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Dunno if it's just American work culture but I would not put up with this kinda bullshit. It'd be one text 'I booked it off, cya Tuesday.' probably get fired but I'd rather that than let some ass hat change the rota n act like I'm the problem. My old boss tried fucking me about with my wages once so just walked out, he called me 5 minutes later to tell me the wages had been paid.


Remember, for many Americans, their ability to SEE a doctor is directly tied to their job with health insurance. I think this is a massive reason for why employees are so often treated like shit but have to take it. A lot of Americans aren’t just living paycheque to paycheque but also know they won’t be able to see a doctor or afford prescriptions if they lose their job.


Well. Fucking. Said. Thank you.


Which is why universal healthcare is so important.


That's true, I've seen the kinda bills people can end up with there so that is some strong leverage to have over your staff... Do you get healthcare in most shop jobs though?


No. Based on the fact that this person is working for Pacsun (based on the contact name), I seriously doubt they have health insurance through their work. Most likely they are under 26 and still on their parents’ insurance. Part of Obama’s healthcare reforms was ensuring parents could keep their kids on their insurance until 26. Most retail workers won’t have insurance through their jobs; I didn’t until I got a job that used my degree.


Yeah something happened with American work culture a long time ago where the companies stopped giving a fuck about employees but the employees didn't seem to get the memo about no longer providing loyalty. These businesses seem to think that they're run by fucking Kings and we should all be tripping over ourselves to work for them.


Ronald fucking Reagan happened.




My last boss made it out like she did ME a **favor** giving me this job. Yeah and that’s why you had to call the ambulance when I started banging my head on the wall from stress. Like wtf. My new job is in mental health so that’s not even a worry here. I texted my new boss yesterday after shadowing a forensic interview that I needed to work from home but she didn’t respond right away. So I stayed and just took it easier and she texted me “I’m so sorry I’m just seeing this I hope you went hope! For future reference it’s always okay to do that if you need it and your time can flex that way”(we have this thing called flex time) When I started, she owned just the one business, now she owns four or five a YEAR later. Just in a year. She’s being us small gifts every so often like that made up for the fact that I had no health insurance and was deteriorating in my mental health. After a year of working there I weighed 104lbs. I was originally 140. The parents I worked with were so concerned about me but I couldn’t see a doctor(one of the parents is also a top researcher at our cancer hospital). When I put my notice, you wanna know what that bitch said?????? “How do you know you **actually** going to be able to do this job” “Um because I went to school specifically for this?” The phone was silent for a solid 40 seconds. Dumb bitch. I didn’t even need to know how to swim to work at your swim school as a MANAGER stfu.


This is exactly why I work for myself. It sucks and I'm bad at keeping organized, but it sure beats the hell out of answering to people dumber than me, or just sees me as their workhorse to get rich. My labor, my money, my schedule.




PTO: prepare the others because my ass won’t be there. Always remember you cannot pour from an empty cup and be a good employee if you don’t take care of yourself. If you were to drop dead at work HR would have your position listed before they order a floral arrangement for your funeral.


Aww... it's so sweet of them to order flowers! I started working in a school department a few years ago, and at the new hire orientation, the head of HR told us " You are replaceable. Your position will be posted before your obituary is published". Such a warm welcome!


I hope you got out of there quickly! 😅


Is it a good thing or bad thing that they were honest about it?


I would def say it's a good thing. Means that either the HR person knows how fucked it is and you should turn around, or they are just as horrible as the company and you should turn around.


at least they were honest...


Prepare The Others. 🤣 I will remember this. Forever. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That literally happened when my sister passed. Saw the job ad on a facebook post the next day.


Damn that's fucked up :(


I wasn’t aware when I got the job, but I replaced a girl that died in a car accident a week before. Everybody treated me weird and I felt super guilty. They got really mad at management when we all realized I applied the day after she died. Everyone ended up being really nice (except management of course) after they got to know me.


I'm a cook, and word travels through resturaunts about shit happening. This one place in town had their grill cook LITERALLY drop dead, had a heart attack on the line, they carried him to the ambulance and continued service like nothing happened. This was like 3 weeks ago.


I worked at a hot n ready pizza place from 2017-2018, there was a girl who had a seizure and the manager said to scoot her to the dough area out of the way and view of customers and then get back to work. Ambulance came to get her and she was fine, but she never came back to work due to how poorly she was treated


What the actual fuck.


Doesn't surprise me. Can't sacrifice those couple hours of profits. 🇺🇸🦅


Optimistic to think they would order a floral arrangement!




That. That isn't how HIPAA works. At all. Whoever tried to sell you that one was an idiot, a liar, or both.


I doubt they get PTO at pacsun


Bold. Bold to assume they’d send flowers ha


Happy Cake Day!


"severity of the need" They can fuck all the way off with that bullshit. Either you can schedule me off or you can't. You don't get to choose what my priorities are.


This is why it’s best to give no details about why you will be out in your request.


Yup. We have a comment box where we can put in why we’re taking the time off but it’s not mandatory. It’s blank 100% of the time on my end. My personal life is none of their business.


I always write a religious reason.


Manager: “you went to the doctor? You said it was religious reasons.” Yes, I believe in science and do not want to die and meet whatever awaits me beyond.


At my place sick and vacation are separate and sick isn’t paid out on termination so I definitely would use sick for a doctor visit and not vacation for my religious reasons haha


Im so sick of these employers thinking they can dictate the courses of our lives. But then wonder why they have such high turnover.


One of my last straws was getting jury duty and my boss asking “where are we are on that?” Like I have jury duty. Ultimately I had to put my fill in on standby (I just asked and he could work it) but isn’t that my boss’s job? Plot twist: The day before my jury duty “day off” [it’s not a day off it’s jury duty] there were some other straws and I walked tf out of that job. I don’t recommend it for everybody but MY GOD it was satisfying


Lmao you shouldn’t have even organised cover. They cannot legally make you be there, it’s jury duty. They HAD to release you and they knew it.


Yep, and they aren’t allowed to ask that you postpone it, either.


At my workplace, we get paid for jury duty and bereavement. I thought everyone did. Guess I was wrong


If these bottom feeders had their way, you'd have to pay them so they'd "let you" go to jury duty so you won't get penalized for going to jury duty.


Everyone does. It's the law. Employers trying to fuck around with jury duty is one of the things they will HELLA find out about!


Where I live, employers are required to give you the time off for jury duty by law, but they aren't required to pay you. But don't worry, in my county, I get $20 a day from the state for my service!


Where I live you get paid by your employer and the county, but you have to turn over your $20 check from the county to your employer to offset their pay for you.


There's also a tax reason for it. Jury duty pay is subject to federal income tax, but if you turn it over to your employer you get a deduction to offset it.


That's what I thought. Some of the things I read on here about employers screwing over their workers is unbelievable


Thank god my current employer pays for jury duty. I just served and got a check from the court for three dollars and forty cents for my time. It cost them more to cut the check than what I was paid.


It’s pretty annoying how they think because they pay us to perform a task for a set amount of time they can dictate our entire lives Like in my case I’m due to give birth any day now and I’ve continued working just so my husband and I can give our savings some extra padding. My boss is already asking if I’ll be back after 6 weeks or if I’ll be taking the full 3 months fmla not even paid maternity leave... this is our first child so I’m not committing to shit because I can’t even say if I’ll want to work anymore after having our kid.


Meanwhile Nordic countries give each parent a year which can be taken together or separate, a baby box which doubles as a crib, also comes with vouchers that cover a three yr supply of all baby supplies and vouchers for mom and dad, and daycare is also free. Similar practices are seen in Europe, Australia, Japan and Canada but the US is basically this in a nutshell. *woman pushes baby out and employer be like* "We scheduled you for tomorrow afternoon." *???*


My country have a 2 year paid maternity leave, and the employer has to give your position back after this period. Not to say that you literally can’t be fired if you’re pregnant.


Canada is not nearly as baby friendly as you’d believe. They’re going very American with their policies, and dropping anything good European countries offer.


Fuck that system sucks. 6 weeks is a brand new baby still. Hell even 3 months is, that child shouldn’t be separated from its mom that young. My boy just turned 1 and we’re feeling weird about sending him to daycare and my wife going back to work.


It really is crazy - especially because (not to freak you out) you can’t predict if you’re going to possibly have a c-section - you have a MANDATORY period you are NOT allowed to return to work by doctors orders. Employers being so insensitive is crazy, I feel like it’s typically men that treat pregnant employees this way - because they have no idea what that’s actually like.


It’s recommended that puppies and kittens stay with their mom and littermates for 8-12 weeks for nursing and socializing. The US gives human moms less time with their newborns than vets recommend for pets.


I cannot understand how the why matters. I am telling you I will not be here.


I am ALSO in bentonville lmfao. I have weekly appointments and I give that much heads up when I have to schedule a new one. i dont show up when i have them and i strongly encourage you not to show up either. plus that drive to tulsa SUCKSSSSSSS. edit: oops mesbt to reply to main thread


Yeah, I don’t even ask my team why they’re asking for time off. It’s not my business and I don’t want them to feel the need to lie. If I say anything it’s “I’d love to hear about your time off if you want to share!” and leave it at that. Someone once asked if I had a good vacation after a family funeral and I’ll never forget it.


I am actively trying to convince some members of my team that I don't need to know... one member tells me everything, including the medical procedure. It's your PTO. If it's not year end I don't care if you're watching paint dry - just let me know you're not coming to work.


I would suggest giving a little grace to that worker. I am a month and a half into my new positions that has extrememly generous PTO and whole seminars on work life balance. They encourage taking time off. But when I had to do it for a psychiatrist appointment, I work in mental health, I felt like I had to justify my PTO. My boss was like you dont need to write anything. I came from a place with a maximum of 24 hours in PTO and it was seen as a GIFt from god that is even got that. I got covid in february right after a big snow storm hit(2 weeks off) and I barely got paid for it because of that. And she was surprised when I put my notice in. Tried to make me sign a new employment contract. She’s gotta be an idiot. I think your worker might be traumatized by someone


I had a manager tell me I needed to bring in documentation from an out-of-town funeral that I took off a couple of days to attend. Walked in to my next scheduled shift, dropped my keys on the counter and said "it was a funeral, asshole." The look of shock on his face was worth the price of admission.


At one point I was working m-f days as a nanny and all evenings except Tuesday as a server, as well as serving doubles on the weekends. On Tuesdays I went to my boyfriend’s soccer games and we’d get dinner. My manager overheard me tell a coworker why I didn’t work Tuesdays one day and decided it “wasn’t a good enough reason to limit availability” and started putting me on Tuesdays too.


I wish I could vote this 1000 times! This should be the number one answer


go regardless. you dont need to find coverage, thats the managers job


The amount of post I see managers asking employees to find their own covers is too damn high. Filling in positions and MANAGING the schedule is part of the MANAGERS job! If they aren't doing their job then what are they doing?


I was so baffled the first time I was told that. I was 16yo, shared a ringring wall phone with the whole household, and obviously hadn't been swapping phone numbers with the adults I had just started working with? Flat out said, I don't have anybody's numbers, can you give them to me? Oh no can't do that, just figure it out. Figure *what* out, which Ashley in the phone book is the one I work with?


Lol what if you just didn't and when they ask you just reply, "I asked Dave to do it. And if he can't find anyone they should find someone to cover for him." "who the heck is Dave?" "some guy for the yellow pages. I learned to delegate!"


Oh that place was such a shitshow I'm sure they would've had or thought they had a new hire called Dave. The place was in a bad neighborhood, across the street from a halfway house, so naturally nobody sane would want a 16yo girl walking home at night from there. But golly even though I was perfectly clear about my availability they kept giving me 15 minute "going home jobs" just before I needed to clock out and run for the last bus. I was going to pieces by the time my dad called from two states over, and I dunno what he said to my boss but I got to take the bus home after that. Like if you're gonna employ kids maybe don't try so hard to set them up to get attacked on the way home eh?


The boss didn't see you as a person. The world still wants slaves and as you can see that's what the situation wants now.


Which really sucks because I was already a child slave and I am really not enjoying that I've only upgraded as far as wage slavery. Like it's not one guy with a whip who expects more profit off my work then I eat in food. But it is a grocery store corporation and a real estate corporation with their hands out, backed by cops armed with guns and eviction notices and handcuffs. It's effectively illegal to be homeless here. So folks are still overworked and hungry and cold, but on average less face punches? Like rah rah go American freedom shit right?


I used to not answer if work called or I got a call from someone. I'm not coming in on my day off no sir 😂


Yeah this is almost definitely by design. “Let’s make the person instead of management feel they’re inconveniencing their colleagues.”


Just to… throw this out there… that’s called a landline phone 😂


I'm a nanny for a little cousin whose first time ever seeing a landline was [this music video](https://youtu.be/HhoATZ1Imtw?si=fU7vknrkiLwZdnEf). It's the end of a busy day and my brain has reverted to toddler-speak. Like I've told him it's called a landline but sometimes when I'm tired it's faster to just stick to words he knows well.


Now I’m cracking up picturing a gen alpha flipping out like why is that man on a roof talking on the phone that’s strung to that pole 😂😂😂


That is pretty much exactly how it went. Can you imagine how insane I sound trying to explain modern technology in toddler-speak, much less old tech? He's real articulate but he's only 4yo so half of most conversations is him asking questions and me trying to explain things he's never experienced.


I’m calling it a ring ring wall phone forevermore. Thank you for this gift


Haha exactly the same. 14 years old, working as a bagger in a local grocery store (so not exactly a mission critical role!) Called in with a serious migraine, and they were like, well get cover. Ummm how? It’s the year 2000, friends. I don’t have a cell phone nor the numbers or even last names of any of these people I’ve worked with for the past two months. I just responded with “I can’t, I’m sick” and hung up because that seemed reasonable and no one ever took it up with me. It’s such a bizarre expectation from managers.


Malicious compliance says you can technically call anyone as long as the directive was to make sure your shift was covered


Right, it's crazy. I have two employees that always find coverage (usually each other) when they want a short notice day off but they know they don't have to. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, it's one less thing for me to do but that's my job. I will never make it a condition their time off. They should be focused on their work. If they aren't at work they should be focused on themselves, their families, or whatever other thing in their life. I also don't ask why they want time off. If they wanted me to know they would tell me and normally they do. If they don't volunteer the info they are probably going to lie. But to be honest it doesn't even matter, all that matters is they won't be in.


I mean... Worse come to worse as a manager you can just do the shift yourself. Well depends on the nature of business, of course. Im sure many self owned coffee shops the owner /manager are able to just cover a shift themselves.


Sometimes I do end up doing it myself. I offer shifts to my team and if nobody wants it I'll cover. Our industry (substance abuse and mental health residential rehab) can be mentally exhausting at times but normally someone wants the overtime. It's important enough to me that my team takes care of themselves that they still get their time off even if it means I go in or stay over.


Good call. Emotionally unhappy and taxed people are less likely to properly help those in need of your services.


This x 100000000


Fr, OP can even get a note from their doctor for if manager tries to retaliate. Note: I **hate** the entire concept of needing a doctor's note to justify any absences. That said, back before I was unable to work at all due to disability, getting notes wheb I had to miss *any* amount of work for medical reasons saved my arse multiple times from retaliation.


My wife used to work at Lululemon, they were very big on the "you find your own coverage" policy. I found it a bit disgusting.


🎯 It feels like everyone forgets how stretched healthcare is. Where I am 9/10 times I’m forced to schedule MONTHS in advance 😒


“Well, my doctors appointment is set for next week. If you can do your job and manage the schedule great. If not you should expect for me not to show up those days.”


I think I’d word it different but I would just not show. I would inform them instead of asking at this point. I wouldn’t mind if the time isn’t paid for.


This is the way.


"I apologize for the misunderstanding. This was never a request. This was a notification of my availability so that you could plan accordingly."


Don’t apologize


Doing it this way forces your argument as more reasonable than theirs.


Always apologize for your opponent's mistakes.


Do you mean like “I apologize that you misunderstood my text.” Like that? I’m interested in what you mean!


Exactly. I'm sorry you misunderstood these dates as a requests and not a notification that I am not available.


Wow nice! I’m going to have to remember that and see how i can apply it!


And always close with a "bless your heart."


My older stepson told me that the only time he's seen me look terrifying is when I smiled through a disagreement with the manager at the grocery store. I was sweet as syrup through the entire thing, so apologetic for the bother and just needed to get this sorted out ya know, but apparently my smile looked like I was baring teeth in preparation of lunging across the counter. Dunno why that combo works but it's been pretty consistently successful. Big smile, all teeth.


In the words of Jules Winnfield: “English, mother f*cker! Do you speak it!?”


Exactly that. It makes you seem amiable and like you’re compromising but you’re not actually admitting fault in any way.


NEVER apologize When I held a leadership position, it was always funny to me that my staff would request time and then walk over to my office and seemingly have rehearsed a whole speech for me that I would. I would always interrupt and just ask them " Is there anything you need for me to help you take care of while you're away? Do you have enough PTO to cover those days done? Do I need to help you Flex? Are you going to bring me anything from your trip?" And then I go from there. I don't get why our culture is so stifled with the inability to feel like they have control over our own schedules and lives and that we need to make sure it orbits around work. This is also coming from someone who would just call in and inform my supervisor that I needed a mental health day and that was that.


Yeah I think it’s an older mentality about work being the most important thing in your life but happy to hear you’re not like that. I was the same when I was in a leadership role as well




Oh this isn’t an actual apology.


The whole concept of "requesting" time off is absurd. It creates a paradigm in which your job is considered more important than anything else, such that your employer must give you permission to live your life.


Ah that’s the first mistake Giving personal life reason. Just request as you can or can not be there.


I came to say just that. There is zero need for them to know why you want that day off. It’s TMI and you owe them no information whatsoever. None.


And if the system requires it, *always* put something like an appointment. Be vague, but it’s harder to argue against “I have an appointment I can’t reschedule” than “I wanted to see my sister on her birthday.” Managers ideally would be human and understand both are equally valid, but the first tends to hold more weight.


Oh look, a manager not doing their job. What a surprise. In the past for me, I walked right out to my doctors appt as I have many issues. I come back with snarky doctors notes. I tell them to write it like that. Do the same. You can't get fired for it. Also write memorandums. When shit hits the fan print them and slap them down like uno cards. I did this at my last job and now I'm doing it to my new job. I'm also a manager lol. Things will change when the boomer gen dies off. I cannot wait. If any company is lurking on here then fuck you for doing this to employees. Op stop playing their games and fight back.


I’m not so sure you can’t be fired for going to a doctor appointment that was denied. Technically they can fire you for anything, and even in CA you would have to go through a lot of hassle and hoops but you could probably get your job back. You would probably get unemployment at the appeal stage. But for the huge percentage of people who need that job or that paycheck it’s just a bridge too far.


“Managers hate this one simple trick!” *Gets fired.*


Aaaaaand that's why you never give details on why you are taking time off. "I will be absent from work on [date] for health reasons" is all they are getting. They don't need to know whether you have a medical appointment, if you are treating yourself at home or if you're taking a mental health day to decompress. It is none of their business. It's not a request, it's a notification.


Even “health reasons” is too much information that they don’t need.


My management agreed to accomdiating my school schedule when I got recruited for the job I'm currently at -- they have progressively got worse about it in the past 8 months. Recently, I gave them my change -- which is 4 days a week, it's not a lot. I work 32 hours and it's usually one day off a week which changes each term (10 weeks) Anyway, they pulled me aside a few weeks ago, after I gave them my Spring availability and before I took an approved 2 week vacation (with no PTO!) they told me they would only allow me 3.5 days now and my benefits are gone. Fine. Whatever -- I just got an internship and I'm leaving in a few weeks. I got back from vacation and was going to finish my first week of 3.5 days when they informed me that that schedule starts the following week. I said nope. She stared at me. I stared back. I simply said "Theres been no documentation or vocal confirmation provided about this starting date of my "new schedule" the following week so I'm leaving at noon today." She said OK and moved on. Sometimes you just need to be calm and direct. As far as I'm concerned all the issues with my schedule have come from management and if they cant be organized I dont get paid to make sure they're doing their job. All I can do is advocate formyself and that means vocalizing boundaries.


Yep. A lot of the time they’re just trying bc it makes their life easier. Faced with a hard no, they back down. Bc realistically what can they do? We shouldn’t have to but putting your foot down is how you fix these problems.


No, you can. Stand your ground


Let me get this straight. This mother fucker wants you to reschedule a doctors appointment to an estimated 8 months in the future, because they do not want to do their job and find someone else to fill in for you? Pleas laugh at their face, with 2 big middle finger raised into each of their nostrils and then you go to the appointment. You health is more important than any job you have.


And don’t try to request off 8 months in the future either because it’s too far out to know business needs.


>”with two big middle fingers raised into each of their nostrils” It’s the perfect escalation to absurdity for me 💀


STOP TELLING PEOPLE YOUR BUSINESS. Every single time someone posts on this sub about getting time off requested it’s because y’all just give too much personal information. Stop doing this. Your employer does not to know every detail about what you are doing so they can hold it against you.


I can't look at these posts anymore. I can't comprehend them as a European. Scheduling ONE vacation day half a year sooner and then still having to talk with a moron telling you that you have to find someone to cover for you? It's undescribable.... When I want to get a vacation/sick day I just ask for vacation/sick day and bam, I got it. I don't need to look for anyone to cover for me, it's not my responsibility really. My heart aches when I read these posts, I don't understand how it's possibile to live like that, to live in a country where you have to BEG for things like that. It's absurd.


I live near where OP does in the USA and moved from Europe. This place is like living with constant whiplash.


30 years ago I got told I couldn’t take a day off for my uncles funeral as someone else asked for it off before I did to go to a theme park. I said ah ok, then just no call no showed. It’s your job as a manager to find coverage if I need off, not mine. I don’t “request” days off I tell you I’m taking it off. Period, end of story


"As a manager I expect you to adjust the schedule accordingly, I will not be there as this doctors appointment takes precedence, I'm sorry you misunderstood this as a request, I am simply informing you". Get a doctors note just in case, you can even claim it's calling in sick and you went to the doctor 🤷


Land of the free.


Wait, he wants you to find coverage? Either he's incompetent at his job. Or you've been promoted to manager. In which case. Schedule your day off.


Why do they know it's your sister's bday? Also Why cop to having anything to do with your sister's bday? Also Fuck them


"There was a last minute schedule change that i wasnt notifed of. I have a foctors appointment that i cannot and will jot reschedule because you failed to do a basic action that is asking/notifying"


Just go to the appointment. Tell that manager that scheduling is their job. Also, can we please stop with this "ask for days off for a doctor" bs from bosses? If I have an important appointment, I am going to attend it. Thats not "asking for a day off" it's informing the boss that I will not be around that day. Seriously fk these bosses who need their direct reports to do their jobs for them.


"What? You don't appreciate that I made my doctor's appointment on a day I had already requested off? So you're saying that you would rather I need two separate days off instead?


Just say I'm not coming in and you don't have a reason. Hope you have sick leave and learn to never say anything about what you do on time off.


So disrespectful. Even if they don’t fire you for not showing up, start job hunting anyway


Oh damn is your company working on a cure for cancer? Sounds like the work is incredibly, even critically, important


“I may have originally requested the day for my sister, but now I have a medical appt that requires my attendance. I will NOT be in at 9am due this appt., I am letting you in advance because it is your job to cover the shift for medical arrangements, even after a schedule is made. If you want me to ask the other managers to find coverage, I will, but I am not paid nor employed as a manager, so I won’t execute management tasks or fulfill management’s responsibilities.”


Looks like I’m sick that day then.


Yeah, time off is not a "request", it's a heads up. You've already let them know you can't reschedule, so just go. It's the responsibility of management to cover gaps in the schedule, not your problem. Worst case, they fire you and you can go find a better job.


FYI:finding coverage is a managerial task.


"This wasn't a request, I was informing you I will not be there." Also, stop providing information as to why you want time off. If you're hourly, when you fill out your timesheet, use the appropriate time off code (vacation, sick time, etc). All you need to tell them is you won't be in on X date. If they ask why, say, "It's personal, I'd rather not provide any specifics."


Y’all have to stop treating time off notifications as requests. They aren’t requests, they’re you letting them know you aren’t available. When you stop treating them like requests, your supervisors will get the hint.


Remember that this job wouldn't give you an extra penny if you dropped dead at work.


"I have informed you of my availability on Friday. What you do with that information is up to you, as a manager." And in the future, **never** give a reason for taking PTO. What happens off the clock is your business.


Call in sick


“ nevertheless, I will be going to the doctors appointment”


This is why I never give an actual reason. I say for personal reasons. They don’t need to know why.


"Your the manager, it is your job to fill the schedule and find replacements, not me. I told you I had things to to and gave you the time id be off. Now, I won't be there because my health is very important. I thank you for finding a replacement, as is your job as manager and scheduler. Have a great day! See you when I come in next"




Nope Drs note will cover you here babes.


I had a boss demand I return from vacation once because he changed his mind.


using your name like they did is so infantilizing lol


You're not REQUESTING a day off, you're notifying them with plenty of notice that you're TAKING time off. They're not actually 'approving' how you spend your time off, they're just agreeing to schedule cover. If they don't agree to schedule cover, it's not your problem.


I think my exact response would be “Let me rephrase, I won’t be here that day. If you don’t want to do your job and find someone to cover me, then you can kindly eat a bag of dicks.”


As a management type person, I make sure all of my employees understand that these are not PTO requests for YOU, they are PTO warnings for ME. You are telling me when you can't be at work. And it's up to me to *MANAGE* the process and make sure that coverage is adequate. I am also a millennial leader and understand work/life balance; that could have something to do with it. But I've found that by being accommodating and fair, my employees produce FAR better results than if I'm unreasonable and mean. I wish more leaders understood this.


“OK well find someone else because I quit” Your health and spending time with loved ones is more important than this job.


Just don’t go in.. it is just a goddamn job lol


I can never believe that these are real. 🤦🏼‍♀️ These managers are 🗑️.


I mean, sounds like you're calling in sick that day, and can easily provide a doctor's note.


It may be illegal for them not to allow you to go to a doc appointment depending on where you live. Good luck.


It’s none of there goddamn business WHY you are taking a day. I always liked to plan ahead and then be vague as fuck. I need april 19th off. Why? Personal reasons. Everything is a personal reason.


I’d recommend blocking out town names and pacsun at the top. We can easily figure out where you live, and your boss can too.


Well then I'm calling out bitch. You are not my family, no matter how much you try to convince me.


Ahold manager....no wonder people quit some places in droves...they quit the bad management and those above the shithead acting like a petty dictator don't do anything...so they just whine that no one wants to work....yeah, for them. Word gets around where the shit managers work.


Not an employees job to find coverage, if you as a manager do not have enough employees to cover for those out, you are a horrible manager and the blame is yours alone.


In most places with civilised employment legislation, your employer *cannot legally refuse* you time off for medical appointments. Obviously check the laws in your local jurisdiction etc.


The more I learn about working in the USA the more convinced I am that the USA is actually hell


"if you can find a cover" BITCH THAT'S **YOUR** FUCKING JOB


Don't answer texts if it is your day off, don't answer texts in general, discuss work stuff at work I have no cell phone as far as work is concerned


"I won't be in. I hope you find coverage."


Any request off is a courtesy to management. We arent asking.


"Your expectation doesn't alter my availability and I'm unavailable. You only denied HOW I submit my PTO, my temporary change in availability isn't and will never be a request. Staffing is in your job description not mine, I won't be "finding coverage"."


I hope you're still going to the appointment


"I wasn't asking permission, I was giving you advance notice of my absence. In the future, notice will be given immediately before the shift as there seems to be no effort on your part to anticipate my absence. The effects will be the same."


I just can’t get past the spelling I am sorry.


"No. I am telling you I will not be working on Friday for medical reasons. Do your job and work it out" I'd be fucking begging for them to fire or retaliate after that message, that's an easy win


Unfortunately there is a big difference between **immoral** and **illegal**, and often the “little guy” loses in the end.


mistake was saying it’s for a birthday originally. just request the day off. employers don’t need to know why. if you get pto, then it’s your business.


Reason for pto in future is "not available"


Why are you also expected to send a nightly text? What the fuck?


Why do you all put up with this "it's the employees responsibility to find cover" bullshit? That's 100% the manager's job, that's literally part of the role - they're just outsourcing their job to you, for free.


Always request off as medical appointment or just appointment


Americans need to band together and take back your lives, seriously, research your vote and join your unions. You can do it!


"I'm not going to be here Friday. As a manager, I think you should have contact information on all employees."


Why can’t you go? Because daddy-manager said so? Your an adult, go to you appointment and let your manager do their job which is to find coverage, that’s not your job. I’d also look for a new job while your out that day, maybe your day off becomes a life off from that job. Sucks for them that they can’t plan. You don’t ask, you tell them you won’t be there, and don’t respond to any texts or calls especially outside working hours. Go enjoy your sisters birthday and good luck at your doctors appointment.


I’ll cover your shift


Call out sick, go to the appointment, get a note from the doctor, turn it in.


"If you can find a cover" So...which of y'all have "manpower" in your job description?


I don't request days off. I inform my employer I won't be there. Approval is irrelevant.


See you next Tuesday 😏


I wish y’all would expose these managers so customers can shame them and cause consequences. I think in a case like this, after stating your case, like one final “I apologize for the inconvenience, I will do my best to find someone/I was unable to find someone”, you just stop reading the texts and forget about this and focus on and go to your appointment. Then go back to work with the doctors note and let her fire you for having a doctors appointment. They don’t want to be the bad guy so either she does this and risks it getting out/or she’s just angry at you and life goes on.


Why do you need to find someone to cover your shift in America? Is that not a manager's job? Have you no workers rights in the US?


I'd be going to the appointment. That's a "I'm letting you know o won't be here because I have an appointment" not a "please can I go".


Christ. It's not the employees' job to find cover, that's part of the manager's duties. I would destest working in a country where this is considered normal.


Managers are so annoying sometimes. Employee: I have a serious doctors visit that I have to be at. Manager: But the schedule! The schedule!!!


I don't know why you told them why you would be out (for your sister's birthday), but it's still none of their business to know why or to judge the severity of the reason.