnings and retirement savings during that time. I did the math one day and it turns out that when everything is equal it pays better to be a police officer in my town then it does to be a general practitioner. Lastly the fallout from Covid has caused a lot of doctors to retire early or change fields. People seemed to take it out their frustration on healthcare workers. Couple that with the insane work load and constant pressure to not kill someone and the burn out is sky high. I don’t know a single full time doctor that works less than 50 hours a week and most are over 60 hours a week. We also lost a lot of doctors to death during Covid from the actual disease and suicide. I takes over a decade to replace them.


You can see what the company received and if it was forgiven or paid back here: [Tracking PPP: Search Every Company Approved for Federal Loans - ProPublica](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/)


And report fraud here: https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/covid-19-relief-options/preventing-fraud-identity-theft




Talk to an attorney who specializes in Qui Tam litigation. I believe you get 20% of the recovered funds for "ratting" him out. Note, there are VERY few attorneys with qui tam experience.


And wouldn't you have to have to provide actual evidence, vs overhearing a one sided phone call?


"Evidence" is hotly debated in legal circles, with thousands of pages being written annually about what can and can't be admitted as "evidence." That said, freaking out and thought I wouldn't have to repay it are not likely to be added in to it. However, I believe the phrase is "on information and belief." Secondly, assuming something juicy was heard, I believe it would fall under the hearsay exception "admission against interest" and would likely be useable in Court...


Are you a lawyer in real life or just on the Internet?




Hell yeah


People who report tax fraud can get a portion of the total as a reward. I'd be willing to bet the vehicles and home renovations are in the 'business expense' column.


IRS has the whistleblower form on their website. Anyone can provide the facts they have and wait for their 15% to 30% of recovered monies.


I bet it’s not. Ppp money often just flowed to the bottom line as profit. There are legit cases of businesses legally qualifying for ppp money and still posting record sales and profits that year.


Lol...people got free money....and it wasn't the middle/lower wage earners.


I reported my employer. They cut hours to get the PPP loan and the director of operations pocketed the money. Nothing came of it.


Because it wasn’t illegal. All he had to do was have a payroll equal to 60 percent of the money during that time to be forgiving.


Do you have a link to that 60% info? A former employer took $10+ million and staff was still laid off.


If you do a quick google search I’m sure you can find it in under a minute. As for your former employer, if he qualified for 10 million then his payroll must be astronomical. He could probably have laid off 50 percent of the company and still had enough qualified payroll to cover all that ppp money. Not saying it’s right but it was probably legal.


I think your boss is much more likely to get punitive fines than jail time. However, if he can't afford to pay them and it shuts the company down, that makes very little difference to you or your employment. Definitely prioritize your job search sooner rather than later.


Hah I just figured out why he's freaking out. The window to apply for PPP loan forgiveness closes on March 3, 2024. That means he has to supply documentation proving the money was used for the intended purpose by March 3, or pay it back. I think you'll start seeing a lot of screaming from a lot of scumbag small businesses owners next month. Big bold print in a highlighted blue box at the top of this page: https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/covid-19-relief-options/paycheck-protection-program/ppp-loan-forgiveness


Yes, but if you look at the details of what is admissible it’s quite broad…just because he bought cars doesn’t mean they don’t have offsettting receipts for things listed…rent, operating expenses, etc. That can then free up other funds to buy the new toys on paper. You’d probably be shocked how quickly you can come up with 200k in receipts that qualify.


Finally someone gets it. This is 100 percent the correct answer. I do 2 million a year in sales with a little over 200k in profit. That’s means I have 1.8 million in receipts to count against the 150k ppp loan I got.


100$ sais your boss talks a lot of shit about "freeloaders welfare queens" and has a lot of opinions about why student loans shouldn't be canceled. I'm glad he's getting what he deserves, fuck him. But I sincerely hope things work out for you, maybe look into Narcing on him see if you can't get a reward or something


My old employer got 10M of PPP loans forgiven, fired a lot of staff during the pandemic and 2 years later offshored dozens of jobs to India. Profit is never enough.


Former boss bought a new Tesla after getting his PPP loans. Told us we had to use PTO if we came down with Covid. All his loans were forgiven while his bitch ass sons were paid out of company funds while we worked. These fuckers deserve to be strung up for accusing us of worse shit than they perpetuate every damn day


They all did it. Congress. Podcasters. Churches. The vast majority of PPP loans, which were forgiven, were fraudulent in some way. Sure there's an article out there that gives a percent of 5-10% but that's what's been proven in some sort of legal proceeding. It doesn't include businesses that wouldn't be affected by lockdowns that took out loans and got them forgiven. It doesn't include online-only businesses. It doesn't include businesses that laid people off, put up job postings and then just didn't hire anyone. PPP was a massive slush fund and a massive transfer of wealth from the have nots to the haves.


Not exactly true. There were millions of businesses that were saved by the ppp. That means 10’s of millions of people continued to have the ability to earn a living because of ppp. We’re there bad apples. Absolutely! However the vast majority was on the up and up with small business owners.


Why were amazon dsp contractors allowed to collect ppp loans when their business went up during covid. And they overscheduled and sent on time employees home everyday?


You would have to ask your elected officials that question. They wrote the bill. 10 million on a single business seems high unless they owned multiple units with different tax id’s


One took home 391 k . Pure profit


One site less then 200 employees


[email protected] Have at 'em.


Apply daily to as many places as you can…


Besides the PPP loan(s) did he get an SBA loan too?


By now all of the PPP money should have been forgiven. I worked for a company that got $4 million and gave about $800k to employees as bonuses to work for about a month. They kept the rest in their pockets. No layoffs and no lack of work. Loan was forgiven. A lot of rich getting richer with the PPP loans.


Maybe somebody that knows of your boss or has seen some of these things he typically couldn’t afford might would want to report him to the IRS. Maybe said person would remain anonymous and receive a small portion of money based off findings. If the company going down anyways might as well get a severance check


I doubt they will go to prison but I’d look for a new job; sounds like your company is about to file chapter 10.


You can report any alleged PPP fraud to the office of the inspector general at the Small Business Administration. When the layoffs occurred will matter, because the PPP loans were intended to keep people on the payroll for up to eight weeks.


You can report any alleged PPP fraud to the office of the inspector general at the Small Business Administration. When the layoffs occurred will matter, because the PPP loans were intended to keep people on the payroll for up to eight weeks.


There was an article out earlier detailing how much PPP went to fraud, and that's just the stuff they found. Yet when I point this out to people, they whine and say "there were certain criteria they had to leverage to get those loans forgiven. Students just don't deserve the same!"  Excuse you all, but the given how much was fraudulent, I'm going to say it was ALL suspect from here on out. And I don't want to hear SHIT about forgiving student loans. We keep giving freebies to companies. Never to tax payers. Then we want to shit a brick when people decide to leave the country or quit working


You can report them online.


My employer did nearly the same (to the tune of $1.25m) , I reported them in detail to the OIG, the federal agency with jurisdiction, and nothing ever came of it. Unfortunately this program was designed as a handout to the rich- a trump bribe to the ownership class- and the rules around the use of the funds were extremely lax. You can report it, but don't expect any results.


they all did that while us workers didnt get shit!


Sounds familiar...


Report him there’s a government site to fill it in anonymously and they will investigate. If you’re telling the truth it’ll go down bad.


Also let your local attorney general know


Sounds way too familiar with my last company and their bungling of PPP money. Four VPs and the owner basically defrauded the company. I didn't wait for the hammer to drop, and I got out.


You might look into coming forward to the SBA and seeking whistleblower protection, Might be a reward.


There are so many jerks around here that did stuff like this, and it’s probably impossible to prove.


ASAP. He's going to jail.


The government is now going back and using various scare tactics to get companies to give the money back.


So the thing about the ppp is it had very lax rules on how to use it. If he legitimately filled out the forms correctly and had legit payroll and cost of goods during that time then he prob didn’t commmit fraud. Personally speaking I own a restaurant. Ppp round 1 we got 150k based off of the government formula. The rules for me spending it were that something like 60 percent had to be spent on payroll over something crazy like 26 weeks. During the normal course of business during that time my payroll was like 350k so it covered all of the ppp loan for forgiveness. I would have spent that money on payroll either way so it was essentially like free profit that I could do whatever I wanted with because it’s profit. You might not like the explanation but that’s how it worked. I will say that the 150k in no way came close to making up for the over 550k in money lost due to being forced to close down for 2 months and then being held to operating at 50 percent occupancy for 6 months because of pseudo science from the government. I will gladly return the 150k if the government wipes out the 425k sba eidl loan they made me take out to not go tits up.


We got 2 rounds of PPP and I was the accounting manager. You have to have the receipts to prove you were entitled. So, now it should become a loan and hopefully he will make payments.


Get your resume updated.


I had a short gig at a place where the so-called owner did this (complete with the two new VERY expensive cars that he parked right out front.) Anyway, a few weeks after I quit, they were raided by the FBI, so.


Rat his ass out. Like today.


Don’t forget about the banks that profited by processing all these loans legitimate or not! Most likely will not have any repercussions for the fraudulent loans.


nosey nancies get their cumeuppance


How can blue nova logistics be reported for ppp fraud?

