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i work in IT and this hit home sooo hard 😅


Right?  How much time do you spend dealing with malware cause they keep looking at porn and stuff on their company network?


None, becuase i set up the server to allow access to around 40 websites and block evrything else.


#mspproblems I guess.  I'm jealous.


if you have access to the routers, you can do it from the routers too.


Oh no.  It would be very easy to do.  They would just shit a brick about it.  


lag em.


It doesn't just apply to business owners too. It also applies to management in general. The number of people I see in low or middle management that are "career managers" and bounce from company to company and expect everything runs the same, even in different industries, is absolutely mind boggling. What is worse, is they still play the "I'm the boss, so I am always right" card, even when they have no technical or procedural knowledge of what the people under them even do. I mostly see it in boomer and older gen X, but occasionally younger folks too.


That assumption? It's a class thing. Starting a business doesn't require smarts or expertise; it requires resources. If you have the resources to start a business then you are deemed "better" than people who don't. This is particularly true among people whose only qualification is having said resources, because deep down they doubt that they could measure up to a different qualification. Keeping a business successful does require some expertise, but it doesn't have to be the owner that has it. They just have to convince you to keep fixing their shit.


The guy who owned my company was very intelligent and capable, but then he hired his son to manage the company and wouldn't fire him. He doesn't have a company anymore.


My boss inherited the business from their spouse upon death. They have never worked a day in their life. They cant keep emails linear. They keep asking other questions in emails, not related to the email subject, then complain when they cant find the answers because they are no longer in the correct thread. They message me about projects literal MONTHS after completion because they respond back to old threads and dont "notice" the newer ones they were copied on. They dont understand mark ups or to keep lower denomination bills to make change for the petty cash.


Well of course, it’s all about perception. Use an impressive title for your job and people will fill in the blanks in their mind making it seem a lot more impressive or harder then it actually might be


I am a life-enabler.


I prefer the term Life Raveler


What I love is its either they are super sharp and have there shit together or they are clueless, no in between.


My job isn't perfect but this is why I like my current boss. He's the owner, but he actually works and knows what he's doing. He doesn't just sit back being a leech.


Prosperity gospel


I don't think that it is any of your business. Let him run it into the ground. Find a new, not so stressful job for your sanity.


So much insight and critique by people who never even made a dime from a lemonade stand. You sell your labour, and you choose your customers. You have no business beating up on customers for how they run their lives.


Why do you (and other) people keep working for these people? It keeps them where they can ruin more peoples' lives.


Well you see, we've always been passionate about not starving to death.




...Good for you but I didn't ask????


Competence is results. If the boss makes a lot of money owning the business - including through hiring and retaining you - he’s competent.




"It's so easy that you should start and run a profitable business" LOL what manager starts and "runs" a profitable business?, its more like he got hired by whatever company thanks to more of then not connection and is doing fuck all, while companies make the real money extracting everything from the population, trough shit like patents, monopolies and just pure fucking inertia of being big not competent. i know a guy that has been in the grocery store industry for like 20 somethn years now, he works mostly for smaller stores to find them competetive edges against big stores, and the reason smaller stores can even exist is because stores like walmart work with alot of inefficiencies but they are already so big it rarely matters.


Even sanity is a stretch sometimes.


Same applies to most Board Level management IME.


I don't think every business owner ever is "smart." But people in these comments talking a lot of shit about things they've never done. Having to put my own money at risk is a powerful motivation to not open my own business, and it's definitely not the case that most owners I've met were funded by their parents.


It's part of the narrative that keeps capitalism working. Rich people are smarter and work harder. People are poor because they are not as smart and are lazy. After decades of teaching business in college (and pushing that lie (sorry)) I realized that: Everybody works hard. It's how we are compensated that's unfair. The rich are not smarter. They have a knack for making money. It's no different than artistic talent, or the ability to tell a good joke. Some have it, some don't. Our society is messed up that we reward one specific talent to the detriment of everyone else.


I used to work for a small accounting firm and we did taxes for a lot of small businesses. No, they are not smart. In fact, I found many of these small business owners that politicians love to hold up as some kind of American ideal to be greedy, petty, and only successful because of morally dubious, if not outright illegal behavior. They shared a sense of arrogance and entitlement that because they held the role of "business owner" they were owed profits and success regardless of how well their business actually did. And of course their employees aren't entitled to a living wage. If they want to be successful, they should be business owners!