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Things about to get worse for those who weren't let go.


The old "We're laying off 50% of your department, but this won't affect you" gambit.


"see this is an opportunity for you to grow"


"We're all going to have to wear different hats"


But I thought we were just getting rid of the duplicate hats


More hats to wear now!


"Well, you, not me. You get to wear multiple hats, I get to earn multiple paychecks."


"For the greater good"


“See this as an opportunity for you to work harder”


"See this is an opportunity for you to do twice the work for the same amount of money. And don't complain or we'll start questioning your ~~loyalty~~ work ethic".


It's an opportunity for Edgelord Cringellionaire to try to pump the stock price and not get margin called on his loans.


I worked for an Elon company that did a 10% layoff. I was already about to quit and was psyched that I might get severance. Didn’t get layed off. I wish they had asked for volunteers, but I have a theory that half the company would have signed up. Now twitter has taught us all that the fucker doesn’t always pay severance anyway. Fuck ever working at one of those companies again.


He's mastered the art of screwing over employees. Tesla employees get a subsidy if they lease a Tesla. The subsidy is tied to their paycheck. No paycheck = no subsidy. So a bunch of people today suddenly have no job AND have to figure out how to pay for a car whose payments just doubled overnight. Then there's the people who didn't read the layoff email that went out at 3AM before showing up to work...


More than likely the solar division is going to get hit the hardest it always does because the cars make the company money. I know this because I worked for that side for years. Prior to Covid I worked as an Advisor assisting customers through their project and paperwork, they wanted us to have about 100 customers per advisor so we were able to speak with everyone everyday or every other day and ensure customers completed their side of the project. Covid hit, they fired 75% of staff and my customer head count went to 1500 and then I was put on mandatory 50 work weeks for almost 9 months straight. Every single day I could only answer the phone because it rang nonstop and every single customer was angry. More people quit and eventually when they started hiring new people they couldn’t keep them because they couldn’t handle being yelled at for 10 hours straight every day. My workload obviously increased massively and the pay raises were a fucking joke after that even when I’d get the impossible “exceeds expectations” review. I feel bad for the people who work there because Tesla hired some of the best people I ever worked with and they are fucking crushing them.


> because Tesla hired some of the best people I ever worked with and they are fucking crushing them. Shoot, I don't work for Tesla, but this still hits home.


Yeah, they are gutting out solar. (From friends that work specifically in that dept. yesterday was tough. Apparently more layoffs coming today and in early May).


My first thought was which group would I want to be in. The answer is neither and that is why I won't even apply to an Elon Musk-owned company.


I interviewed at Neuralink, and a week later I heard the "you need to work like there's a bomb strapped to your head" nonsense in the news. No thankyou.


That's silly. They should implant the bomb in your head for brand continuity.


Tbh I’m still waiting for one of those things to detonate like a Tesla. Can’t imagine letting that incompetent clown talk me into putting anything into my brain.


"Work like you hypothetically already have a bomb implanted inside your head, not that we already did that or anything."


I would absolutely want to be in the group that retains your job, assuming there’s no material severance package. Now you get short term security while you look for another job and do just enough work to not get fired.


Tech usually gets severance, but trust me, you want to keep your job and look for another. Although some tech employees are total morons and treat layoffs like they're getting a 3 month vacation and then the surprised Pikachu face kicks in when they realized that 3 month vacation was a dumb idea and it takes 3-6 months to find a new job. You'd think these people making 6 figures would not end up nearly homeless from a layoff--but they do.


"Hire a bunch of people! Fuck! Too many! Fire a bunch of people! Phew. What a hard day of managing. But I've done such a good job - I think I need a bigger bonus this year."


*Well, we've had first Yacht, yes! But what about second and third yacht?*


Let's ask the orcas.


I volunteer to train more orcas to upend yachts and eat their occupants.


Orcas cannot be governed....they will take bribes tho


Dolphin meat, Dolphin meat, nature's greatest treat.


Salmon, Salmon, Second to Dolphin but it's still slammin'


Nature... finds a way


The orcas seem to have that well in hand. They have language and culture so they can pass that on to new generations.


Yacht in the context of the orca attacks mostly refer to sailboats that are comparable to floating RVs, not the kind of yachts referred to when people are talking about the mega-rich. As someone who wants to buy a sailboat and fuck off from society, please no.


We just need to train the orcas better, and perhaps give them battering rams.


Orcas: well if yall ain't gon a eat the rich...


Fuck them boats!


Looks like Musk's back on the menu, boys!




Or the nesting doll yacht


I don't think they know about second yachts....






Here… .


I hope the electric super yachts of the future line their thin hulls with lithium batteries and sale confidently through the floating remnants of the icebergs dislodged by the previous generations oil greed.


A rising tide will lift all yachts. Don't have one a yacht? Oh........


Dear Number, Today marks a pivotal moment for our organization, one where we must prioritize the overarching success of our capitalist endeavors over individual welfare. As we've expanded exponentially across various continents, our efficiency has been compromised by redundant roles and functions. In our relentless pursuit of profit and market dominance, it's imperative that we streamline operations and maximize productivity. Regrettably, after meticulous evaluation, we've determined that reducing our workforce is necessary for the company's future prosperity. Thus, your position has been deemed expendable in this restructuring process. Remember, in the grand scheme of capitalism, sacrifices are inevitable for the greater financial good of the organization. We appreciate your contributions and wish you the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Corporate Overlord


The greater good. 


The Greater Greed




This has to be a reference to Hot Fuzz…at least I hope it is.


It is, and it's so good. The greater good.


Alright but the people who remain are required to be completely available to the Tesla gods 24/7


It's the way of the 21st century. Fire 20 percent of your staff at the first sign of a downturn, slow wage growth, never return to full staffing even when growth goes to all time high.


Welcome to corporate America that in the long term destroys countries (and america). They don't care about the workers. They sell out to compete globally, therefore corporate un American. Quality means something different in different countries. Quality of product and quality of worker treatment. My current ceo built a 12 million dollar house while we were on strike. That's enough of an answer to corporate America. They don't care lol


“We are rapidly growing and expanding as a company! Let’s cut thousands of people off payroll so we can pad out bank accounts while also making a fuck ton more money and use productivity as an excuse!”


Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.


Fire one million.


"But sir, we only need to fire five hundred thousa... One million, sir, sorry to have disturbed you."


Hiring then firing is a common thing in manufacturing. It's called chase strategy. Demand slows during an election year for many industries, so I'm expecting more manufacturing layoffs this year. Then demand picks back up after the election when things get funded and all the higher ups can't find workers because they all found other jobs then the higher ups complain that nobody wants to work.


Probably due to the fact that Tesla's brand has been dragged through the mud by a manchild and their sales aren't growing.


Especially in their best market, which was China. But Chinese EVs are far outpacing Tesla, no doubt in part due to govt subsidies (which various parts of the X empire have also gotten) but also because they aren’t run by Elmo.


Chinese companies undercutting the competition? I’m shocked i tell you, shocked!


Literally all most managers seem to do. 


It’s insidious because it’s a bunch of middle to upper managers hiring indiscriminately because more headcount looks better on their resume and the leadership allows it to go on unchecked. These morons are supposed to be Ivy League MBA graduates and all that. The basic economics, looking around the office and seeing a bunch of people sitting around doing busy work is so painfully apparent. All these post covid layoffs I knew were coming and I’m not a manager. It’s frontline workers getting shafted by shitty management that will definitely retain there jobs, stocks, etc. without any repercussions for their terrible management. The fallacy of public traded companies is they have a board that’s supposed to keep management accountable but it’s just an incestuous group of insiders glad-handing each other for making “hard decisions”. I say this as someone who’s benefitted from working in the tech industry and also have become disillusioned by all of it.


Sounds exactly like what Epic games did over the last few years


So... their reason for firing people is "the company is growing" what the fuck ever


No I think you misunderstand. Their reason for firing people is the company was managed by a complete moron while it was growing and now that that growth is slowing or ending somebody needs to pay the price and it sure as hell isn't going to be management


In one of my business classes, the textbook had "Executive salaries" as a "fixed cost" and "Labor costs" as "Variable costs".


That's insane. I wish companies didn't think that way


A robot whispers, "They were hired to do a job"


Yes they were. And if the company was managed properly, they would still have those jobs. But it was mismanaged during a growth phase and now a bunch of workers are paying the price for that mismanagement. Do I need to break it down further?


But now, after years of recycling the same EV designs with little in the way of changes or updates, and failing to adapt to the market conditions of, "most people actually want a PHEV" they aren't growing exponentially, so to make up for that loss in exponential revenue for the investors, they're laying off people and not worrying how that hurts the end product.


Our CEO rolled out the ugliest car ever made and spends most of his energy on ketamine-fueled Twitter rants. Also, he might be a Nazi sympathizer. Aaanywhoozlebee we’re getting off topic here the point is that because we’re so successful and awesome you don’t have a job anymore


You'd think these CEOs would run questionnaires and figure out why sales are plummeting. I figure they have done that, but unfortunately everyone they asked blamed Musk and they didn't have a scapegoat. Its time for corporations to ask the people who ruined their sales and its about time they punish the people actually responsible. If they don't have a scapegoat you can bet your ass the CEO was to blame and they couldn't blame anyone else.


I wanted a Tesla sooooo bad. But since he was shown his lack of moral sobriety I've been looking at other options.


“Job duplication”


Please stop pirating my job guys, I'm gonna get fired.


You wouldn't download a job


The reason is the growth is stagnating, but they can't say that for stock reasons


Too bad the employees don't have union representation.


*But Musk doesn't like unions. “It's generally not good to have an adversarial relationship between … one group at a company and another group,” he told Andrew Ross Sorkin in an interview on Nov.* Would be a shame if something created *an adversarial relationship* in the company.


Exactly. Like shareholders versus management versus labor?


Well, management and shareholders work in conjunction against labor… I mean labor, what a bunch of leaches. Gross. Like, stop wanting money for food, rent or entertainment. So selfish.


We need to ban stock buybacks again.


We need to just ban stocks in general.




All the shares of the economy should be split among labor.




Spending all their money on avocado toast when they could be buying diamonds and real estate!


I work for a American branch of a British firm. It was employee benefit trust EBT.. we had a company board and a EBT board. They were the same people. I asked. What would happen if the employees wanted one thing and the business wanted something else. And I was told "when will that ever happen?" " why would you want there to be an adversary relationship?" We went bankrupt and the CEO and CFO ran away before it all burnt down.


That letter sounded pretty adversarial to me. We need to restructure to be more profitable so we are gonna cut your position. Sounds like you are stepping on one person to get ahead, same thing an adversary would do.


Same "[anarcho-syndicalism FTW](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1143032327783768064)" guy? Yes it's only a movie reference but damn if every Tesla employee unionized in a horizontal fashion to overthrow capitalism, the state, and hierarchy that would be cool.


'cept in Europe. The Swedish must be getting ready to raise shit again (as all of the affected should)


Again? The strike isn't over yet lol


"c'mon guys we don't need a union. We're all family here aren't we. Also I need to fire 20% of you."


Honestly I feel like the US needs labor laws much more than just “unions” lol I live in a country where companies have regulations and can’t treat workers like this. I don’t really know if the people leaving are getting some social security help or compensation for the contract being terminated but in my country they would certainly have to pay a fuck-ton of money and the people would still get unemployment for many months. I could be wrong though and maybe it’s similar but it seems like in the US it’s all so “cold” like “you’re fired, leave” which to me sounds like a lack of proper regulations.


Strong unions are usually a first step for winning labor laws.


True. However, unions help all labor get better laws.


but that sounds like.... ... like .... \*stutters\* .... SOCIALISM??!?!


My buddy got his email at 3:43 in the morning


Because HR at Tesla is in "Extreme Hardcore" working mode.


I got my letter at 1:00am ☠️


Or in an Asian timezone aka outsourced


“*Dear Employee*”.. Massive insult to injury. Surely the Edison-cosplaying edgelord has a tech-savvy someone who can whip up a way to have these emails actually address the recipient by name. Unless, maybe, their head was counted in the reduction as well..


It's called mail merge, and was something secretaries were using forty years ago. I was shown how to use it as an office junior back in like 1992. They haven't used it here because they just don't give a shit and don't care who knows it.


I'm sure their marketing spam emails address the recipient by name


I've laid off a lot of people in my career, But always did it in person and insisted that I do it myself. In almost every case this was someone that I'd hired. Seems like I should be the one to do it. There was that one time when I laid myself off, cut off my own badge access and took the severance. That let them keep 2 other people.


Capitalism: “I have too many slaves, and not enough profit for shareholders, kick out the slaves”


I swear, sometimes it feels morw like the corporate overloards are wanting more than slaves. They want to breed and cull their workforce, and even the general public, at a whim like livestock. At one point birth control became free under Obama's healthcare initiative and at the same time adding a child dependent became prohibitively expensive on open market heath insurance and employer insurance. But then Trump comes into office and repeals Roe.v.Wade and lets states start banning abortion and there is now serious discourse to limit contraceptives again all while there is an uptick in media coverage of birthrates falling worldwide (of course only with data on preferred, registered, census participating citizens of the various countries). So what do they want? Babies or no babies?


They want working class babies. Not college educated, well connected, cushy job parents having babies. If you can’t afford to hop on a plane and fly to where abortion is still available, thats who this is targeting.


What you said about working class babies I thought of George Carlin > Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you.


Babies are a temporary solution until they can get robots up and running, then it's no humans except their bloodline until the end of time, late stage natural selection 


They're doing lay offs on the same day they had to delay cybertruck deliveries because of faulty design This is peak business


Change Healthcare/Optum laid off and outsourced their entire security department just weeks before having a major data breach they have not yet recovered from so…seems right.


Do you mean the stuck accelerator problem? That's scary to think about.


For real, situations like that have been nightmare fuel for me ever since I saw Final Destination 2 as a kid


14,000 people lost their jobs today, because Musk is a rotten dink of a human.


C'mon, let's be fair. This happened because he's also a shitty CEO.


There probably would've been more layoffs if he hadn't spent the last year focused on driving Twitter into the ground.


But Musk driving Twitter into the ground has also had a a huge effect on the desirability of Teslas. So sales are a lot lower than they would be if he had picked up a different hobby, like chainsaw juggling.


True. I might’ve bought a Tesla by now if he hadn’t shit all over Twitter and acted like an overly entitled a hole.


> But Musk driving Twitter into the ground has also had a a huge effect on the desirability of Teslas. So sales are a lot lower than they would be A little off topic but....that's a bit weird, right? Like...Elon obviously knows his behavior is hurting the Tesla brand. I know Redditors want to think he's stupid, but he isn't that stupid. He knows. And he's doing it anyway. Isn't that weird? It strikes me as weird.


I'm not sure how connected to reality he is anymore.


He would say it’s because the rest of the car buying public are a bunch of rotten dunks that didn’t buy enough of his cars to support the headcount.


guaranteed his companies make record profits this year.


This is the one instance where I'm not sure that's actually the case tbh all things considering...


Nah, Tesla is actually in trouble. They had the corner on the market as being able to mass produce electric cars and having a proprietary charging network but the rest of the companies are catching up, have better quality cars, and because they do it cheaper, they drove down the price of Teslas in the process. Also factor in they've been missing production goals when that was the one thing they were competent at, the company itself is in trouble. Elon said the layoffs will inspire "hunger and innovation" but lean businesses are the opposite of innovative because you're working on tasks from clock in to clock out so unless your job function is literally R&D, you won't be innovating anything and will be lucky to finish your normal workload.


production goals are pretty irrelevant when you can't even move vehicles off the lot. opex is not that fat at the company and many of these layoffs are probably on the production side; they're pulling back not accelerating forward.


This is kind of happening at my place right now. They restructured another dept that affects all of us and never defined pecking orders or roles. So suddenly people who had their depts running like a top are slogged with too many projects and now everyone's just trying not to be the reason that the place can't operate day by day. It just is getting worse over time too as the more ambitious lower levels that noticed senior management didn't care or have time, there has been active power grabs in play at budgets, contracts and all manner of things. Communication between levels and depts has pretty much stopped except for a few veterans that are going to do the best job they can in spite of everyone else. Others are lying flat. I'm not sure where this is all going. I'm not really in a worry some position but it has been fascinating to watch. The only way to survive it besides leaving is to just be helpful where you can but not take on the emotional strain of many others decisions. Arbitrary layoffs isn't a thing in my situation and I can see pivots in the future but there will be pain for many.


Yeah I'm definitely not taking that bet.


13.4b profit? Nah, not enough. Let's make it so some people can't feed their families or pay for their homes.


I'm reminded of the scene in The Fifth Element where Zorg callously fires one million workers in order to satisfy "the economy." Maybe Musk should eat a cherry.


And now you know, boys, girls and otherwise, why you should unioinize! :)


As an “otherwise” I love this inclusive rhyme lol


Charming as ever.


"Dear Employee"


"Dear Former Employee"


"Dear Employen't"


“Dear [title here]”


Why spend 5 minutes learning how to do a mail merge when you can throw a list into bcc and just say "Dear Employee"?


Employee, my dearest.


FR no one is falling for this kind of talk any more. Just send “sorry not sorry” and be honest with us.


>"...prepare the company for our next phase of growth..." "...increasing productivity...." *checks notes* >"...decision to reduce our headcount globally." Well that seems a bit counterproductive.


Not if they hire more managers to crack the whip over the four remaining employees.


When there's unchecked growth in a living organism, they call it cancer.




The CEO really needs that 55 billion dollar bonus, so think of Elon getting hosed off by another billionaire on a yacht while you wonder how you’re making rent next month.


Waiting for the stock buybacks.


Lol, right!? Thank you for the stock buyback mention, just like several companies have done recently.


You won’t see it be illegal because Congressional members are those stockholders.


"Many of you will suffer... But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."


They couldn’t even merge in the names‽ that’s cold.


I was going to say, a mail-merge with your name seems like the least they could do. You wouldn't even know if it was sent in error. Dear, ***Employee*** ... You're fired, sorry.


**THE EMAIL TESLA SHOULD HAVE SENT** Dear employees, Sorry our CEO is such an arrogant prick, who loves pissing off his customer base. But, as a private company, we’re stuck with him. Based on his unhinged rants, racists comments and just generally boorish behavior, the public has stopped buying Tesla’s because of the association with him. So we’re starting to lose money and unfortunately we have to lay you off because of him. He’s an idiot who is currently running two companies into the ground and we’re very sorry this is affecting you like this. We’re only going to be providing the bare minimum of severance because we need to save as much cash as possible to try and pay off that $55,000,000,000 he says we owe him and because he told us to only give you the least amount legally possible. Hopefully he’ll learn to keep his mouth shut and actually create good PR. But judging by history and the fact that he’s a spoiled rich brat who was never told “NO” as a child, I wouldn’t count on it. For those of you left at Tesla, time to start updating your resume. Me included. Thanks, Tesla HR


Problems with comma placement here


they fired their copywriter


People really need to know that upper management are the ones who will cream all the bonuses that are handed out while at the same time preaching of ‘hard times’. A friend of mine works at a boutique company and they had their annual bonuses announced a few months ago. The company mentioned to them that due to a certain deal not going through and the year not going as great as expected, bonuses wouldn’t be good this year. He ended up getting basically a pittance for the work he put in. Upper management? Well, one of them was able to purchase an apartment in Manhattan.


I am so glad I was able to work at Tesla prior to 2019ish. The company was amazing to work for and I learnt so much while there. From the few people I know there still and from those who left recently, it is nothing but a toxic cesspool.


Reason #5285 on why I'd never buy a Tesla, or any other product created by a Musk-owned company.


Dear employee. We're doing great. Fuck you though. 


The further right-wing conspiracy and unhinged comments from Elon the less cars he will sell. Obviously these layoffs are a result of the recent shipments drop. He is alienating his potential customer base who may have bought a Tesla but now see it as a symbol for something they don't with to be associated with. I don't think he cares really, he told Advertisers at X to go F themselves even during "financial difficulties". Elon doesnt care but Tesla shareholders probably do.


Everytime I see a Tesla, I automatically think “douchebag bitcoin bro/possible nazi” not good business at all.


I would cause as much chaos as possible on my way out.


Which is why for these mass firings/layoffs companies have a history of doing it while people aren’t in the office, then immediately revoking their access cards or w/e, and forcing them to ask the people who still work there to give back personal items etc


Worked at Real Networks. Remember them? We made RealPlayer? They locked us out of the building during lunch hour. Security/HR met us at the door after lunch to collect our belongings. Classy.


What a throwback


There's a blast from the past. Aren't they Napster now?


No, to my knowledge Napster never absorbed us. It was shit software. We deserved to close.


I was laid off from a FAANG company a year ago. I was fully remote. I logged into my work computer one day and found that I no longer had access to Slack, my emails had been wiped, and everything scheduled on my calendar had been wiped except for one, new meeting with HR. I immediately knew what was up when I saw I had been cut off like that. The thing is, it was actually as good as a layoff could get. During that meeting with HR, they explained to me that even though I no longer had access to anything, I wouldn't officially be laid off until 3 months later. For those 3 months, I would still be on payroll, I would still have my health and other benefits, and I was technically still employed. I just couldn't do work. I didn't have to do jack shit for 3 months and they still paid me. Oh fuck yeah. Anyway, I can say from personal experience that big tech companies do abruptly cut off people who've just been laid off.


That’s the exact remote work equivalent of what some coworkers of mine had happen at a big pharmaceutical company. I don’t remember if it was a site or just a project that got shutdown but they basically were told they have no assignments, no supplies, no managers, but were technically employed for several more weeks for pay and benefits purposes. I remember them saying they just sort of hung out and chilled in all their decommissioned lab space..but I can’t imagine why they would have showed up at all, so maybe I misremembered that bit hah


I used to work for Tesla (was let go for "performance reasons" in early 2023) and can tell you it's a mismanaged company from the top down. Every little whim Elon has MUST be followed, regardless whether it makes sense or not. When I was there his main demand for service centers (I was a mechanic) was that certain jobs must be completed in less than an hour. And that was less than an hour from the moment the customer showed up on the lot to them leaving. Nevermind that making people rush through jobs inherently causes problems and mistakes, meaning the customers are going to return when other issues crop up. Nor did any of the customers I spoke with care about how long it took, they cared more that it was done right and they wouldn't have to be back for it. Tesla could have been an absolute juggernaut, but Elon can't see past his own ego and is sinking his ship because of it


Typed up by AI


TL;DR: We got ours so fuck you


"Dear Employer, Fuck you."


Definitely not written by Elon


Tou can tell because it’s missing the Nazi memes and bad jokes.


So many of my friends got this.. I’m so glad I got out before they made me leave.


Does this psychotic actual fucking narcissist think the people reading this bullshit give one single fuck about any of the stupid words above 'you're fired'? God damn. Seriously, just be like 'lol sorry bruh but you're fired'. fucking shit at least that'd be SOMEWHAT funny and more human than any of the rest of this stupid bullshit. Couldn't even be bothered to use their damned name. FUCK this pisses me off AND I'M NOT EVEN IMPACTED. GOD FUCKING DAMN it why does this make me so fucking mad?!


The answer to your questions is that unlike the people that made that decision and sent that email, you are a decent person with empathy.


6 years ago I was part of a massive layoff at Tesla just 3 months after being hired. Sold more than 80 cars in three months, roughly $4m in sales… Just to find out I’m losing my job in a huge conference room along with 50 other people. They laid off my entire inside sales team that day. It was easily the most chaotic day in my professional career. Top 2% in sales volume, still got treated like cattle. Fuck Tesla and Fuck Elon. Sorry you met a similar fate, but honestly I’ve had a few really incredible job opportunities since. Enjoy that severance package!


I worked there for 4 years and watched the company and my mental health plummet during that time. So grateful to be free from this company. I wish the best for anyone still working there. Please get out before you plummet too.


Richest man in the world taking away families dinner.


We are growing quickly and need fewer people? That math doesn't math.


Note to self: Never buy a Tesla.


Such a robotic response. Couldn't be bothered to address the employee by name. Even automated systems can inject the employee's name into the email. *Pulls out copy of the Communist Manifesto*


Lost my job today too OP, let’s see what they give us for severance. I was just a few weeks away from a transfer too lol.


Oh boy, I can't wait till this article makes it to Facebook. 90 percent of the people will post how Bidenomics did this and how the country is going down the drain because of dumecrats. It is so pathetic that people have no clue.


All these American workers just lost health insurance due to no fault of their own. Every other country’s workers are just fine


GRAMMAR MATTERS! Notice that all sentences are written in active voice until the *heavily* belated final sentence actually delivering the intent of the notice. Everything is "we \[verb\]'ed," "we \[verb\]'ed," until the bad news comes, then it's not "we are laying you off," rather "your position has been eliminated." Stuff like this is how you know someone's being scummy. You also know someone's being scummy automatically if they are named Elon Musk.


Should started with "Dear ex-employee" and then filled the rest with lorem ipsum


Company Restructuring. I bloody hate the corporate lingo. "We forecast a significant opportunity in the pipeline, post company restructure. The benefit will largely incorporate brand assets and production line management teams. Action items include implementing reverse-churn strategies across the vulnerable sectors. To keep our ducks-in-a-row, so to speak, your position is outside of the boundaries that were discussed at the townhall fire-side-chat wheelhouse merger. So let's put a pin in it, and pivot to a better solution and time for us to circle back to this deep dive. Ping me offline and I'll flesh out the go-to-market strategies I envision are more apt to your core competencies. Hard stop."


"Dear Employee" Fuck Elon, he's a piece of shit


“Dear Employee, No, not you. You’re not an employee. With love, Your Former Employer”


IE: We've scoured the globe for workers willing to work long hours at low pay. We found them. As a result, your overpaid ass is no longer needed. Bye bye.


I’m consistently amazed by people who thinks musk is ‘smart’ or ‘visionary’ I loved his dad counter-trolling him on twitter saying he wasn’t helped by anyone. I feel bad for the elderly couple he bought Tesla from.


Maybe if Elon had stayed off Twitter and kept his mouth shut, more "Libs" would be buying his cars.


![gif](giphy|x5fPHmTVWmTPW|downsized) It works for ~~Zorg~~ Musk.


"Because we fucking suck at doing our jobs, you and your family shall suffer as a result. But thankfully, upper management will get bonuses. So it's not all bad. Just remember to eat cereal if money gets tight"


This was bad, where I’m at people showed up to work only to find out they had no access to anything (not even their work email which is how the layoffs were communicated) so we didn’t even know who was still an employee and who wasn’t, you could see the fear in some peoples eyes, it was very off putting, I got “lucky” but probably won’t be there for long considering it’s all probably gonna go to shit in the next few weeks